4th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME- Year B (Schedule: 2 February - 8 February 2015) MANUAL DRIVER TRAINING Vol. 40, No 1 1 February 2015 Moses told the people, "The Lord will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own kinsmen. "God still provides among His people the gifts and talents necessary to continue the work of His Church. What gifts are yours to share? . Farewell to Fr Daniel Boyd and Welcome Fr Joe Cardoso OCD CARING NURTURING COMMUNITY P. 08 93126888 | M. 0488991684 Leeming, Willetton, Bull Creek www.Lppdrivingschool.id.au EASY & SAFE DRIVING TECHNIQUES www.norbert.wa.edu.au rich7harvest.com.au This space is available for advertising from January to June 2015 Why not promote and increase your business by advertising in our newsletter. • A wide variety of menus – Chinese, Continental, Goan, Indian • Professional touch – Mark, a chef for over 25 years • Caterers for all family celebrations, office functions, community get-togethers • Reasonable rates - within your reach mezzalunacaterers.com.au For Information Please Call Patricia Walker 0401 476 314 17 February 2015. All children are to meet in the church at 3:55 pm for a prayer before classes commence. Parents are most welcome to join us. All After School Religious Education forms and payment must be completed and sent to the parish office by Friday 6 February 2015. DATE MAREENA PURSLOWE & ASSOCIATES Pre-Paid Funeral Plan After School Religious Education Classes will commence on Tuesday Healing Mass - In Honour of St Peregrine, Patron of Cancer Suffers and Helper of all in need will be celebrated in Sts John and Paul Catholic Church, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton on Thursday, 12th February 2015 at 7:00pm. There will be Veneration of The Relic of St Peregrine and anointing of the sick. Enquires Jim 9457 1539 This space is available for advertising. Why not promote and increase your business by advertising in our newsletter. Peace of Mind for You And Your Family All parishioners are invited to the farewell morning tea held on Sunday 8 February, after the 10:30am Mass so please join us as we farewell our much loved Assistant Priest, Fr Daniel Boyd and as we congratulate him on his new appointment as the Parish Priest at St Vincent Kwinana Parish. Fr Daniel, who was ordained on 4 March 2011, served the parish for only 12 months and during that time he has endeared himself to many parishioners. Fr Daniel supported all the Ministries and prayer groups in the parish by his attendance and encouragement. Recently he articulated to many parishioners that his leave-taking would be difficult but how that demonstrated that he had done his work well and connected with many people since his arrival. He has repeatedly thanked the parishioners for welcoming him and encouraging him on his priestly journey. Although we are very sad to see Fr Daniel go, we trust that the Lord will continue to bless him abundantly and we hope that his deep love of God and the Church will keep him company as he continues on the next leg of his journey in the Kwinana Parish. Fr Thai and the parishioners look forward to warmly welcoming Fr Joe Cardoso as the new Assistant Priest at this weekend’s Masses. 9354 3000 This space is available for advertising from January to June 2015 Why not promote and increase your business by advertising in our newsletter. CHURCH MON 2 Feb 9:00am 9:30am 7:30pm 8:30pm TUE 3 Feb 9:00am Mass 9:30 am Rosary 8:30am Willetton S H School-Hall 7:30pm RCIA - Lge Mtg Rm WED 4 Feb 9:00am 9:30am 7:00pm 7:30pm Mass Exposition/Rosary Mass JP Prayer Ministry 9:30am Willetton S.H. School – Hall 9:30am Craft Circle - Lge Mtg Rm THU 5 Feb 9:00am 9:30am 1:00pm 7:00pm Mass Rosary Oasis Prayer Group CFR Choir Practice FRI 6 Feb 12:00pm 7:30pm SAT 7 Feb 9:00am 9:30am 5:30pm 6:30pm SUN 8 Feb Mass Rosary Proclaimers’ Session Adoration PARISH CENTRE 8:30am Willetton Senior High SchoolHall Mass Catholic Faith Renewal 9:30am Willetton S.H. School – Hall 9:30am Growing Vine– Lge Mtg Rm & Kitchen 2:00pm Legion of Mary - Rm 2 6:00pm CFR Fellowship - Hall & Mass Reconciliation/Novena Reconciliation Vigil Mass 10:30am Sharing the Word (Men’s Group) - R1 7:30am Mass 9:00am Mass 10:30am Mass 1st Reading: Job 7: 1- 4, 6-7 2nd Reading: 1 Cor 9: 16-19, 22-23 Gospel Reading: Mk 1: 29-39 Parish Priest: Assistant Priest: Pastoral Workers: R.E. Co-ordinator: MINISTRY TEAM Fr Thai Vu ([email protected]) Fr Joe Cardoso ([email protected]) Sr Veronica (9443 1036); Rosa Pasquale (9332 3813) Magdalene Heldt (9312 6952) Baptism - We welcome into God’s family at Sts. John & Paul Church for the month of January Secretary: Lyna Chan (9332 5992) Baptisms: Mary de Wever (9310 