Parish Mission Statement We, the faithful of Saint Christopher Parish, animated by the GOOD NEWS of Christ and inspired by the Diocesan Vision, are called to grow as a RECONCILING MULTICULTURAL CHURCH. Nosotros los fieles de la Parroquia, St. Christopher, animados por la BUENA NUEVA de Cristo e inspirados por la Visión Diocesana, estamos llamados a crecer como una IGLESIA RECONCILIADORA Y MULTICULTURAL. Mass Schedule Daily Mass - Monday-Saturday: 7:45 AM Morning Praise Mass: 8 AM & 6:30 PM* *(No 6:30 PM Mass on Legal Holidays) Wednesdays & Fridays 12 PM (Español) Saturday Vigil Mass: 5 PM (English); 7 PM (Español) Sunday Masses: 6:30 AM, 8:15 AM, 10 AM & 5:30 PM (English) 12 PM & 2 PM & 7 PM(Español) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Charismatic Mass (Spanish) First Friday 12 PM Healing Service in Domas Hall First Friday 1:30 PM Filipino Mass First Sunday of the Month 4 PM Gospel Mass Third Sunday of the Month 5:30 PM Holy Day Vigil Mass: 6:30 PM, Holy Day Mass: 8 AM, 12 PM & 6:30 PM Reconciliation Schedule Reconciliation: Every 2nd & 4th Saturday 3:30 PM-5 PM and 1st Friday after the 6:30 PM Mass until 8 PM. Adoration Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Every Wednesday: 8:45am-12:00pm 1st Friday: 8:45 AM to 10 PM Welcome to St. Christopher Roman Catholic Church 25075 Cottonwood Ave. , Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Fax: 951-247-6477 Phones: Faith Formation 951-571-8346 Ɣ Youth and Young Adults 951-571-8349 Ɣ Asuntos Hispanos 951-571-8345 Preschool 951-571-8347 Ɣ All Other Inquiries 951-924-1968 Ɣ Email: [email protected] 2. DECEMBER 28, 2014 951-924-1968 Pastoral Council Co-chairs - Emma Motte 313-1682 and Jose Luis Zepeda 714-348-4565 Administration Fr. Joven Junio, M.S. Pastor, x102 Priest Moderator of Service, Temporalities Commissions (Evangelization Commission & Religious Ed. Program). Fr. Arlan Intal, M.S. Parochial Vicar, x122 Priest Moderator of Worship & Liturgy, Youth & Young Adults Program. Fr. Eduardo Aguirre, Parochial Vicar x104 Priest Moderator for Hispanic Affairs, Knights of Columbus. Deacon Carlos Morales Moderator for Marriage Convalidation 951-571-8350 Bro. Carlos Martinez x123 Intern Seminarian, Assoc. Moderator for Young Adult Program & Adult RCIA E-mail: [email protected] Marietta Caparas, Bookkeeper, Office Administrator 951-571-8344 Veronica Alcala, Priests’ Secretary, Wedding, Funeral & Anointing of the Sick Information, Mass Intentions, x100 Arturo Amador, Office Assistant & Spanish Translator, x127 Alma Ruiz, Correspondence, Bulletin Editor, Parish Records, 951-571-8352 Dorothy Holland, Baptism, Records Office Aide & Food Bank, x118 Teresa Quirino, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries, 951-571-8345 Dr. Isabel M. Dion, D.Min., Coordinator for English Ongoing Adult Formation, 951-571-8351 Thomas J. Davis, Coordinator for Youth & Young Adult’s Program, x107 E-mail: [email protected] John P. Holbach, Youth & Young Adults Office Assistant, x103 E-mail: [email protected] Faith Formation: 951-571-8346 Jessica Mejia Lara, Coordinator of English Faith Formation, x119 Teresita Felix, Coordinator of Hispanic Faith Formation, Baptismal Preparation & Quinceañera, x112 Cathy Small, Coordinator of Youth Faith Formation & Confirmation, x116 Rosa Ramos, Coordinator of Adult RCIA & Confirmation; Liaison for Marriage Convalidation Program , x114 Pre-School Rebecca Reynoso, Preschool Director, 951-571-8347 Parish Care Harry Perez, Maintenance Linus Santiago, Maintenance Worship Commission Eucharistic Ministers English - Connie Hafer Spanish - Vicente Serna & Irene Serna Lectors English - Lourdes Nery Spanish - Ernesto Ocampo Music Ministry English - Cathy Barnett Spanish - Irma Flores Altar Servers - Luz Mocete Hospitality Ministry Ushers - Manny Padua Ujieres - Beatriz Lepe Liturgical Art & Environment Ministry - Ann Santa Ana Filipino Ministry - Maria Abrigo La Salette Sto. Niño - Minda ChanLugay World Apostolate of Fátima El Shaddai - Lina de Mesa Alliance of Two Hearts - Danny Miguel Lord of Pardon - Cesar & Liberty Sánchez Divine Mercy Promoters - Vic Eslava Liturgia de la Palabra para Ninos - Aurora Renteria Liturgy of the Word for Children - Aurora Castanon Technology Ministry– Arturo Amador Evangelization Commission RCIA - Call Faith Formation Office Marriage Preparation - Manuel & Mariana Rivas Baptismal Information, English - Dorothy Holland Baptismal Information, Spanish - Teresita Felix Grupo Resurreccion - Sarita Villela English Cursillo - Michael Pastor Spanish Cursillo - Natalie Orozco Catholics of African Descent Al Garland Jóvenes Para Cristo - Maria Madrigal Min. Prevención y Rescate - Ramon Lopez Encuentro Matrimonial Jesus & Irene Saavedra Consagración a Maria - Rosa Aguilar Legión de María - Milagros Urmeneta Unidos en Cristo - Felipe Gonzalez Fel. Of Catholic Christian Women - Veronica Ortega Dramatización - Leticia Urias On Going Adult Faith Formation, Bible