CHURCH PHYSICAL ADDRESS 5225 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, Florida 34116 MAILING ADDRESS & OFFICE LOCATION 5260 28th Avenue SW Naples, FL 34116 ADMINISTRATOR Rev. William J. Donnelly, O.S.A. PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas Pohto, O.S.A. SPANISH MINISTRY Father Luis H. Pacheco Diácono Roberto Landrón MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil ............................................ 4:30pm Saturday Vigil Mass in Spanish ......... 6:30pm Sunday Liturgies ............... 8:00am & 10:00am Daily Liturgy (Monday-Saturday) ..... 8:00am RECONCILIATION SATURDAY English ......................................................... 4:00pm Spanish ....................................................... 6:00pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday ................... 8:30am - 1:00pm CONTACT US E-MAIL [email protected] WEBSITE: Welcome Father Tom Pohto Father Tom grew up in Euclid, OH on the shore of Lake Erie, where he grew to love the water, but not the cold, frigid winter. He joined the Augustinians and studied philosophy (in Latin in those days) at Villanova and then theology (mostly in English) at Augustinian College in Washington, D.C. “It was the most exciting time ever to be in formation, because this was during the Second Vatican Council. Things just kept changing and changing and changing!” As an Augustinian, Father Tom has been a high school teacher and a college instructor and administrator. He has served in parish ministry and Province administration, and was delighted to be able to spend a total of 27 years in South Florida and Southwest Florida. Father Tom comes to us from St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church, Philadelphia, PA. Welcome back Father to Southwest Florida! Telephone ................................... (239) 455-3900 Fax .................................................. (239) 455-6895 Prayer Line ....................................... extension 301 BUSINESS MANAGER David Mowery ............................ extension 206 OFFICE MANAGER Denine Cascio-Snyder ............ extension 201 SPANISH MINISTRY Father Luis H. Pacheco ........... extension 207 MUSIC MINISTRY Carl Granieri ................................ extension 204 FAITH FORMATION FACILITATOR Susan Reagan ............................ extension 208 ST. ELIZABETH SETON SCHOOL Marrie McLaughlin, Principal (239) 455-2262 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Christian Davis (239) 370.1408 The General Meeting is the first Monday of the month at 7:30pm. The KOC Hall is located at 6120 Golden Gate Parkway. MARRIAGES Arrangements must be made six months in advance by calling the Parish Office. BAPTISM Baptism classes for parents who are registered participating members of the Parish will be held once a month. Please call the Parish Office for further information. august/september 2015 at a glance... DATE Saturday August 22 Sunday August 23 MASS INTENTIONS 8:00 am Lawrence E. Sistler 4:30 pm Dr. Louis & Eita Kenol 7:00 am Sp. Prayer Group - PC 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Eng. Prayer Group - CC Emmaus Men - PC 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Family Life Committee - MR Sp. Prayer Group - PC Eng. Choir - C 8:00 am Chet & Dolly Sokol 10:00 am Irom DeLone & Catherine Smith Monday August 24 8:00 am Rose Wagner Tuesday August 25 8:00 am Carmela Carpentieri Wednesday August 26 8:00 am For the people Thursday August 27 8:00 am Martha Watterson Friday August 28 8:00 am Angelo Verderosa Saturday August 29 8:00 am Frank Ziegler 4:30 pm Louis Kenol Sunday August 30 EVENTS 8:00 am Bob & Irene Coen 10:00 am The Lindemann Family Monday August 31 8:00 am Bill Bennet 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Eng. Prayer Group - CC Emmaus Men - PC Tuesday September 01 8:00 am Richard Otonicar 6:30 pm Bible Study - PC Wednesday September 02 8:00 am For the people 8:30 6:30 7:00 7:00 am pm pm pm Bible Study - CC Emmaus Women - PH Sp. Choir - C Sp. Bible Study - PC Thursday September 03 8:00 am Patricia Oakes 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Sp. Prayer Group - PC Eng. Choir - C Friday September 04 8:00 am Gloria Hartshorn Saturday September 05 8:00 am Louis Munier 4:30 pm Myrl Scheckel Sunday September 06 Building Codes: 7:30 am Shirley Docs 9:00 am Margaret Aiello 10:30 am Cottone & Minsker Families C -Church PH– Parish Hall CC -Children’s Chapel PC - Parish Center St. Vincent de Paul Van Pickup St. Vincent de Paul Van Pickup G- Gymnasium MR –Meeting Room S/C—Sacristy in Church O– Office The Pope’s #1 secret to happiness, “live and let live.” So true. We should all busy ourselves with our own journeys to God, and not worry so much about what others are doing. The pope listed his Top 10 tips for bringing greater joy to one's life: 1. "Live and let live." Everyone should be guided by this principle, he said, which has a similar expression in Rome with the saying, "Move forward and let others do the same." 2. "Be giving of yourself to others." People need to be open and generous toward others, he said, because "if you withdraw into yourself, you run the risk of becoming egocentric. And stagnant water becomes putrid." 