Sunday, April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter: Divine Mercy Sunday MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday, April 13 Rdgs. Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-7a, 7b-9; John 3:1-8. 9:00 AM – Anthony Alongi 11:30 AM – Charles Zukaitis Tuesday, April 14 Rdgs. Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5; John 3:7b-15. 9:00 AM – Nicholas Antonelli 11:30 AM – Aldo Gulino This Sunday’s Readings Acts 4:32-35 They were of one heart and mind. Ps 118 Give thank s to the L ord for he is good, his love is everlasting. 1 John 5:1-6 W hoever is begotten by God conquers the world. John 20:19-31 Eight days later Jesus came and stood in their midst. Wednesday, April 15 Rdgs. Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9; John 3:16-21. 9:00 AM – Rosemary Lundan 11:30 AM – Mary Jane Gable Thursday, April 16 Rdgs. Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2+9, 17-18, 19-20; John 3:31-36. 9:00 AM – Timothy Dillon 11:30 AM – Joseph Graham Friday, April 17 Rdgs. Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; John 6:1-15. 9:00 AM – Virginia Laracuenta 11:30 AM – Genevieve Lauria Saturday, April 18 Rdgs. Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; John 6:16-21. 9:00 AM – Alberto & Rosina Veltri & deceased family members, Anna Cervone ALTAR BREAD AND WINE used in Masses during the week are in loving memory of Joseph Graham. ALTAR CANDLES used in Masses during the week are in loving memory of Gerard Milne. 5:00 PM Church – Anthony DiRocco Sunday, April 19 Third Sunday of Easter Rdgs. Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9; 1 John 2:1-5a; Luke 24:35-48. 8:00 AM – Henry Pinto 9:30 AM – Gustave Schaefer 10:00 AM Chapel – People of the Parish 11:00 AM – Salvatore Chiarello 11:30 AM Chapel – John Caroccia 12:30 PM – Erica Symon 12:45PM – Abel Rodriguez y Jose Anselmo Baez 5:00 PM – Antoinette Palmigiano Joseph DiMaio George Gasparotti Roni Gasparotti Joan Gomez Hugh Strennen Carlo Rizzo Bradley Clarke Bernadette Behan Brendan Behan John Curte Mission Statement of St. Anthony Church John Portanova Dana Berritto Denis Preziosi Alexa Rae Boylan Linda Lacertosa Kenneth Healey Matteo Rizzi Kathy Conrad John Joseph Jackson Dionisio Namocatcat We are a Catholic community of faith in the Jesuit tradition gathered around Jesus Christ and centered in the Eucharist. In a diverse and changing world we struggle to grow in our relationship with God and with one another. Through our worship, our ministries and our promotion of peace and justice, we walk with Jesus of the Gospel who reveals God’s love for all. Weekday Mass Schedule Time Change Beginning the week of May 25th, the 11:30 weekday Mass will be moved to 12:00 Noon. If you have a Mass Intention scheduled for an 11:30 am weekday Mass please note the change in time! The weekly adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays will change from 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm. My fellow parishioners, Just as we celebrate the end of a long, dark and cold Winter with the joy of the coming Spring with its color and light, joy and life, so too let us celebrate this great feast of Easter and the life in each and every one of us. We Christians are reminded each year in the resurrection that Christ triumphed over death and so brings hope and joy to us all. Indeed at our funeral Masses we recall that life is changed, not ended at the end of our journey here on earth and so we celebrate with the world around us. The new life of Spring with its rebirth in greening and blossoming everywhere reminds us that we too can choose to be reborn again after our little deaths, disappointments, or failures. For as St. Paul says, nothing can separate us from the love of God and so with his grace we can always rise again along with him to new life. Therefore this Easter let us remember to give thanks to the Lord for all who have helped show us and taste Christ’s love and pray for the grace to share it with all with whom we work and play for if we do, we each can contribute to making the world a better place. God Bless, and Happy Easter! Fr. Nick Lombardi, S.J. Pastor, St. Anthony’s The 2016 Mass Book will be opening on Monday, April 13th from 9—11:30 AM in room 101 of the Parish Center. 