Bulletin – December 28, 2014

Church of the Blessed Sacrament
607 Central Avenue Albany, New York 12206 - Phone 482-3375
Shrine Church of Our Lady of the Americas
273 Central Avenue Albany, New York 12206 - Phone 465-3685
Rev. John J. Bradley, Pastor
Rev. Francis A. O’Connor - Shrine Church Chaplain
Rev. Brian Slezak – Associate Pastor
Pastoral Associate:
Parish Secretary:
In Residence (Retired)
In Residence
Ed Savoy
Sr. Judith Kapp, RSM
Fred Talarico
Rev. George St. John
Rev. Francis A. O’Connor
Religion Education: Mrs. Rosemarie Reed
School Principal:
Sr. Patricia Lynch, RSM
School Secretary:
Mrs. Nancy Kelly
Shrine Church Pastoral
Associate: Sr. Grace R. Diaz, S.N.J.M.
Parish: http://www.blessedsacramentalbany.org/
Email: [email protected]
Religious Education Office: 446-0997
School: http://www.blessedsacramentschool.net/
Email: [email protected]
Blessed Sacrament School: 438-5854
Est. 1902
Responsorial Psalm:
Gospel Acclamation:
Preparation of the Gifts:
Holy, Holy:
O Little Town of Bethlehem – Gather #363
Music Card #1
Blest Are Those Who Love You – Gather #125
Gather #258
Good Christian Friends Rejoice - Gather #362
Music Card #3
DECEMBER 25, 2014
DECEMBER 27 & 28, 2014
Memorial Acclamation:
Great Amen:
Lamb of God:
Communion Music:
We Proclaim – Music Card #5
Gather #168
Gather #171
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
-Gather #367
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
-Gather #348
Today, with our fellow Christians around the world, we joyfully celebrate the Birth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ at Bethlehem. The
world received on that day the greatest gift that could be given, the gift of God Himself, come to live among us here on earth. God the
Father sent Jesus His Son so that we could know God, know God’s love for us and to love and care for each other now empowered and
filled by the presence and Spirit of God Himself!
Our presents, our tree, the decorations, our dinners, etc., should all remind us of the great gift of Christmas. God in Jesus has
come to us, to be our joy, our peace, our hope.
The Christmas Season now continues until January 11th. Next Sunday, we celebrate the Christmas Feast of the Holy Family
of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. On Thursday, New Year’s Day, a holy day of obligation, we will celebrate the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord
and Mary, the Mother of God. On Sunday, January 4 th, we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, recalling the revelation of Christ
to the peoples of the world symbolized by the coming of the Magi. This is a very special feast for Our Shrine Church of Our Lady of the
Americas. Please consider keeping your Christmas crib and even your decorations up until this feast.
On Sunday, January 11th, we conclude the Christmas Season with Jesus beginning His public ministry at His Baptism and
being revealed by God the Father as His beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. Ordinary Time begins the next day, January 12 th.
The entire Parish Family has reached out to the poor, the infirm, the sick, the shut-ins and others at this holy time of year.
These projects are a sign of the loving Jesus present within us and among us. While those works are most evident at this Christmas time,
they go on in our Parish Family throughout the year. I thank you for being the presence of Christ to so many. Through the Christmas Giving
Trees, we were able to help 298 children from 144 families; All Saints Parish helped us with this project and 894 gifts were collected and
distributed. All received food vouchers. In addition, other families, offices, businesses, and schools adopted other families, 49 children
received gifts from 26 families.
The school children collected hats, mittens and scarves for the Sister Maureen Joyce Center, socks for the homeless at the
Lincoln Park Shelter and food for our Food Pantry. The school children also collected items for Mary’s Corner to help mothers and infants.
