2nd February 2014—The Presentation of the Lord Who is the king of glory? It is the Lord! Monday 3rd February Weekday, Ordinary Time 4 2 Sam 15:13-14,30,16:5-13; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday 4th February Weekday, Ordinary Time 4 2 Sam 18:9-10,14,24-25,30-19:3;Mk5:21-43 Wednesday 5th February St Agatha, virgin, martyr 2 Sam 24:2,9-17; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday 6th February St Paul Miki and companions, martyrs 1 Kg 2:1-4,10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Friday 7th February Saturday 8th February Weekday, Ordinary Time 4 1 Kg 3:4-13; Mk 6:30-34 Weekday, Ordinary Time 4 Sirach 47:2-11; Mk 6:14-29 Readings Next Weekend 8th/9th February Is 58:7-10; LITURGY TIME TABLE Mass Times next weekend 8th/9th February Vigil 5pm Cathedral Fr Brian Vigil 5.30pm Queen of Peace Fr Robert Vigil 7.30pm Queen of Peace-Korean Fr Pius 7am Queen of Peace Fr Brian 8am Cathedral Fr Nathan 9.00am Queen of Peace Fr Brian 9.30am Cathedral Fr Robert 11am Queen of Peace—Korean Fr Pius 11.30am Cathedral-Syro Malabar 9th February 3.30pm Cathedral-Filipino Mass 9th February 5pm Queen of Peace-Korean Fr Pius 6pm Cathedral Fr Robert SACRAMENT OF PENANCE– FIRST RITE Cathedral Saturday 10am-10.30am Queen of Peace Saturday 4.45pm-5.15pm 1 Cor 2:1-5; Lk 2:22-40 THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD CHINESE NEW YEAR Friday 31st January 2014 Many Australians celebrate Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year. It marks the first day of the New Year in the Chinese Calendar. EXPOSITION OF BLESSED SACRAMENT Cathedral following 9.30am Mass Saturday and on First Fridays 24 hour Adoration from 9.30am Mass. Queen of Peace, First Friday after 8.45am Mass Chinese months are reckoned by the lunar calendar, with each month beginning on the darkest day. New Year festivities traditionally start on the first day of the month and continue until the fifteenth, when the moon is brightest. BAPTISM and WEDDINGS Contact Cathedral Office on 9483 2300 WE WELCOME NEWLY BAPTISED: S Kelly, H Laxton, E Murphy, A Chhabra, G Henriquez-Cassano. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: Weekly during school term 9.30am Sunday Mass. We pray for those who have died in the hope of the Resurrection NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! Please take a WELCOME PACK from the back of the Churches ANNIVERSARIES: N Cruz Mangune, E Penny, WEEKDAY MASSES Cathedral English Mon-Sat RECENTLY DECEASED: J O’Loughlin, A Wilson, P Reilly, B Symonds, B Thurlow, L Dang, M McGuigan, A Wentzel. 9:30am Queen of Peace English Tue, Thu, Fri Wed Sat 8:45am 7:30pm 7:30am Queen of Peace Korean Tue, Thu, Fri Wed 7:30pm 9:30am PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: R Townsend, M Klauser, V Doyle, P Wild, R Brosnan, K Ryan, R McEwen, T Henry, A Selwyn, R Butterell, D Capati, J Juinio, S Fernandes, C Del Rosario, M Lyndon, C Czarnik, Fr F Vaughan. D ue to privacy laws, names of the sick & deceased can only be put in the bulletin with the permission of the immediate family. ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY seeking new members, please attend next meeting. All Welcome . Queen of Peace Conference meets every Wednesday at 8pm in the Church meeting Room. Cathedral Conference meets every Monday at 6.30pm in the Baulman Room Cathedral Conference Red Poor Box Appeal takes place 1st weekend of each month FR ANSELAM—Annual Leave OVER 50’S GROUP Please note that Fr Anselam will be on annual leave from 3rd27th February. Happy New Year to all! Over 50’s first outing will be on 5 February 2014 to Sydney Town Hall for conducted tour ($5). We will meet on Waitara Train Platform at 9:35 am to catch 9:43 train to the city. QOP VINNIES CHRISTMAS APPEAL A wonderful tally of over $5,600 was received for the Xmas appeal. This enabled Normanhurst Conference to give extra assistance to 57 families (87 people) over the Christmas Season. God bless you for