ffi SOUTH BIHAR POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED Registered Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Bailey Road, patna _ 21 (D E PART*E}If, -?f, Illawihotitg lil'6,., ,lHffi r#3:TixJfi^TION) TENDER EXTENSION NOTICE OF NIT NO. 85/PR/S BPDCI,/2[l4to 94/PR/SBP DCt l20t4 (Through e-procurement mode only - wrvw.eproc.bihar.goy.in) The due dates of NIT no. 85lPR/SBPDCLl2ol4 to 94lPR/SBPDCLl2ol4 is extended for online tenders invited by Chief Engineer (RE), SBPDCL for Rural Electrification works under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran yojana lnccwy in XIIth Plan for following districts of Bihar as detailed below:Sl. no. NIT no. Name of District Last date of Sale or Last date of onlinr Request of Bid / Bid documents I 8s/PR/SBPDCL/20!4 Aurangabad 86/PR/SBPDCL/2OL4 Bhagalpur 3 87lPR/SBPDCL/20t4 Kaimur 88/PR/SBPDCL/2014 Buxar 89/PR/SBPDCU20t4 Jamui 6 90/PR/SBPDCL/20t4 Munger 7 91/PR/SBPDCL/2014 Lakhisarai 8 92lPR/SBPDCUZO]4 Jehanabad 9 93/PR/SBPDCL/20t4 Arwal l0 94lPR/SBPDCLl20t4 Sheikhpura 4 5 oftender Upto 15:00 Hrs. of Upto 18:00IIrs. o 07.08.2014 2 receipUsubmissior 07.08.2014 Date of opening of Technical & Commercial Part After 12:00 Hrs. of 08.08.20r4 Date of opening of price part: To be notified after Technical Bid Evaluation (rwvw.eproc.bihar.gov.in) The tender documents are available at website ! Ity€prgg.bilgl€alltq. Tender documents must be accompanied with scanned copy of Demand Draft towards the Cost of Tender una surk Guarantee towards tsid Security (EMD) in favour of .,,Sn Manager (F & A), SBPDCL, Patna" Payable at Patna. Original Demand Draft for Cost of Tender and Bank Guarantee towards Bid Security (EMD) must- be submitted to cE (RE), sBpDCL, vidyut Bhawan patna positi itively upto: 18:00 Hrs. of 07.08.2014 failing which the tender shall be summarily rejected. Bid Processing fee (in addition to cost to be paid through online mode i.e. Internet payment "lt:ld:9 is Mandatory gateway (credit / debit card), net banking, NEFT/RTGS. Bids along with necessary-online payments must be submitted :}:1i1,".-:"1{T:.l1'l.o..j1.1wbeforethedateani;.";;;;tffit;;;iiilil;G;;;,;;"::;; availabilitv of Internet Network Traffic/ or any other reason. e-tendering introduced in BSpHCL fbr tenders aborre Rs.75liE Forregistration logon to www.eproc.bihar.gov.in and e-Procurement Help Desk First Floor, M,/22, Bank o Building, Road No-25, Sri krishna Nagar, Patna-Sooool at o6t2-2sz3oo6, Mob:99 119j" 39C,35696 while participating in e-tendering process, the contractor shall have to get them registered to get user lD, passwords signature. This will enable them to access the website: www.eoroc.bihar.Eov in nntv For complaints regarding comrption Consumer c3n deposit electricity bills via Sahaz Vasudha Centre or http://bills.sbpdcl.inl ,ni Chief Engineer (RE) south Bihar Power Distribution co. Ltd.; Vidyut Bhawan, Bailey Road, patna [email protected]; Contact No. : - 776381402G - gooot o'-r'irf
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