NOTICE FOR PREQUALIFIC ATION CUM TENDER NIT NO.: ICTS/TIFR/PE/TEN /MF/09/11/ 2014 Dt 21/11/2014 Providing Modular/Loose Furniture and Workstation for various facilities of International centre for Theoretical Sciences of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research at Survey No.151, Shivakote Village Hessarghatta Hobli, and Bengaluru North. Project Engineer, ICTS-TIFR Centre, First Floor, TIFR Centre Building, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru–560012, on behalf of the DIRECTOR, ICTS, invites sealed tenders (in two bid) from eligible contractors for the work and details as given below: 1. WORK: Supply and Installation of Modular/Loose Furniture and Workstation for various facilities of International centre for Theoretical Sciences of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research at Survey No.151, Shivakote Village Hessarghatta Hobli, and Bengaluru North. i. Estimated Cost Rs.249.00 lakhs, ii. E.M.D.Rs.5,00,000.00 iii. Performance guarantee @ 5% + Security Deposits @ 5% of value of tender iv. Completion Period- 90(Ninety) Days. 2. ELIGIBILITY/ QUALIFICATION:– Firm shall furnish WCT registration certificate; PAN (Permanent Account Number) & TIN (Tax payer Identification Number) for reference. Estimated Cost Rs.249.00 Lakhs, Completion Period 90 (Ninety) Days. The interested agencies are required to furnish the following documents for consideration of issue of “Pre -Qualification Document”. (Joint ventures are not accepted). a) Proof of registration with Government / Semi Government organizations like Railways, PWD, CPWD, MES, Private works etc., in appropriate class or having experience in carrying out similar type of works. b) Annual turnover as per ITCC or Profit & Loss statement for the last 3 years. c) PAN reference, d) TIN reference, e) Latest Bank Solvency Certificate. f) WCT registration certificate, g) Performance Certificates h) List of similar works in hand and Works carried out by them for the last seven years indicating the Agency for whom executed, Value of work, Completion time: Stipulated & Actual or present position of the work. i) List of Technical staff they possess. j) List of construction plants, machinery & infrastructure facilities they possess. Agencies fulfilling following criteria shall be eligible to participate: Experience of having successfully completed any of the following works during last seven years ending 30-09-2014 (i) (ii) 3 similar works completed costing not less than Rs.100.00 Lakhs each; or 2 similar works completed costing not less than Rs.149.00 Lakhs each; or 1 similar work completed costing not less than Rs.199.00 Lakhs and One completed work of any nature (either part of (i) above or a separate one) costing Not less t h a n R s. 199.00 La k h s with s o m e Central/State Government/ C e n t r a l Autonomous Body/ Central Public Sector Undertaking/ private work. Notes: Similar works shall means: Manufacturing of modular office furniture’s, office work station, office tables, seminar/meeting/discussion/conference table, allied interior furniture like storage units, intricate designed book shelf, reception counter, running/linear work station, cabin furniture, loose furniture’s like magazine rack, bunker beds, side/centre table etc. (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) The value of work shall be brought to the current level by enhancing the actual value of work at a simple rate of 7% Per annum calculated from the date of completion to the last date of receipt of applications for tender. Bank Solvency Certificate of Minimum Value Rs.100.00 Lakhs. Average Annual turnover during last 3 years ending 31.03.2014 should be at least Rs.249.00 Lakhs. Not having incurred any loss in more than 2 years during last 5 years ending 31-3-2014. 3. TENDER D O C U M E N T S C A N B E P U R C H A S E D 12. 1 2 . 20 1 4 t o 22. 1 2 . 2 0 1 4 between11:00 & 16:00 Hrs. on all working days from the Office of ICTS-TIFR Centre, First Floor, TIFR Centre Building, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru–560012. Agencies can also download the Tender Documents from Departmental However, they will be required to make necessary payment for the cost of tender documents on or before the submission date. (i.e. 02.01.2015) 4. COST OF THE TENDER DOCUMENTS (Non-refundable) is Rs.1000/(rupees one thousand). The DD towards the tender fee amount should be included in envelope 1 along with the EMD amount. The Demand Draft shall be drawn in favour of “INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL SCIENCES”, Payable at Bangalore. 5. PROSPECTIVE AGENCIES TO SATISFY THEMSELVES of fulfilling all the NIT criteria before submission of the tender. Department reserves the right of Non- issue/ Non- consideration of tender documents of the agencies who are not fulfilling the NIT stipulations and/ or having adverse report on the works carried out by them in the past. 6. PRE-BID MEETINGS shall be held on 24.12.2014 at the office ICTSTIFR Centre, First Floor, TIFR Centre Building, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru– 560012. 7. SUBMISSION OF TENDER: The Tender for the work shall be received up to 15:00 hrs. On 0 2 .01.2015 in the Office of ICTS-TIFR Centre, First Floor, TIFR Centre Building, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru–560012 and shall be opened at 15:30 hrs, on the same day. The documents shall consist of following: A) EMD: EMD (Earnest money deposit) of Rs.5,00,000.00 may be deposited as specified in the tender document in the form of Demand Draft issued by a Scheduled Bank, drawn in favour of “International Centre For Theoretical Sciences”, Payable at Bangalore. B) TECHNICAL BID 1) Eligibility Credentials as stipulated under Para 2 above. 2) Technical Bid of the Tender Document 3) Tender Drawings. C) FINANCIAL BID Note: a) The tender is to be submitted in three separate sealed envelopes containing (i) EMD, (ii) Technical Bid and (iii) Financial Bid. All the three envelopes shall be duly sealed and s u p e r s c r i b e d with r e s p e c t i t s contents and shall then be placed in larger envelopes which shall be superscribed with the name of work and its contents. All the drawings are to be submitted duly signed and sealed. The envelope containing EMD shall be opened first. The envelope containing Technical Bid shall be opened subsequently of the bidders whose earnest money shall be found in order. The date of opening of financial bid shall be informed separately. b) In case the last date of sale/ receipt of tender are declared as holiday, the respective dates shall be treated as postponed to the next working day accordingly. 8. THE CENTRE RESERVES THE RIGHT to verify the particulars furnished by the applicant independently and accept/ reject the tender without assigning any reason thereof. Short listing of the agencies shall be subject to thorough verification of their credentials and inspection of works carried out by them, through a Technical Evaluation Committee of experts, constituted by ICTS. Each Vendor shall arrange loose furniture’s, brought out items and workstations of each category during inspection for evaluation. Centre reserves the right to split the order based on the technical evaluation. 9. IF ANY INFORMATION FURNISHED by the applicant is found to be incorrect at a later stage, they shall be liable to be debarred from tendering / taking up works in ICTS. (Please contact on (080) 23608200, 65679760. Fax: (080)23608199 for more details).
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