Church of the Blessed Sacrament 607 Central Avenue Albany, New York 12206 - Phone 482-3375 Shrine Church of Our Lady of the Americas 273 Central Avenue Albany, New York 12206 - Phone 465-3685 Rev. John J. Bradley, Pastor Rev. Francis A. O’Connor - Shrine Church Chaplain Rev. Brian Slezak – Associate Pastor Organist: Pastoral Associate: Parish Secretary: In Residence (Retired) In Residence Ed Savoy Sr. Judith Kapp, RSM Fred Talarico Rev. George St. John Rev. Francis A. O’Connor Religion Education: Mrs. Rosemarie Reed School Principal: Sr. Patricia Lynch, RSM School Secretary: Mrs. Nancy Kelly Shrine Church Pastoral Associate: Sr. Grace R. Diaz, S.N.J.M. Parish: Email: [email protected] Religious Education Office: 446-0997 School: Email: [email protected] Blessed Sacrament School: 438-5854 Est. 1902 **************************************************************************************************************************** FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Processional: Responsorial Psalm: Gospel Acclamation: Offertory: Holy, Holy: Memorial Acclamation: O Come O Come Emmanuel – Gather #317 “Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.” Gather #177 My Soul In Stillness Waits – Gather #328 Music Card #4 Save Us – Music Card #6 DECEMBER 20 & 21, 2014 Great Amen: Lamb of God: Communion Music: Recessional: Gather #182 Gather #312 You Are Our Living Bread Gather #819 O Come Divine Messiah - Gather #333 FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK: Rose Reed has been our Faith Formation Coordinator and Youth Minister for the past 19 years. During that time she has served our children, youth and their families with boundless energy, dedication and concern. Her love for the faith and her passion to pass it on to our youth is evident to all and infectious. The classes she has organized, the retreats, the programs, the events for people of all ages have touched countless numbers of people and have strengthened the faith life of our parish family. In February of 2015, Rose will be retiring from this position to spend more time with her now large family. We will miss her joy-filled presence here and, personally and on behalf of the entire parish family, I offer our thanks, best wishes and appreciation for all she has done for us. As a way to express our thanks and appreciation, on Sunday, February 1 st, after the noon Mass, we will host a reception in the School Hall to thank her and wish her well. Kelly Hession, a life-long parishioner, has been hired to take her place. She is already working with Rose and Christina Wiley to ensure a smooth transition of programs. Our Advent Season is coming to its completion; the last candle is now lit on our Advent Wreath and we are about to begin the beautiful Christmas Season. Christ was born at Bethlehem to begin a life and ministry that would bring the light of God’s presence to a world living in darkness and ignorance. Through His birth, life, death and resurrection we can now live a new life here as members of God’s own family through our faith and baptism. That life enables us to continue Jesus’ ministry of filling the world with the peace and presence of God Himself. I pray that each of us may feel that peace and God’s presence within and among us at this Christmas and that we may always bring those gifts to our family, friends and community. Our parish school is a special way for us to pass on the tradition of our faith. On Sunday, January 25 th, from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm, as part of the celebration of Catholic Schools Week, the school will host an Open House for the parish, the community and families that may be interested in sending children here next year. You can register a child at this time. The three and four-year-old pre-k programs are very popular and do fill up. They offer excellent programs full or half-day with the option of after school care. We also have classes for grades kindergarten to eighth. There are flyers at the exits advertising the event. Please take them and give them to people who may be interested in sending a child here. We need and appreciate your help. Please consider a gift to your parish family in the Christmas collection. Your special gift helps us to continue the many things that happen here because Jesus came and asked us to make Him present in the world today. There are envelopes at all the exits if you did not receive one. SCRIPTURE READINGS: Scripture readings for this week: 2 SM 7: 1 – 12; ROM 16: 25 – 27; LK 1: 26 – 38. COLLECTION NEWS: Regular: $10,223. If you are away, please remember the parish with your envelope gift on your return. We appreciate and need your ongoing support. The 2nd collection this Sunday is the monthly for the parish school. The gifts placed in the poor boxes each Sunday are used to support our parish food pantry. Thank you for your support. Envelopes for Christmas flowers may be placed in ay collection. FABULOUS FEBRUARY: is back. Tickets are $10 for a drawing every day in February. Valentine’s Day $1,000 is given; on weekends $100 and weekdays $50. All winners’ tickers are put back into the drum and could be pulled again. They make nice stocking stuffers for Christmas or can be sent in a card. Invite others to help with this fundraiser for the school by buying and helping to sell these popular tickets. The red flyers at the exits list prizes for each day and the bottom part is the ticket. Cut it off and return it with your $10 donation. This is the school’s major fundraiser. Thank you for your support. DECORATING OF THE CHURCH: will take place this Sun, Dec 21st at 1:00 pm. We need help setting up the tree, bringing up platforms and figures for the crib and hanging wreaths, lights, etc. If you are available, please come and give us a hand. CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE: VIGIL MASSES, WEDNESDAY, CHRISTMAS EVE, AT 4:00 & 6:00 PM AND THURSDAY, CHRISTMAS DAY AT 9:00 & 11:00 AM NEW YEARS HOLY DAY SCHEDULE: AT 9:00 AM AND 11:00 AM. VIGIL MASS WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 