> •••• • • | . V ; ;'•;,•« • • ' • • ' . . • • . • - > . v / ; . | - y - v - . I V . ' O .';V"/ v. ••• TRUCKING s s s• SUFFERED SINCE n n+ a Local and Long Distance Hauling § By Automobile Trucks a 1 '. E' Wi*S Cnronic C p n s t J p a t x o n and Headaches. Completely Relieved by "FRUIT-A-TIVES" + a Special Care in Moving Pianos and * High Grade Furniture J FURNITURE STORAGE ! • a i TERMS REASONABLE PROMPT SERVICE | OTIo M. COSTA BROTHERS ! TELEPHONE 33-J MONTICELLO, N. Y. + a a »»o*a<a«fc*B*a*a*c*a*n*n*a*-^n*n*n*n+a+n+n»n*a*a*n*«*t ? • • RKPrBLICAN PAGE TWO Phone 195 J g J. QLSHAN B«4YMNT 49 Anderson St.,Portland, Maine. " I was troubled with Constipation ever since I can remember ; as a result, was subject to distressing Headaches and pain in my leftside. I would go for two or three days without any movement of the bowels. I chanced to read about 'Fruita-tives', in one of our local papers, and began their use about four months ago. Since them, I have been free from Headaches, m y bowels havo been regular, a n d from t h e use of se^ ' Torres of 'Fruit-a-tives', I feel the' great benefit I have derived justw^J m e in pronouncing them a remedy of true a n d exceptional merit" OTIS M. BRYANT. « v*. WATCHMAN ardson. 10.—Recitation, "Little George Washington," Master Paul Cahalan 11.—Recitation, • "George Washington the Soldier Boy," Master Thomaa Walsh. 12.—The Minuet, Miss Margaret WalMRS. LIXFIELD DIED IN HOSPITlace and Miss Lillian Costa. AL ON. FRIDAY. Finale—The Star Spangled Banner, chorus by school. Born a t Kenoza Lake 4 7 Years Ago —Married Wm. Lixfield. Bethel a n d t h e Val Mrs. Cora J . Lixfield, of Jefferson- New P a s t o r F o r ley. ville, who went to Plainfield, N, J., on Rev. Charles Dalzell, of Philadel Monda -, J a n . 26, to help nurse her phia, has received and accepted a call i son William through influenza, and to become the pastor of the Mongaup herself contracted the malady, died Valley and Bethel Presbyterian at Muhlenberg Hospital in that city Churches and expects to arrive for Friday morning, after being 111 two service on March 14. weeks. The body of Mrs. Lixfield was placed in a receiving vault in Plain- Are You Subject to Bilious Attacks? field and will be brought home for A person subject to bilious attacks interment in the Kenoza Lake cem- should be interested in the statement tery as soon as the weather and of Mrs. Geo. Matteson, Oriskany traveling conditiens a r e more favor-, Falls, N. Y.: "During the past ten able. years I have suffered frequently from Cora Jeanette Heidt was a daugh- attacks of biliousness, sick headter of t h e late Mrs. Phoebe J. Heidt, ache and indigestion. Chamberlain's of Kenoza Lake, a n d was in her 4 7th. Tablets have never failed to cure year. The greater part of her life these attacks promptly." F o r sale by was spent in that vicinity. She was ai! dealers. lmo married to Wm. H. Lixfield, of Jeffersonville, who survives. The children are Mrs. Mabel Bischoff, of Lake Huntington; Lester, of California, and George and William. She leaves also a brother, Charles, of Liberty, and two sisters, Mrs. W. J. Luckey, of Kenoza Lake, and Mrs. W. S. Nelson, of Plainfield. FATALLY STRICKEN WHILE NURSING SON Ward s Bread and Cake | Obituary poetry, 6 cents a line. Cards of thanks, 26 cents for A r t U Mnen. ONEY - T I M E - LABOR is not saved by buying poor Paint. Buy the L & M SEMI-PASTE PURE PAINT and pure Linseed Oil to mix with it* It is positively the best, because made in semi-paste (thick) form and enables a SAVING OF $ 1 . 0 0 ON EVERY GALLON of Paint you use. Use a gallon out of any yon buy, and if not the best paint made, return tfi3 balance and get all your money back* outoL&Ke^pi^'p^l mt^Lj ivi. I t P a y * t o " M A K E YOUR OWN P A I N T " CKAIIN, i v i o N T l C E L L O , N. Y . 