West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited orr,""Jffi,"ro,u Ad m i n istrative Bui ld i ng ( 3'd Ft oor) Power House Complex: : Burdge Town P.O.-Midnapore: : Dist.- Paschim Medinipur PART. A NOTICE INVITING TENDER sealed single Part tender are invited by the Addl. c.E. & Zonal Manager, wBSEDcL, Midnapore Zone, Administrative Building(3'd Floor), Power House complex, Burdge Town, Midnapore, Dist: Paschim Medinipur from experienced, resourceful, bonafide & working agencies of WBSEDCL A/VBSETCL A/VBPDCL /DPL/NTPC/Central Govt. /State Govt. /Semi - Govt. /Undertaking for the work as detailed below:SI, No Tender Notice No. Name of the work MZlCivil I Tender / 8 Construction of Raghunathpur Divisional Store Godown with Store Office, Store Room and Space for Stack Yard at the campus of Raghunathpur Divisron, Dist:- Purulia. 114-15t11 Dt.25.6.14 Estimated Cost (Rs.) Completion Earnest Cost of Tender Time Money (Rs.) Document(Rs.) 59,79,740.00 Seven (07.) 1,19,595.00 months 3,500.00 Last date of receipt of application for purchasing of Bid documents is 03.07.2014 within office hours and sale of Bid document is 08.07.2014 to'11.07.2014 between 10-30 a.m. to 02-30 p.m. from the office mentioned above. Other dates will be available in the bid document. Bid documents may be purchased by the interested bidders through request in writing (in duplicate) with documentary evidence in support of qualifying experience. No Bid Document shall be issued through posUcourier. Civil works policy of WBSEDCL shall be followed. Formation of any cartel may lead to cancellation of the tender either in part or full at the sole discretion of the Company. For other details including qualifying requirements visit www.wbsedcl.in or Office Notice Board of the above office. 04 4l!; Zonal M Midnapore Zone ltlest Bengat State Etectricity Distribution Company Limited (A Govt, of West Benoa Office OfThe Zonal Manager:: Midnapore Zone Administrative Buitding (3'd Ftoor) Power House Complex :: Burdge Town Midnapore Dist:- Paschim Medini?ur PART-B NOTICE INVITING TENDER N.l.-, . No:- MZIClvlL/TENDERISI 1 4-151 Dated.25.06.2014 1 1 Sealed single part tender are hereby invited by the Zonal Manager, Midnapore Zone, Administrative Building (3rd Floor), power House Complex, Burdge Town, Midnapore, Dist:- Paschim Medinipur, from the bonafide, experienced, resourceful, reputed, working contractor of WBSEDCL MBSETCL / WBPDCL / DPL / NTPC / and Central GovernmenU State Government /Semi Government /Undertaking for the work as detalled below:Name of the Work Construction of Raghunathpur Divisional Store Godown with Store Offlce, Store Room and Space for Stack Yard at the campus of Raghunathpur Division, Dist:- Purulia. N.l.'L No. N.t.T.No:-MZCIVIL/TENDER|8I14-15111 Estimated Cost Rs.59,79,740.00 Rs.3500.00 Cost of Bid Documents in Cash/ D D. & Non-refundable Bid Guarantee/ Earnest Money in Demand Draft in favour of "West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited" Payable at Daled:-25.06.2014 Rs. 1,19,595.00 Midnapore. Completion Time Last Date of Receipt of application Seven (07) Months. 03.07.2014 within office hours. Date of issue of bid documents 08.07.20141o 11.07.2014 (between 10-30 a.m. to 02-30 p.m.) 15.07.2014 (up to 02-00 p.m.) Last date of submission of tender and time Date and time of bid opening 15.07 .2014 (at 02-30 p.m.) Eliqibilitv Criteria:Satisfactorily comptetion of similai nature of work during any of the proceeding five financial year under WBSEDCL MBSETCL / WBPDCL DPL NTPC and Central GovernmenU State Government /Semi Government /Undertaking having an individual contract value of Rs. 29.90 Lakhs or more. E.P.F. registration certificate, Service Tax Registration certificate, P.T. Clearance certificate, VAT/ S.T. Registration No. and PAN Card are to be submitted along with the application. Copy of l.T. Return for last three years is also to be / / / submitted. No bid document will be issued/ received through post or courier. Bid Guarantee/ Earnest Money is to be deposited along with the tender in a separate envelop properly marked with NIT No., Name of the work, Full Address, Date & Time of bid openings. Civil works policy of WBSEDCL will be followed. Formation of any cartel may lead to cancellation of the tender either in part or full at the sole discretion of the Company. Detailed information regarding the work and tender may be had from the SE(Civil)-ll, Midnapore Zone, Administrative Building (3rd Floor), Power House Complex, Burdge Town, Midnapore, Dist:- Paschim Medinipur. Telefax