3. "Proceed calmly" in life. The pope, who used to teach high school literature, used an image from an Argentine novel by Ricardo Guiraldes, in which the protagonist -- gaucho Don Segundo Sombra -looks back on how he lived his life. "He says that in his youth he was a stream full of rocks that he carried with him; as an adult, a rushing river; and in old age, he was still moving, but slowly, like a pool" of water, the pope said. He said he likes this latter image of a pool of water -- to have "the ability to move with kindness and humility, a calmness in life." 4. "A healthy sense of leisure." The pleasures of art, literature and playing together with children have been lost, he said. "Consumerism has brought us anxiety" and stress, causing people to lose a "healthy culture of leisure." Their time is "swallowed up" so people can't share it with anyone. Even though many parents work long hours, they must set aside time to play with their children; work schedules make it "complicated, but you must do it," he said. Families must also turn off the TV when they sit down to eat because, even though television is useful for keeping up with the news, having it on during mealtime "doesn't let you communicate" with each other, the pope said. 5. Sundays should be holidays. Workers should have Sundays off because "Sunday is for family," he said. 6. Find innovative ways to create dignified jobs for young people. "We need to be creative with young people. If they have no opportunities they will get into drugs" and be more vulnerable to suicide, he said. "It's not enough to give them food," he said. "Dignity is given to you when you can bring food home" from one's own labor. 7. Respect and take care of nature. Environmental degradation "is one of the biggest challenges we have," he said. "I think a question that we're not asking ourselves is: 'Isn't humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical use of nature?' " 8. Stop being negative. "Needing to talk badly about others indicates low self-esteem. That means, 'I feel so low that instead of picking myself up I have to cut others down,'" the pope said. "Letting go of negative things quickly is healthy." 9. Don't proselytize; respect others' beliefs. "We can inspire others through witness so that one grows together in communicating. But the worst thing of all is religious proselytism, which paralyzes: 'I am talking with you in order to persuade you,' No. Each person dialogues, starting with his and her own identity. The church grows by attraction, not proselytizing," the pope said. 10. Work for peace. "We are living in a time of many wars," he said, and "the call for peace must be shouted. Peace sometimes gives the impression of being quiet, but it is never quiet, peace is always proactive" and dynamic. Faith Formation Needs You! As the new school year begins, we look forward to the start of our Blestways and Faithways program. Parents are registering their children for classes while our faculty prepares to build and strengthen each student’s faith. However, St. Elizabeth Seton still needs an energetic, positive teacher to guide student learning during the Sunday classes. If you feel called to work with our wonderful students and want to bring them to the healing light and love of Jesus, please contact Susan Reagan, Faith Formation Facilitator at 239.455.3900, extension 208. twentieth sunday in ordinary time... Pope Francis’ top ten tips for happiness... From The Cross Jesus Said, “I Thirst” The offertory collection totals for the weekend of August 16, 2015 Current Year: $9,032 # of Envelopes: 511 Previous Year: $8,685 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF OUR PARISH COMMUNITY Jesus is thirsting to have a personal relationship with you. Is it time to know Jesus in your heart, rather than knowing about Him in your head? It’s an 18 inch journey from your head to your heart. Will you let him in? If the