2015 & 2016 Altar Candles and Bread & Wine Memorials are also available! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for the St. Anthony's Feast mailing We will be sending a mailing for the 2015 Feast to all parishioners and are in need of volunteers. Thursday, April 23 9:30 AM to 2 PM Room 101 & 102 in the Parish Center. Refreshments will be served. Please join us. All are welcome. We mourn the loss of these parishioners who died during the month of March— Joseph Graham Ernest Bellitti Catherine Breslin Jeannette Daly Maria Teresa Perez Anna Cervone Joseph Commisso Helen Fries Ralph Magliaro John O’Gara Nicola Turturro Albert D’Amico Jr. Robert LaPresti Roseann Tominaro Rose Cargagna Helen McSweeney Philip Timoney Lenore Cerone Life is changed, not ended. The Lord is risen! As Christ's disciples, we are called to go forth and spread the good news of His Resurrection. Our parish's many ministries are examples of how many of you answer that call. Our ministries require not only gifts of time and talent, but also of financial help. Please prayerfully consider supporting St. Anthony with electronic donations through Faith Direct. You can sign up online at using our church code NY581 or mail in an enrollment form from the parish office. Sincerely yours in Christ, Scripture Reflection The Christian community described in Acts understood and practiced total stewardship. St. Paul reports that the believers did not claim anything as their own, but held everything in common and distributed to each whatever was needed. Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who look beyond their own wants to help satisfy the needs of others. OFFERTORY INFORMATION Sunday - March 29 Palm Sunday 2014 Weekly Collection $ 15,054.50 2015 Variance $ 14,751.00 $ (-303.50) Weekly - Year to Date $ 317,829.30 Faith Direct - Yr to Date $ 13,560.45 Total Year to Date Offertory $ 331,389.75 $ 347,190.65 $ 24,690.17 $ 371,880.82 $ 3,042.00 $ 3,228.00 Easter Flowers Please note that the fiscal year is from September 1st to August 31st Thank You St. Anthony's Parishioners for your generosity! $ 29,361.35 $ 11,129.72 $ 40,491.07 $ 186.00 St. Anthony's Parish Mission An Easter Retreat Save the Dates April 13, 14, & 15 at 11:30 AM & 7:30 PM St. Anthony Church Fr. Paul R. Fagan, C. P. "Walking by Faith: A Spirituality for Living Now" What Do We Stake Our Life On? Are We Willing To Take A Risk? God Demands Our Life as Individuals, Families and Parish Community! Tabor Retreat Center REQUEST FROM PARISH OUTREACH Life Giving Friendship . . . with God, Others, and even Ourselves! April 25, 2015 Saturday 9:30am - 3pm Come, spend a day exploring friendship in your life. Bring a friend, bring yourself. Allow the nurturing, sustaining and strengthening blessings that grace your life speak to you of God's love. Presenter: Sr. Cathy Smith, OP is an Amityville Dominican who does Retreat Work and Spiritual Direction after her full time ministry at Maryhaven Center of HOPE. Donation: $50. (breakfast/lunch) APRIL SHOWERS April 26, 2015 Sunday 2pm 4:30pm April Showers bring . . . new life, new hopes as we become a sign of joy and hope quietly in every small whisper of god's love given . . . shared . . . and even transformed in some mysterious, everyday way. Presenter: Sr. Ave Clark, OP is a Dominican Sister of Amityville Donation: $20 Tabor Retreat Center 60 Anchor Ave., Oceanside (516) 536-3004 [email protected] We are collecting new and gently used First Communion dresses and suits for the children of our neighbors in need. You may bring your donation to the Parish Outreach office any time during regular business hours. Thank you for your generosity! St. Vincent de Paul Society In the Gospel today, Jesus stands in the midst of us and says: “Peace be with you!” During Mass we turn to each other and say “Peace be with you!” As you put your gift into the St. Vincent de Paul poor box you say “Peace be with you!” to those who are poor and hungry. St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Please remember the poor of our parish when you shop for groceries for your own household, and perhaps you could obtain for us one or two of the following items: coffee & tea, hot & cold cereals, cooking oil (small bottles), pancake mix & syrup, macaroni & spaghetti, canned tuna, canned meats, canned pasta products, rice (1-2 lb. bags), peanut