Study Welcome Home to Returning Catholics, - Isabel Dion Small Faith Communities - Inez Cervantes CERS - Rocio Fuentes Bible Study - Maria Davis Spanish Bible Study– Angelina Prado Service Commission Knights of Columbus - Eugene Renna Pro-LIFE - Izzy & Jesse Arreola Food Bank - Louise Eastman Health Ministry - Jessie Cristobal Cora Jurilla Christian Service - Sarah Vargas-Gomez Funeral Service Ministry - Virginia Soriano Our Lady of the Rosary– Dorothy Holland Rosary Makers- Dorothy Holland Ministry to the Sick - English - Pat Box Spanish - Teresa Porras Security/Seguridad - Martin Marcial Ballet Folklorico - Adriana Zaragoza Comité de Solidaridad Social - Jesús & Patricia Holguin Al-anon– Aprender es Vivir— Graciela Senior Social Ministry- Veronica Velez Ministry to Widows/Widowers—Rita Santos 287-4379 616-4555 667-0811 616-0994 924-1968 442-0472 751-9624 242-9410 909-573-6764 538-1977 325-3093 924-1048 243-8573 221-2325 522-9421 247-9057 288-1090 400-1792 940-5758 924-1968 571-8346 201-4841 Ext. 118 Ext. 112 956-7171 275-7745 581-3760 924-5750 656-675-6550 488-5716 337-8438 243-7979 683-1697 626-367-9169 208-2862 544-1993 571-8351 242-5741 486-1771 247-5383 243-9224 247-2501 796-1939 924-6963 318-3470 776-3082 616-7789 522-8505 Ext. 118 Ext. 118 924-5443 550-9694 697-6455 269-7102 247-5899 714-222-7829 850-7774 867-7842 Temporalities Commission Finance Council Chairperson - Josefino Buccat Diocesan Development Chairman - Max Arzu Property Custodian - Eugene Renna 485-7685 242-1002 247-2501 Young Adults & Youth Commission Young Adults Ministry (Y.A.M.) - Wendy Acuna Krazy for Christ (Grades 5-8) - Marisol Flores Lambs of Christ Youth Group (L.O.C.) - Nancy Rafanan Youth Choirs/Bands - Byron Muñoz Jóvenes Caminando en Cristo (J.C.C.) - Cynthia Mendoza Prevencion y Rescate Pastoral Juvenil - Patricia Prado Vuelve a Vivir Grupo de Jóvenes - Kristina Lopez Columbian Squires (Young Men ages 10-18)-Michael Carlos Young Men and Women Soccer Teams - Denise Fuentes 924-4143 529-0882 264-0415 640-1132 490-7737 287-2508 966-5015 488-5277 743-4717 WWW.STCHRISTOPHERMV.ORG Hope, Thanks, Hope... Fr. René Butler, MS Simeon’s prophecy to Mary must have seemed very strange to her. What could he possibly mean by her being pierced with a sword? On Good Friday surely she knew. Seeing Mary’s tears at La SaleƩe, we understand it too. At La SaleƩe we Įnd that Like the Gospel—the message of Our Lady recognizes the reality of the blending of the “hard” and the “soŌ” of our lives. Life is not all “soŌ.” Life is not all “hard.” The farmers who found their potatoes roƫng in the ground were rightly frustrated at the hardness of their lives; their fault lay in their abuse of the name of Jesus, blaming God for their hardship. The problem was that, when the harvests were good, they didn’t think to give thanks to God. Giving thanks looks to both past and future. This was wonderfully well expressed by Dag Hammarskjold: “For all that has been— Thanks. For all that will be—yes.” The BeauƟful Lady wants for us to place ourselves trusƟngly in God’s hands, through personal prayer and worshiping him with the ChrisƟan community. We do so not to “appease” the Lord but to seal our relaƟonship with him as we say, “Thanks—Yes—Thanks…” Esperanza, Gracias, Esperanza… Padre René Butler, MS La profecía de Simeón para María debe haber parecido muy extraña para ella. ¿Qué podría signiĮcar para ella eso de que sería atravesada por una espada? El Viernes Santo seguramente lo supo. Viendo las lágrimas de María en La SaleƩe, nosotros también lo entendemos. En La SaleƩe encontramos algo como en el evangelio - el mensaje de Nuestra Señora reconoce la realidad de lo gris, podríamos hablar de lo “áspero” y de lo “suave” de nuestras vidas. La vida no es toda “suave”. La vida no es toda “dura”. Los agricultores que encontraron las papas podridas en el suelo estaban frustrados y con razón, debido a la dureza de sus vidas; su error estaba en el abuso del nombre de Jesús, culpando a Dios. El problema era que cuando las cosechas eran buenas, ellos no pensaban en dar gracias a Dios. Dar gracias a Dios Ɵene que ver con el pasado y el futuro. Esto fue maravillosamente expresado por Dag Hammarskjold: “Por todo lo que fue – Gracias. Por todo lo que será – Sí” La Bella Señora no quiere que nos pongamos con conĮanza en las manos de Dios, yendo hacia El en la oración personal, adorándole junto a la comunidad crisƟana. Lo hacemos no para “aplacar” al Señor sino para sellar una relación personal con El, cuando decimos, “Gracias – Sí – Gracias…” Traduccion: Hno Moises Rueda, MS TODAY’S READINGS LECTURAS DE HOY First Reading — Those who honor their parents will be greatly blessed and will atone for sins (Sirach 3:2-6,12-14) or Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3. Psalm — Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways (Psalm 128) or Psalm 105. Second Reading — Be thankful; do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:12-21 [12-17]) or Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19. Gospel — The child grew and became strong, Įlled with wisdom (Luke 2:22-40 [22, 39-40]). Primera lectura — Los que honran a sus padres recibirán bendiciones y pagarán sus pecados (Sirácide 3: 3-7, 14-17) ó Génesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3. Salmo — Dichoso el que teme al Señor, y sigue sus caminos (Salmo 128 [127]) ó Salmo 105 (104). Segunda lectura — Vivan una vida de amor sincero, sean agradecidos, hagan todo en el nombre del Señor Jesús (Colosenses 3:12-21) ó Hebreos 11:8, 11-12, 17-19. Evangelio — María y José llevan a Jesús al templo para consagrarlo al Señor (Lucas 2:22-40 [22, 39-40]). The English translaƟon of the Psalm Responses from the LecƟonary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, InternaƟonal Commission on English in the Liturgy CorporaƟon. All rights reserved. 12-28-14~1-4-15 Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 [1217] or Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] Monday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Thursday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Friday: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Ps 98:1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34 Sunday: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 12-21-14~12-28-14 Domingo: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 o Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Sal 128 (127): 1-5 o Sal 105 (104):1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] o Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lc 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] Lunes: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 5b-6; Lc 2:22-35 Martes: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Sal 96 (95):7-10; Lc 2:36-40 Miércoles: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Sal 96 (95):1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Jueves: Nm 6:22-27; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lc 2:16-21 Viernes: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Sábado: 1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Sal 98 (97):1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34 Domingo: Is 60:1-6; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Ef 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 4. 951-924-1968 December 27, 2014 Saturday 5:00 p.m Dcn. Samuel Sanchez † 7:00 p.m Roselia Olvero † Ma. Teresa MarƟnez † December 28, 2014 Sunday Sunday, December 28 CHRISTMAS BREAK OFFICES CLOSED NO MEETINGS, NO CLASSES Thursday, January 1 CHRISTMAS BREAK OFFICES CLOSED NO MEETINGS, NO CLASSES Monday, December 29 6:30 a.m. All Parishioners 8:15 a.m. Artemio & Myrna Lomboy Thanksgiving Mass Vilma Tabares (Healing) Rodolfo Tabares † 10:00 a.m. David & ClaudeƩe Monson † Friday, January 2 CHRISTMAS BREAK OFFICES CLOSED NO MEETINGS, NO CLASSES CHRISTMAS BREAK OFFICES CLOSED NO MEETINGS, NO CLASSES 12 Noon Roberto Aparicio † David Sotelo † Erick Marquez (Happy 10th Birthday) 2:00 p.m. All Souls 5:30 p.m. Anthony Masculino Giralao † Saturday, January 3 Tuesday, December 30 CHRISTMAS BREAK OFFICES CLOSED NO MEETINGS, NO CLASSES 7:00 p.m. Dcn. Samuel Sanchez † Wednesday, December 31 Monday 8:00 a.m. David Sotelo † 6:30 p.m. Dcn. Samuel Sanchez † CHRISTMAS BREAK OFFICES CLOSED NO MEETINGS, NO CLASSES CHRISTMAS BREAK OFFICES CLOSED NO MEETINGS, NO CLASSES Sunday, January 4 CHRISTMAS BREAK OFFICES CLOSED NO MEETINGS, NO CLASSES Tuesday 8:00 a.m. All Souls 6:30 p.m. Maria Francisca Cruz † Wednesday 8:00 a.m. All Souls 12 Noon MarƟn & Catalina Sonido † AusƟna Tecomulapa † 6:30 p.m. Sophia Lozipone † 12MidNigth All Parishioners Thursday 8:00 a.m. Adela MarƟnez † 10:00 a.m. Eufrosina Coson † 12NOON Dcn. Samuel Sanchez † From St. Christopher Priests & Staff Friday 8:00 a.m. All Parishioners 12Noon Roberto Valdez † 6:30 p.m. All Parishioners Saturday 8:00 a.m. All Souls Please be informed that because of the holidays, bulletins are published early. Se les informa que por los dias festivos, el boletin se manda a imprimir con anticipacion. Celebrate the beauty and dignity of every human life! Bishop Gerald Barnes and Auxiliary Bishop Rutilio del Riego would like to cordially invite you to join them at the first ever One1Life LA Walk for Life in Los Angeles, January 17th, 2015. By joining them and your Christian brothers and sisters, you are sharing the Church’s teaching that all human life has value and worthy of protection, particularly the most vulnerable in our community. The event starts at 10 am at La Placita Olvera, Downtown LA. Our parish Knights of Columbus will be contracting Charter Busses to transport participants from our parish. If you wish to attend, please call Eugene Renna or Linus Santiago, their contact information is in the bulletin. WWW.STCHRISTOPHERMV.ORG 5. 6. 