12wli V '"MM Give Me a Friendly, Natural Hand-shake CHICKEN HOUSE AND INCUBATOR BURNED an' a friendly n a t u r a l tobacco. K e e p yo' p u t on airs an' " s a u c e d - u p " tobaccos for t h e fellow t h a t likes n u t sundaes better t h a n h e m e m a d e pie— Lime, Brick, Plaster a n d | Cement I So says a friend of ours n a m e d Velvet Joe. A n d h e j u s t about hits t h e nail on t h e h e a d Velvet is m a d e for m e n w h o think there's no s m o k e like real tobacco. If you a r e t h a t sort cf m a n , lists: Full Line of Groceries J We Buy a n d Sell Fresh Eggs \ National Union B a n k I COATED PILLS. It is a fine old cathartic remedy that does its work mildly and thoroughly. It help* d i gestion and promotes energy a n d cheerful spirits. Sold by all d r u g gists, lmo Don't Allow Your Hatred and. Jealousness to Injur© Monticello a n d Retard Progress. Broiiwiy, Near Prince St., in Gable Building | OSBORN & SON Coal, W o o d a n d F e e d I A Case of Appendicitis Nine times o u t of ten it Is caused by a constipated habit. The appendix becomes inflamed from a congested state of the bowels. The best preventative* Is to keep the bowels open and the movements regular. This can be done conveniently, comfortably and with good results to the whole body by taking an occasional dose of DR HERRICK'S SUGAR- SETTLE YOUR D I F F E R E N C E S . Monticello, N. Y., Feb. 24. Editor Watchman: — a Any man in any community who goes out of his way to get in the limelight, to do something for his community, is in grave error. He will be unappreciated, unwept, unhonored and unsung, cursed and generally hated. It is common experience, not 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. a especially applicable in Monticello: 4 A ".dealer.?cr from FIlUIT-A-TI VE3 I have been a newspaper m a n in l i m i t e d , OGDEN3RURG, 17. "V". three medium sized cities. I know other newspaper men in other cities Monticello. * and I know, generally speaking, no class of men more consistently humble in their feelings, void of a i r a r rogance or desire to put themselves 4 above their fellows and yet there a r e a times in every town an editor feels himself the target of the hatred "of a great many where his duty points MOUNTAINDALE MAN HAD MODthe way for him to just be himself ERN BUILDING AND 1,000and speak t h e t r u t h t h a t is in him. EGG MACHINE. If t h a t is true of newspaper men it T e l e p h o n e 4-J • I* true of other men. There is no Quarterly Conference Will Be Held way to serve except by taking the on March 11th. blows t h a t go with the service and Mountaindale, Feb. 24.—Mrs. Fred keeping right on so far as is consistB. Merritt, of Hurleyvllle, visited ent with cirumstances, striving for Mrs. Dwight Baxter and Mrs. Geo.the goal t h a t is sought. It is not too A l l K i n d s o f P o u l t r y a n d C a t t l e F e e d . 5 M. much to say t h a t it becomes the Atwell on Thursday. policy of every m a n in public life in Miss Inez York, of Woodridge, Ton a n d Carload Lots a Specialty J America to feel out before hand just * A L L KINDS O F FERTILIZERS « spent the week-end with h e r parents, how much hatred there is in the air, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. York. Horace G. Devoe is suffering with how much animosity and spleen he has to contend with and then to get pneumonia. Evelyn "Holmes is ill with croup. it out o | the way as soon a s he can, Mr. Cushman, of East Mountain- that the cause he labors for may have dale, met with a serious loss about a fair hearing a t least. If you have MONTICELLO, ten days ago when his thousand-egg a grudge, don't harbor it, is