L as lecturas de cómo ser “servidores de Dios” son poderosas este

he readings about how to be "God's servant"
are powerful this weekend. First, Shebna,
loses his office to another, someone by the
name of Eliakim. Why? Who knows? The text before today's reading says that he "got above himself," and "built himself a tomb," one thinks of
someone acting like a Pharoah! But, frankly, other
than that, we know little more about these men than
their names. The point we are to see isn't, therefore,
that one was so much better than the other, for who
knows what "pride" will come to Eliakim in the future, but rather that the skills of one served a new set
of circumstances better than those of the other. So,
God may put us in places of responsibility, then take
us out of them--merely because other skills than ours
are needed at a given moment. Still, takes a flexible
person to "let go" when the time comes, especially
when the "taking away of responsibility" may look
like "punishment" to those standing around, so always be ready for opportunities for HUMILITY! In
the Gospel reading, Peter is given the "keys to the
kingdom" taken from Shebna and given to Eliakim-will he get above himself, too? Only time will
-Fr. Bill Axe
as lecturas de cómo ser “servidores de
Dios” son poderosas este fin de semana.
Primero, Eliakim le gana la oficina a
Shebna. ¿Por qué? ¿Quién sabe? El texto nos
dice que se le “subió el ego,” y “que hizo su
propia tumba,” ¡puedo pensar en el Faraón! Pero, honestamente, sí sabemos un poco más de
estos hombres. El punto no es que uno es mejor
que el otro, puesto quién sabe qué “orgullo”
tendrá Eliakim, más bien que los talentos de uno
eran mejor para cierta ocasión. Entonces, Dios
nos puede poner en lugares y darnos responsabilidades, luego, nos puede quitar las responsabilidades porque otros talentos se ocupan para cierta ocasión. Y aún así, se ocupa una persona
flexible para poder “dejar las cosas,” en especial
cuando parece que nos castigan al quitarnos
cierta responsabilidad. Así que estén listos para
ser humildes. En el Evangelio, a Pedro se le dan
las “llaves del Reino,” de Shebna a Eliakim¿Será que también se le va a subir el ego? Sólo
el tiempo lo puede decir…
- Padre Axe
St Agatha is a special place, where we are touched daily by God’s presence among us. Rooted in the legacy of our founding parishioners, we have become the dynamic faith community we cherish today. A gift to the future of our parish will support its spiritual
richness and many good works for generations to come. Please remember St Agatha in your will or trust. For further information
please contact the rectory or Richard H. Closson, Director, Trust & Estate
Programs, LA Archdiocese, 213-637-7472, e-mail [email protected] or www.estateplanning.com/trustacct.
Our legal title is: The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles,
A Corporation Sole for the benefit of St. Agatha Parish.
-Allie Smith
-Anabel Manriquez
-Angelica Amezcua
-Arlasha Allen
-Barbara Harvey
-Bertha Antee
-Camille FarnsworthSchrader
-Charley Johnson
-Christina Paul
-Constantino Perez
-Cornell DeClouette
-Damacio Horta
-Darwin Varela
Theresa and Marie Guillian
-Devina Molette-Ford
-Dominique Barksdale
-Edith Bell
-Edwin Raland
-Edwin Rivas
-Elsa Perez
-Elvia Herrera
-Gabriel y Miralda Tahan
-Georgie Davis
-Giovanni Garcia
-Gladys Green
-Glen Arellano
-Gloria Sanguillen
-Guadalupe Morales
-Henre Dorsey
-Jack & Michael Stokes
-Jaime Rubalcava
-Joseph&Denise Guillian
-Juanita Rubalcava
-Linda Guillian
-Lorraine Duperon
-Maria Perez
-Mariana Reynoso
-Mario Ojeda
-Martha Dorsey
-Maura Fitzgerald
-Michelle Porter
-Miguel Alfredo Piliado
-Monica Mellon
-Norma Barker
-Oscar Barbosa
-Pamfilo Velasquez
-Patrick Fitzgerald
-Paula Dupre
-Peggy Anderson
-Penelope Mendoza
-Rafael Segura
-Raymond Almeida
-Rene Huton
-Ricardo Morales
-Rita N. Ashe
-Ronald Mayberry
-Rose Thierry
-Sergio Villanueva
-Sevarina Legaspi
-Sheri Marshall
-Silvia Esquivel
-Sylvia Smyles
-Teresa Casaus
-Timothy Akens
-Terry Ally Sr.
