PS Newsletter No. 3
‘Education is not the filling of a bucket but the lighting of a fire.’
~W.B. Yeats
27 March 2014
Head’s Message
Senior Primary phase
Foundation Phase 3
Learning Centre and
Sports News
Gr 4—
4—7 Assessments
27th Mar—
Mar—04 April
Interschool Athletics
5 April
Enjabulweni Day
12 April
Grade 8 Open Entrance
12 April
Book Week
7—11 April
Eisteddfod adjudication
9 April
Eisteddfod evening
15 April
valuable for our day-to-day programme.
Thank you to the PTA and to the Enjabulweni community at large for their amazing
support for the Enjabulweni Day on the
12th April. So much work has been done to
put the FUN in the FUNdraising—to quote
the chairman of our PTA, Mrs Tasmia
Young. We need your help too. Please contact either a member of PTA or the office
to offer your support in any way—we are
hosting the Inter Schools Athletics here at
school on Saturday. Support our team!
The tradition of Grade 4 volcanoes
erupting must rate as one of the highlights
of the Grade 4 academic programme! Lots
of fun and much learning about the change
of state in Science. Learning and fun was
the order of the day for the practical Science assessment in Grade 4 to 7. Thank
you to our teachers for the careful planning
thereof and for enabling the students to
continue learning in a very practical enviThe 24 hour rule: if a parent, learner or
teacher has a problem the 24 hour rule enAs the end of term approaches we are all
sures that we provide solutions instead of
conscious of the need to focus—
allowing problems to fester. Discuss the
assessments compiled and written, examiproblem with the first person in line, either
nations to prepare for and then the allthe teacher or the Head of Department. If
important document the Term 1 Report.
after 24 hours no solution is in sight then
Thank you to the staff and to parents for
take this concern to the next level. If after
their efforts in ensuring that standards are
24 hours there is no evidence of support
met and that our children are given the
please do not hesitate to contact me. Mrs
best possible chance to reach their full poMagwaza will make an appointment as a
tential. Parents are reminded that tests are
matter of urgency.
written regularly and should be signed and
returned to school; homework notebooks Kind regards
are tools of communication which are in- Mrs K. Thompson
For just E10 you can rent a one metre square piece of the bottom field on
the 12th April. Once we have ‘rented’ all the plots, we will invite a Young
moo to do its poo on the field of identified plots. If the moo does its thing on
your plot you will win ten percent ( 10%) of the takings. We are renting
1690 plots. Send your E10 to the class teacher early in order to book the
best plot. The class that rents the most plots receives a free civvies day.
senior Primary Phase News
Good day to all parents and learners!
The phrase above rings so true in our everyday lives as we
watch the children grow through all the fun, challenges and
daily experiences that take place. The excitement on their
faces when they arrive at school and see their friends and
throughout the course of the day as they learn many new exciting things; the laughter filled
break times and enthusiasm to participate in their sporting activities at the end of the
I have, during the course of the last two weeks, been reminded why I love my job so much,
as I have watched the Grade 4’s explain and demonstrate their Volcano projects to their
classmates and fellow learners. The excitement as the volcanos have erupted and the ‘oohs’
and ‘aahs’ fill the air and their faces are filled with pride for their achievements. Learning
through play!
This cannot be said without a big thank you to the parents who have played a major role in
assisting their children through this process, beginning with their research, building and
ending with very creative and interesting looking volcanos. Your continued involvement in
your children’s lives is an invaluable time spent and I am sure, that much like myself, you
enjoyed it too!!
*Pictures of the children and their volcanoes will be posted on the website.
Monday 7 April to Friday 11th April
Monday is Pyjama day – Learners are allowed to come to school
wearing their pyjamas and are required to bring a book to read!
Friday is Book Character Dress-Up day – Learners are allowed
to come dressed up as their favourite book character. Prizes
for the best dressed!
We would like to request that during the course of Book week
that each Learner donates a book for the school Library. Their
names will be put into the front of the book they donate.
The Travelling Bookshop will be available to sell books to us
during the course of this week. There are a variety of books
sold and these come at a fraction of the cost that you would
buy them for in a bookshop. You are welcome to either send
your child/children with money to purchase a book for themselves or come and browse through and purchase books
Remember – Books are lovely presents to give and receive too!
Foundation Phase News
We still need parents to volunteer as marshals for our Enjabulweni Day Cycle races on Saturday the 12th April. Each class is in need of at least two volunteering parents for this duty (not
every parent is made to ride a bicycleJ). Among the things you will need to do as a marshal are:
aiding the little ones who just cannot go any further on their bikes, fetching the injured ones
and taking them to a first aid point etc. Please, please volunteer yourself as a marshal to your
child’s class teacher.