PM. MASSES ON THURSDAY, NEW YEARS DAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 12/20/14 Monday 12/22/14 Wednesday 12/24/14 4:00 Christmas 4:00 Irving L. Barron 7:00 James Feeney 6:00 Vigil Charles & Irene Forlani 12:00 John Hart Joyce Quinlivan Kelly Heery Loretta & Howard Miller Paul Kessler Kathleen & Casmir Zgrzepski 7:00 Pat & Maryagnes Hession Sunday 12/21/14 Tuesday 12/23/14 Thursday 12/25/14 9:00 For the People 7:00 Helen & Stephen Zakens 9:00 Christmas Day 10:30 Gayl Mineau Doherty – 23rd anniversary 12:00 Patricia Canavan-Burns 11:00 Anthony Fennessy -1st anniversary Silue Kanigui Joe Galka, Sr. Connie Mineau – 4th anniversary Charles A. Locurto Third Order St. Francis 12:00 Loparco & DiNuzzo families Richard Fish, Sr. Raymond & Dorothy Furness Michael M. Romano, Sr. CONFESSIONS EVERY SATURDAY FROM 3:00 - 3:30 pm Friday 12/26/14 7:00 William J. Kennedy - 6th anniversary James Mangan 12:00 Lucila Gonzalez Charles Miller, Jr. Henry Segarra COMMUNION MINISTERS TO THE HOMEBOUND: When you do your December calls, please stop at the Rectory to pick up a plant, a calendar, a Christmas card and an ornament to bring to your shut-in. Please sign the sheet with your name and the name of the person you are visiting. CHURCH CALENDARS: are available after Mass today. They are a gift from the McVeigh Funeral Home. FUNDRAISER: Blessed Sacrament School will be hosting a fundraising event at the Orchard Tavern on Wednesday, January 7 th, 2015, from 4:00-8:00 pm. A percentage of all proceeds will benefit our school. All are welcome. Please note: no special discounts or coupons may be used. TELEVISED CHRISTMAS MASS: with Bishop Scharfenberger – CW15 - Broadcast Television channel 45 and Time Warner Cable channel 15 – December 25th – Midnight Mass. Time Warner Cable Greater Albany (ch 18) December 25 th at 9:00 am, noon and 4:00 pm. City of Albany (Ch 18) December 25th at noon. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: Follow us on or e-mail [email protected] YOUTH MINISTRY: Next meeting Thursday, Jan 8th, 7:00 pm in school. FAITH FORMATION FOR YOUTH: See you Sunday Jan 4 and Mon, Jan 5. First Reconciliation Parent meeting is Mon, Jan 12 in school at 7:00 pm. COLONIE CENTER SCHOOL BUCKS: began Aug 1st. Any purchases made within the last 60 days can be registered in the name of our school. Receipts must be registered at the Service Desk next to CVS within 60 days of the purchase. Receipts will be collected from Aug-June. Please help our parish school win cash prizes by registering your receipts in our school name. You have helped us win in the past and we appreciate your support. Invite others to help us. If you would like to have one of our volunteers register your receipts, please put them in the collection or leave them at the rectory in an envelope with your name and address on it. You can pick them up at the rectory, or we can mail them if you have a stamp on the return envelope. You can register receipts from all stores and restaurants in the Center, as well as the Post Office. Please help the school again and ask others to help us with this program. We are grateful for your support. We are currently in second place so please register your Christmas purchases. FACEBOOK PAGE: There is a BSS Alumni Facebook page. All are welcome –!BSSAlbanyAlumni/ You can see the whole calendar of parish events, including Mass times, social events, even funeral notices. RECITATION OF THE ROSARY: First Tuesday of each month after noon Mass and the 2 nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm. Please enter through the parking lot door. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Every first Friday of the month from after the 7:00 AM Mass and concludes with Benediction at 11:45 AM. A funeral could interrupt this schedule. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: is prayed 2nd, 3rd & 4th Tues of each month after the noon Mass. Instruction & prayer cards will be offered KNIT, CROCHET OR QUILT?: Please continue to supply your blankets in order for us to continue this ministry. A reminder – blankets should be at least 30” x 30” and white. Please contact Sr. Jude or Rose Reed if you have any donation or questions. PRAYER BLANKET MINISTRY: for our brothers and sisters living in our local nursing homes. The warm embrace they give is symbolic of the prayers we offer for them, especially those prayers we pray while making them. They can be any color and any style (knitted, crocheted, quilted, etc.). A good size is 30 x 30”. Please contact Sr. Jude or Rose Reed for more information. HOLY NAME SOCIETY: 50/50 supports various parish, youth & school activities. If you can help, tickets are available in the Sacristy before or after Mass. Next meeting/drawing-Mon, Jan 5th, 7:00 pm in the Church Hall. New members are always welcome. THRIFT SHOP: is open Wed & Sat, 10:00-1:00 pm. Items that are clean and in good working condition can be dropped off when the store is open. Stop in & check us out. We are in need of household items, small appliances, lamps and linens. CAR WASH TICKETS: Cub Scout Pack 605 will offer Hoffman’s car wash tickets on sale after each Mass December 20 and 21. Cost is $10 exterior only or $25 interior and exterior. Please help support our Pack and simplify your Christmas shopping. This is our primary fundraiser each year and your generosity is greatly appreciated. Call Jackie Dorenz for info on Cub Scouting, 330-5129. ********************************************************************************************** NEW TO THE PARISH? Welcome. Please sign below and drop in the collection. You may also use the form to receive envelopes and/or “The Evangelist”. Check the appropriate box. Name:____________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________ Zip:______________________________________________________________ ( ( ( ( ) I am new to the parish ) Send me “The Evangelist” ) Please send church envelopes ) Please send me census form BULLETIN PRINTED COURTESY OF THE McVEIGH FUNERAL HOME
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