probably and t h e building in which the best advice. It may not sound 5*a*a*a*a4a*a^a*a4n-fa4a4a**4a*a*a*a4a*a4a*a*a*a*a*a*j it.incubator was housed, burned. The building good, what you have to say, but get was a modern, well equipped chicken down to brass tacks with t h e fellows house, containing heating apparatus, you dislike a n d have it o u t one way •••••*• i i j i # i # i i » • » • or the other so far as possible as you etc. go along. It is hatred that holds Milan Wilson, a popular young man of Woodridge, went to New every town back, everywhere. It is York City oh Wednesday, F e b . 18, not to be eliminated, no man of sense Monticello, • NewYorK to enter t h e navy. W e all wish him wants t o eliminate it. It may retard success in h i s new undertaking. . . but it also balances. When you g e t Maintains an I n t e r e s t Department Sturgls Andrews is ill with a se- a good h a t e r with you h e is also a good lover a n d if you can stand up vere cdld. Wksre tie latere;* is ceatpoandeil sem-auauallj The F o u r t h Quarterly Conference u n d e r all t h e blows he h a s t o give of the M. E. Church will be held in and slide in your own ideas on t h e INCOME TAX the Woodridge M. E. Church on way down you a r e at least progressThU i» the time of year to make oat your Income Tax Return. Thursday, March 11th. Rev. Mr. ing w h e r a it would be stupidity to Blast be mtde oat before March loth A State income t a x is also in Wright, o u r Dist. Superintendent, merely boil a n d fume over, a n d hareffect tbi*,ye»r aa well aa a Federal Tax. Yoa are reqiired to raake returns if your income is $1000. or more will be present. We hope t h a t the bor grudges. Nothing would do t h i s if single, or $2000. or more if married. We have the blanks. weather and the condition of t h e town or any town more good than roads will permit of a good attend- for men who "despise t h e ground some Banking hoars 9 to 3 Saturdays 9 to 12 ance at this last official meeting be- other man walks on, to get t h e poison out of their systems. Avoid lawsuits, fore conference. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES George and J o h n Carden, both of but get it o u t of your system. And New York City, spent t h e week-end when fewer and fewer people in MonFull Paid Liberty Bonds Ready For Delivery ticello a r e a t odds with each other with relatives here. and n o t harboring old or young Sidney and Albert Solomon spent «••••»•••£ grudges, there will come about all the week-end with their mother, Mrs. those ^hings spoken for a t the banK. Solomon. It gives ua pleasure to write t h a t quet Monday evening, a Deerpark Mrs. Geo. Morris, who has been very Club, a skating rink, a toboggan slide, an Associated Press man to give ill, is gaining daily. Mr. Gordon suffered with hlq- us free advertising, respect for the coughs for three days. Dr. Weingrad great men and the near great in evwas finally called in and succeeded in ery line and calling, greatest smpathy and consideration for those who miss la our basiaess to exemplify the definition of the stopping the hiccoughs. E. N. Baxter, Dr. W e r t h e l n v Ray- their liquor most and last b u t not words " To Insure, ' viz: " To make certain or secure." mend Carden, Geo. M. Atwell, J u s - least a warm-hearted, generous spirit tice Geo. Culllgan, J o h n Cauthers toward t h e fellpw who is down and Every policy bolder of ours can feel the security of and Meyer Levine attended the meet- doing his darndest to get up with knowing that his insurance is made secure by the reing of the Town Board a t Falls- the least fuss and feathers in the process. burgh on Monday. sources and record of Companies whose integrity and C. A. HAWTHORNE. ! Groceries and Vegetables | / 0 Velvet w a s born in old K e n t u c k y , whero m e r e t h a n one good t h i n g comes from. It w a s raised a s carefully a s a n y othei K e n t u c k y thoroughbred. B u t t h e real secret of Velvet's friendly qualities is its slow n a t u r a l ageing in wooden hogsheads. Ageing in t h e wood never h u r t anything—and least cf all, tobacco. 