4th Sunday ADVENT Yr B - St Thomas Aquinas Springwood Parish

St Thomas Aquinas
Parish Bulletin
168 Hawkesbury Road
PO Box 4410, WINMALEE NSW2777
Today: 2 Sam 7:1-5,8-12,14,16; Rom 16:25-27;
Luke 1:26-38.
Entrance Antiphon: Drop down dew from
above, you heavens, and let the clouds rain down
the Just One; let the earth be opened and bring
forth a Saviour.
P 4754 1052, F 4754 1883, E [email protected]
Parish Priest Fr Paul Slyney: 4754 1052
emergency sick calls only : 0418 461316
Parish Office Hours : Mon, Tue, Wed, & Fri 8.30am-3.30pm
St Thomas Aquinas Primary School Mr Rosato 4754 2554
Responsorial Psalm : 88
For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia! I am
the servant of the Lord: may his will for me be
done. Alleluia!
St Columba’s Catholic College Mr Ryan 4754 1022
Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil 6pm, Sunday 9.45am & 5pm.
Reconciliation - by appointment
Weekday Mass Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9.30am
Baptisms 2nd & 4th Sundays 11am by appt.
Rosary & Devotions Saturday 8.30am
Adoration 2nd & 4th Wed 7.30pm.
Communion Antiphon: Behold, a Virgin shall
conceive and bear a son; and his name will be
called Emmanuel.
Next Week: Sirach 3:2-6,12-14;
Col 3:12-21; Luke 2:22-40.
NO morning mass on Christmas Eve
Family Mass 24th December @ 6pm
Vigil Mass 24th December @ 8pm
Christmas Day 25th December @ 9.45am
No Evening mass on Christmas Day
We Pray For
Recently Deceased:
Sick: Ross Vaughn-Taylor, Susie Ziino, Patricia Duffy, Helen Dunn, Margaret Mayrhofer, Aroon
Ramnath, Sarah Walke, Maree-Therese Pepper, Elizabeth Pepper, Tony Le Breton, John Vaughan,
Matthew Vaughan, Jackie Davies, Vic Barton, Mary-Anne Bratovic, Noel Mahoney, Kimberly Cusack,
Anne Knokie,Tom O’Reilly, Carole & Brian Proops, Margaret Healy, Colleen Lusty, Lorna Lyons,
Edna Mooney, Merran Doyle, Paul King, Joyce Brown, Christopher Coombs, Lucinda Goodwin,
Maria Thurston, Rowena Cook, Angela Coombs, Ted & Leila Baker, Mary Coombs, Barbara Dumas,
Slawcia Pisarska, Baby Luca Hurley, Baby Archer Kemmis, Kerry Kime, Joan Lohrey,
Sarah & Thomas McGoram, Matthew McHarry.
All Private Intentions.
The Parish Office will be closed from Tuesday 23rd December
until Monday 5th January 2015.
The Parish Choir, conducted by Chris Wilson, warmly invites all Parishioners and
their friends to a musical evening of beautiful Christmas Carols to be held in
St Thomas Aquinas Church on Monday night 22nd December
commencing at 7.30pm.
Ministries for the Christmas Masses: Thank you to those who are giving their time Ministering
at the Christmas Masses .Rosters are available at the back of the church (on the table on the
lefthand side). Please collect your roster.
IPPC The IPPC has met recently and is progressing in its role towards the re-establishment after a hiatus of number of years of a Pastoral Council. A vision statement and role description for the Pastoral
Council are near completion and timeline for 2015 is emerging. The input of all parishioners is essential so
please utilise the newly restored ‘Suggestion Box’ for your comments, questions and ideas. It is near the
main entrance to the church.”
Centering Prayer. Our Centering Prayer Group are having a break from now until 29th January 2015.
All are welcome to join us or if you wish to learn more please come. It really works!! We meet at 7.30pm in
the Parish Centre. Merry Christmas.
Columban Calendars- the perfect gift at Christmas. These Art Calendars are not only a beautiful gift
but the proceeds support the works of the Columban missionaries. They are available now at the Piety
Stall for only $9 ea.
Youth Summer Schools of Evangelisation 2015 – A Great Summer Retreat! What are your plans
for this summer? The Summer School of Evangelisation will run their week-long retreat for young people
wanting to grow in faith and share the Christian challenge with others in Bathurst from January 11-18. The
theme will be “Let Your Light Shine” 1 Peter 3:18. The week will consist of lectures and seminars, prayer,
music, loads of fun and meeting new friends. Run by the Disciples of Jesus Community for over 25 years,
for ages 16-35. For more information see www.summerschool.org.au or contact Joshua Wicker
[email protected]
Fr Paul and the Parish Staff would like to take this opportunity to wish
you all a Happy and Holy Christmas and a New Year filled with Peace
and Joy.
Diary Dates
1st Friday
Anointing Mass 9.30am
7.30pm Centering Prayer
2nd Tuesday
Life ascending 1.15pm
7.30 pm Choir practice
Mondays 10am Exercise Group
Tuesday 5.30pm
Exercise Training
Craft Group 10am
9.15am Playgroup
1st&3rd Sunday
Youth Group 6pm
3rd Friday
CWL after morning mass