answer is yes (or even maybe) feel free to come to the Living Water Prayer Group Monday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:00pm we gather together in the Children’s Chapel of the Church. It may just change your life! Living Water Prayer Group Bible Study begins Tuesday, September 1st & Wednesday, September 2nd We will meet for ten weeks as we cover First Corinthians. Tuesday evening sessions will meet from 6:30pm until 7:30pm & Wednesday morning sessions will meet from 8:30 until 9:30 am, right after morning Mass. Please call the parish office, 239.455.3900 extension 201, to register. All are welcome and books will be provided for those you have registered. PARISH COMMITTEE CONTACTS ADMINISTRATION/FINANCE COMMITTEE Victoria Koga ................................... 239.860.8497 Walter Morrissey ............................ 239.352.1754 CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMITTEE Amala Rawat ................................... 239.513.0696 Kathy Clifford ................................... 239.207.7204 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Andrea Marsh .......... [email protected] FAMILY LIFE COMMITTEE In our Gospel and readings this week there is a strong theme that asks this question... "Who we will serve?" The question for us is whether we will really surrender in love to God and serve Him or whether will we allow something else in our life, something false and empty, to be our God. For the next four weeks we will be singing an exciting new opening hymn called "Servant Song". Let us sing it out strong proclaiming these words... "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord"! Have you thought about joining the choir? Call Carl at 609-287-4268 The Music Ministry meets every Thursday evening in the Church at 7:00pm Patrica & Orlando Tamayo ........ 239.304.1332 WELCOME COMMITTEE Becky DeCourcey [email protected] Joanne Raley ................................... 239.250.5910 For daily reading visit 239.455.3900 extension 301 24 hours|7 days a week 2015 - 2016 Faith Formation Registration Our program will begin Sunday, Sept. 13th for all youths - Blestways, Faithways and Discipleways. You must be a registered, active member of SES to participate in the Faith Formation Program. You may register at the Parish Office Monday through Friday 9:00am to 1:00 pm. Registration will close on Friday, September 4th. Please bring a copy of your child’s Baptismal certificate for our files. The cost of the program is $20 per child. If you require additional information or would like to work with our parish children in building their faith please contact Susan Reagan at 455.3900 extension 208. Bishop’s Mass On Monday, August 24th Bishop Frank Dewane will be saying Mass for the St. Elizabeth Seton School c h i l d r e n . Al l pa r e n t s a n d grandparent of a SES student are encouraged to attend as well as all parishioners are welcome. Mass will begin at 10:00am THE FALL LITURGY SCHEDULE BEGINS SEPTEMBER 6TH Saturday Vigil English .............................4:30pm Saturday Vigil Spanish .............................6:30pm Sunday Liturgies ...... 7:30am, 9:00am & 10:30am Daily Liturgy (Monday-Saturday) .......... 8:00am A Prayer for All Students as they return to School Help me remember that you’re always by my side at school and all day long. Help me be the best student I can be, using all the gifts and talents you’ve given me. Help me study well and often – especially when I don’t feel like studying at all! Help me finish all my homework – on time. Help me listen to my teachers and coaches. Help me play fair and play safely. Help me be honest when I’m tempted to cheat. Help me always tell the truth. Help me be kind to everyone at school and to treat others as I’d want them to treat me. Help me make good friends and help me be a good friend to others. Help me know how I can help others and to ask for help when I need it myself. Help me love and respect, trust and appreciate my parents - and to be honest with them. Help me remember that you’re with me always Lord, and that you’ll never leave my side. Amen Perhaps marriage, family, a friend or a personal calling is making you think about becoming Catholic. St. Elizabeth Seton Parish offers the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) to help you explore your faith, learn about Catholicism, and inquire as to whether it may be right for you. In addition, you will be with others who are sharing the same experience. During the program you will prepare for Baptism (if necessary), the receiving of Holy Communion