2426) John Paul Care: Betty Thompson (9457 4991) JOHN PAUL CARE This parish pastoral organisation offers, through its volunteers, short term (up to 3 months) emergency care to anyone who lives within the parish. Assistance is offered in the areas of bereavement/grief support, visiting the sick and the elderly, mental health, support for parents, cooking, transport, gardening and handyman. To enquire about these services, please contact the following Coordinators: Imogen Barbara Dianne Russell Dylan Vaughan Nott Thomas James Biddulph Katherine Louise Biddulph CAFÉ presents … EPIC: a Journey Through Church History In this 20 sessions study, we will learn the story of the church through a video presentation by Church History Professor, Steve Weidenfopf. Over the weeks, we will learn about the major people, places and events of the past two thousand years in Church history, the true story of the Crusades, understand the rationale for the medieval inquisitors and the Spanish inquisitors, discover the revolutionary character of the Protestant Reformation and much more. The sessions will commence on: Friday 20 February and conclude on Friday 7 August (excluding school holidays), 9:30 am—11:30 am. Meeting Room 1. For more information, please contact: Angeline Farm: 0402 122 940, Patrick Ng: 0449 136 475 or Soma: 0403 536 805. From the Hospitality Desk - To all parishioners, the outgoing hospitality team wish you and your families a safe and blessed 2015. We would, once again, like to thank all those who encouraged and supported us in all our endeavours these past five years. We are also pleased to inform you that Prega and Sushi Manickum have stepped up and will be taking over the organisation of this vibrant ministry. We wish them well and hope you will encourage and support them as you have done to us. There will be a Morning tea and wine and cheese on the weekend of the 7 and 8 February … Thank You - Colleen Reutens. Are you starting Uni in 2015? - If you are a new student commencing university study in 2015, the Parish of Sts John and Paul, Willetton, is happy to support your ambitions with a $1500 bursary. The money is yours to spend as you like—whether its on textbooks, a new computer or a bicycle to take you to uni. The bursary is being offered by a parish family in memory of their late father, Mr Paul LS Lee, and is named after him. It will be awarded annually to a student who attends Mass regularly at John Paul Parish and who is either an Australian citizen or a permanent resident. Applicants for the Paul LS Lee Bursary will be required to complete an application form and show proof of enrolment in Semester 1, 2015 for any university in Western Australia. Applications close on Monday 2 March, 2015. Full details, terms and conditions and application forms can be viewed and downloaded from the Parish website: www.willettoncatholicparish.org.au. For further information email: [email protected]. Your Bible Questions Answered: Parish Office: Mon/Wed/Fri from 9am - 4pm and Tues/Thurs from 9am - 12 pm 9332 5992 Family Support/Bereavement: Betty 9457 4991 Meals: Mary 9310 2426 Mental Health: (Information only) Bob 9332 3528 Gardening: Stephen 0423 797 040 Transport: Beatriz 9457 1851 Orana School Liaison: Joyce 0410 709 297 The John Paul Care brochure is available in the foyer of the Church. It offers the opportunity to volunteer or to request assistance. Please feel free to take one home. John Paul Prayer Ministry - resumes meeting every Wednesday after the 7:00pm Mass in John Paul Church, starting on Wednesday 4 February. We come together to praise and thank our loving Father and pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Bible teaches us to thank and praise God in all situations, and not to cease praying. Come and join us in acknowledging the many blessings we have received in the past year and thank Him with wholehearted praise and worship. ALL WELCOME!! We wish everyone a blessed and Spirit filled 2015. Michelle Ricketts Fire Weekend – Young Adults Retreat Young Adults aged 18 – 35 are invited to an exciting Fire Weekend retreat exploring the themes of human relationships and God’s love for you. Guest speakers include Paul Kelly and Clare Pike (Sr Bernadette). The retreat is from 13 – 15 February at Eagles Nest in Gidgegannup. Cost is $90 including all food and accommodation. Come meet some new people and learn more about your faith. Help with transport can be arranged if needed. Please visit http://bit.ly/ fireweekend or contact Justin McGinnity 0432 715 263 for more information. “The other Sunday we heard the Gospel from John about how Simon Peter gets introduced to Jesus, yet last Sunday we had the account from Mark where Jesus calls him while he is fishing. Is there a conflict between the two versions?” For the answer or to submit your own Bible question, visit www.thebiblicalfoundation.org.au. Transport request for help for my mum Marie and my sister to get to Saturday evening mass. Long term parishioners from Brentwood, have had 8 months of generous support from John Paul Care but need ongoing help beyond their resources. Can you help please on a roster with family and receive $20 payment per round trip. For more details please contact MJ at [email protected] or mob 0403 028 605. Many thanks MJ Catholic Faith Renewal Evening—Friday 6 February 2015.