your generosity Carolyn Muir President QOP SVDP JAN — MARCH MAGELLAN MAGAZINE The New Magellan Magazine is now available at the church door for $3.50. Highlights for this quarter: Christmas – shop until you drop Down to Earth Spirituality-What is Eco spirituality and what does it mean for us? A personal look at depression and a way out Involving the young people of our church. CATECHIST NEEDED We are in great need for a volunteer Catechist in each of the following State Primary Schools: Hornsby South Public School —Tuesdays Normanhurst Public School—Wednesdays Thornleigh West Public School—Thursdays. Weekly classes are 30 minutes. Students are provided with Scripture Manuals. If you can help Call Deacon Roberto 9483 2306, 0414 525 448 CATECHISTS Student manuals (books) are ready for collection from the Nulty room, directly after Mass or during office hours. CATECHISTS MEETING MASS STREAMING Catechists’ Meeting 14 February (Friday) 10:15am-11:30 We are experiencing some problems with the am, Nulty Room. Mass streaming. Apologies for this whilst we Roberto are waiting for the issue to be resolved. Streaming is no longer available from the Diocesan Caroline Chisholm Centre, Pennant Hills. PARISH BULLETIN Cut off date for next bulletin is Tuesdays 12 noon. COMMUNION ROSTER BOWDEN BRAE If you are an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and would like to go on a Sunday morning visitation roster to Bowden Brae Nursing Home after 9am Sunday Mass at QOP. please contact Phil Sherley on 9483 2316 or email: [email protected]. Training provided. EASTER TRIDUUM COMBINED CHOIR ALL CHORISTERS ARE INVITED TO SING WITH THE COMBINED CHOIR FOR THE EASTER TRIDUUM Especially if you are not part of a regular choir, you are warmly welcome to join in! Rehearsal Dates (all at 7:30pm) Monday, March 17, Thursday, March 27 Thursday, April 3, Monday, April 7 Monday, April 14 If you’re interested and available for the rehearsals, please contact Donrita on 9477 4912 or [email protected] BREAK OPEN THE WORD E-BULLETIN If you would like to have the bulletin emailed to you please send an email with “e-bulletin” in the title line to: [email protected] CHILDREN’S LITURGY There is no children's liturgy during school holidays. It will re-commence on Sunday 02/02/2014. Further queries pls contact the parish office PG ENVELOPES NUMBERS: 37, 242, 270 Could the parishioners using the above Planned Giving envelopes numbers please contact the parish office on 9483 2300 as we do not have your details. YOUTH / YOUNG ADULTS Several Ministers of the Word wanting to purchase a copy of Break Open the Word. If any other Ministers of the Word would like to purchase their own copy please let the office know on 9483 2300. The cost is $20.00 YOUTH GROUP Ministers of the Word who would like to look up the readings before Mass can do so from the parish copies of ‘Break Open the Word’ left at the (work) sacristies. YOUNG ADULTS will resume week 2, 2014 Youth Group resumes on week 2 next year. Enjoy your Christmas break! Group gatherings on Tuesday nights 7.30pm-9pm at the Nulty Room. (Next to Cathedral, Waitara) CATECHIST WORKING CHILDREN CHECK W I T H ANOINTING OF THE SICK Any Catechists needing assistance with applying online for the Working with Children Check please contact Phil Sherley Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning on 9483 2316. Please bring Drivers Licence, passport, proof of age card or other photo ID. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES Day Therapy Centre - Art Therapy for 65's Catholic Community Services offers a Person-Centred Art Therapy Social Support Group Cost: $5.00 When: Tuesday's: 10 am to 11.30am Venue: Fr Nulty Rm, Hornsby Cathedral, 23 Yardley Ave Waitara. Recommencing on 7th January 2014. Also available One-to-One Person-Centred Counselling using Interactive Drawing Therapy Cost: $7.00 When: Wednesday’s By Appointment Venue: Waitara Wellness Ctr, McQuoin Park, 28 McAuley Pl Waitara. Qualified Facilitator, Counsellor, & Interactive Drawing Therapist ~ Caroline ~ For more information ~ contact Caroline on: 0417 279 369 Please leave message if phone not answered to ensure call back. OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY, CATHEDRAL Next Anointing Mass will be held on Thursday 20th February at 9.30am followed by morning tea in the Nulty Room. QUEEN OF PEACE CHURCH Next Anointing Mass will be at 8.45am Tuesday 4th February in Queen of Peace Church, followed by morning tea. Anyone going to hospital or anyone who is at home sick and would like to be anointed by one of our priests please contact the parish office on 9483 2300. WELCOME TO NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to anyone who is joining us for the first time today, or has only began to come to Mass here recently. It’s great to have you. Please pick up a welcome pack from the back of the church. Thanks for building your spiritual home with us. MEDITATION CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Christian Meditation will resume on Sunday 2 February 2014, the first Sunday in Feb , at 4.45 pm. Interested in joining a choir? PARISH ACTIVITIES / SERVICES PLAYGROUP (School term only) MARIS STELLA DIOCESAN YOUTH CHOIR Would like to have YOU! Wednesdays: Queen of Peace Church Hall, 18 Stuart Ave, Normanhurst. 9.30am-11am. 0-5 year olds and their parent. Open to young people – primary school to 30! We sing on 1st Sundays of the month at 9:30am Mass We also combine with the senior Diocesan Choir for special liturgies. Choristers learn to read music, develop vocal technique and harmonize together with others in a supportive, team environment Rehearsals: 4th Saturday mornings of the month, 10:30am-12:30pm PARISH LIBRARY The Library will be open on the first Sunday of each month after each Mass, Nulty Room Waitara. Please return library books on the last Sunday of the month (unless you want to renew the loan) so books will be available for borrowing the following week. Please contact the choir manager, Bella k on [email protected] will be open every second weekend of the month in the Nulty room after the following Mass times: Saturday 5pm and Sunday 8am, 9:30am and 6pm You can also contact the parish office during business hours for assistance. PRAYER /BIBLE STUDY GROUPS THE GLIMPSE (following the footsteps of Saints) meets on 2nd Friday of each month from 2pm-3.30pm in QOP Hall. CENACLES OF PRAYER — QUEEN OF PEACE Thursdays after 8.45am Mass. Our Lady invites us all to pray the Cenacle (upper room) with Her as she did in the First Cenacle with the Apostles in Jerusalem. All welcome. CATHEDRAL PIETY STALL PARISH GROUP CRAFT & FRIENDSHIP Resuming on 9th January 2014. ALL WELCOME. Should you be interested in joining us or just seeing what we are about; come along one Thursday morning to Normanhurst hall (under the Church) between 10am & 2pm.There is no cost or obligation. If you wish to do craft, learn new skills or just enjoy a cuppa, you are most welcome. COMMUNITY DINNER! MARANATHA PRAYER GROUP The Maranatha Prayer Group will resume on Thursday 9th January 2014 and meets every Thursday night . Dinners every Wednesday from 6pm in Nulty Room, Waitara. To volunteer or for more information contact the parish office on 9483 2300. All welcome. CALENDAR BEYOND OUR PARISH POSITION VACANT – Internal Auditor Diocese of Broken Bay The Diocesan Head of Internal Audit is seeking to recruit a full-time Internal Auditor to assist with conducting internal audits across all agencies. Details of the role can be found on the Diocesan website (http:// www.dbb.org.au). For further information and position description, please contact Susan Guest on (02) 9847 0224 or [email protected]. he position is based in Pennant Hills and applications close 24 Feb 2014. ENGAGING ADOLESCENTS PARENT COURSES A couple of three-session programs for parents and carers of teenagers are run in February and March. For more details