PortVille NY Review 1942-1944

OCTOBER 7, 1943
The "ortville Review, Portville, Cattaraugus County, New York
Page 5
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Holcomb and
Mrs. Luella Glady were in Litttle
Valley on Friday.
Sergeant and Mrs. Kenneth Eldridge will arrive this evening from
Miami Beach, Fla., to be the guests
of relatives.
The Service Flag of Portville
Grange No. 842 was dedicated Tuesday evening. Mrs. Martha Marble
gave the dedication talk and remarks
were made by Deputy C. H. Smith.
The condition of Mrs. Flora Martin, who is a surgical patient at the
Olean General Hospital is improved.
Rev. and Mrs. George Loehr were
in Wilmington, Del., yesterday to attend the wedding of a relative.
Mr. ar;d Mrs. Robert Fairchild and
daughter Marjorie of Buffalo were
Sunday guests of Mrs. Nettie Davis
and family.
Mrs. It. L. Crego and son have returned to Prospect Park after spending two months at the home of Mr.
Notice is hereby given that license
and Mrs. Jay Tillow.
L. 4389 has been issued to the^underMr. and Mrs. W. U. Lowrey of signed to sell liquor and wine in a
Somerville, Mass., and Mrs. W. R. store under Section 132-A of the
Pooley are in town having been call- Alcoholis Beverage Control Law at
ed here by the illness of Mrs. Flora Portville, New York, on the Main
street for off premises consumption.
47 So. Main Street
John A. Boats, the only burviving
veteran of the Civil War of Allegany
Portville, N. Y.
and of Cattaraugus County celebrated his one hundredth anniversary of
his birth on Friday at the home of
his daughter in Oil City, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Jud Gustin of ChicNotice is hereby given that license
ago, 111., are guests at the home of
11800 has been issued to the
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Hill.
undersigned to sell liquor, wine and
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Tillow were in
beer in a restaurant under Section
Jamestown on Tuesday.
132-A of the Alcoholic Beverage ConThe Children of Mary will meet
trol Law at Main Settlement on the
this evening at eight o'clock with
Portville-Bolivar Road for on the
Miss Mary Kayes.
premises consumption. .
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Coles and
daughter Grace of Salamanca were
d-b-a Maple Tree Inn
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
R. F. D. 1
Sikes and family.
Portville, N. Y.
Mrs. Alfred Holmes, Mrs. Edward
tusewives Anticipate the D»y When eral times, this concern produced the models were introduced. These washPHONE IN YOUR NEWS
first high speed vacuum washer.
Washers, Ironers Can Be
ers incorporated such features as a Burdick and Miss Catherine Cronin'
Housewives did not take kindly to bowl shaped, all-aluminum tub, steel
Made Again
the washing machine at first. They chassis construction, double walls and
|Now that many electrical applianc- shied away from this new machine machine cut gears. Since those first
are no longer on the market, the just as horses shied from the first Speed Queens there have been other
nerican housewife is beginning to automobiles But once they discov- improvements such as the simpler
jize just how much these labor ered that clothes could be .washed transmission mechanism, larger tubs,
ring devices have meant to her. If clean, without the back-breaking stronger agitators, atid wringers with
has to do her family washing the hand-roughening labor over a scrub- automatic drainboaws and safety rerd way, by hand on a scrub board board, the washer industry begun to lease bars. Semi-automatic models
- appreciates what the electric boom.
now have time and temperature conBig 3 washers were built by Bar- trols.
shing machine has done for the
low & Seeling until 1928, when the
omen of this country.
Housewives not fortunate enough to
I When we look atjlje ^rnjlligps.. <j£ Spejwl* j^ejs#*bne of ^nodels waa^hu hav£ bought washei^ before their
ne washers in our homes today it troduced
manufacture was stopped over a year
Tubs of Copper or Wood
ago when the factories converted to
pesn't seem possible that just 35 ox
By 1911 refinements had been made war production, are anticipating the
years ago only a few women had
ashing machines, and these of a in the original vacuum washer, a sta- day when these labor saving devices
^ry crude type which had to be op- tionary wringer had been added, and will be on the market again.
Few Washers in Other Lands
ated by hand. The operator had to both the plunger and the wringer
bsh a lever back and forth, which were driven by an electric motor.
At least it is to be hoped that our
breed a plunger in and out of the Tubs were either of copper or wood women never have to go back to
ibful of clothes. A suction cup on It was not until 1917 that the swing- some of the washing methods used in
be end of the plunger served to ing wringer was devised.
countries where washers are almost
brce the dirt particles from the fabunknown.
