Parish of Baulkham Hills PARISH STAFF Fr. Michael O’Callaghan PP Fr. Giovani Presiga Assistant Priest Br Peter Higgins Pastoral Worker Mrs Monica O’Callaghan Parish Secretary 8.30am - 4.30pm Mon. - Fri. Mrs Sue Ashpole Assistant Secretary 8.30am - 3.30pm Mon, Wed, Fri Mrs Louise Ryall Secretary Our Lady Of Lourdes Mon/Tues 1.00pm - 4.30pm Wed-Fri 9.30am - 4.30pm Mr Jeremiah Wilkes Youth Minister Miss Tina Asimus Young Adults Ministry SCHOOL PRINCIPALS Mrs Danuta Maka St Michael’s Phone: 9639 0518 Mr Steve Haskins Our Lady Of Lourdes Phone: 9639 4172 ST MICHAEL’S: OUR LADY OF LOURDES: Chapel Lane, Baulkham Hills, PO Box 702, Baulkham Hills 1755 Phone: 9639 0598 Fax: 9639 8391 1 Canyon Rd Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153 Phone: 9639 8385 Email: [email protected] Homepage: MASS TIMES - St Michael’s Church Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Sunday: 8.00am, 10.00am, 6.00pm Mon - Fri: 9.15am, Sat: 9.00am Email: [email protected] Homepage: MASS TIMES - OLOL Church Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm, Korean 7.30pm Sunday: 9.30am, Korean 11.00am Tues - Fri: 9.15am ADORATION OF BLESSED EUCHARIST ADORATION OF BLESSED EUCHARIST Friday 8.30am prior to 9.15am Mass Tuesday 9.45am - 10.45am RECONCILIATION RECONCILIATION Saturday 5.30pm Saturday 9.30am to 10.30am BAPTISM Sundays 12 noon (by appointment only) MARRIAGE Arrangements by appointment only Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A BAPTISM 4th Saturday of the Month 11.15am (by appointment only) MARRIAGE Arrangements by appointment only 16 November, 2014 God’s love and Christmas puddings esus is the human face of God on earth. In his public ministry, he speaks about the unbounded mercy and love of God. He shows this by his compassion for sinners and the outcast, his miracles of healing and raising from the dead, his help for those especially without influence or money. God’s kingdom breaks into the world in and through Jesus. God offers us the gift of sharing his divine life even in the present life and fully in the next life. It is immensely important that we live this life in such a way that it prepares us for the next life. In the parable of the servants, we have two mindsets portrayed. The first two servants are thrilled by the generosity and trust of the landowner. He is taking a huge risk with a large sum of money and apparently not putting any limits on the servants’ activities. They respond to this trust with energy and enthusiasm and succeed in doubling the money. The third servant displays a negative mindset. He fears his master, fears losing the money and being punished so he does nothing except to hide the money. God has given each of us various gifts. He wants us to use these gifts for others, not to keep them to ourselves like the third servant. God wants us to reach out to others, not to be afraid of making mistakes. As Pope Francis says in Evangelii Gaudium: “a missionary heart...always does what good it can, even if in the process, its shoes get soiled by the mud of the street”. We have received the wonderful gift of the Good News. Jesus wants us to share that love with those around us. We put all our trust in God but at the same time we use the gifts he has given us to do whatever we can. In 1981 Fr Darcy McCarthy was appointed to the parish of Alstonville. School and church were both in need of extensive repairs. There was very little money. After a few years of the usual fundraising efforts, Fr McCarthy decided it was time to try something different. Remembering his mother’s recipe for Christmas puddings, he went into the kitchen and made his first Christmas pudding. A couple of parishioners tried it and gave it the thumbs-up. He made more for the cake stall and they sold very quickly. Eventually, he rounded up a few volunteers and began producing large numbers of Christmas puddings. They were an instant success. Over the years, the receipts have helped to repair the church, build new school buildings and help local and overseas charities. All this began when one person began thinking outside the circle and put gifts to work. On the face of it, what connection is there between a Christmas pudding and spreading the Good News of God’s love? You don’t have to make Christmas puddings. A cup of tea and a chat can work wonders for a lonely neighbour. Reg Ahearn CSsR ©Redemptorists, 2014 NEW APPOINTMENT FOR FR MICK Bishop Anthony Fisher has appointed Mick as the