-Dorothy McDonald
-Teresa Duperon
-Juanita Orozco
“When I despair, I remember that
all through history the ways of
truth and love have always won.
There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can
seem invincible, but in the end
they always fall. Think of it - always.” - Mahatma Gandhi
To build and foster a Christian Community that
offers the opportunity to experience God
’s unconditional love and acceptance to all who come into
contact with it.
Construyendo y alimentando una comunidad cristiana que ofrezca la oportunidad de experimentar
el amor incondicional de Dios y la aceptación a
todos con quienes nos encontremos.
ur readings today talk to us about leadership, especially in the
Catholic Church. Christ confers upon Peter the keys of the
kingdom in the Gospel. It is upon Peter that the Church will
be built. Non-Catholics, and even some Catholics, occasionally
misunderstand Church teaching regarding the role of the pope. We
believe that the pope is infallible in his role as head of the Church,
meaning that under his leadership, as it says in the Gospel reading,
"the gates of the netherworlds shall not prevail against it." This
doesn't mean that the pope is always correct in his views on matters
that are not directly related to faith and morals. At the same time,
while we should not overstate Catholic beliefs about the pope, we
also should not understate them. The papacy is a great gift to the
Church, uniting Catholics with each other around the world and
down through history. Let us keep our pope in our prayers as he
continually speaks for our beliefs to all peoples.
As our summer comes to a close and the kids start back to
school, my prayer for each of you is one of peace, energy, joy and
courage to live your faith in whatever way you are called. Let us
support each other on our journeys.
Have a blessed week,
Sr. Karen
as lecturas del día de hoy nos hablan sobre el liderazgo,
en especial en la iglesia católica. En el Evangelio, Cristo le confía las llaves de los Cielos a Pedro. La iglesia
será construida por Pedro. A veces se confunde el papel del
papa. Creemos que el papa es infalible como la cabeza de la
Iglesia, como dice el Evangelio, “y el poder del infierno no la
derrotará.” Esto no quiere decir que el papa siempre está correcto en sus puntos de vista que no estén relacionados en la fe o en
lo moral. De la misma manera, no deberíamos de exagerar o
minimizar nuestra creencia sobre el papa. El papado es un regalo especial en la Iglesia, ya que nos une a todos a lo largo de la
historia. Tengamos a nuestro papa en nuestras oraciones, mientras que él les habla a los demás sobre nuestras creencias.
Mientras que nuestro verano está por terminarse, nuestros
niños regresan a la escuela, mi oración para cada uno de ustedes
es de paz, energía, alegría y valentía para que vivan su fe en
donde estén. Apoyémonos los unos a los otros en nuestro caminar.
Que tengan una semana de bendiciones,
Hermana Karen
St. Agatha’s Online Giving
Donación por Internet de Santa Agatha
St. Agatha Church continues to offer Online Giving. Please
visit the Parish website at www.stagathas.org to sign up for
Online Giving and begin donating to the parish automatically. Use your Internet for the good of the parish through
this secure and convenient process. Track your giving by
signing up today. Online Giving can effectively be used on
its own or in cooperation with regular giving envelopes. If
you would like to continue receiving envelope
packet but want to give online, you have the
option to do so. Please visit the parish website.
La Iglesia de Santa Agatha sigue ofreciendo la donación
por Internet. Por favor de visitar nuestro sitio web:
www.stagathas.org para registrarse y dar automáticamente. Usen el Internet para el bien de la parroquia a través
de este proceso seguro y conveniente. Vean sus hábitos
de donación con este servicio que se puede usar por sí
solo o junto con los sobres. Tienen la opción
de seguir recibiendo sus sobres junto con la
donación por Internet. Por favor de visitar
nuestro sitio web: www.stagathas.og.