No:- (03222)27 4367 . lf a bandh or Holiday falls on any of the schedule date then schedule date shall be considered on next working day. ,**lffilp,,' Midnapore Zone INVITATION TO BID 'i,0 SCOPE OF WORK : The specification/contract is intended to cover execution of civil work proposed for Construction of Raghunathpur Divisional Store Office & Store Godown for Raghunathpur Division include construction of R.C framed type building with accessible roof & parapet wall including doors, windows, inside & outside painting, flooring, roof treatment and godown shed with tubular truss & asbestos corrugated sheet roofing including water supply, sanitary & plumbing with supply of all materials, labour, equipments etc. and any other works required for completion of the works in all respect as per technical specification, schedule of works and approved drawings. 2.0 ELIGIBILITY GRITERIA OF THE BIDDER: 2.1 Technical : The bidder must have successfully completed construction of similar nature of office building/ residential building having contract value not below 29.90 lakh in a single contract during last five year. 2.2 Commercial & Financial : Copy of I.T. Return for last three years is to be submitted. 2.3 The Bidder must include following documents to qualifving requirement such as: substantiate the 2.3.1. Total monetary value of similar work performed by the bidder in last five years (copies of order and completion certificate to be enclosed). 2.3.2. Experience in similar work performed by the bidder in the last five years and details of work underway or contractually committed and clients who may be contracted for further information on this contract. 2.3.3. Major items of construction equipment proposed to carry out the contract. 2.3.4. Qualification and experience of key site management and technical personnel proposed for the contract. 2.3.5. lnformation regarding any litigation, current or during last five years in which the bidder is involved, the parties concerned and the disputed amount. 2.3.6. Photocopy of following documents: i) ii) P. Tax. Clearance certificate. PAN Card. iiD VAT Regishation No. iv) v) E.P.F Registration No./ Certificate Service Tax Registration Certificate 2.3.7. The bidder shall furnish the details of all the orders being executed by them in WBSEB/ WBSEDCL, if any. 2.4 Photocopies of all documents should be self authenticated. 2.5 Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, they are subject disqualified if they have, 2.5-1 . Made misleading or false representation in the forms, statements submifted in proof of the qualifying requirements and/or and to be attachments 2.5.2. Record of poor performance such as abandoning the work, not properry compreting the contract, inordinate delays in completions, litilation history o; fin;;cial failure. lrlo.!qi l WBSEDCL reserves the right to reject or accept any Bid or part thereof or all Bids received at its sole discretion without assigning any reason(si whatsoever. 2. \,VBSEDCL reserves the right to go to divisible contract, if necessary. 3. WBSEDCL is not necessarily bound to accept the lowest offer. 4. lssuance of Bidding Documents wiil not be construed to mean that such bidder is automatically considered qualified. 5. l-ender received after expiry of scheduled date and time shall not be considered. 6 1-he Bidding Documents are not transferable and cost of the same is not refundable under any circumstances. 7. FJo interest shall be payable for Bid Guarantee. 8. Any extraneous conditions will be treated as non_responsive. 9. The Bidders who have not purchased Bid Documents direcfly from WBSEDCL wiil not be entertained. 10.The Bids must be submitted in prescribed proforma only. l l . Formation of any carter, may read to the cancelation of tenders with penar measure as -decisions necessary and WBSEDCL reseryes the right to take such unilateral without further notice to anyone. 12. Bidders sharr ensure that ail pre-requisites are dury dispL"rte regarding non-submission of iny document, the Bid unilaterally without assigning any reasons. furfiled by them and if there be any wBSEDcL'resur"i ir," ,ignt to cancer 13 The bidder is expected to examine carefully all instructions, conditions, forms schedules terms, annexure, specifications.and drawings of the bidding document. Bids, which are determined to be not substantially responsivE to the requirerient of thJ 6iuoing( oo"u,nunt, nray lead to rejection. (Pabitra K Maity) Addl. C.E. & Zonal Manager, WBSEDCL Midnapore Zone
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