and Confirmation into the Church. To register or to receive further information about the program, please contact Jigs Silang at 239.649.7037 or email [email protected] The program will begin Monday, September 14, 2015 at 6:30pm bienvenido a nuestra iglesia ... Bautizos ESTA SEMANA EN LA IGLESIA Lunes, 24 de Agosto 7:00 pm Emaús Hombres PC Jueves, 27 de Agosto 6:30 pm Grupo de Oración Español PC Lunes, 31 de Agosto 7:00 pm Emaús Hombres PC Miércoles, 02 de Septiembre 6:30 pm Emaús Mujeres 7:00 pm Español Coro 7:00 pm Estudio de la Biblia Española PH C PC Jueves, 03 de Septiembre 6:30 pm Grupo de Oración Español PC C G O PH S/C Iglesia Gimnasio Oficina Salón Parroquial Sacristía en Iglesia CC MR PC S Capilla de Niños Cuarto de Conferencia Centro Parroquial Escuela Llamados a Servir Donde puedas invertir tus dones, hazlo y ganarás un tesoro en el Cielo. Si quieres estar más cerca de Dios, aquí tienes los diferentes ministerios donde puedes invertir tus talentos, tus dones y tu tiempo. Coordinador General de la Comunidad Hispana Padre Luis H. Pacheco ............ 239-455-3900 ext. 207 Ministros Extraodinarios de la Eucaristía Jesús Delgado ............................................239-784-5503 Ministerio de Música Marisol Blanco ............................................239-961-0752 Ministerio de Ujieres Miguel Martínez ..........................................239-821-5891 Ministerio del Rosario Vicente Saavedra .......................................239-348-3693 Leonel Torres ...............................................239-293-1482 Ministerio del Grupo de Oración Elio Gorrostieta ...........................................239-404-9195 Ministerio de Emaús Hombres Ernesto Rubio ..............................................239-290-0213 Ministerio de Emaús Mujeres Ana María Solis ...........................................239-537-6792 HORARIO DE MISAS Misas en Inglés Lunes a Sábado ................................................. 8:00 am Sábado ................................................................4:30 pm Domingo ........................7:30 am, 9:00 am y 10:30 am Misa en español Sábado .................................... 6:30pm Padre Luis H. Pacheco: 455-3900 ext. 207 Horas de Oficinas: Por favor llama 455.3900 ext. 207 Para poder bautizar en nuestra comunidad, la familia tiene que estar registrada en la parroquia un mínimo de tres meses antes del Bautismo con asistencia regular a la Santa Misa. Por favor, al registrarse en la parroquia, utilizar los sobres con el número de su familia en la colecta como prueba de participación y de asistencia a la Santa Misa. Confesiones El Padre Luis confiesa por 45 minutos todos los Sábados antes de la Santa Misa. Aquellos que deseen confesarse, por favor, llegar a la Iglesia por lo menos media hora antes de la Santa Misa. 2015 - 2016 Formación en la Fe de Registro Nuestro programa comenzará Domingo, 13 de septiembre para todos los jóvenes - Blestways, Faithways y Discipleways. Debe ser registrado, miembro activo de SES para participar en el Programa de Formación de Fe. Usted puede registrarse en la Oficina Parroquial Lunes a viernes de 9:00 am a 1:00 pm. La inscripción se cerrará el Viernes, 04 de septiembre Favor de traer una copia del certificado de bautismo de su hijo para nuestros archivos. El costo del programa es de $ 20 por niño. Si necesita información adicional o le gustaría trabajar con nuestros niños de la parroquia en la construcción de su fe por favor póngase en contacto con Susan Reagan en 4 5 5 . 3 9 0 0 extensión 208. The Safe Environment Program As part of the Safe Environment Program, the Diocese of Venice requires that all employees and those volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults be fingerprinted and trained in Safe Environment. For further information, visit the Diocesan website at Training will take place: St. Agnes St. Williams September 10th 6:00pm - 8:00pm October 8th 6:00pm - 8:00pm September 12th 9:30am - 11:30am October 10th 9:30am - 11:30am Clase de Formación Religiosa Para Adultos (R.I.C.A.) Los Martes de 7:00 a 8;30 p.m. Parish Center Empieza el Martes 22 de Septiembre Profesores: Padre Luis H. Pacheco y Diácono Roberto Landrón. Clase de Biblia Para Adultos Los Miércoles de 7:00 a 8:30 p.m. Parish Center Empieza el Miércoles 2 de Septiembre Profesor: Padre Luis H. Pacheco. Have you ridden on the Seton Express? Ride on over after Mass & view our handmade table linens, cards, religious gifts & more Summer Hours: Saturday Closed Sunday - 9:00am - 11:30am
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