951-924-1968 The Welcome Home in English will continue meeting every first and third Tuesday of the month at North McGivney House at 7:00 P.M. For more information call Isabel Dion at 510 557 – 4420. If you have been away from the Catholic Church, we welcome you with open hearts. We are ready to help you feel at home again. You may have some questions that need some answers. Bring them with you. FOOD BANK Thanks to the very generous parishioners of St. Christopher and St. Patrick’s, our food bank was able to feed 176 families this past week. Special thanks to WinCo Foods, Starbuck, and Val Verde School District. We are in need of veggies, pasta, rice, and canned meats. Please no baby food at this time. Gift cards to local grocery stores will also be greatly appreciated. Thank you! El programa Bienvenidos a Casa Católicos Inactivos en español se reúne cada segundo y cuarto martes del mes en el Salón N. McGivney a las 7pm. Para más información: Llame a Teresa Quirino al 951-571-8345 . Si usted se ha retirado de la Iglesia Católica, le damos la bienvenida con los corazones abiertos. Estamos listos para ayudarlos a sentirse en casa nuevamente. Puede que usted tenga preguntas, nosotros estamos aquí para responderlas. BANCO DE COMIDA Gracias a todos los parroquianos de St. Christopher y St. Patrick nuestro Banco de Comida tuvo la oportunidad de proveer alimentos a 176 familias la semana pasada. Muchas gracias a WinCo Foods, Starbucks, y al Distrito Unificado de Val Verde. Estamos en necesidad de verduras, pasta, arroz, y carnes enlatadas. Se les agradece donaciones de tarjetas de regalo a los mercados de comida. ¡Gracias! WWW.STCHRISTOPHERMV.ORG HEALTH AND WELLNESS MINISTRY Please talk to your Physicians regarding Flu shots. Everyone needs to be vaccinated specially the elderly and children. Regular hand washing is very important. It is the best way to prevent infections and to prevent spreading infections like the flu. 7. MINISTERIO DE SALUD Y BIENESTAR Por favor hable con sus médicos con respecto a vacunas contra la gripe. Todo necesitan ser vacunados especialmente los ancianos y los niños. Lavarse las manos con regularidad es muy importante. Es la mejor manera de prevenir infecciones y para evitar la propagación de infecciones como la gripe. ADULT FAITH FORMATION ON THE WEB! (INTERNET) - USING YOUR SMARTPHONES, TABLETS AND LAPTOPS WISELY; We thank those who have come to our monthly discussion. Our discussion on the topic, Divorce/ Annulment has enlightened them. The Bishops’ synod on the family ended on October 19,2014. This will be followed by another synod on October 21015. It will be good for us who are married to review the sacrament of Matrimony. Please log on Choose Sacraments 101 Matrimony. For our next discussion log on to: = Click on Faith, put cursor on Faith, underneath, you will see “Glad You Asked” - follow the instruction located below which says: CLICK ON THE PICTURE OF THE BOOKLET TO ENTER. Look for the topic on the Papacy! Note: Copy the article so you can make the font better. The date for the discussion will be announced. Other Catholic Websites to Visit: = Languages used: English, Spanish, Tagalog = prayer, retreat = Gospel reflections. 8. Adults and Children Faith Formation Sessions will be on break from December 23rd thru January 4th due to the Christmas celebrations. Children and Youth Faith Formation classes will resume January 6th, 2015 at the regular schedules. Class for Adults Confirmation will resume on January 9th. Participants in the process of RCIA (Rite of Christian initiation for adults and children) will resume on Sunday January 11th. First Eucharist workshop for Parents ONLY for parents that have their children enrolled for the 2nd or 3rd year of Faith Formation and are preparing to receive Jesus Christ in Holy Communion and are baptized will need to attend one of the following workshops: Friday, January 9th, 2015 at 7pm or Saturday, January 10th at 9am in Domas Hall. Please don’t forget your child’s workbook. If you need further information please call the Faith Formation office at 951-571-8346. Daycare will not provided. 951-924-1968 Sesiones de Formación de fe para adultos y jóvenes tendrán un descanso el 23 de Diciembre al 4 de Enero debido a la celebración de Navidad. Las clases para niños y jóvenes se re-anudaran el 6 de Enero, 2015 en los horarios regulares. Las clases de Confirmación de Adultos reanudaran el 7 de Enero. Los participantes del proceso de RICA re-anudaran el Domingo 11 de Enero. Taller de Eucaristía para Padres Solamente par a los papás que tienen su niño registrado para 2 o 3 año de formación de Fe y están preparándose para recibir a Jesucristo en la sagrada comunión y han sido bautizados tienen que asistir a uno de los siguientes talleres: Viernes, 9 de Enero 2015 a las 7:00pm o Sábado 10 de Enero a las 9:00am en el Salón Domas. Favor de traer el libro de los niños. Si necesita información adicional por favor llamar a la oficina de formación al 951-571-8346. NO