In many European lands,
A square, cabinet type model proles.
duced in 1921 had a brief popularity, women do the washing on their knees
First High Speed Weaker
but a model embodying radical de- along the banks of a stream, scrubOne of the pioneer makers of sign improvements was that brought bing and pounding out the dirt on
shing machines was t h e Barlow & out in 1926. This was the first flat stones or boards. For them a
eling Mfg. company of Ripon, Wis- washer ever built with bowlshaped' tub, scrubboard and supply of hot
jjnsin, who produce the Speed Queen seamless drawn tub, and a protective! water would be a luxury,
shers which are distributed in this metal skirt. It was still the vacuum \ But the Smith Parish Store has the
^ea by Parish Hardware. Just 35 type washer, but with improved' assurance of the Barlow & Seelig
ars ago the Speed Queen people be- mechanism and a better wringer.
company that just as soon as war
an building a vacuum type washer,
needs are satisfied, and government
Agitator Type in 1928
fy gearing up the machine so that
A switch from the vacuum type restrictions are removed, they will be
nth each motion of the lever, the to the agitator type washer came in building more and better Speed Queen
finger would go up and down sev- 1928 when the first Speed Queen washers for the women of this community.
Drudgery Removed From Housework By
Modern Electrical Appliances
The regular meeting of the Board
* Education of Portville Union Free
[•tool District No. 5, held Monday,
«tober 4th, 1943.
Board at their next regular meeting." urer, $7,526.74; Bank not, $2,000.00;
The motion was seconded by Mr. 1943-44 Taxes from H. S. Carr, Collector, $717.56; Retirementd fun
Shaner. Carried.
A motion was made by Mr. East- from teachers, $122.43; Federal inman "That Mr. Wing be authorized! come tax withheld, $331.86; Defense
to act as purchasing agent for the Bonds, $166.70; Miscellaneous, $.2.26
Board in the purchase of supplies
that he deems necessary, within the Total
limits of the budget as approved at
Disbursements <
the annual meeting of the voters*" N. L. & O. Power Co. Light and PowThe moion was ?econded by Mr. Fair- er Co. $14.05; N. Y. Telephone Co.
child. Carried.
Telephone Service, $6.30; Producers
Mr. Eastman made a motion "That half September, $1,846.84; Philip
President Hatch, and Principal Wing Gas Co., Fuel, $1.89; Payroll, first
be designated to attend the meeting Skeps, Defense Bonds, $11.25; N. Y.
of New York School Boards Associa- State Athletic Protection Plan, Inc.
tion to be held at Syracuse, N. Y., Insurance, $75.00; White Motor Co.
October 24th, 25th and) 26th. Mr. Bus payment and int., $1,180.40;
Hatch to act as voting delegate. Their First National Bank of Olean, Defexpenses to be paid from school funds ense Bonds $112.50; Gerald Griffin,
The motion was seconded by Mr. $10.18; Payroll last naif of SeptemGeuder. Carried.
ber, $1,987.60
Upon a motion bein gduly made,
seconded, and carried the meeting
.$ 5,196.01
was adjourned.
R. E. Brundage, Clerk
Bal. on hand. Sept 80, ....$ 6,094.63
Present: President, R. L. Hatch;
frustees G. H. Eastman, H. M. Geud*
V - W. Fairchild, R. C. Shaner and
Tincipal Wing.
The minutes of a special meeting
«the Board held September 21st,
I n T * r e a d f o r i n f o " n a t i o n onlyI ir>e Treasurer's report for the
nonth of September was read. A mofn wsa made by Mr. Gender "That
treasurers' report be approved as
The motion was seconded by
• shaner. Carried
r. Winjr gave a report covering
« inspection of the School Financial
J ^ 8 "I ade ^ Mr. Dotter of the
F*»«^.vision of the State Eduearflm
P a n t e d schedule No. 1
' J j w a b l e in the amount of
and 8chedule
N«- 2 of bills
6 Xr the
l ^ O M * of $916.88, for
Clerk's Report of Receipts end Dis.^.deration of the Board.
^ ^ w a s m e d * . ^ Mr. Bart- Balance on hand Sept 1,
bureements for September, 1943
^ That utility bill, be paid on di»payroUi
m on Balance on hand Sept 1, ....$ 428.09
l»in/i? ^
W»roval by Mr.
mthe County Treas• * * e S € bill, to be approved by
This is a family wnr. P i t
your War Bondbuyiiig through
the payroll savings plan on a
family plan, which means If- '
H ost rmtrfl.
"I have been going to Kayes Garage for a number of years now
and I've found they do a perfect job on my ear. Whenever I
bring ray ear in for a check-up, they always look for the small
things en • ear that need service es well as the main ones. If I
bring the bus in and tell them something needs fixing, they not
only fix my complaint bnt usually find some other minor part
that needs fixing or replacing and at no extra cost either. 1
have been well satisfied with Kayos' I they net only have treated
me royally but their price* are reasonable, too. I advise everyone I meet to have their cars serviced at Kayes Garage end
they tell me later they were glad 1 tipped them off. Try them
today, yon will be satisfied, t*o»**
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York