Sacramental Timetable Sunday Masses: Weekdays: Rosary: Reconciliation: Rosters for Wednesday, 24th and Thursday, 25th December 2014 Church Flowers Sacristan Setting Up For Mass Welcomers Commentator Reader Lay Ministers Altar Servers Music ST CHRISTOPHER’S PARISH Saturday 6pm, Sunday 8.30 am, 10.30 am Christmas Eve Wed 6.30pm Carols for 7pm Children's Mass & 11.30 pm Carols for Midnight Mass, Christmas Day Thur 10.00am. Mon, Tue & Wed. 9.15am. (No Mass on Fri 26th Boxing Day) Monday – Friday after 9.15am Mass Saturdays after 9.00am Mass and after week-day Masses, or simply call. Annette Atkinson and volunteers th th Wed 24 7pm Wed 24 12.00 (Carols 6.30pm) (Carols at 11.30 pm) Robert Vecchio Robert Foo Andy and Birgit Ron and Philomena Kuechle Greer Joseph Ball family Alan and Barbara McHenry Phil Green Kath Richards David Cook Maureen Lyons Karen Pereira Philomena Joseph Maria Vecchio Patricia Costanzo Shelagh Gleeson Noel & Gayle Roberts Catherine Loo Catherine Drake Betty Robinson Cheryl Hackett Helen Au Yeung Melissa Vecchio Patrick Drake Louis Gatab David Loo + volunteers Patrick & Sinead Kelly Kosta Phokion Trinity Christy Fernando’s Band th Thur 25 10.00 am Chris De Silva Chris and Preethi De Silva Brian and Lorraine Thiele John Hackett Justin Tan Counters Church Flowers Morning Tea after Mass Sacristan Setting Up For Mass Welcomers Commentator Reader Lay Ministers Altar Servers Music IN THE CARE OF THE PALLOTTINES 5 Doon Avenue Syndal 3150 Parish Phone: 9802 8538 Fax: 9886 1144 School Phone: 9803 0011 Fax: 9803 0504 Gerard & Shivanthi Chitty Pablo Guerra Jackie Fernandez Brigid Chan Pallottine Youth Encounter Phone: 9802 8538 Ashleigh Noto Rochelle Rodrigo Harrison Relf Parish Priest: Fr Pat Jackson SAC M. Ark Band Rosters for Saturday, 27th and Sunday, 28th December 2013 Prayers of the Faithful Ministers of the Sick Fourth Sunday of Advent 21st December, 2014 Jared & Karen Pereira, Mel Ho Gloria Bautista, Pat McCulloch, Philomena Joseph, Brian Rycroft, Kath Chosich John & Dot Staunton, Carmel Claney Louise Pagliaro Nicole North-Coombes, Mark Thomas Saturday 6pm Sunday 8.30am Sunday 10.30am Robert Foo Felcon Gatab Chris De Silva Graham & Pauline Peter Fung Amy Noto and family Perrin Aniban family Pereira family Reginald family Kieran Holmes Piero Pagliaro Kath Richards Maureen Lyons Tony Hough Gwen O’Brien Judy Byrne Graham Perrin Ron and Phil Joseph Patricia Costanzo Jon Chavarria Shelagh Gleeson Anne Neville Marie Murphy Brian Rycroft Alec Ngo Betty Robinson Brian Worcester Ashleigh Noto David Loo Graham Perrin Rochelle Rodrigo Olivia Ely Jon Chavarria Harrison Relf Claudia Costanzo Adrian O’Brien Oshen Dalawatte Shine for Christ Group Recorded Music Trinity/Youth group Groups Co-ordinator: Lorraine McCarthy Secretariat: Clare Gill Jenny D’Souza Deirdre Heffernan School Principal: Mr Shane Tobin School Secretary: Jenny Bamber Parish Council Chair: Kenneth Dassanaike Parish Council Secretary: Bryan Drake READINGS THIS WEEK (Year B): 1st: 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12,14-16 Resp Psalm: Ps 88:2-5.27-29 2nd: Romans 16:25-27 Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 Website: Web: Email: [email protected] Welcome to St Christopher’s. On this Fourth Sunday, as Advent draws to a close, Mary, the third figure of expectation, occupies centre stage. Isaiah and John the Baptist have gone before us, calling us to prepare the way for the Lord. Two themes shape today’s readings: Jesus as Son of the Most High, heir to the throne of David; and the prophetic role of Mary. Greeted as specially favoured by God, she alone will give Jesus a name and a destiny; her consent opens the way for the coming of the child who is called the Holy One and Son of God. Mary is a model of expectation for the contemporary church. “Handmaid” is not a passive designation, but one used frequently to describe significant figures in salvation history. Like the prophets, Mary accepts a commission from God and lives it out in faith (“May it be done to me according to your word”). God graced Mary for a mission that was not for herself. Her mission in the plan of God was to give Jesus to every generation. READINGS NEXT WK: 1st: Numbers 6:22-27 Resp Psalm: Ps 66:2- 2nd: Galatians 4:4-7 Gospel: Luke 2:16-21 ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Drop down dew from above, you heavens, and let the clouds rain down the Just One; let the earth be opened and bring forth a Saviour. RESPONSE TO THE PSALM: For ever I will sing goodness of Lord. the the GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! I am the servant of the Lord: may his will for me be done. Alleluia! COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name will be called Emmanuel. WORD FROM ST VINCENT God became man so that man might become God, for God so loved the world that he gave us his only begotten Son. Did he not give us everything else with him? Christmas Gifts for the Christ Child Parishioners are invited to gift the Christ Child with either a brief prayer or a brief personal reflection in praise of Him. These can be written out on a slip of paper and placed