habrá cuido de niños. Home Faith Formation Session will gathered on January 17th at 9am in Domas Hall. Families should bring the completed material (Chapter 7-9) to class. Formación de Fe en Casa se reunir á el 17 de Enero a las 9am en el salón Domas. Las familias deben traer el material completado (capítulos 7 al 9). Parent Enrichment Sessions will be offered the week of 26th thru 30th of January. All Parents that have children enrolled in Faith Formation session need to attend the week of on-going formation. There will be NO Faith Formation classes will during the Adult Faith Formation Week. Sesiones de Crecimiento para Padres se ofrecerá el 26 y 30 de Enero. Todos los padres que tienen a su hijo o hija inscritos en Formación de Fe deberán asistir a la semana de Formación de Fe para Adultos. NO habrá clases de para los jóvenes durante esta semana. WWW.STCHRISTOPHERMV.ORG Marriage Convalidation St. Christopher Church would like to invite couples who are civilly married or cohabiting to have their Marriage Blessed. You will participate in a Marriage Convalidation Ceremony in the Catholic Church… Convalidation comes from a Latin word meaning “to firm up or “to strengthen” A Convalidation is not merely a renewal of vows made previously but is a new act of consent by each spouse. This Convalidation of Marriage may be celebrated within Mass. Your marriage then becomes sacramental and will be recorded in the Sacramental book of the Church. Our Group Wedding is right around the corner. We have very little time for interviews. This celebration will take place February 14, 2015 at 2pm. For more information, please contact Deacon Carlos Morales at (951) 571-8350. 9. Convalidación de Matrimonio La Iglesia San Cristóbal quisiera invitar a las parejas que viven en unión libre o que están casadas por lo civil y que les gustaría que su matrimonio sea bendecido. Usted participará en una ceremonia de Convalidación matrimonial en la Iglesia Católica… Convalidación proviene de una palabra en Latín que significa"afirmaro "fortalecer" La Convalidación no es simplemente una renovación de votos realizados anteriormente, sino es un nuevo acto de consentimiento de cada uno de los cónyuges. Esta convalidación de Matrimonio es celebrada en la Misa. Su matrimonio se convertirá en sacramento y será registrado en el libro de Sacramentos de la Iglesia. Se Aproxima la Celebración de las Bodas Comunitarias. Tenemos muy poco tiempo para hacer las entrevistas. Esta Celebración se llevara acabo el 14 de febrero a las 2 pm. ¡Los esperamos! Por favor de comunicarse con el Diacono Carlos Morales al (951) 571-8350. 10. 951-924-1968 GROWING IN GRACE, AGE AND WISDOM Luke 2:52 Your ADULT FAITH FORMATION CORNER: Isabel Marinay-Dion, D. Min. CRECIENDO EN GRACIA, EDAD, Y SABIDURÍA Lucas 2:52 Su RINCÓN DE FORMACIÓN DE FE ADULTA: Isabel Marinay-Dion, D.Min. The US Bishops’ Plan for On going Adult Faith Formation; Our Hearts were Burning within Us. El Plan de los Obispos de los EU para el La Formación de Fe Adulta Continua: Nuestros Corazones Ardían por dentro DOMUS DEI ...DOMUS ECCLESIAE (House of God...House of the Church (God’s People) Last week we talked about the effects the of Rite of anointing on the Catechumens. We began to reflect on the Oil of Chrism which is used for the sacraments of Holy Orders and Confirmation as well as its aromatic scent. Today we reflect on the purpose of this fragrant oil. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “the anointing with sacred chrism, perfumed OIL consecrated by the bishop, signifies the gift of the HOLY Spirit to the newly baptized, who has become a Christian, that is, one 'anointed' by the HOLY Spirit, incorporated into Christ who is anointed priest, prophet, and king."(no. 1241) When the Bishop traces the sign of the cross on our forehead with the oil of Chrism, he says: “Be sealed with the Holy Spirit….Peace be with you. This ritual means that we are marked or branded forever as God’s beloved son/ daughter, participants in the priesthood of Christ and as prophets and kings. It confirms our promises proclaimed for us by our parents when we were baptized as infants and those baptized as adults. Moreover it fulfills Jesus’ promise to his apostles that he would send his Holy Spirit to guide and sanctify the Church (we are the church) — giving her the gifts of understanding, counsel, wisdom, reverence, courage, piety, and knowledge. We have become the fragrance of the Holy Spirit and such it is our responsibility to spread it to everyone. (to be continued.) ====================================== Celebrating Mary at La Salette… We have reflected so far on the meaning of the roses in light of the mysteries of the holy rosary. We will now reflect on the meaning of her tears. Our reflection on the symbol of the roses that our Mother at La Salette carried with her lead us to reflect on the meaning of her tears in the mysteries of her life with her Son