@ 7:30pm at St John and Paul Parish, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Songs of Praise, sharing by Fr Sean Fernandez on “Evil. A Defence of God” (Clarifications on the nature of evil), followed by Thanksgiving Mass and light refreshments after Mass. You are all welcome to attend and we encourage you to bring your family and friends. Enquiries: Ann 0412 166 164 or Ivan 0428 898 833. Life in the Spirit Seminar A series of talks, praise and discussions at Barry Whitely Hall (St Jerome’s Parish, Spearwood) commencing on Thursday 19 February at 7:30pm. Come and meet others in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. For further information, please see posters in the Church foyer, email [email protected] or call Frank 0416 040 214. Adoration Every Monday night starting 2 February. Family hour 2nd Monday night 7:30-8:30 pm. Every other Monday 8:30-9:30 pm. Quiet adoration. Please come and give one hour of your time to sit in the presence of the Lord. Allow him to bring Peace, Love, talk to him about your worries and concerns, Give all to Him. Be amazed at how he works in your life by giving this time to Him. Need direction, not sure what to do next, come and listen with your hear to all he has to give to you. OASIS Sandy 0432 428 919 Donor Relations Officer (22.5 hrs/3dpw) - T4C (Teens 4 Christ) Date/Time: Sat 14 Feb 2015, 3.30pm Calling all teens 12yo to 16yo. T4C is starting 2015 with a bang. Our first gathering for 2015 will be a special event. Youth Mission Team Australia (YMT) will be facilitating the gathering at the Parish Hall on Sat 14 Feb 3.30pm-7.30pm. (Note the earlier start time.) A leading Catholic youth ministries in the country, YMT is a non -profit organisation dedicated to facilitating seminars, retreats, school holiday camps for teens. We will finish the day by singing in our very own T4C choir at Mass, where we will worship and celebrate with the rest of the community. And the YMT team will join us in the choir! See you there! Joanne & Jess, MCs T4C Camp Date/Time: 4pm 27 Feb 2015 (Fri) to noon 1 Mar 2015 (Sun) Where: Camp Wattle Grove at 59 Kelvin Road Wattle Grove T4C invites all high-school aged teens to come our very first camp, to be held over the long weekend from 27 Feb to 1 Mar. It will be a fun- and spirit-filled 3 days with lots of team building games and spiritual sessions specially catered for the teens. All food provided. You just have to bring your own sleeping bag and warm clothing for the evening. This is a major formation activity leading up to the Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) in Dec 2015. It is opened to all highschool aged teens, and we especially encouraged all teens planning to go to ACYF to attend this event. For registration and enquiries, please contact Hilda at 0412177378 or email [email protected]. Howard Ong PROCLAIMERS’ PREPARATION SESSION: Proclaimers who are to attend on Monday 2 February 2015 At JP Church are: Saturday 7 Feb 2015 6:30pm Rebecca Jayaprakash Merlyn D’Souza Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 8 Feb 2015 Chandrika Lopez Simon Bowen Dunstan Elloy Maree O’Keefe Amelia Santoro Dunstan Elloy Facilitator: Lilian Kee Tel: 9332 5062 Archdiocese of Perth (WA). This fundraising position needs a highly motivated and experienced person who has a track record of securing funds from high-net-worth individuals and business leaders and ideally, a person who has secured major gifts in the charitable sector. We need someone with a passion for the mission of the Church who can motivate others to support this mission financially. For further details please refer to the Catholic Mission website, ‘Work With Us’ @http:// www.catholicmission.org.au/about-us/work-with-us Closing date for applications s 21 February 2015. Applications to be sent to: [email protected] Stewardship Sunday The Volunteers Recommitment weekend will be held on 21/22 February at all Masses. Please come prepared to continue to share your time and talent for the glory of God’s kingdom.
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