in baskets in the Narthex. They will be collected & carried up in the Offertory procession on Christmas Eve. The Redeem booklets take us through the Christmas time to the Epiphany of the Lord. Kimberley Catholic Volunteer Service WANTED: Volunteer Workers. The Diocese of Broome, WA, requires volunteers to assist with the work of the local Church on Aboriginal Missions. Various important voluntary tasks: administration, building maintenance, gardening, shop staffing, cooking, cleaning etc. Placements preferred for 6 month plus period. Contact: Volunteer Coordinator, Anneliese Rohr: 08 9192 1060. [email protected] Web: Mail: PO Box 76, Broome, WA 6725. The St Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank sincerely all those who contributed so generously to our Christmas Appeal. To date we have raised $7510.80 for which we are extremely grateful. For those who contributed by cash or cheque and put name and address details in the envelope, a receipt is available for collection at the Piety Stall this weekend after all Masses. For those who make a donation by credit card, receipts will issue from the Box Hill office once these payments are processed. A very happy, safe and holy Christmas to all. AT A GLANCE: H IMMACULATA MISSION SCHOOL A 9-DAY LIVE-IN FORMATION COURSE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AGED 16 TO 35, 1ST - 9TH JAN. 2015 AT SACRED HEART RETREAT CENTRE, CROYDON. THE MISSION SCHOOL IS FILLING UP. A good number from the Parish are attending. It will be a great & very inspiring time. Congratulations to Mathew Hall and Jean Wong, who will be married at St th Christopher’s on the 4 January at 2pm. Congratulations to Melissa Tan and Sunday School th The Advent Wreath may have a 5 candle, the white C HR IS T C AND L E, which reminds us that Jesus is the spotless LAMB OF GOD, sent to wash away our sins! His birth was for his death; his death was for our birth. Jesus is called EMMANUEL, God is with us. Let us not forget the true meaning of Christmas. Stay awake & prepare a way for the Lord. Make changes in our lives to be more like Jesus. After much consideration by all the staff, David Mendes Love of Learning Award was presented by Terese Mendes at the Graduation Mass last Tuesday. The award is in honour of David Mendes – a fantastic Yr 5 student who passed away in 1998. Every year, the staff get together to determine the recipient of this Award. the worthy recipient was Jacqui Vincent for her outstanding achievement during her primary school years. Farewell to our Grade 6’s. We wish them well in their secondary school years and we miss you. God bless you The Pilgrim Statue th th 28 Dec – 4 Jan 2015 Edward and Jessica receive Mary into their home. Mary and Joseph went seeking for an inn in which to give birth to Jesus. May Christ be born in our hearts this Christmas. ~A BLESSED CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL~ St Christopher’s Syndal Community Helpers A dusty road, a weary woman with a worried man…. A sleepy town, a simple stable where it all began… A special night,…………. transformed by light and angel song... All leading to the tiny Babe who planned it all along. Jesus is the gift that perfectly fits the size of every heart. May all that He is bring you all that you and your families need at Christmas and throughout the New Year. Telephone Prayer Chain Financial Last Week For confidential care & support in emergencies & times of need. ℡ Cath 9803 7302, Pauline 9802 9743 or Margaret 9802 6536. Available 24 hours a day. All requests & enquiries confidential. Ring Flo 9803 1717, Nicole/Peter 9802 9321, or Marilyn 9887 9139 Kwai Feng on their engagement which will be celebrated on 27th Dec. at 2pm. Fourth Sunday of Advent Here in our midst, O God of mystery, you disclose the secret hidden for countless ages. For you we wait; for you we listen. Upon hearing your voice may we, like Mary, embrace your will and become a dwelling fit for your Word. We ask this through him whose coming is certain, whose Day draws near: your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Thanksgiving offering: $ 909.00 (upkeep of church) Loose cash: $ 177.55 Total: $1,086.55 First Collection: $ 891.55 (upkeep of presbytery) Mission Total: $ 782.75 ANNIVERSARIES: we remember … Raymon Merayo, Heed Meng Foo, Robert Munday, Graham Croker, William Hanson, George D’Sylva, Hugh O’Connell, Nell Hanrahan, Fred Kendrick, Madeleine Commins, Bill Lucas, Zygmumt Dziedzic, Maria Karlinah, Brian Case, Mary McGregor, Anne Liew, Connie Smith, Marion, Peter Incigneri, Tara Dean, Stephen Chosich CHRISTMAS th Wednesday 24 7.00pm 12.00pm AND NEW YEAR @ ST CHRISTOPHER’S 2014 December Christmas Eve Mass for Families. Carols at 6.30pm. Midnight Mass. Carols at 11.30pm. Thursday 25th December 10.00am Christmas Day Mass Saturday 27th December 6.00pm Mass Sunday 28th December 8.30am Mass 10.30am Mass Wednesday 31st December 9.15am New Year’s Eve Mass 7.00-8.00pm Watch-night Service Carols and Prayers Thursday 1st January 10.00am New Year’s Day Mass Solemn Feast of Mary, the Mother of God.
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