Pray for Your Parish Finances
Reza por las Finanzas de tu Parroquia
“Honor the Lord from
your wealth and from
the first of all your produce; So your barns will
be filled with plenty and
your vats will overflow
with new wine.”
-Proverbs 3:9-10
Sunday, August 17
Online Giving
Sunday, August 10
Online Giving
Sunday, August 3
Online Giving
"Honra al Señor con tus
bienes Y con las primicias de todos tus frutos;
Entonces tus graneros
se llenarán con abundancia Y tus lagares rebosarán de vino nuevo"
-Proverbios 3:9-10
Faith Formation Wish List
Construction paper (Color)
# 10 envelopes
Mailing Labels
Copy Paper (Color)
Copy Paper (White)
Liquid correction fluid
Small and large paper clips
Markers (washable)
10 Pack
4 boxes
3 packages
10 packs
3 boxes
10 PCs
10 boxes of each.
200 boxes
50 boxes
May God Bless you Generously,
Que Dios los bendiga abundantemente,
Teresa Amezcua, Directora de Educación Religiosa.
Teresa Amezcua, Director of Religious Education.
VIRTUS Training
The Faith Formation office has scheduled a VIRTUS training
on September 20th, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Please arrive on time. No one will be admitted into the class
after 9:00 am. This training is in English and there is
limited space. Please contact Gricelda at (323) 933-0963 or
via email: [email protected]
Please note:
VIRTUS training will be offered in Spanish at a later date.
Lista de Cosas Deseadas del Catecismo
Papel construcción de colores
10 paquetes
Sobres del # 10
4 cajas
Etiquetas para direcciones
3 paquetes
Papel de colores para copiadora
10 paquetes
Papel blanco para copias
3 cajas
Corrector liquido
10 piezas
Clips pequeños y grandes de papel 10 cajas
200 cajas
Marcadores de agua
50 cajas
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Do you have questions about the Catholic faith?
Are you searching for community?
Are you searching for a relationship with God?
Are you interested in becoming a Catholic?
If you or someone you know can answer “yes” to these
questions, take the next step – call us to talk, we’re waiting for
you! Contact Teresa Amezcua at (323) 933-0963.
Tutoring Resumes August 28
Tutoría/Asesoría Regresa el 28 de Agosto
Our tutoring program, led by Ashley Merryman, will
kick off on Thursday, August 28, 2014. From this day,
we will meet on Thursdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
and Saturdays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Room 4.
The program is free and it is designed for students
Kinder to High School. All are welcome.
Nuestro programa de tutoría, dirigido por Ashley Merryman, regresa el jueves 28 de agosto de 2014. A partir
de este día habrá tutoría los jueves 7:00 p.m. a 9:00
p.m. y sábados 1:00 p.m. a 3:00 p.m. en el salón 4. El
programa es gratis y es para estudiantes del kínder al
bachillerato. Todos están bienvenidos.
S.A.M.Y. is moving to Friday
Labor Day—Office and Mass
Our youth group, S.A.M.Y. (St. Agatha’s Mighty
Youth), started meeting weekly on Fridays. Their
next meeting is this Friday, August 29, from 6:30 pm
to 9:30 pm. If you are between the ages of 13 and 17
years old or know youth that would like to join,
please contact Maggie Arellano at (323) 935-8127.
Our Mass on September 1, 2014 will be at 8:00 a.m. and our
office will be closed in honor of Labor Day.
Día del Trabajo—Misa y Oficina
La misa el lunes 1er de septiembre de 2014 será a las 8:00 a.m.
y nuestra oficina estará cerrada en honor al Día del Trabajo.
Healing Mass in October 2014
Misa de Sanación en Octubre 2014
We will have a healing mass every Sunday in October
Tendremos misa de sanación cada domingo
Saturday, October 4 Healing Mass at 5:30 p.m.
Sunday, October 5 Healing Mass at 7:00 a.m.