regarding dates and venues see our noticeboard or ring 0450 426 151 or email [email protected] Www.facebook.com/engagingadolescentsnorthernsydney FR COLIN McKAY INSTITUTE OF COUNSELLING, established in 1969, offers a course designed to develop skills in personal growth, communication, parenting and general counselling principles. Participants can learn new skills in dealing with daily personal challenges and the issues that arise within families, the school environment and in the workplace. It is conducted on Tuesday evenings within the school term between 7.30pm – 9.45pm at Holy Cross College, Victoria Road, Ryde commencing on Tuesday 4 February 2014. For enquires please contact: Michael Hill - 9869 3774 or 0431 774 432; Carol Harding - 9639 0096 or 0411 022 478; Jannelle Carlile - 0431 598 004 (Mon – Fri between 7.00 & 9.00 p.m.); or Email: [email protected] RETREAT FOR MEN The annual Dominican retreat for men aged 18-35 will be held at the Benedict XVI Retreat Centre, Grose Vale, from 21-23 February 2014. Speakers include Fr Anthony Walsh OP and Fr Dom Murphy OP. Theme: "Grace and Truth". Cost $200 – includes meals and accommodation. Register by 10 February. For more information and to register contact Br James Baxter OP – [email protected]. WISH Women's Interfaith Sharing Hornsby (WISH) A group of local women from various faith backgrounds meeting for conversation, sharing, learning about our different faiths and practices while respecting each other’s spiritual paths. All women of good will are welcome to join us on a casual or regular basis to observe or participate, no pressure, no proselytizing. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 11 February, 7-15 to 8-45pm in the Esther Wait Room, Hornsby Library. SUNDAYS Resumes Feb 2 Meditation 4.45-5.45pm Farrell Rm. 9th February Syro Malabar Rite Mass 11.30am Cathedral 9th February Filipino Mass 3.30pm, Cathedral MONDAYS Waitara SVDP meeting 6.30pm,Baulman Rm TUESDAYS 4th February Seniors & Anointing Mass 8.45am followed by morning tea QOP Church & Hall (Every 1st Tues of the month) 11th February Social Justice meeting 7.30pm Hawe Rm, Waitara WEDNESDAYS Playgroup 0-5 years, 9.30am-11am, Queen of Peace Hall (school term only) Rosary 10am Cathedral (after 9.30am Mass) Community Dinner 6pm, Nulty room Queen of Peace St Vincent de Paul meeting 8pm, QOP Church hall From Feb.3rd & 4th Wed/month Catechism of Catholic Church 7.30-8.30pm Nulty Rm, Waitara THURSDAYS 9.15am Cenacles of Prayer group QOP 20th February Anointing Mass 9.30am Cathedral, followed by morning tea in Nulty room. 10.30am-11.45am ‘Acts of the Apostles’ Bible Discussion group, Baulman Rm (School term only. 10am-2pm Craft Friendship group QOP Hall Drop-in-cafe 10am-11am Nulty Rm (school term only) Sacred Scripture 7-8pm, QOP Church Hall Maranatha Charismatic Prayer Group 8pm9.30pm Nulty room. FRIDAYS First Friday Adoration in Cathedral First Friday Holy Adoration QOP Church after 8.45am Mass for half an hour followed by Benediction. Youth groups (school term only) 2nd Friday of each month The Glimpse meets from 2-3.30pm, QOP Hall SATURDAYS Morning Prayer 9.15am Cathedral, Adoration following 9.30am Mass with Benediction at 10.30am. Reconciliation 10am-10.30am, followed by Benediction, Cathedral Reconciliation 4.45pm-5.15pm, QOP HORNSBY CATHEDRAL PARISH Private Bag 3000, Hornsby 1630 Parish Office, 27 Yardley Ave Waitara, Phone (02) 9483 2300 Fax (02) 9483 2301 After Hours EMERGENCY number: 0458 351 843 Cathedral, 23 Yardley Ave Waitara Queen of Peace Church, 18 Stuart Ave, Normanhurst Email: [email protected] Homepage www.hornsbycathedralparish.org.au Clergy: (Very Rev) Robert Borg, Dean & Administrator (Rev) Frank Vaughan, Pastor Emeritus (Rev) Anselam Lakra, Assistant Priest (Rev) Nathan Lourdunathan, Assistant Priest (Rev) Pius Hyecjoun Cha, Assistant Priest , with responsibility for Korean Community (Deacon) Roberto Corpuz
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