The Pantry serves about 275 families a month. We were able to do this through your gifts to the Pantry and poor boxes. The Pantry and
Thrift Shop are tangible signs of our concern for those in need, as Jesus asks and expects of us. The Youth Group caroled for the benefit of
the Ronald McDonald House. They, with the choir, presented our Christmas Pageant. The children in our Parish School sent Christmas
cards to nursing home residents and shut-ins; they number over 100. The Religious Education students also collected gifts for the Christ
Child Society (for needy infants).
I wish to thank personally and on behalf of the Parish Family, all who help to make Christmas so special. They include Ed
Savoy, our choir, those who cleaned and decorated the Church, Pete Krasher and helpers, who helped with everything inside and outside
the Church, our lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, servers and greeters. Thank you to these and all of you who make everything possible.
Your generous support of the Christmas collection guarantees our continuance of the many Parish programs that enrich all of
us and make us a spiritual family. As you plan your Christmas gifts, please remember your Parish Family and be as generous as possible
to the Christmas collection. Christmas envelopes are at all of the exits if you did not receive one.
Sr. Jude, Fr. Brian and I extend to you our prayerful best wishes for a Blessed Christmas and a peace-filled, healthy New
Year. Please accept our sincere thanks for all that you do for your Parish Family and for the many cards, notes and remembrances you
shared with us at this season. Be assured of remembrance in our prayers.
Please remember the gift and presence of our Parish School. On Sunday, January 25 th, from 10:00 Am to 12:30 PM, we will
be having Open House for anyone interested in sending a child here next year and for all our parishioners who would like to see the school.
Our four-year old and three-year old Pre-K offers the option of full or half-day classes. The kindergarten is a full-day session. All have the
option of after school care. You can register for all these programs and grades 1 – 8 at the Open House on January 25th. There are flyers
at all the exits advertising the Open House and our school programs. Please help us spread the word by taking the flyers and giving them
to those who may be interested in them or given to others as you see fit. You are our best promoters.
SCRIPTURE READINGS: Scripture readings for this week: Christmas: IS 9: 1-6; Ti: 3: 4 – 7; LK 2: 15 - 20. The Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph: Gen 15: 1 – 6; HEB 11: 8 – 19; LK 2: 22 – 40.
COLLECTION NEWS: Regular: $9,929. If you are away, please remember the parish with your envelope gift on your return. We appreciate
and need your ongoing support. The gifts placed in the poor boxes each Sunday are used to support our parish food pantry. Thank you for
your support.
9:00 AM AND 11:00 AM.
Saturday 12/27/14
4:00 Charles Gatto – 18th anniversary
Dorothy Mittler & Catherine Mooney
Rose & Nicholas Soldevere
Keith & Ken Stark
7:00 Pasquale Maritato
Alice A. Vincent
Sunday 12/28/14
9:00 For the People
10:30 Nicola Audino
Daniel Dugan – 30th anniversary
Franz Nicotina
Fr. William Pape – Special Intention
12:00 Angela & Antonio Nicotina
Mindy Sutton – 3rd anniversary
Joe Wygel
Monday 12/29/14
7:00 Mary Ciaglo
12:00 David Scaringe
Alice A. Vincent
Wednesday 12/31/14
Vigil Mass
Tuesday 12/30/14
7:00 James Stevens
12:00 Lucia Gonzalez
Marjorie Scilpote
Henry Segarra
Thursday 01/01/15
9:00 Gertrude Sullivan
11:00 Solemnity of Mary
Friday 01/02/15
7:00 Souls in Purgatory
12:00 Alice A. Vincent
FABULOUS FEBRUARY: is back. Tickets are $10 for a drawing every day in February. Valentine’s Day $1,000 is given; on weekends
$100 and weekdays $50. All winners’ tickers are put back into the drum and could be pulled again. They make nice stocking stuffers for
Christmas or can be sent in a card. Invite others to help with this fundraiser for the school by buying and helping to sell these popular
tickets. The red flyers at the exits list prizes for each day and the bottom part is the ticket. Cut it off and return it with your $10 donation.
This is the school’s major fundraiser. Thank you for your support.