Administrator of Our Lady of the Way Parish, Emu Plains. Fr. Mick’s last Mass here in the Parish of Baulkham Hills will be on New Year’s Day. An Administrator of the Parish of Baulkham Hills will be appointed effective from 1st January, 2015. Fr. Mick has requested that there be no formal farewell arranged. A prayer for his continued welfare would be appreciated. Pope Francis has awarded Fr. Mick the medal of honour known as Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. It is also known as the “Cross of Honour.” This honour is given for distinguished service to the church by lay people and clergy. It is the highest medal that can be awarded to the laity by the Pope. During the farewell Mass for Archbishop-elect Anthony Fisher at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta the award was bestowed upon Fr. Mick. To all who enabled Reconciliation of the children of our Parish to be memorable and special for them. A very big thank you to Trish Finucane and the Sacramental team, for again coordinating the preparation programme and overseeing the celebrations with such dedication. Mass Times LECTORS THIS WEEK 16 NOVEMBER 2014 SER VER USH ERS LECTORS NEXT WEEK 23 NOVEMBER 2014 SER VER USH ERS I 13 S. Anderson, N. Donnelly, N 1 Sunday 8.00 am A. Mendes, G. Scanlon, P. Williams L 14 L. Maguire, P. Maguire, M 2 C. Elinon, A. Mantaring, Sunday 10.00 am S. Mantaring G 15 C. Burton, B. Fabri, M. Rutkin K 3 Sunday 6.00 pm F 16 A. Goonan, A. Hay, A. Williamson S/R Mass Times J. Goonan, N. Redden, S. Stagnitta, Y. Young EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 16 NOVEMBER 2014 Saturday B. Hartanto, R. Gosper, L. Karam, 6.00 pm E. Riches, A. Mascari Sunday 8.00 am T. Barnes, M. Cameron, P. Zammit, M. Zammit, L. Boguradzki, M. Keating N. Redden, C. Malinis, S. Malinis, Sunday 10.00 am J. Mayhew, N. D’Cruz Sunday 6.00 pm ROSTERS: N. Tran, R. Santos, K. Madden, L. Fauvette, E. Crouch WEEK BEGINNING 16.11.14 M. McLoughlin Sun 16 November Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Mon 17 November Memorial - St Elizabeth of Hungary Fri 21 November Memorial - The Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary Sat 22 November Memorial - St Cecilia Important Dates Fri 21 November Catholic Women’s League Meeting 10.30am after Mass & Morning Tea in Downey Room We welcome the following children to our Parish family. Patrick Checchia Livia Muccino Stella Rugari Amelia Leach Saturday J. Lau, E. Riches, 6.00 pm B. De Barros Canha S. George, L. Gonsalves Memorial Days EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 23 NOVEMBER 2014 G. Rodrigues, D. Rodrigues, S. Blahut, L. Suprain, L. Domanillo 4 who were baptised at St. Michael’s Church last week. Congratulations and best wishes to Keith Joseph Almeida and Yuin-Tien Chu who were married last weekend. Prayers: B. Norris, M. Norris, C. Harding, A. Lockwood, M. Keating Please remember those for whom prayers have been requested: B. Boguradzki, B. Oakes, S. Malinis, S. Millett, H. Seaton Recently Deceased : Anniversary: Sick: Loyse Shaw, Maria Luz Leiva, J. Macey, R. Macey, G. Badaoui, L. De La Cruz, S. Haskins WEEK BEGINNING 23.11.14 COUNTERS Counters 16.11.14 Team 8: T. Dalton Counters 23.11.14 Team 1: T. Checchia ALTAR SOCIETY Saturday 22.11.12 Team 2: R. Ylen Saturday 29.11.14 Team 3: M. Daly MEALS ON WHEELS Friday 21.11.14 S. Zammit, D. Arrowsmith Friday 28.11.14 V. Carringal, T. Carringal FLOWER MINISTRY Saturday 22.11.14 L. Balanque, J. Lau Saturday 29.11.14 D. Maglalang, M. Whittaker PROJECTOR Weekend 22/23 November 2014 - Masses: Sat 5:30pm: G. Hill Sun 8am: S. Fenech 10am M. Almeida 6pm: Youth Nancy Chua, Jack Bozica.M, Patricia Begbie, Coral Hall, Ken Baillie, Ron Cross, Emile Rizk, Sonia Dorairaj, Krista Salfus, Chris Renouf, Magdalena Maliwat, David Leahy, N. Vanessa, Roy Briones, Salah Dallo, Son B. Stejephen, Son M Ante, Jean Harrington, Bashir Merhi, Scott Randall, Bernadette Rutkin, Terri Nikora, Son D. Marko, Barbara Walsh, Michael Cratiz, Juanita Uy, Robert Ison, Troy Britnell, Cecilia Moussa, Dianne Moussa, Manuel Machado, Linda Brown Delphin, Herbert Vollbrecht, Noreen Churchill, Mary Korunic, John Straskye, Carmel Gooley, Yvonne Tanous, Lilia Lobrin, Scott Pirie, Giovanna Galea, Lucy Kocsis, Cesario Solarte Jr, Joseph Mannah, Robert Hennessy, Jordan McDonald, Vitaliana Terrado St Michael's Christmas Choirs This year we have two choral events - Carols night on 29th November and Midnight Mass