Page Sixteen l i l M l i,Ntlillinli>MiW»>aM>| - f;: .... Page Four ?<m AJLBUBO VILLAGE LOGAJUS The Observant Champlainer ; PMlador Patenaude had the mnv \ fortane to sap on the toy pave- j With engines puffing, whistles ment Monday and in falling, suf- blowing and bells ringing, "Danger ' fered a severe cut on bis ear and jUghtsv" Radio PkstorasV spectacCustoms Inspector Caswell is cm several bad bruises on his band Ms ular all-talking railroad drama win the sjck list speed into the Lyceum Theatn, In is confined to his bed. Levi Atwood. spent Sunday, and' Mrs. C. B. Appteton and Mrs.Champtala on Sunday sad Monday Monday with" his" sun: J.' L. At- Albert Cram, of Bridgewater," are evenings. wtxxi. in Morrison visit. Heralded a s the greatest drama spending a few days with friends. of the rails ever shown on the t}uit* a number >f children ia Mrs. Mary Burke, of Bsssx town are afflicted with an affec- i Jet., Mrs. Elizabeth Burke, of giving screen, i t has met with; ac! tion of the throat glands. Richmond, and Thomas Trecnout claim wherever i t has bsen shown. Louis Wothetna, Robert ArmBlair has returned to were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ranstrong, and Jean Arthv appear i s his home after spendtog scene time j dolph Burke Sunday. in Detroit and Toronto la the in- Miss Mary Setters, of Burke, N. the principal roles and a t e snpterests of the Sheridan Iron Y-. who has been taking care of ported by each weD known actors Works: Mrs. Randolph Burke for the past as Frank Sheridan, Hugh. Herbert, Mrs. Ralph Robie ts in Manches- ! two weeks, returned Saturday. Robert F^rtwm. an—» Roscoe and ter, N. H. overseeing repairs and j Mrs. Nevada Fayette, who has Janes Farley. renovations to her house there. The -lisptune was produced on lobeen quite ill with intestinal cations hi twelve stm^e. The The lower milk prices are mak- ! grippe, ia somewhat improved. ing living difficult for our fann- f A daughter was born to Mr. and i Mrs. Ehrin B. James on January ers this winter. lira. Joseph Hebert, of Church 25th. street has rallied somewhat from ! Word has been received that plains of the ncrth and middle west a severe attack of illness Saturday. j Mrs. Roy Rockwell underwent a sad metropolitan backgrounds in Edgar ESvidge is reported very <serious surgical operation at the Chicago have given opportunity for minimal photographic effects. 01 at the home of bis son in Odel- I Mary Fletcher Hospital in Buriing(Through the ore of newly perfect<ton Monday sad that her condition bnrt ed sound recording devices, ex"The leaning tower" at the ;is favorable. tremely realistic sound effects j I t is reported that the condition Sheridan Iron Works has been rehave been obtained, it is placed with a new and upright of Wffi M. RoelrwelL who has been George B, Setts directed the pic, recetvtag: treatment in BurUagton boiler stack. The former stack inture which is an sdsptaUon of ffottowine; s n operation several clined at a dangerous angle in the James Anhmore Creelmaa's orhjgeneral direction of the Mertdieo | weeks ago, i s critics! h « u _ l asTjMB*np **TPlhsB> aaVskfiVw^ssdft IMt^UnV** Hotel due, sons said, to the influj aannon, who has been W, i s much ence of prevailing winds. Mayor Arsene Trembiay was a i improved. Miss Mildred business caller i s Plattsburgn last { Mrs. Gertrude lanrton. of MB- ton, at the hams of jton, is spending seversl weeks at Tuesday her patents. Miss Dorothy Wright was home the home of her brother, W. & Mra last week. She expected to receive Flynn. Max StOes Mrs. Lottie Hong i s spending bar cap in a class of fourteen at several days with friends in Mon~ visttora the Physicians Hospital Sunday. A Brighton Ives, of MechsaiesviBe, rf M m Joseph of the spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs, K.of C A. Boulton. if, T. Miss fyta Lafoustakt retained relatives hi to her boms i s n>atomgsy Stnv day. Several cars wee* stack m the snow drifts is front of the an% .station between Penys MiBs sad Ohsnintarn thmday. Patrolman Harold Fes, of Ofitfinstnirr seas in town reessttrv • M M M M .. Charles Soutnwita: hn>uj,hl Mm wife snd infant sos, D e c e n a r i e s , t ' WAMQW W j y N h A "FNMfWMi $)hsa a^ftvssjssJUp^sskVsss ^fiKfisnvsnw. IA tal on Sunday. Mrs. ftabert Boyle sad Miss F. M, Oliver expect to leave tins . WISE morning I Thursday) to visit relLB. OBANULATBD atives in Massachusetts. RICE SUGAR Executor's Sale The tmdmOjrard e**«catri* of the ji nstatr of the late Albert i. Breth- ; era win expose for sale at pubs* ? SBCtfem OS SATURDAY Jan. 31,1931 <.f Stock, Fixtures and Appliances IN SAID STORK Albina Brothers ADMINISTRATRIX ARTHUR COUTURE At ( T I O N E E R 1^ 3feJ MTT BJBFCfflQE Jap. f oOet Ttseee reM Se Poeooo Borax Soap Sc Doraestir. Sardmos 5c KARLY MORN «• ^***Slsl Pt -^fes- •. i<cm»: 10c 4>T:. v?y?5 l«e Beraea*s Evmp. MiBt loe Btoe Tip Mstcben 3 pk. loc FBE8HPAK Coffee lb. 33c » BERMA I Creamery Butter lb. 30c Compound 2 lbs 23c Grape Fruit large size 3 for 25c Celery Hearts 2 for 25c Calif Carrots 2 for Ide «rf--j»g|»#»> ^1 YaJ«M » Netwel Umm at Little Prices! BEANS im^^^.ffPc-SM^i «»^..«,«s4. 3 lbs, SOc Coffee lb. 37c ALL O F T H K TERMS CASH r*™ JEAK Mth «s atst COFFEE Rouses Point *^r-* 5 and IQc S^LE Soap Flakes^" - 10c a t thf t'ltnffctiranerv, 1«* Cream and T o h a w n Stor** «>f t h e dw*"a»ed. a t the eorner of Lake Str*«ei »nd Washington A w n u e in th*- \illagp t 5c 5c 0 AT 11 A. M. £ ^&3 FR!5AT • . Osj»-. CONBA© LOUW TtlWOA* ^tBttS
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