1Wednesday 10th December 2014

Community Newsletter
Wednesday 10th December 2014
2015 Stationery Orders
Stationery lists for your child/ren will be sent
home along with their end of year report on
Tuesday 16th December. All stationery will be
available at our local Paper Plus store.
Lunch Orders
Mince Pie $2.50
Principal’s Report
Mince & Cheese Pie
$2.50Sausage Roll $1.50
Thursday 11 December 2014
Chocolate Muffin $1.50
ora koutou.
to our families,
whānau and community.
to be made
& paidgreetings
Our school and
for the very sad loss of Rob Christian who
no IOU’s will
be grieving
Friday 12th December
No money, no
order. as the result of a tragic accident. Our heartfelt
passed away on Wednesday
School Picnic
condolences and thoughts are with Nikki, Lachlan, Connor and family. May loving
Tuesday 16th December
memories bring you comfort.
Reports sent home
Next Wednesday,
17 December
Orders at 11.00am, we are hosting a ‘thank you’ morning tea
 Mince
16th December
Pie $2.50
in our school hall for everyone in our community who has supported us in any way during
School Prize Giving
 Ruahine
Mince & Cheese Pie $2.50
the year. So if you have coached a team, run a sausage sizzle, organised lunches, helped
 Sausage
Roll $1.50
out on a school trip or at any of our many school events, put books away, assisted in a
Muffin $1.50
classroom or elsewhere in the school… the list goes on... we would love you to come along
All orders to be made & paid for on THURSDAY mornings.
Thank You Morning Tea 11.00am
and join us in aSorry,
morning tea - from all the staff at Ruahine School.
no IOU’s will be you
Thursday 18th December
no order.
We look forward toNoseeing
Term 4 Ends School Closes at
I give my very sincere thanks to our amazing teaching and support staff at Ruahine
School. It takes a really dedicated and innovative team of people to run a school well –
Monday 2nd February
and we certainly have that team at Ruahine – thank you so much to every one of you. My
sincere thanks also go the Board of Trustees – thank you for your continued commitment,
Beginning of Term 1
support and vision to continue to grow our school and work alongside us so effectively as a
team. Our PFK are an amazing team of devoted parents who we are so very grateful for –
you work tirelessly for our school and for the benefit of our kids – THANK YOU! Thank you
also to all of our families and our community; we are a rural school - the hub of our
community - and we rely on, and sincerely value and appreciate our community support.
Whole School Picnic
Friday 12th December Last but certainly not least – thank you to our children – you are the reason we are all here
at Ruahine School and it is the joy and excitement of sharing your learning and growth that
inspires us every day. Ruahine kids ROCK!
This is a really fun day and we
Teacher planning and preparation is well underway for 2015. We welcome two new
look forward to seeing as many
to our staff next year; Mrs Jacqui Frost and Miss Nicole Bourke. We are thrilled to
Lee Gibbs in a permanent teaching position at Ruahine School from next year.
as possible enjoying the day
teaching staff is listed below.
with our Rockers.
Room 1: Miss Kate Dare (Deputy Principal) - Year 6-7
Room 8: Mrs Lee Gibbs (Team Leader) – Year 7-8
9.30am: Whole school to meet
Room 2: Mrs Jacqui Frost – Year 5-6
at the Sports Stadium for roll
Room 3: Mrs Iveta Senior – Year 3-4
call. Children will then be put
Room 4: Miss Nicole Bourke – Year 3-4
into House groups.
Room 5: Mrs Jo Brown – Year 1-2
9.45-11.15: Takapari and Rokai
Room 7: Mrs Janet Tolley – Year 1
will go to Wai Splash. Whariti
Reading Recovery release & Learning Support teacher: Mrs Janine Castles
and Matanginui will have
Miss Sophie Cudby and Mr Ben Valentine from Ruahine School, at the end
sports in the Stadium
of the term. We sincerely thank you Sophie and Ben, for your commitment and
11.15-12.45: Takapari and
contributions to our school. Sophie has been our lead teacher in Kapa Haka and, with the
Rokai will have sports in the
support of Les Hoerara, along with her wonderful skill and motivation, has admirably
Stadium. Whariti and
grown our Kapa Haka group this year – thank you Sophie.
Matanginui will go to Wai
We wish Sophie and Ben the very best in their future careers and ventures.
I wish you all a very safe and very happy Christmas and summer holiday with family and
12.45-1.30: Picnic at the
Sports Stadium.
1.30-2.30: House Competitions
2.30: Whole school roll call. All Warm regards
Leanne Angland
students leaving with parents
need to be marked off with
their teacher.
End Of Year Stuff
Please make sure you hunt out any sports
uniforms or blue Ruahine cross country
tops. We still seem to have a lot of these
Now is the time to look for library books,
reading books or school journals that may
be lying around. These need to be back by
the end of this week please.
Lost Property: our bins are nearly too full
to close. Please take the time to look. Any
unnamed items will be binned at the end
of the year.
A Message From
Go Bus
Go Bus wish to remind parents that on the last day of term,
Thursday 18th
December, buses will run as normal in the morning. School
closes at 12.30pm and the buses will be available to
collect children at that time. However, the connecting bus at
the Rua Roa Hall will not be available.
Parents will have to make
arrangements to collect their children at the hall. This will
only affect children on the Northern Bus. The Southern Bus
and Town Bus children will be
combined. This means Townie Kids will be in Dannevirke
by about 12.50pm
Indoor Mini Sticks Hockey Champions
Congratulations to
Brock Castles, Preston
Stephenson, Ashlee
Filer, Ashley Southgate,
Trey Castles and Connor Christian.
You guys ROCK
From The PFK
Enclosed with this newsletter is a flyer for Ez Cover.
Ez Cover is a wonderful, reusable, recyclable way to cover school books. Just $1.40 per cover and no more battling with the dreaded Dura Seal! Go online to order, select our school in the drop down box and quote the special code. This will earn the PFK 10 cents for every cover
ordered. There are heaps of cool designs to choose from
and the kids will be able to cover their own books!
We have a sample cover on display in the school office.
Once again the PFK are organising their hay fundraiser.
This will involve a team of men and their trucks to come
in and pick up conventional hay bales in the paddock and
stack them in your hay shed. The cost to the farmer is
$1.40 per bale. All proceeds go to the kids of Ruahine
If you are interested or you are willing to be part of the
team please ring:
Rachel 374 7978
Kelly 374 5069
Baking and Meals for the
Christian Family
If you wish to prepare food for Nikki,
Lachlan and Connor you are welcome to
drop it at the school office and a PFK
member will then deliver it to the
Christian family.