We use the envelope system at school for any money sent to your class teacher for all the little
bits. Please label the envelope with your child’s name and what the money is for.
Birthdays: Please send cupcakes and allow your child to wear civvies on his/her birthday.
Afternoon activities: Please ensure that your child has packed his/her sports kit for the day/s
that he/she is participating in an activity. There are far too many children without the correct
clothing and they will be sitting detention on their third offence.
Eisteddfod Adjudication: Our Eisteddfod adjudication is happening on the 9th April. Please
continue practising with your child so that they can do their best!
Thank you to those parents who have donated a book/books to our classroom reading corners. If you have not already donated a book, please donate at least one book to your child’s
class reading corner for the year. Some children have brought their own puzzles to school, to
use for the year and I would like to encourage all parents to send a puzzle to be used by your
child for the year.
Chairman: Mrs Tasmia Young 7695 7024
Mrs Renata Johnston 7813 3773
Vice Chairman: Mrs Catrien Potgieter 7614 3621
Mrs Sharon Pieterse 7605 5955
Treasurer: Mrs Leeann Young 7604 5093
Mr Craig Mhlanga 7621 4847
Assistant Treasurer: Shaun Carmichael 7603 3800
Mrs Doreen Mdluli 7605 3346
Secretary: Mrs Janine Thomas: 7608 5554
Mrs Kathy Thompson 7607 7057
Facilitator: Mr Bruce Larkan 7602 4163
Members: Mr Dean Johnston 7606 0098; Mrs Gcabsie Dlamini; Ms Nonhlanhla Mkhaliphi 7628 3250;
Ms Gillian Fruhwith 7626 9873
Learning Centre News
We are on the web:
Contact the school
Phone: 2505 - 3152/5690
Fax: 2505 - 5675
E-mail: [email protected]
PO Box 518
Parents are encouraged to keep the
channels of communication open. Our
doors are always open; teachers, Heads
of Department and the Head of School
are available for consultation as and
when necessary. A call to Mrs Magwaza,
the school secretary, is all that is needed
to make an appointment at a convenient
time for the teacher concerned.
Mrs Pieterse at:
[email protected]
Mrs Johnston at:
[email protected]
Mrs Thompson
[email protected]
Student’s Yoga
Offered with over 10 years
Ballet teacher
Yoga instructor
Fitness coach
On the 2nd of April we celebrate World Autism Day. Autism is a condition
that affects the way a child responds to the world around him. The child’s
social communication and interaction is affected. The child also presents
with restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour. At the Learning
Centre we have children that have Autism.
To celebrate this day the Enjabulweni staff and Learning Centre children
came to school clad in blue. Light blue is the official colour for autism.
Our therapists were invited to attend the World Autism Awareness Day
held at St Joseph’s Mission School where the theme was,” I love someone
with autism”. The Learning Centre class went on a trip to Mantenga
Cultural Village, where flyers about autism have been distributed by them.
The children learnt a lot about the Swazi Culture whilst the Mantenga
Villagers learnt a lot about autism. It was an enlightening day for all!
Sports News
Welcome to the last stretch of the term. We have our Inter Schools Athletics
Day on Saturday, 5 April. This will be held at Enjabulweni and starts at 09:00
and will finish at 15:00, with athletes being required to be at school no later
than 08:15. We would really like to encourage anybody that can to come and
support our athletes on Saturday, it is always so nice to hear the encouragement from the stands. Our PTA will be selling refreshments and the day is set
to be an exciting one.
Our Extra Mural Timetable continues as it is until the 10 April, with our Inter
House Cricket taking place on Tuesday, 8 April and Inter House Rounders
taking place on 9 April.
We have a number of private classes hosted at Enjabulweni for your convenience. Karate takes place on a Monday from 3pm to 4pm in our hall. There is
Stepsync on a Friday afternoon at 13:00 in our hall and we have a new activity
that we are trying to introduce on a Wednesday afternoon at 3pm in the hall.
This is rope jumping, the children are taught many skills and have a great deal
Teaches focus, relieves stress,
of fun at the same time. Anyone who is interested can contact Mr Bhekive
increased flexibility, weight loss, Makhanya at 7661 7167 for more information.
tones the body, improves
strength and great coWe look forward to the continuing support of our parents at our sporting
functions this term. Our sporting motto this term is: DO YOUR BEST TO
For ages 8 and above
Contact: 76124922
Email: [email protected]