FUNDRAISER: Blessed Sacrament School will be hosting a fundraising event at the Orchard Tavern on Wednesday, January 7 th, 2015,
from 4:00-8:00 pm. A percentage of all proceeds will benefit our school. All are welcome. Please note: no special discounts or coupons
may be used.
COMMUNION MINISTERS TO THE HOMEBOUND: When you do your December calls, please stop at the Rectory top pick up a plant, a
calendar, and a Christmas card and ornament to bring to your shut-in. Please sign the sheet with your name and the name of the person
you are visiting.
YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: Follow us on facebook-www.facebook.com/groups/bsyam or e-mail [email protected]
YOUTH MINISTRY: Next meeting Thursday, Jan 8th, 7:00 pm in school.
FAITH FORMATION FOR YOUTH: See you Sunday Jan 4 and Mon, Jan 5. First Reconciliation Parent meeting is Mon, Jan 12 in school
at 7:00 pm.
THANK YOU!! Cub Scout Pack 605 had a very successful Hoffman car wash ticket sale after church and raised a total of $404 directly as a
result of this church community. Your support is critical to our program and we are truly grateful. If interested in learning more about Cub
Scouts, please contact Jackie Dorenz, 330-5129.
COLONIE CENTER SCHOOL BUCKS: began Aug 1st. Any purchases made within the last 60 days can be registered in the name of our
school. Receipts must be registered at the Service Desk next to CVS within 60 days of the purchase. Receipts will be collected from AugJune. Please help our parish school win cash prizes by registering your receipts in our school name. You have helped us win in the past
and we appreciate your support. Invite others to help us. If you would like to have one of our volunteers register your receipts, please put
them in the collection or leave them at the rectory in an envelope with your name and address on it. You can pick them up at the rectory, or
we can mail them if you have a stamp on the return envelope. You can register receipts from all stores and restaurants in the Center, as
well as the Post Office. Please help the school again and ask others to help us with this program. We are grateful for your support.
FACEBOOK PAGE: There is a BSS Alumni Facebook page. All are welcome – http://www.facebook.com/#!BSSAlbanyAlumni/ You can
see the whole calendar of parish events, including Mass times, social events, even funeral notices.
RECITATION OF THE ROSARY: First Tuesday of each month after noon Mass and the 2 nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm.
Please enter through the parking lot door.
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Every first Friday of the month from after the 7:00 AM Mass and concludes with
Benediction at 11:45 AM. A funeral could interrupt this schedule.
DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: is prayed the 2nd, 3rd & 4th Tues of each month after the noon Mass. Instruction & prayer cards will be offered
KNIT, CROCHET OR QUILT?: Please continue to supply your blankets in order for us to continue this ministry. A reminder – blankets
should be at least 30” x 30” and white. Please contact Sr. Jude or Rose Reed if you have any donation or questions.
PRAYER BLANKET MINISTRY: for our brothers and sisters living in our local nursing homes. The warm embrace they give is symbolic of
the prayers we offer for them, especially those prayers we pray while making them. They can be any color and any style (knitted, crocheted,
quilted, etc.). A good size is 30 x 30”. Please contact Sr. Jude or Rose Reed for more information.
HOLY NAME SOCIETY: 50/50 supports various parish, youth & school activities. If you can help, tickets are available in the Sacristy
before or after Mass. Next meeting/drawing-Mon, Jan 5th, 7:00 pm in the Church Hall. New members are always welcome.
THRIFT SHOP: is open Wed & Sat, 10:00-1:00 pm. Items that are clean and in good working condition can be dropped off when the store is
open. Stop in & check us out. We are in need of household items, small appliances, lamps and linens.
NEW TO THE PARISH? Welcome. Please sign below and drop in the collection. You may also use the form to receive envelopes and/or
“The Evangelist”. Check the appropriate box.
Phone number:
) I am new to the parish
) Send me “The Evangelist”
) Please send church envelopes