butter, jelly & jam, canned fruit, boxed macaroni & cheese, dry & canned beans, canned & bottled juice, evaporated milk / shelf stable milk, tomato sauce & canned tomatoes Your support makes our work possible. Thank you for caring! Goal—$70,000 At this special time of year, let us witness Christ’s Resurrection by serving the poor and those in need. Your gifts to the Catholic Ministries Appeal help to provide: SHELTER Through affordable, safe housing for seniors and people with disabilities. EDUCATION for our Seminarians as they follow their calling to serve as Priests in our Diocese. INSPIRATION for our young people so they can grow in their faith through Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministry programs. By participating in the Catholic Ministries Appeal we are given the opportunity to proclaim the message of the Risen Lord. You can make a difference in your parish and in the lives of those around us by making a gift to this year’s appeal. No gift is too small! Make Checks Payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal Pledge: _____________________ Name: ____________________________________ Down Payment: ______________ Address: __________________________________ Balance: ____________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________ Phone Number: ______________ Payments can be made over ten months. Please place in collection basket or drop off at Parish Office. St. Anthony’s Faith and Fitness Program with Deacon Mike IS BACK!! Honoring God through Faith and Fitness Deacon Mike’s Faith and Fitness Program for the youth of our parish is a program that builds community, improves health and develops skills through lessons on sportsmanship, respect and faith with exercise, drills, skill challenges, lessons and an unparalleled fitness experience. We are once again accepting registration for all children in Grades 3 through 8 for five Saturday mornings (4/11, 4/18, 5/2, 5/9 & 5/16) from 8 am to 9:30 am. The cost of the 5 week program is $25 or a free will offering—no child will be turned away if unable to pay. 2nd graders will be invited to join us for a complimentary sneak peek session on 5/16! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Deacon Mike by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 764-0048 ext. 2526. See registration form on next page... Congratulations to our December winners! 1st-#97- M/M Ringhauser 2nd-#63- Mgr Dietz 3rd-#132- Eleanor Royere They had their lucky numbers, do you have yours? You can be among the next winners!! Numbers still available!! We look forward for your participation for the year 2014/2015. Please complete the form below and submit with check in the amount of $100 payable to St. Anthony’s. Please stop by the Parish Center at the front desk to view & purchase your “lucky” number or numbers!! The drawings will take place in the cafeteria on the 3rd Sunday of each month (during coffee hour), following the 9:30 am Mass. Purchase a number as an individual, or as a group! $100 gives you a 29 chances to win!! $850 Monthly Drawings (September-April): o $500 o $250 o $100 Free Dinner Dance in the Spring Grand Prizes pulled at the dinner dance: o $5,000 1st Prize o $1,500 2nd Prize o $ 500 3rd Prize o $ 250 4th Prize o $ 100 5th Prize Spread the word to your friends & family members. Let’s make this year successful once again! Our future success relies on you! We thank you and thank God for your continued generosity. Wishing you the best of luck, Rosemarie Prendergast – 300 Club 300 Club Registration Form – 2014/2015 (renewing) Current #___________________ Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone:____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Choose Life Committee Our Parishioners Serving In the Military Please keep all our military in your prayers. Timothy R. Kear, CTT, Navy Christopher Kear, NET, Navy Carl A. Misitano, Lt., Navy John Nitti, Chief Petty Officer, Navy Ryan Reilly, Petty Officer, Navy Tom Shanley, 2nd Class Petty Officer, Navy Dominick Albanese, ISSN, Navy William Stuber, Seaman, Navy Edward Durkin, GMC, Navy Brian Wolfe, Lance Cpl., Marines Jonathan Rodriguez-Strubbe, Lance Cpl, Marines Candace L. Bonsignore, Cpl, Marines Michael Connell, PFC, Marines Daniel G. Koehler, Pvt., Marines Patrick Massimillo, Pvt., Marines Denis