• JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-IOUHNAL-Tuwdcry Evaning. TUB* 21, 1955 School Board To Get Options On Four Sites *" Methodist Youth Fellowship, « son dinner Friday evening with] Awards were presented to Lee member of the Hi-Y, and winner about 60 present. The theme of the Wright, as the oldest father; and | Dennis Jones, the youngest son of a Genesee Scholarship to the program was "Hobos.*' University of Rochester. Olaf Hansen presented the toast! present. The offering was given Mr. Potter is a member of the to the sons and Paul Hansen pre- t™™6* t h e ^ ^ b u i M m « tmd Natiorttl Honor Society, and as edi- sented the toast to the fathers. tor of * the "Grapevine," school Music was provided by James Al- The latest census shows there newspaper, he worn the county ters, John Hansen, and Tim En-1 are about 43 million people in prize among high school editors for I j^f France. the best editorial of the year. He has also been active in the Dramatics Club, HMf, and basketball. Mr. Potter plans to attend Pennsylvania State University. Many Attend Sample Fair At Cherry Creek CHERRY CREEK-The sample fair sponsored by W.S.C.S. Circle 2 at the Methodist Church Saturday was successful. The affair was culminated with a program in the evening, under the direction of FTNDLEY LAKE—The Young .Mrs. Babcock. Little Valley Building The Ronald Married Couples Class of the Evanprogram consisted of selecgelical United Brethren Church tions by the Mothers Chorus, diPainting Contract sponsored a successful father and rected by Mrs. Phyllis Wells; Awarded to Magara 'Sleeping Beauty," recited by Den\ nis Hall, accompanied by his sisT-JTTLE VALLEY — The Little ters, Linda and Janice Hall; monValley Central School Board of ©logs, Mrs. Carl Stamp; vocal Education voted at its meeting solo. Dr. William Mitchell, acMonday night to have options companied by Linda Hall; monodrawn up on four pieces of prop-, logs, Miss Evelyn Mather; organ erfy which are prospective sites!and piano selection. Mrs. Ernest for the proposed new school. Higbee and daughter, Sylvia, and They are the Goldsmith. Mosher.; vocal trio by the three Hall chiland Green properties, all on the dren. RICHARD POTTER THOMAS TILLACK eastern edge of the village, and* Mrs. Elinor Judd, Mrs. Dale the Fuss property on the western Hanft and Mrs. Grace Wilcox were side of the village. All four sites general chairmen of the affair, have been approved by the State ~~~"~~~"-™™—•———Education Commission. D*»I*.«J B A . . J A-L-. It was announced that petitions ™ i a n d DOQTQ ASKS b r NORTH EAST—E. C. Davis, su- Mr. Tillack is president of the and Clyde Woods, board, memR>land Town Board pervising principal of North East Language Club, treasurer of the KENNEDYbers whose terms expire this year. will receive bids for sale of $30,Joint High School, has announced Latin Club, literary editor of the At a nrevious meeting, Donald 000 Town Highway Building bonds [that top honor students of the Sen- student yearbook, and senior reMay, Attica, was hired as a man- at 1:30 P.M. Thursday in the Odd ior Class are Thomas Tillack. son porter for the school newspaper. ual training instructor; and a con- Fellows Hall. The board will also of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Tillack, 6 He is an active member of the Dramatics and Debate Clubs, and IhPVh°™i^U™^^ consider the proposed peddler's or-1 North Mill Street, valedictorian, rank ^ ^ j and Richard Potter, son of Mr. and this spring was judged top high Magara, Salamanca, low bidder. dinance. The scheduled June 18 meeting I Mrs. Robert Potter, 31 North Pearl school debater in the county. Mr. Vernon G. Weed, board president, was Tillack is also president of the cancelled. J Street, salutatorian. conducted the session. — — — — — PLAY SAFI •ay Alsmlsam THEY WILL LAST A LIFIYIMI H O M E EQUIPMENT CO. 43 W. 1 2 * St. Peeae 4-4» • u Father and Son Dinner Held Thomas Tillack Selected As North East Valedictorian *» • : ALL DAY WEDNESDAY For Your Shopping Convenience Ansley Refrigeration Lobock's Furniture Co. Batt Appliance Lundquist Hardware "$ & M £ £ KKi? 2 H *i*o» Highway Bonds AIR CONDITIONED! NEW TWO-TONE STYLING! AND Kindergarten Graduation Held At Pine Valley CHERRY CREEK — Kindergarten graduation of the Pine Valley Central School