October 12 Healing Mass at 8:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.
October 19 Healing Mass at 10:00 a.m.
October 26 Healing Mass at 5:30 p.m.
Sábado 4 de octubre—Misa de Sanación: 5:30 p.m.
Domingo 5 de octubre—Misa de Sanación: 7:00 a.m.
12 de octubre—Misa de Sanación a las 8:30 a.m. y 12:15 p.m.
19 de octubre—Misa de Sanación a las 10:00 a.m.
26 de octubre– Misa de Sanación a las 5:30 p.m.
We are having our Ministry Fair on Sunday, September 7, 2014 from 8:00 a.m.
to 2:00 p.m. This day is a great opportunity to know more about our ministries,
and if you like one, you are welcome to join.
Tendremos nuestra Feria de Ministerios el domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014,
de 8:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m. Este día es una gran oportunidad de saber más sobre
nuestros ministerios, y si te gusta uno, puedes formar parte.
Blood Drive
Sunday, September 21, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Please sign up after mass, thank you for helping save lives.
Domingo 21 de septiembre de 2014 de 8:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.
¡Favor de apuntarse después de misa, gracias por salvar vidas!
“An unexamined dream is like an unopened letter from God.”
-From the Talmud
Our St. Agatha Dream group will meet today, Sunday,
August 24, after the 10:00 am mass in the Parish Hall.
Please bring your dreams and your questions. –Josie B.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl
Campaña de Donación de Sangre
We invite you to put your faith in action through works of charity
by joining us on Monday, August 25th at 7PM in the Guadalupe
Room as we continue formation for a new ministry group, The
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Agatha Conference. You can
bring peace and hope to those who are overwhelmed with life’s
Te invitamos a que pongas tu fe en acción a través de obras de
caridad el lunes 25 de agosto a las 7PM en el salón Guadalupe
mientras continuamos la formación del nuevo grupo de ministerio
de La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl, Conferencia de Santa
Agatha. Usted puede traer paz y esperanza a los que están abrumados con las cargas de la vida.
Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please call the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that together we help them to
know that indeed “God is in the midst of them.” 888-552-7872
¿Usted conoce de una familia que necesite ayuda? Por favor, llame
a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul y juntos podemos ayudarlos a
que sepan que en verdad "Dios está con ellos." 888-552-7872
September 6th—St. Peter Claver Junior Daughters
filled the meal bags, moved the
supplies to and from the grotto
area, served the meals and they
thrilled our Saturday children
guests by teaching and playing
table games with them. All this
LABOR DAY HOLIDAY was under the leadership of Azalie
and Yolanda and the watchful eyes
of our dedicated faithful volunteers
Rolando, Enrique and David. ConWe are humbly blessed God
cepcion bless her heart was busy at
sends His wingless angels and
saints to serve and reach out and work doing the many task that we
had to do prep, serve and
be the in the lives of our guests
clean. Tiara made special decoeach week.
rated cupcakes, we had donated
home grown produce. Maria Diaz
The spirit was so alive with the
youth from the second year confir- brought donated pastries. What a
fantastic spirit filled day for our
mation class on Saturday. God
guests. Their bodies were noursent these awesomely spirit filled
ished and their spirits and souls
young people to bless our guests
with their time, talent and treasure were touched
by your kindness.
of food donations for the
meal. They made sandwiches,
wrapped pastries, bagged chips,
Contact: Virginia Moore
This year during the Christmas
Day Dinner we are planning to
distribute toiletries as the gift for
the 2000 adults that come.. For
this we are asking donations be
brought each Saturday and Sunday
beginning Sunday August 30,
of new unopened toiletries
and be place in the wagon on the
rectory side of the church parking
lot before each mass. We had attempted to begin this in July with a
bulletin notice of the supplies
needed. Two families thus far has
responded. If we do this a little at
a time by Christmas we will have
enough for each adult guest to this
year get a gift.
It is only with your blessings of
support are we able to reach out
and be the difference in the lives of
our guests.