St. John Sheahan, Pvt., Marines Timothy Richards, Capt., Army Sanghu Richards, Capt., Army Samuel Rodriguez, Sgt., Army Charles Artino, Pvt., Army Alex Murtha, Pvt., Army Daniel R. Verity, Pvt., Army Sean Michael Cirillo, Specialist, Army Christopher Kapp, Specialist, Army Michael J. Graham, Army Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us. Benefits & Resources Event for Veterans and Their Families Saturday, April 18—9 AM to 1 PM Long Island State Veterans Home, Stony Brook, NY Representatives from a variety of federal, state, and local agencies will be present to distribute information and answer your questions. Experts in the field of VA benefits, managed care, Medicaid, housing, home care, assisted living, legal counseling, mental health, long-term care and more will be on hand. General health screenings will be performed by Stony Brook Schools of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing. The event is free and open to the public. For more info call (631) 444-8606 or visit MISSION STATEMENT To protect innocent human life from fertilization to natural death through education, legislative action, prayer and peaceful presence. On this day of days, on this feast of feasts, we rejoice in the victory of life! This victory is not just a hope; it is a fact. God, in Christ, has destroyed the power of death! In all its forms -- including abortion -- death can never have the final word! This is why we are pro-life, and the victory of this day is the starting point and foundation of the pro-life movement. The gift of life, placed in our hands today, is what we proclaim, celebrate, and serve. We announce and apply this victory to every segment of our society. We say to our culture, in effect, "Hurry up! God has accomplished His work, and we must run to share in its fruit! God's design for life is unfolding in a definitive way, and this is our chance to catch hold of it and participate in it!" To all of you who defend life, we wish a Happy Easter with a special joy, knowing that we speak to those who understand Easter most profoundly and live it most intensely. Never doubt the victory of life, and always find in the resurrection your strength to continue defending this greatest of all gifts! Life Center of Long Island, April 2015 The Life Center is in desperate need of the following items: • Clothes for girls and boys (Sizes 0-6 and 18-24 months especially needed) • Toiletries (i.e. wipes, baby soaps, shampoos, diaper rash creams, powders, etc.) • Crib sheets • Bottles • Hooded towels, Wash cloths • Diaper bags • Non Drop Side Cribs / Bassinets/ Pack n Plays • Car seats (both infant and toddler) • Strollers Thank you for any help that you can provide to help us support these women, especially those who are in crisis. Donations can be dropped off at our Deer Park location: 1767 Deer Park Ave Deer Park, NY 11729 (across the street from St. Cyril & Methodius Roman Catholic Church, and next door to BoydCarratozollo Funeral home) Any further questions can be answered at (631) 243-2373. Massapequa Location: 516-798-9100 Hempstead Location: 516-408-6300 St. Anthony's Feast Benefactor The dates for the 2015 St. Anthony’s Feast will be Thursday June 11th- Sunday June 14th, 2015 Please consider becoming a Feast Benefactor for 2015. Below is the list of booths showing different levels of sponsorship that are available. + Sponsorships can be made in the name of a business, ministry, family, individual, "In memory of...", “In Celebration of....”, etc. + A sponsorship pledge may be paid in full or 10% at time of pledge and the balance paid in 10 equal monthly payments beginning in January. Pledges made after January 1, 2015 can be made in equal payments based on the number of remaining months in the calendar year. + Half and Quarter booth Sponsorships are available. + All pledges need to be completed before the end of the 2015 Calendar Year. Payments can be made by check, cash, or charged automatically to your credit card. For more information email [email protected] or contact John Fellin 516-308-1224 > > Sponsorship level $5000 - $7500 Big Ride Benefactor Entertainment Benefactor- Thank You Oceanside Christopher Credit Union Sponsorship level $2500 > Beer Booth Benefactor- Thank You Father Joseph O'Connell Council #3481 Sponsorship level-$1500 (Choose