and how these mysteries speak to us in our own lives. These mysteries give us the hope, the courage, the faith, the perseverance, the Light and the Truth to live the gift of life that our loving God bestowed on us and which Mary of La Salette exemplified to us. (to be continued,) Reflection question: What is the meaning of tears in your life? DOMUS DEI ... DOMUS ECCLESIAE (Casa de Dios ... Casa de la Iglesia (pueblo de Dios) La semana pasada hablamos acerca de los efectos del Rito de la unción de los catecúmenos. Empezamos a reflexionar sobre el aceite de Crisma que se utiliza para los sacramentos de la Orden Sacerdotal y de la Confirmación, así como su olor aromático. Hoy reflexionamos sobre el propósito de este perfume. El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica afirma que "la unción con el santo crisma, óleo perfumado consagrada por el obispo, significa el don del Espíritu Santo a los recién bautizados, que se ha convertido en un cristiano, es decir, un" ungido "por el Espíritu, incorporados a Cristo que es ungido sacerdote, profeta y rey "(n. ° 1241) Cuando el Obispo traza la señal de la cruz en la frente con el aceite del Crisma, él dice:" Sean sellados con el Espíritu Santo ... .La paz este contigo”. Este ritual significa que estamos marcados para siempre como amados hijos / hijas de Dios, participes del sacerdocio de Cristo y como profetas y reyes. Esto confirma nuestras promesas proclamadas por nosotros por nuestros padres cuando nos bautizamos como bebés y los que fueron bautizados como adultos. Además se cumple la promesa de Jesús a sus apóstoles que enviaría su Espíritu Santo para guiar y santificar la Iglesia (nosotros somos la iglesia) -dando ella los dones de entendimiento, consejo, sabiduría, reverencia, valentia, la piedad y el conocimiento. Nos hemos convertido en la fragancia del Espíritu Santo y es nuestra responsabilidad de difundir a todo el mundo. (Continuará.) ========================================= Celebrando María en La Salette ... Hemos reflexionado hasta ahora sobre el significado de las rosas en luz de los misterios del santo rosario. Ahora vamos a reflexionar sobre el sentido de sus lágrimas. Nuestra reflexión sobre el símbolo de las rosas que nuestra Madre en La Salette llevó con ella nos llevan a reflexionar sobre el significado de sus lágrimas en los misterios de su vida con su hijo y cómo estos misterios nos hablan en nuestras propias vidas. Estos misterios nos dan la esperanza, el coraje, la fe, la perseverancia, la Luz y la Verdad de vivir el don de la vida que nuestro Dios amoroso ha impartido sobre nosotros y que María de La Salette ejemplifica a nosotros. (Continuará), Pregunta Reflexión: ¿Cuál es el significado de las lágr imas en su propia vida? WWW.STCHRISTOPHERMV.ORG if you know of someone who needs prayers please call Dorothy at 924-1968 ext. 118. Please be sure to leave a message with the name of the person and the spelling of their name if you get her voice mail. Thank you. David Mora, Richard Cocio, Elia Campos, Francis Hallas, Samuel Herrera, Joseph Marquez, Antero Lopez, Vicente Palacios, Margaret Hastie, Hegina Urquia, Mario Hernandez, Zoe Manzilla, Jesus Ruiz, Frank Hallas, Enrique Caguimbaga, James Rowe, Maria Balvandeda, Fidel Valenzuela, Nentia Maceda, James Todero, & Filimon Carlos . Adrian Vega, Daniel G. Ramirez, Andrew Brooks, Benjamin M. Ayala III, Nicholas Muniz, Carl Apilado, Paul Duenas, Roy Garcia, Andre, Jr. & William Duplessis, Vanessa Nicole Torres, Emily Solorio, Angel Meza, Eric W. Burkemper, Carlos Santana, Timothy, Edward & Carolyn Erb, Miguel Roger Gertz, Jose Ramon Jr., Revey Roberts, Steven Solorio, Jr., Gerard & Michael Stiles, John Duenas, Liliana Miranda, Keith Lopez, Ernesto Cuellar, Kyle Smit, Elbert Rosario, Ricardo Gutierrez, Peter Rocette, Christopher B. Lopez, Renato Angeles, Keith Rivera, Priscilla Sanchez, Juan Carlos Arvizu, Antonio Perez, Zaccary Place, Rosa Acosta, Johnathan LaCour, Dominic & Marcus Fontenot, Cristina Strick, Mark Ito, Lorenzo Fleming, Brian & Brandy Fields, Richard Trujillo, Peter & Edna Torres, Dalton J. Fritz, Randy Garcia, Louis Flores, Raymond Garcia, Eric Darden, Mark , Anthony Arzu, Michael Fenex, Guillermo Jimenez, Jr., Skylarr LaCour, David & Roman Acierto, Amber Rose Kelly-Herard, Joseph Herard, Daniel Gonzalez, Joseph Karnes, Tom Jack, Juan Huerta, Jennifer De Leon, Robert Stevens, Steven F. Carbajal, Jose Luis Naranjo De Alba, Robby & Christina Preston. Please call the office and ask for Dorothy at ext. 118 to give the name of your loved one who is serving in the military. Please let us know when their service is finished so we can remove their name from the list. Please continue to pray for lasting peace in the world; and for the military priest chaplains who bring the presence of Christ to our loved ones. 11. The CatholicTV Network, America’s Catholic Television Network, is now available to cable and satellite providers in our area. Please help provide this upbeat, youthful and exciƟng Catholic network and a powerful resource to the people of our area and the enƟre naƟon. To help, simply visit as an easy way to peƟƟon your cable or satellite provider , if you are unable to access the Internet please follow up with a postcard or leƩer to your provider. Remember the address: General Collection: $16,220.00 Retirement Fund for Religious: $3,600.00 Collection amount will be reported next week. You must use your envelopes in order to receive a statement for your taxes at the end of each year. If you have a change of address, please notify the parish office! Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 27/28, 2014 When Jesus is presented in the Temple, our Blessed Mother formally oīers him to God’s service without reservaƟon. It is a service that Simeon propheƟcally foretells: a service to God that will turn the old laws and cultural norms upside down. Are we desƟned to hold on to old habits and customs Ɵghtly, or like Jesus, are we willing to serve the Lord and proclaim the Gospel in new and creaƟve ways? La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José 27/28 de Diciembre de 2014 Cuando Jesús es presentado en el Templo, nuestra Madre Sanơsima lo ofrece formalmente al servicio de Dios sin reserva alguna. Es el servicio que Simeón predice proféƟcamente: el servicio a Dios que cambiará las anƟguas leyes y las normas culturales al revés. ¿Estamos nosotros desƟnados a aferrarnos Įrmemente a viejos hábitos y costumbres, o como Jesús estamos dispuestos a servir al Señor y proclamar el Evangelio en maneras nuevas y creaƟvas? 12. 951-924-1968 Diocesan Development Fund (DDF) Fondo del Desarrollo Diocesano 2013 We have encouraged you to invest in your faith by supporting the Diocesan Development Fund. Today we rejoice with gladness that you listened to that call to share your financial blessing. Thank you! Please keep sending in your payments. If you have not made a commitment yet this year, please prayerfully consider the important work of our diocese that we as a parish could not do alone by taking a copy of the extra materials we have here at the church. Les hemos exhortado a que inviertan en su fe apoyando el Fondo del Desarrollo Diocesano. Hoy, nos regocijamos de alegría porque ustedes escucharon ese llamado a compartir su bendiciones monetarias. ¡Gracias! Por favor sigan enviando sus pagos. Si aun no han hecho una promesa este año, por favor consideren, guiados por la oración, la importante labor de nuestra diócesis que nosotros como parroquia no podríamos hacer solos y tomen una copia de los materiales adicionales que tenemos aquí en la iglesia. Current Parish Pledges Total: • • • • Diocese Goal: $91,100.00 Pledges Made: $129,740.00 Gifts Received: $111,107.60 Donors: 357 Percent of Goal: 121.96% Total Promesas Parroquial Actual: • • • • Meta Diocesana: $91,100.00 Las Promesas Hechas: $129,740.00 Regalos Recibidos: $111,107.60 Donantes: 357 Porcentaje de Meta: 121.96% If you are new in our Parish, we extend to you a heartfelt WELCOME! If you have not as yet registered in our parish we have a registration form online on our website: or fill out the form below and we will send a registration form to you. Si usted es nuevo en nuestra parroquia, nosotros les extendemos una BIENVENIDA de todo corazón. Si usted todavía no se ha registrado en nuestra parroquia tenemos el registro en línea en nuestro sitio web: o llene el siguiente formulario y le enviaremos un formulario de registro para usted. Parish Registration Registro Parroquial Welcome to St. Christopher Catholic Church! Please take a moment to complete the following form, and return by mail or drop it in the Sunday collection basket. Bienvenidos a la Parroquia St. Christopher! Para inscribirse como miembro de esta Iglesia llene esta forma y devuélvala por correo o deposítela en la canasta de la colecta dominical. You will be registered only after a completed registration is returned to the parish. Usted será inscrito en esta parroquia una vez que hayamos recibido esta forma. ___ I am new to the Parish ___ Soy Nuevo en la parroquia Name/Nombre ______________________________________________ ___ I am interested in becoming a Catholic Address/Dirección ___________________________________________ ___ Estoy interesado en hacerme Católico City/Ciudad_________________________________________________ ___ I have moved; here is my new address Zip/Código Postal ____________________________________________ ___ Me he mudado; esta es mi nueva dirección Telephone/Teléfono __________________________________________ ___ I am a Young Adult / soy Joven Adulto/a (18-39) PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts K.I. CABINET ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 951-329-8638 GABINETES DE COSINA AL GUSTO, REMPLAZO DEFRENTE SATISFACCION GARANTIZADA ESTIMADO GRATIS TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months