ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST 59 THE AVENUE TADWORTH SURREY KT20 5AB Tel 01737 813102 Parish Priest: Father Martin Breen E-mail [email protected] Parish Secretary: Margaret Tickner E-mail [email protected] The Arundel & Brighton Trust is a Registered Charity No 25287 Hall Booking: 07824725681 [email protected] Gift Aid Contact – Dick Shelley – 01737 817930 REFLECTION A New Job? Fourth Sunday of Advent 21st December 2014 Sat 20th Dec. First Mass of Sunday 5.30-5.50pm Confessions 6.00pm Maria Shanley’s Intentions Sun 21st Dec. Fourth Sunday of Advent 8.30am Mary Getting RIP (N & M Getting) 10.30am Doris & Patrick Kelly RIP (E Burke) 3pm Christmas Carol Service followed by mince pies and mulled wine in the hall. Mon 22nd Dec Mass for 22nd December 9.00am Simon Vanstone RIP (M & J Pattison) Tues 23rd Dec Mass for 23rd December 9.00am Edward Reardon RIP (N & M getting) Christmas Coffee Club in the hall until 10.30. 10.30am Prayer Group in the Lady Chapel Wed 24th Dec Christmas Eve 11.30-12 Noon Confessions 6.30pm Carols with St John’s Folk Group Vigil Mass of the Nativity of the Lord 7.00pm Mai & John Breen RIP Thurs 25th Dec The Nativity of the Lord 8.30am Fr. Martin’s well-being (N & M Getting) 10.30am Yvonne Bevington (Bev) RIP (J Robinson) Fri 26th Dec St Stephen No Mass today Sat 27th Dec First Mass of Sunday 5.30-5.50pm Confessions 6.00pm Catherine Balfe RIP (K Pearce) Sun 28th Dec The Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph 8.30am Sean Breen RIP (J Robinson) 10.30am Yvonne Bevington (Bev) RIP (A & P Wilkinson) 12 Noon Baptism for Ceira & Cian Gleeson “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you …. Do not be afraid, for you have found favour with God.” In that moment Mary knew that God had great plans for her. How must she have felt? It probably wasn’t a calling that many of us envy. Mary was called not only to a life of great joy, but of great difficulty and heartache. ‘Calling’ is a two sided coin. On the one hand a calling can bring great fulfilment, but on the other it brings inescapable responsibility. Mary didn’t choose a comfortable option. Once Mary had said ‘yes’ to God’s plan there was no going back. It would be easy to sit back and see this gospel as ‘Mary’s story’, but it’s our story too. Today we are prompted to look at our calling in life. How do we recognise it, and how do we respond to it? It is frighteningly easy to use up all the days of our lives on day to day chores and jobs that leave us with nothing of value to show at the end. It is all too tempting to spend our lives chasing pleasures that ultimately leave us empty and dissatisfied. Understanding our calling in life comes with knowing ourselves inside out and appreciating the value of our talents. Only when we have identified a calling that is all consuming and insistent, can we fill our lives with new energy and meaning. God’s call to Mary is what we refer to today as the “Annunciation” which means an announcement or a calling. There are other places in the Bible where we see people called unexpectedly from the normality of their humdrum lives to serve God. The calling is always a two-way thing. God requires a response. Of course we don’t have to respond to God’s call if we don’t want to. Mary didn’t have to say ‘yes’ to God’s plan. She could have declined and lived out her years in comfort. Advent is a time in which we can look for the ways in which God is calling us …… a time in which we can choose that special new job for the New Year. FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND; Please continue to pray for all the sick and housebound in the parish and for all those who are finding life difficult to cope with at the moment; Kay Fry, Lorna Murray, Joan O’Connor, Ann Gilhooley, Rita Connolly, Anthony Heath, Henry Marsh, Gabby Henderson, Fr Martin, Fr Dominic, Christine Cooper, Richard Randag, Bill Toulmin Allan Read, Irena Pietruszko, Ron Harkness and Bonnie Ralph • • DIARY DATES Sunday 21st Dec 3pm –Christmas Carol Service followed by mince pies & mulled wine in the church hall. Tuesday 23rd December –Christmas Coffee Club in the hall after Mass DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Mark Bridgeman, Margarita Bright, Kieran Fry, Ella Handley, Margaret McCarthy, Irene Faires, William (Dave) Hooker, Gladys Bridgeman, Norma Evans, Lillian Franking, Iris Philp, Barbara York, June Abeyratne, Winifred Scott, Fred Heath, Elizabeth Morgan, Winifred Williams, Hugh Arnold May they rest in peace CHRISTMAS READERS; There is a list in the church porch for readers for the Christmas Masses. Please sign if you can help, there is a lack of volunteers! READERS ROTAS; The new rotas for readers at 6pm Mass are now ready in the church porch. Please make sure you pick them up as they start this weekend. CHRISTMAS COFFEE CLUB; The Christmas Coffee Club celebration will be on Tuesday 23rd December at the usual time after Mass. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS. If you are able to help over the Christmas period, please indicate on the list in the porch YOUTH CLUB NEWS Panto trip 10th January 2.15pm. Tickets £8; sold on first come first served basis. Contact Phyllis Flynn on 07884146865 or email [email protected] CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES Wednesday 24th December 11.30am-12 Noon Confessions 6.30pm Christmas Carols with St. John’s Folk Group 7.00pm Christmas Vigil Mass Thursday 25th December 8.30am Mass 10.30am Family Mass Friday 26th December No Mass Saturday 27th December 5.30-5.50pm Confessions 6.00pm Mass Sunday 28th December 8.30am Mass 10.30am Mass A BIG THANK YOU, to the many (about 12) who turned up to clean the church on Monday. We hope you enjoyed your coffee and mince pies! Thank you all once again. PARISH OFFICE; The office will close on Tuesday 23rd December and re-open on Monday 29th December. Altar Servers This is a special plea to Altar Servers and their parents. Please, please do turn up if you are on the rota and give yourselves 10 minutes to get ready, so that Father can start Mass on time. Thank you. The Week That Was Not a good week. - very fatigued. I was taken off the chemo for two days and it did the trick. I am hoping to be able to participate fully in the Christmas liturgies. How depraved one must be to target young children. It takes something unusually vile for the world to pay much attention to a terrorist outrage in Pakistan. Since 2007 the annual toll of murders by jihadists has never dropped below 2,000 and in 2012 and 2013 it was not far off 4,000. This year has actually seen the mayhem decline by a third. But the horror of the attack by the Pakistani Taliban, an umbrella organisation of militant groups officially known as Tehreek-eTaliban Pakistan (TTP), on an army-run school in Peshawar stands out for the scale and nature of its brutality. By the time army commandos regained control of the compound 141 people, most of them teenagers and younger children, had been killed. Then we had the siege at a café in Sydney, when three people lost their lives. Then there is a report that eight children, ranging in age from 18 months to 15 years, were found dead inside a home in the northern Australian city of Cairns on Friday. We seem to be quite helpless, but let us be the source of peace to t hose whom we live with and meet, and after all Christ is the Prince of Peace. Wishing you all the Blessings Of the Christmas Season God bless. Fr. M.
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