One Booth) Wine Garden ~ Zeppoli ~ Sausage and Pepper ~ Burgers and Dogs ~ Gyro - Thank You Towers Funeral Suggested Sponsorship level-$500 (Choose One Booth) > Italian Ices ~ Pastries ~ Pizza ~ Soda ~ French Fries ~ Linguine and Clams ~ Eggplant/Meatball Heroes White Elephant ~ Country Store ~ Headquarters > > Home Sponsorship level- $250 General Feast Sponsors Name:_________________________________ Phone:___________ Email:_____________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________ I pledge the following support of the 2015 St. Anthony’s Feast: Amount: $_______________________ Booth Requested:___________________ Signed:_______________________________________ + I am enclosing a payment of: $______________ I will pay the balance in _______ equal monthly payments + _______ Please have someone contact me to arrange automatic credit card payments Completed Pledges should be returned to: St. Anthony Parish Center 110 Anchor Avenue Oceanside, NY 11572 or placed in the COLLECTION BASKET Are you or someone you know having family or interpersonal problems due to drinking ALCOHOL and/or using DRUGS? CATHOLIC CHARITIES / Talbot House, a voluntary Chemical Dependence Crisis Center, located in Bohemia provides withdrawal and stabilization services for males and females over the age of 18, who are seeking to stop and/or withdraw from alcohol and/or other drug use. For more information, please call: 631-589-4144. Talbot House staff is available 24/7. Each call is confidential. Talbot House is a NO fee for service program. RINCÓN HISPANO 12 DE ABRIL, 2015 II DOMINGO DE PASCUA DE LA MISERICORDIA DIVINA Como niños recién nacidos, desead una leche pura y espiritual que os haga crecer hacia la salvación. Aleluya. Primera Hechos de los Apóstoles 4, 32-35: “Con grandes muestras de poder, los apóstoles daban testimonio de la resurrección del Señor Jesús”. Salmo 117: “Den gr acias al Señor porque es bueno, por es eterna su misericordia.” 2nd Lectura San Juan 5, 1-6: “J esucr isto es el que se manifestó por medio del agua y de la sangre; el vino, no solo con agua, sino con agua y sangre.” Lectura del Santo Evangelio San Juan 20, 19-31: “La paz este con ustedes.” Dicho esto, les mostro las manos y el costado. La intensión de la misa del día de hoy es por Denise Gallardo. Par a intensiones de la misa comunicar se con la hermana Marcela Severino telf. 516-763-0937. “La Divina Misericordia” La despensa de St. Vicente de Paul: necesita alimentos no perecederos para la despensa...No te olvides de ayudar alimentar a los podres y desamparados. El Cursillo para Damas Abril 16 al 19: Si quier es tener un encuentro con Cristo te invito a que vivas el Cursillo de Cristiandad. Para información comunicarse con la Hermana Luz María Abreu: 943-3036. Cristo Cuenta contigo!! Acción Católica Hispana: Salón 120 Centr o Par r oquial todos los Martes de 7:00 PM a 8:00 PM. Legión de María: Todos los Miér coles 7:30PM en Casa de la hermana Miladis Duran Telf 516.884.9796. VIA CRUSIS SEGUIDO DEL EL GRUPO CARISMATICO: En la Capilla este vier nes de 7:00PM hasta 9:30PM. Es tiempo oración, ayuno y penitencia. Adoremos a nuestro Señor. Ultreya de los Cursillistas: Todos los Domingos de 11:30am a 12:30PM salón 101 Centro Parroquial. BAUTISMOS Y CLASES DE RICA: Par a infor mación y registración comunicarse con el hermano Ernesto de la Cruz telf. 917-832-0670. CONFESIONES Y ATENCION PASTORAL: Todo el domingo después de la misa y los viernes en la Capilla a las 8:00pm, en caso de emergencia llamar al Padre Donald Gannon telf. 516-764-0048 ext. 2509. Sor Fautima: Quiero que esta imagen sea bendecida con solemnidad el primer domingo después de la Pascua. Ese día los sacerdotes han de hablar sobre Mi misericordia infinita. Ese día están abiertas las entrañas de Mi misericordia. Derramaré un océano de gracias sobre las almas que se acercan al manantial de Mi misericordia. El alma que se confiese y reciba la Santa Comunión obtendrá el perdón total de las culpas y de las penas. Que ningún alma tema acercarse a Mí. Campaña de los Ministerios Católicos 2015 Parroquia St. Antonio: La meta este año 2015 es de $70,00 dólares. Este dinero ayuda a la parroquia a cubrir las diferentes necesidades y actividades de la iglesia. Llene su formulario haga su compromiso este año, no olvide de marcar o escribir que es