FULL THROTTLE MUFFLER Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner 951.656.3676 with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Catalytic Converters • Flowmaster Magnaflow • Chrometips • Headers • Minor Welding Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Lowest Prices In Town M-F 8am-5pm • Sat 8am-4pm We Honor Other In Town Muffler Coupons —PARISHIONER SPECIAL— 10% Discount for Other Services Must present coupon —SPECIAL— Catalytic Converters Starting at $129 +Tax On most cars • Must present coupon 23900 ALESSANDRO BLVD., STE. C Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 513410 St Christopher Church (C) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Helping Families Achieve Their Dream “Home Ownership” Debbie Demars, Certified Distressed Property Expert CalBRE#01713434 cell 951.333.4396 office 951.601.1170 Use Keyword “Saint” and I will donate 25% of my commission to the Church Town & Country INCOME TAX OPEN YEAR ROUND ADRIANA RANGEL HABLO ESPAÑOL (951) 924-9400 NOTARY PUBLIC 16420 Perris Blvd., Ste. “M”, Moreno Valley, CA 92551 (Perris Blvd. & Krameria) CAR WASH Unlimited 23550 Sunnymead Blvd. Car Washes Available Moreno Valley, CA 92553 951-243-1600 $2 Off any car wash for Active Duty Military proof of ID required • Full Service and Express Washes Available • Hand Applied Armorall included in every Monster Wash Your ad could be in this space! Dr Deza’s Dental Office Clínica Dental Familiar 23080 Alessandro Blvd. Suite 201 • Moreno Valley, CA -697-0909 Exam, X-Rays TREATMENT FREE and Cleaning TRATAMIENTO GRATIS Examen, Rayos-X 20% OFF 951 Y Limpieza New Cash Patients Only. 1st Visit Only. Nuevos Pacientes Con Efectivo Solamente. 1ra. Visita Solamente. X-Rays are non-transferable. Excluding Crowns, Dentures, Rayos-X no son transferibles. Bridges & Partials. Se Excluyen Coronas, Dentaduras, ONLY $ Puentes y Parciales. SOLO 20 513410 St Christopher Church (B) ORTHODONTIC CONSULTATION CONSULTA DE ORTODONCIA Low Monthly Payment Plan Plan De Pagos Mensuales Bajos For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 NEED EXTRA INCOME? 800-690-6124 English 800-705-2436 Spanish Providing Insurance and Financial Services! E VANS -B ROWN M ORTUARIES “Catholic family owned and operated.” Thaddeus M. Luyben, Jr. Owner-Parishioner 27010 Encanto Drive, Sun City Se Habla Español 679-1114 FD#1225 PAT GOODWIN’S BOOKKEEPING & TAX SERVICE 34 Years Experience LICENSED TAX CONSULTANT WWW.HERMIEABRIGO.COM WWW.GETMARIA.COM The Filipino food brand you’ve trusted for over 40 years Free Service Noodles • Longanisa Call For All Frozen Leaves • Siopao Boiled Parishioners Sweets • Lumpia With Repair Sauces • Everything! Find Us At Superior Grocers And Other Oriental Stores Near You. Ad must be present at time of service 877-284-7247 FILINGS FOR ALL STATES 247-2315 State Farm Agent MARIA ABRIGO 0D35530 (951) 782-8450 We also speak: Filipino & Spanish • Individual • Partnerships • Corporations • Non-Profit Complete Year-Round Tax & Bookkeeping Service Payroll Processing • Notary Public • SE HABLA ESPAÑOL • 26 Years Same Location State Farm Agent HERMIE ABRIGO 0D35529 (951) 243-0077 PRIMARIA MEDICAL CLINIC Dr. Jose Sanchez & Dr. Fatima Magina BOARD CERTIFIED IN FAMILY MEDICINE Doctors that listen and care! Hablamos Español & Falamos Portugues 245 Terracina Blvd., Ste 101-B Redlands 909-307-0176 12065 HEACOCK - MORENO VALLEY ELECTRONIC FILING FOR FASTER REFUNDS General Dentistry We Accept Most Insurance 12725 Perris Blvd. Moreno Valley, CA 92553 TEL – (951) 486-0119 FAX – (951) 486-9143 Parishioner Members ADA CDA and Tri-County 513410 St Christopher Church (A) Los Mejores Precios En Llantas y Rines Brakes • Alignment • Shocks & Accessories Chrome Plating • Wheel Repair 951.657.0130 3575 N. Perris Blvd. #A, Perris, CA 92571 MORENO VALLEY CLINICA MEDICA FAMILIAR Examen Físico Completo y Todas las Vacunas Complete Physical Exam and All Vaccines fre e DR. SUSAN R. REAL-RAZ gr ati s St. Christopher Dentistry Open Daily from 11 AM Catering Available Canyon Springs Plaza 60 Fry at Day St. Moreno Valley (909) 683-3363 Para niños y jovenes menores de 19 años de edad. For children and young adults under 19 years of age. Aceptamos Medi-cal, Medicare y todo tipo de Aseguranzas. (We accept Medi-cal, Medicare and Private Insurance) 23080 Alessandro Bl., #202 951-697-7866 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Wednesday, December 31, New Year’s Eve Masses: 6:30 pm Bilingual Mass/Misa Bilingue Thursday, January 1, 2015 Solemnity of Mary Mother of God/ Maria Madre de Dios 8 am & 10 am English /8 am y 10 am Ingles 12 noon Spanish/ 12 Md. Misa en Español No Evening Mass No habra Misa de la Noche PARISH OFFICES WIL BE CLOSED FROM DECEMBER 24, 2014– JANUARY 4, 2015 LAS OFICINAS PARROQUIALES ESTARAN CERRADAS DESDE EL 24 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2014-4 DE ENERO DEL 2015
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