We ask God to bless you to be
comfortable in reaching out
to do a kind deed for someone
during your travels this week. We
serve the same God may this oneness allow us to be comfortable in
reaching out to each other in love
and unity. Please join us
in storming the gates of
heaven by lifting up our prayers
for the defeat of hate and for
peace here on earth. Amen
Please plan to visit our table during
Ministry Sunday on September 7
Thank you.
Comité Protegiendo a los Niños
Safeguard the Children Committee
Each parish/school site must have a Safeguard
the Children Parish Committee. This program is
not optional. Each parish/school must proceed
by inviting parents and other lay volunteers to take
the leadership in this effort. The Safeguard the Children Parish Committee includes representatives
from both the parish and school working together
to provide a safe environment for children. For
more information please call your parish or school
or visit: http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/
Cada parroquia y escuela deben tener un Comité
Parroquial Protegiendo a los Niños. Este programa no es opcional. Cada parroquia y escuela deben
proceder invitando a los padres y a otros voluntarios
laicos a tomar el liderazgo en este esfuerzo. El Comité
Parroquial Protegiendo a los Niños incluye representantes tanto de la parroquia como de la escuela trabajando juntos para proveer un ambiente seguro a los
niños. Para más información, por favor llamar a su
parroquia o a la oficina de la escuela o visitar http://
Have you ever thought about becoming a Sister?
All are invited to the 4th Annual Grand Marian Procession in
honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 13 th to celebrate the 233rd Anniversary of the City of Los Angeles, which
is named after our Blessed Mother, Our Lady Queen of Angels.
Join Archbishop José H. Gomez and the Queen of Angels
Foundation starting at 3pm for a blessing and invocation at Our
Lady Queen of Angels Church at La Placita Olvera, followed
by a processional parade highlighted with banners, flags, color
guards and bagpipers. The procession will conclude with a
Rosary and Votive Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the
Angels celebrated by Archbishop Gomez.
For more information, please call (213) 687-2645, visit:
www.thequeenofangels.com or on Facebook at
Todos están invitados a la cuarta Gran Procesión Mariana en
honor a la Santísima Virgen María, el 13 de septiembre, para
celebrar el 233 aniversario de la Ciudad de Los Ángeles, nombrada en honor de Nuestra Señora Reina de Los Ángeles. Únete
al Arzobispo José H. Gómez y a la Fundación de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles a partir de las 3p.m. para la bendición e invocación en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora Reina de Los Ángeles, en La Placita Olvera, seguida de una procesión con pancartas, banderas, guardias de color y gaiteros. La procesión terminará en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles con un
rosario y Misa votiva celebrada por el Arzobispo Gomez.
Para obtener más información, por favor llame al (213) 6872645, visite: www.thequeenofangels.com o en Facebook:
Single Catholic women ages 18-40 are invited to a prayerful and
reflective Religious Vocation Discernment Weekend Retreat with the
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul,
Oct. 10-12, 2014, Los Altos Hills, CA. For reservations and more
information contact Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C.,
650/949-8890, 213-210-9903, or email
[email protected]. www.DaughtersOfCharity.com
Retreat weekend for Healing after Abortion
Rachel's Vineyard retreat is for men and women struggling with the
emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The retreat is designed to
help participants work through repressed grief and anger in a safe,
nonjudgmental setting and come to acceptance, healing, and hope for
the future. Developed in the Roman Catholic Tradition, it utilizes
spiritual exercises and rituals to help grieve the loss of unborn children and to accept God’s forgiveness. All inquiries and registrations
are confidential. For registration or more information please call:
866-2-RACHEL 866-272-2435
What does ST AGATHA stand for you?
S ing
earts of
Submitted by Elson Trinidad. Send your
Acronym to [email protected]
Pastoral Staff Directory
Saturday August 23 ╬ Sábado 23 de Agosto
5:30 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Pastoral Office (323) 935-8127 (voice)
(323) 743-8127 (text messages)
Sunday August 24 ╬ Domingo 24 de Agosto
Is 22: 19-23/ Ps 138: 1-3. 6-8 /Rom 11: 33-36/ Mt 16: 13-20
7:00 a.m.