1 A n d so w e say, Velvet is good tobacco— nothing m o r e or less. It r u n s second to none. • The picture of t h e pipe on t h e tin needn't keep you from rolling a jim-dandy cigarette with V e l v e t C\*fyxrX£* We H a v e Endeavored reputation are unquestioned. BETTER DEAD HORNBECK & CALKIN, INSURANCE Bank Building M o n t i c e l l o , N. Y. Life i s a b u r d e n w h e n t h e b o d y is racked w i t h p a i n . E v e r y t h i n g w o r r i e s a n d t h e victim b e c o m e s despondent a n d downhearted. T o bring back t h e s u n s h i n e t a k e Hogs, Cows & R£TE HOYT, AUCTIONEER Rock Hill, N. Y. Calves W a n t e d at highest cash market prices. Phone, call or write BEN. G O R D O N Glen Wild, N. Y. 'Phone, Woodridge, 5 F 4 R o t t SALB AT A BAROAHf—lifter* farm in ^tfcs center of six larx* lakea, with U k * front**©. 14 room kens*. furDisk+d; to* koiaso, wood kovao, chick** house and hern; knfldlnrs all la flnft-«las* condition P o t w i J o a irtreo m t w o woeks after stale, W. H. Fitxalmmona; llontlcel10. S7tt I will purchase anything you have for sale. If you don't desire to hold j an auction I will buy your stock, machinery, furniture or anything you have for sale. Drop me a card and I will call. This is an easy and profltable way for you to dispose of your property. WATER MOTOR—Five-horse pow ST, cost $125; no use for it; will sell for $ 2 5 ; good a s Dew. Look it over Address A. M. S., Watchman office tf WAXTKD—A 8ulliTan County Atlas Inquire Wm. H. Fltssimmons Monticello, N. Y. S6tf GOLD MEDAL The national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re* suhing from kidney, liver and uric acid troubles. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Medal o n every b o x i and accent n o imitation 1 STEAM BOILER F O R S A L E Sectlonal steam boiler t h a t will heat good sized building or boarding house. Recently replaced in Watchman building by larger one. Bargain co quick buyer. tr KINDLING WOOD by t h e cord or barrel. ;A1SQ a six-sectional steam h e a t i n g house boiler, Capitol make. Post card will bring it. Prince Street Lumber Yard. 4mos3 ST. P E T E R ' S SCHOOL EXERCISES. Lincoln a n d Washington's Birthday Celebration. The following interesting program, combining Lincoln's and Washington's Birthday celebration, was rendered last Friday afternoon by the children bf St. „ Peter's Parochial School: Program, Part I. 1.—Piano Solo, "Little Boy Blue," Miss Margaret Wallace. 2.—Dialogue, " T h e New Year and F e b r u a r y , " Miss Cecilia Walsh and Master John Mllliot. 3.—Chorus by t h e School, " O u r Country's F l a g . " 4.—Recitation, "Lincoln," Master Thomas Galllgan. 5.-—Chorus by the School, "America,*, 6.—Recitation, " B e My Valentine," Misses Catherine Brady, Margaret Mllliot, Eleanor Delaney, Clare Delaney. Part II. 7.—Recitation, "Washington," Master William Maher. 8.—Chorus by the School, "Mt. Vernon Bells." 9—Recitation, " O u r Banner," Misses Dorothy Ryan, Margaret Crowley, Martha Walsh, Catherine Curley, Masters Harold Sprague, Charles Crowley, George' Kurthy, Douglas Milliot, Edward Dollard, J o h n Kurthy, Joseph^ Willis, J a m e s Rich- I Untitled Document — « - • " ' - M M M H M d a H H H V..^< . — ^iS^^i^*:^^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com .)i, . s < 9i dly tobacco
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