was held Friday evening at the school. The kindergarten presented a program with a circus theme. Sara May Abbey was leader of the morning rhythm band. Carol Cleveland presented a solo. Susan Mansfield was leader of the rhythm band of the afternoon class. Dances were presented by Mrs. Hickok's dance students. Mrs. Marguerite L e a f s t o n e , teaoher, was presented a gift by Brenda Young. Gerald F. Hall, elementary principal, made the presentation of diplomas to the following: Morning class, Sara May Abbey, Clifford Lincoln, Bruce Shattuck, Sandra Colburn, Arthur Peters, Shcryl Parsons, Joseph Dybk.i, Kirk Pattyson, Dennis Burnside. Gloria Schultz, Patricia Harris, William Purdy, James Killock Carol Cleveland, Marjorie Gilbert, Clifford Rumsey, Joyce Besse, Cheryl Pattison, Mary Kohler, Audrey Blair, and William Rexford. Afternoon class, Brenda Young, Betty Lou McKane, George Ockerhausen, Joy Colvin. Jean Brown, Sharon Ruttenbur, Donald Miller, Tommy Mount, Bonnie Mott, Lois Scott. Gladys Lent, Brian Colvin, Marvin Gilbert. Teddy Kuhanek, Clinton Ward, Douglas Ivett, Ann Futv icello, Jeanette Pickup, Linda Chase, Susan Mansfield, Mildred Lewis and Eloise Harrington. G. Ce Murphy Co. The Cake Shop Nugents Caprino's TV & Appliance R a m b l e r Costs Less to Buy and Run! When you buy your new Carnahan & Shearer Pearl City Paint & Glass Co. Dodson's Jewelers J. C. Penney Co. Geer-Dunn Co. Rudolph's Jewelers W. T. Grant Co. Sears '55 MODEL USED CAR ask the dealer 1 Only in a Rambler can you enjoy complete air conditioning—the comfort of Airliner Reclining Seats and Twin Travel Beds and the economy of 500 miles on a tankful of gas—at far less than the cost of an ordinary car. It's more fun to drive, too—easier to parkquicker on the getaway. Slip behind the wheel and find out for yourself. / Grayson's Chautauqua National Bank's Lad & Lassie Stores MIDLAND TIME PLAN FINANCING TRY IT TODAY! AT YOUR TkfaiA. DEALER! H*'» lifted under "Automobile*" in your Classified Telephone Directory Buskist Nash Sales & Service - 1 3 5 1 E . Second Street, Jamestown 6-904 The Toy Shop Quality Master Markets FALCONER and FREWSBURG Starts 214 E. 3rd. 200 W . 3rd Lawson's Wayside low bank rates! Hsy Folk*! Tune in Diinsyland on ABC-TV. See listings lor Tims and Channel. What's so "different"about Farm Bureau? Pisconski Wins Olean Soap Box Championship OLEAN-Joseph Piscpnski, Jr., 13, is the 1955 Olean Soap Box Derby Champion. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Pisconski, 1426 Seneca Avenue, he piloted his dr-ep blue racer to victory in the city's fourth annual race Sunday. The champion was honored last night at the "Banquet of Champions", where he received the T. H. Keating plaque, and a bicycle. He will also receive a four-day all expense paid trip to Akron to compete in the national derby against city champions from all over the country, including Jamestown's champion, who will be selected next Sunday. cover this new all your insurance i J needs I Mufti-Protection with * policy • Back in 192$ a group of Ohio families wanted lower cost insurant, so they formed a small company of their own. Farm Bureau was founded by cooperative effort, and this has "set the tone" ever since. Today we're three companies—auto, life and fire-with almost S,000,000 policyholders. But though we've grown, we haven't outgrown our original aim -better protection for mors people at less cost And the folks who make up Farm Bureau still have a strong voice in its activities. Our Advisory Committees of Policyholders meet periodically to help shape the many plans and programs that affect their own security. Little Valley Board To Post Parking Signs LITTLE VALLEY — Members of the Village Board voted at Monday night's meeting to post twobour parking signs on Park Place, and to enforce the parking regulations on Main Street. Mayor W. F. Andrew reoorted only routine business transacted during the remainder of the session. HUBwith Additional Extended Coverage for your home and other private structures such as garages, etc. Covers loss or damage due to fire, lightning, hail, smoke, explosion, tornado, cyclone, vehicular and aircraft damage. Includes extra living expense while your home cannot be occupied. MEDICAL - LIABILITY- Medical Payments Insurance covers medical