on 24th December. We are looking for singers for both of these events - you are welcome to be in both or one. All music is traditional and simple to learn - no previous experience is necessary! Rehearsals for Carols Night commence on Monday November 3rd at 7pm in the church. Please ring Jerry Wilkes on 0423 342 215 or Lise Rider 0412 125 821 for further information. All welcome! ST. MICHAELS CHRISTMAS BRUNCH Last year on Christmas morning we had our second St Michael’s Christmas Brunch. We had a beautiful time of celebration and community!! We expect that this year will be bigger again…. We want to make sure that every person in our community will have a place to celebrate Christmas and to experience real community. If anyone would like to be part of this years organizing team – please contact me at [email protected] or call me on 0421 051029. Work Required for YMT Members The Youth Mission Team (YMT) are looking for full time work for the next 4 weeks till the 5th of December. They are available from Monday - Friday. Paul has 2 years experience in landscape gardening. If you have any gardening work please ring Paul on 0430 636 274. Tim is a qualified electrician, if you have electrical work please ring Tim on 0448 125 856. if you have any house cleaning work, babysitting or administration work please ring Renee on 0468 637 090. OLMC Mercy Scholarship Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta is now accepting applications for Mercy Scholarships for Academic Excellence and Music Excellence. Girls entering Years 7, 9 or 11 in 2016 are invited to apply. Visit the College website for more information. Are You Coeliac/Gluten Intolerant? If so, we have gluten-free wafers to enable you to receive Communion. Please see the Priest or the Acolyte who will arrange for the gluten-free wafer to be placed in a pyx ready for consecration during Mass. Wafers and pyxes are kept in a drawer in the sacristy where the priest gets vested. You may wish to inform the Priest or Acolyte what area of the church you will be sitting in so that the pyx with the consecrated host can be given to the Communion Minister for that area. When it is your turn to receive communion, inform the Communion Minister that you need a gluten-free host. St Vincent de Paul Society 2014 Christmas Hamper Appeal The St Michael’s Conference of the St Vincent de Paul Society will again be providing Christmas hampers to the poor and disadvantaged families we have assisted over this past year. Profiles of these families will be displayed in the foyer of the church over the next two weeks. Your generous support for the appeal will be greatly appreciated. St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas Cards and 2014 Columbian Calendars The St Michael’s Conference of the St Vincent de Paul Society will again be selling Christmas Cards and Columbian Calendars after each Mass throughout November. Christmas Cards will cost $6 per pack of 10 cards and calendars will cost $6 each. Both cards and calendars will also be available for purchase from the piety store throughout November courtesy of the Catholic Women’s League. I have not the fine audacity of men Who have mastered the pen Or the purse. The complexes of many slaves are in my verse. When I straighten my shoulders to look at the world boldly I see talent coldly Damning me to stooped attrition. Mine was a beggar’s mission To dreams of beauty I should have been born blind. I should have been content to walk behind Watching the reflection of God’s delight: A second-hand teller of the story A second-hand glory. It was not right That my mind should have echoed life’s overtones That I should have seen a flower Petalled in mighty power. Diocesan Administrator At a meeting on Thursday, the College of Consultors elected Father Peter Williams, former Vicar General of the Diocese, as Diocesan Administrator until such time as the Holy Father appoints a new Bishop for Diocese of Parramatta. Position Vacant for Parish Secretary Kenthurst Maria Hodgkinson will be leaving us at Christmas to have a break and spend some more time with her family. We are looking for a new Parish Secretary. We need someone competent with strong secretarial and administrative skills as outlined below who will support the teachings of the Catholic Church and the ethos of the Parish 3 - 5 years experience in Office Administration Accounting experience with MYOB Data entry with web-based programs Computer literacy - MS - Outlook, Word, Excel, Powerpoint Excellent communication skills and people management skills Work: Part-time 26 hours (Tuesday - Friday). Please email your resume to [email protected]. Applications close 25th November 2014. Proposed Catholic Cemetery at Kenthurst St Madeleine’s Parish is undergoing research to test the viability of a proposed Catholic Cemetery to be developed alongside their new church, and are seeking the feedback from Catholic parishioners in surrounding areas. Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey online and have your say. If you can please complete the survey as soon as possible. Mount St Benedict Centre Advent Festival of Readings and Songs In Advent, we the Church, celebrate the coming of Christ: past, present and future. This Festival of readings and songs gives expression to our yearning for these comings, to our watching and waiting, to our expectancy and hope. Come and be part of this joyous prayer, which helps us to ponder the coming of Christ in history, mystery and glory. When: Sunday 30 November; Afternoon Tea: 3.30-4.30; Festival: 4.30-5.30. Cost: Donation towards Good Samaritan ministries, Kiribati Where: Mt St Benedict Centre Chapel; 449D Pennant Hills Rd, Pennant Hills. Entrance off Hull Rd Bookings: (for catering purposes only) by: Wednesday 26 Nov Phone: 9484 6208 [email protected] OUR WORSHIP TODAY ~ Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time~ Yr A Today’s : Readings: 1st Reading: Prov 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 2nd Reading: 1 Thess 5:1-6 Gospel: Mt 25:14-30 Next Week: 1st Reading: Ezek 34:11-12, 15-17 2nd Reading: 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28 Gospel: Mt 25:31-46 Entrance Antiphon: Responsorial Psalm: 8am The Lord said: I think thoughts of peace and not of affliction. You will call upon me, and I will answer you, and I will lead back your captives from every place. Happy are those who fear the Lord. Responsorial Psalm: Vigil, 10am, 6pm Alleluia, alleluia! Live in me and let me live in you, says the Lord; my branches bear much fruit. Alleluia! Happy are those who fear the Lord. Gospel Acclamation: 8am Communion Antiphon: To be near God is my happiness, to place my hope in God the Lord. Gospel Acclamation: Vigil,10am, 6pm Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Daily Masses: Mon to Fri, 9.15am, Sat 9.00am Rosary: Mon to Fri, 8.55am Morning Prayer of the Church ~ Sat. morning beginning 8.25am Holy Communion to the Sick ~ Contact Parish Office. Phone: 9639 0598 Sacrament of the Sick ~ First Friday of the month at 9.15am Mass OPTION ONE POOL & PUMP SERVICES Discount prices on new Pumps, Filters, Salt Water Chlorinators Repair of all Pool and Spa Equipment Cleaning and regular maintenance Specific problem solving Call Henry at any time: 9634 7470 Mobile: 0412 265 823 Real Estate With Someone You Can Trust Selling, Buying, Development, Investment, Property Management David Dowling Call me on: 0421 051 029 Or email: [email protected] Deadline for Parish Bulletin Notices: All notices for the Parish Bulletin must be at the Parish office by 4.30 pm each Wednesday. Getting your bulletin notice in early would be appreciated. Thank you. CASTLE SERVICE CENTRE Specialising in Australian, European & Japanese Ray Bazouni A.I.A.M.E Unit 1/44 Carrington Rd Castle Hill 2154 Phone: (02) 9634 7390 Fax: (02) 9634 7395 Mobile: 0405 153 716 Ray White Castle Hill 19/15-17 Terminus Street, Castle Hill AC DELIVERIES ABN: 62 355 703 860 Single items to small removals BT-50 Dual Cab Ute, high caged 7x4’ trailer Available weekends and after 5pm weekdays Local/Regional/ Interstate Kellyville Flower Spot Reliable & trustworthy service A.B.N. 27 050 540 193 RMB 64 Windsor Road CASTLE HILL NSW 2154 Anthony Chie Email: [email protected] (Preferred) Mobile: 0409 223 749 This space has been temporarily left blank Phone: (02) 9629 2756 Fax: (02) 9629 4064 Email: [email protected] YOUR HILLS DISTRICT COMPUTER TECHNCIAN Computer Sales & Service You Can Trust On-Site Hardware & Software Repairs New Computers & Peripheral Hardware Internet Setup & Connection Sharing Wireless Networking & Internet Access Contact Michael Sulfaro M:0410 444 550 E:[email protected] CRESTWOOD CENTRE PHARMACY BILL REID, B. PHARM., M.P.S GLANMIRE ROAD BAULKHAM HILLS OPEN 7 DAYS Phone: 9624 1434 Monday - Friday 9am - 7pm Saturday and Sunday 9am - 12.30pm
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