para la Parroquia de St. Anthony. Puede haber un plan de pagos hasta diciembre 2015. Contamos con tu ayuda. Por Favor Participe…Cualquier donación nunca es pequeña! Para asuntos de notario o Real Estate: Comunicarse con el hermano José González cel.: 516-351-7272 y Ofic. 516706-9001. FAITH DIRECT: No se olvide haga su donación semanal a través del nuevo sistema automático, regístrese entrando a la siguiente dirección debe de utilizar el código de la parroquia NY581. Necesita su cuenta ahorros, tarjeta de crédito o su debit card. Misa April-12-2015: ME: Dionisia Mar tínez, Susana Estévez y Porfirio Sánchez. MO: Ángel Emmanuel, y Ashtin Tavarez y Darían Imberto. Lectores: Marcela Severino y Manuel Francisco. Misa Apr-19-2015: ME: Inoelia Santana, Natividad Martínez y Julio Martinez.MO: Kenia Peralta, Rafael Jiménez y Fendy Estévez. Lectores: Porfirio Sánchez y Sonia Díaz. Misa Apr-26-2015: ME: Mar ía Sever ino, Violeta Sánchez y Carmen Peralta. MO: Anthony Montalvo, Marc Francisco y Natalie Rodriguez. LECTORES: Inoelia Santana y María Rey. Saint Anthony's Roman Catholic Church will be hosting a Life Line Screening preventive health event on Saturday, April 18, 2015. What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You! If you are age 21-80 learn your risk for developing 6 different chronic diseases $3 out of every $4 spent on healthcare is for treatment of chronic disease Better lifestyle habits can help prevent 80% of heart disease and 90% of type 2 diabetes The 6 for Life Health Assessment measures your risk of developing 6 chronic diseases, including heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, diabetes, COPD and lung cancer. A customized report will determine which risk factors contribute most to your disease risk and are within your control to change. Finger-stick blood tests along with biometric measurements are included with this assessment. Protect your health by registering today for the 6 for Life Health Assessment for $79. Call 1-888-653-6441 or visit to schedule your appointment. Take control of your health, knowledge is empowering. Are you at Risk for Stroke, Heart Disease and Diabetes? Altar Server Assignments April 19 Team One 5:00 PM – Church 8:00 AM – Church 9:30 AM – Church 10:00AM – Chapel 11:00 AM – Church 11:30 AM – Chapel 12:30 PM – Church 5:00 PM – Church April 19 - Assignments LECTOR: Team 2 5:00 PM – Church 8:00 AM – Church 9:30 AM – Church 10:00AM – Chapel 11:00 AM – Church 11:30 AM – Chapel 12:30 PM – Church 5:00 PM – Church Did you know that a 10% decrease in cholesterol can reduce your risk for heart disease 30%? -Emily Pignataro Patrick & Shannon Hirdt Jessica & Emily Jacoby, Keriana Calderón Adult Servers Nicholas Rosamilia, William Xuereb & Joshua Javillo Adult Servers Jay Jackson Jasper Javillo Hope LaMagna Anthony Capone Larry Morgenlander Dan Shea Elizabeth Egan Angela Gray Barbara Bastin Michele Kratky April 19 - Assignments Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Team 3 Diabetes is the 5th leading cause of death in the US Elevated CRP levels in the blood are indicators of risk for heart disease and high blood pressure Stroke is the 4th leading cause of death Life Line Screening offers finger-stick blood tests with results in 10 minutes. Register for the lipid panel (HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides), glucose and CRP blood tests for only $129. Call 1-888-653-6441 or visit to schedule your appointment. Ask about our other stroke and heart tests. Taking control of your health doesn’t have to be hard. Life Line Screening offers a finger-stick blood test with results in less than 10 minutes. Protect your health by finding out your risk of an underactive thyroid by having a TSH screening. 5 PM – Church 8:00 AM – Church 9:30 AM – Church 10:00AM – Chapel 11:00 AM – Church 11:30 AM – Chapel 12:30 PM – Church 5:00 PM - Church M. & B Johnson, C. Middleton E. Egan, T. Alois, K. Garay J. Prisco, M. & J. Brady S. & D. Ryan N. Back, A. Rathburn, M. Elefante G. Rios, J. D’Anna, K. Verriello H. Winkowski, C. Hayes M. Kratky Weekly Support Group Meetings AA Sun. Apr il 12, 7:30 PM—cafeteria Mon. April 13, 7:30 PM—cafeteria Thurs. April 16, 7:30 PM—cafeteria Sun. April 19, 7:30 PM—cafeteria NA Tues. Apr il 14, 8:00 PM - cafeteria
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