expenses of persons injured in accidents involving your home, family, domestic employees and pets. This valuable protection covers you for hundreds of possible situations where accidents occur, whether you are liable or not. Comprehensive Family Liability covers you against lawsuits from hundreds of possible accidents involving your home, family, domestic employees and pets. Pays for all damages up to policy limits and provides legal defense, and coui costs, plus doctor and hospital expenses. We also have related enterprises which help peoplefinanceear and home purchasing at less cost, provide loans to distributors of consumer goods.. .and help Little Valley Rev. Clifford C. Headland, pastor of the local Methodist Church is attending the Erie Annual Conference of the M e t h o d i s t Church at Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., this week. Floyd J. Davis is attending on- Thurs- i day and Friday as layman of the church. A son, Lee Francis, was born June 4 to Everett Strong FT/3 and Mrs. Strong at Brockton, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Langhans and infant son, Larry, of Hamburg, visited his aunts, Mrs. Esther Wible. Miss Lydia Langhans and Mrs. Ruth Lorch on Sunday. Mrs. Etoille Calvin and John Calvin of Cattaraugus were dinner guests of Mrs. Xenia Satteriee Monday evening. Sondra Calvin returned home with them after spending the weekend with Mrs. Satteriee. Now She Shops "Cash and Carry • ( • i% \Cl ' * • people in many other ways. ' Protects your household goods and property against loss or damage through burglary, robbery or theft (except from unattended auto). Covers your money and securities, silverware, jewelry, furs, clothing, bicycles, sporting equipment, furniture, tools, and other personal and real property. Originally Farm Bureau was created to help solve the insurance needs of a few imaginative families. Today Farm Bureau helps a lot mors people solve other economic needs as well. In short, we're not in business for private gain, but to help people kelp themselves—and that's the big difference. save time ™ DAMAGE- (OPTIONAL) The All Physical Loss coverage extends tru protection on your home to an "all risk" insurance. Covers such things as unusual plas ter cracking, damage by household pets anc animals, subsiding of earth under foundations, and any peril not specifically exclude( policy, one premium gives you all this protection for as long as 3 years sai/e money • e • up to 3 3 % over the cost of purchasing these policies separately • Farm Bureau Insurance Companies 11 East Fourth Street Jamestown, New York Phone—Jamestown 8951 AU FAR MURRAY D. LINCOLN PRESIDENT FARM BUREAU MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY • FARM BUREAU MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY Without Painful Backache Na**™* backache, haadache. or muscular ache* and pain* may common withovsr-«x«r. tk>n. emotional upwUor day to day *tr*»* and •train. And folk* who eat and drink unwiaely Sometimes tuffer mild bladder irritation . . . w i t h that is*tl— uncomfortable feeling-. If yoa ata miserable s a d worn out becauaa ©f the** diseomfoit*,Dcana Pilla often help hy their paia rtli*»iat action, by their toothing effect to eaa* bladder irritation, and by their mild diuretic action through the kidneys — tending to racreaa* th* output of the U mile* of kidaey tab—. S o If nagging backache make* yea f**J dragged oirt.mJa*r*hic...wtth isaUsss. il—p. leas nighu...don't wait...try Doan'a Pilk... get the tame happy relief million* have *nloyad for o«*x«0 years. Get Doaa's PUk today I GEORGE LARSON *m^^ *v* aalH^P L L SIMMONS KF.O. 4 <e^a* I mil, in I,, • U V M. PAUL STEARNS t t W. Meeeer Si. N. V. •J.P-5 N. V. V. STANLEY HALL n-us WILTON DEUINK 1*-»e§ Sleeteirvtne, N. V. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES ALYIN V CARLSON LEO WILCOX 410 See* Mate St 12 Cltfer* St. N. T. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com H e i s 17-45Y7 N. Y. CHARLES SEIBERT 4 Yew Str**t Peeae 7s»-t Silver Creak, N. Y. CLAIR DAVIS Brie f t . Peeae 2741 H. Y. CLYDE J. GOLDBERG 3M Ave. Pease t t M M. Y. SENES L LARSON 7? lake Ave. Irsctee, M Y. Peon* ROY H. CLEVELAND Ave. v. etttteie, M. V. ROBERT RILEY JO* Oak St. M.Y. tas-w
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