Gladys Arellano †
7:00 a.m.
Fernando Pérez (Feliz Cumpleaños)
7:00 a.m.
Emilia Zaragoza (Acción de Gracias)
7:00 a.m.
María y Manuel López (Feliz Cumpleaños)
- De parte de la Familia Arellano
- De parte de Fernando Pérez
- De parte de Fernando Pérez
- De parte de su familia
8:30 a.m.
St. Jude (Thanksgiving)
- Requested by Florine Garcia
10:00 a.m.
Lydell Gibbons †
- Requested by the Gibbons Family
12:15 p.m.
Paula Zepeda † (2 años)
- De parte de la Familia Alas
12:15 p.m.
Emilia Álvarez y Rodolfo Robles †
- De parte de la Familia Robles Álvarez
5:30 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Monday, August 25 ╬ Lunes 25 de Agosto
2 Thes 1: 1-5. 11-12/ Ps 96: 1-2a. 2b-3. 4-5/ Mt 23: 13-22
6:30 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Tuesday, August 26 ╬ Martes 26 de Agosto
2 Thes 2: 1-3a. 14-17/ Ps 96: 10. 11-12. 13/ Mt 23: 23-26
6:30 p.m.
Standard Rates Apply
Faith Formation (323) 933-0963
Diácono Ricardo Recinos (323) 935-1308
St. Agatha's Web: www.stagathas.org
Sr. Karen Collier x227
Sr. Karen’s e-mail
Fr. Bill Axe x223
Fr. Bill’s e-mail
Emergency Contact
Dn. Ricardo Recinos x230
Dn. Ricardo’s e-mail
Enrique Reyes x224
Enrique’s e-mail
Teresa Amezcua x241
Teresa’s e-mail
Gricelda de la Cerda x 290
Gricelda’s e-mail
Emmanuel Montenegro x221
Emmanuel’s e-mail
Maggie Arellano x240
Youth Ministry’s e-mail
Eddie Hilley (323) 935-2853
Eddie’s e-mail
Parish Life Director
[email protected]
Priest Ministry
[email protected]
(323) 938-6964
Spanish Pastoral Ministry
[email protected]
Business Manager
[email protected]
Director of Faith Formation
[email protected]
Faith Formation Assistant
[email protected]
[email protected]
Youth Ministry
[email protected]
Music Ministry
[email protected]
Nuestra Familia Parroquial
Wednesday, August 27 ╬ Miércoles 27 de Agosto
2 Thes 3: 6-10. 16-18/ Ps 128: 1-2. 4-5/ Mt 23: 27-32
8:00 a.m.
Our Parish Family
Thursday August 28 ╬ Jueves 28 Agosto
1 Cor 1: 1-9/ Ps 145: 2-3. 4-5. 6-7/ Mt 24: 42-51
6:30 p.m.
Servicio de Comunión
Friday, August 29 ╬ Viernes 29 de Agosto
1 Cor 1: 17-25/ Ps 33: 1-2. 4-5. 10-11/ Mk 6: 17-29
6:30 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Pastoral Office Hours
Monday - Friday • Lunes - Viernes
10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday • Sábado
9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Sundays @ the Placita Office
8:00 am - 10:00 am & 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Next Sunday Readings
-Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 31, 2014
Jer 20: 7-9/ Ps 63: 2. 3-4. 5-6. 8-9 (2b)/
Rom 12: 1-2/ Mt 16: 21-27
Mass Times / Tiempos de Misa
Mon: 6:30pm (En) Tues: 6:30pm (Sp)
Wed: 8:00am (En) Thurs: 6:30pm (Sp)
Fri: 6:30pm (Bl) Sat: 5:30pm (En/Vigil)
Sun: 7:00am (Sp), 8:30am (En)
10:00am (En/Gospel) 12:15pm (Sp) 5:30pm (En)
Submit a bulletin Announcement
Confession / Confesiones
[email protected]
[email protected]
Saturday/Sábado: 4:40pm
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