Jul/Aug Newsletter - Calvary Baptist Church

The Pastor Presents
“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would
that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my
mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I
need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable,
poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold
refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments
so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes,
so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. (Revelation 3:15-19
It is in the middle of a red, hot summer. Often, the temptation is for us to “cool down” not only physically, but spiritually. We tend to “back off” not only in our commitments, but
also in our spiritual disciplines. But this is no time to slack
off! In fact, we need to become more and more “on fire” for
Christ and the things of the Lord. Enclosed in the pages of
this edition of our newsletter are not only ways you can be
involved now in ministry, but also to plan ahead for ways
you can be more involved this fall in discipleship, mission,
and growing closer to Christ and His will every day. So,
Fire Up! - PF
A. M. Nursery Schedule
6 Dave Hillberry
Allison Hillberry
13 Janet Thomas
Autumn Hanson
20 Brenda Atchison
Sarah Hall
27 Julie Smith
Candy Bush
3 Devon Greathouse
Micah McCloskey
10 Marge Adams
Meredith Hanson
17 Tom Bostic
Patty Bostic
24 Gina Pomykala
Clarence Pomykala
31 Peggy Costello
Anne Marie Costello
July 13th at the 11 a.m. Worship Service
August 10th Communion Dinner at 6:00 p.m.
Sudanese Christians have faced horrific persecutions at the hands of a radical Islamic regime. An
estimated two million Sudanese have been killed
during two decades of civil war, including many
Christians. A glimmer of hope exists with the peace accords, and
we can help our Sudanese brothers and sisters rebuild their lives
and Christian witness.
Sudanese Christians live a simple lifestyle, owning few or no
material possessions. However, some items are essential to their
survival. One blanket can make a difference.
For more that 10 years, The Voice of the Martyrs has been active
in Sudan delivering medical care, Sudan Life packs, Scripture
and pastoral training.
Now with VOM's Sudan: Blanket and a Bible ministry outreach,
everyone can have a part. Along with each blanket sent, VOM will
provide a copy of He Lived Among Us, an illustrated Bible storybook. This program sends a strong message to our Sudanese
family that they are not forgotten, and we stand with them in
rebuilding their communities with the love of Christ.
We will be collecting blankets over the next few months.
then in November we will send them to
“Sudan: Blanket and a Bible”
Start collecting now!!
Remember the Navajo’s
We are collecting items to send to Flagstaff for their Christmas
Giveaway. Please bring in items and place in the boxes provided in
the foyer.
Next Missions Garage Sale
September 13th & 20th
Please being items in during the month of August
Missions Correspondence
August 21st at 6:00 p.m.
Bring a snack to share.
October 11 & 12th
Missions Weekend
Watch for more information
Clay, West Virginia Team - July 12 - 19
Joe, Paula & Caleb Dicks
Jessica Dulis
Julia Smith
1 Justin Johnson
Ruth Miller
3 George Mucho
5 Richard Teegarden
7 Sue Dicks
8 Clemie Pasquariello
9 Gary Fritz
10 Valorie Hall
Tanya Rutan
11 Bonnie Patress
13 Andrew Hanson Sr
16 Hannah Mayeux
Barb Witteman
17 Dave Hillberry
19 Annette Wall
20 Tom Bostic
21 Zachary Bush
23 Donna Hillberry
24 Theodora Dulis
Margaret Iams
25 Bill Moore
Janet Thomas
Bruce Wambach
26 John Drilak
Colton Hillberry
27 Doris Berry
2 Bethany McCloskey
3 Jodi Drilak
7 Rebekah Drilak
19 Laura Mucho
23 Cody Hillberry
24 Jim McCoy
26 Tony Stimeling
27 Gary Forney
29 Rick Cumings
31 Clarence Pomykala
17 Mr & Mrs Isaac Mayeux
3 Mr & Mrs Jim Scott
8 Mr & Mrs Ken Patress
9 Mr & Mrs Chuck Johnson
Mr & Mrs Roger Mankey
11 Mr & Mrs Bruce Wambach
17 Mr & Mrs Sonny Hillberry
28 Mr & Mrs John Dulis
30 Mr & Mrs Joe Dicks
Beach Haven, New Jersey - July 11 - 18
Chelsea Dicks
Chris Greathouse
Meredith & Autumn Hanson
Collin Hillberry
Doug Johnson
Sign up to Serve with Joy!
We need your Help in preparing
~Door Hanger Night - Monday, July 21
~Put up Lawn signs for us
~Put up Posters at stores
~Give invites to family & friends
~Help bring in /sponsor supplies
~Set Up Thursday & Friday
July 24 & 25
Game Night?
Give ideas to Members of the Fellowship Team
Julie Smith, Robin McCloskey,
Jim & Carolyn Ammons
Dan & Ellie Doman, Doug Johnson
Annual Church Picnic
Sunday, September 7th
It will be held here at the church
Hope to see the whole
Come for a great time of fellowship, food and
Sunday, August 31st
9:30 a.m.
Come see who is promoted and begin the fall in
you own unique Sunday School Class. There is a
class for all ages.
Guys Grill Night
Food, Games, Fellowship
Watch for date & details
July 27 - July 31
6:30 to 9 p.m.
All ages welcome
Be sure to invite you
friends and family
For a time of Study, music
Games, food, &
Exciting skit
International Spy Academy
Agents for the One True God