Parish Office 28 Sumter Avenue Summerville, SC 29483 Phone: (843) 873-0631 Fax: (843) 873-1431 Msgr. Chet Moczydlowski Pastor AUGUST 3, 2014 Rev. Timothy Akanson Parochial Vicar Rev. John Dux Weekend Assistant Deacons Rev. Mr. Jim Walter Rev. Mr. Paul Antor Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00AM - 3:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:30PM Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30AM Monday through Friday Please see Parish Calendar on last page. Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 – 5:00PM Summerville Catholic School Educational Excellence, Spiritual Strength 226 Black Oak Blvd., Summerville, SC 29485 Lisa Tanner, Principal 843-873-9310 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Our mission, as rooted in our baptismal call, is to live and share the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the fullness of our Catholic Church. General Information PARISH INFORMATION Church Phone: (843) 873-0631 Fax: (843) 873-1431 WEBSITE: ** AFTER HOURS ** Please call the office number for staff referrals. PARISH STAFF Rev. Msgr. Chet Moczydlowski, Pastor [email protected] Fr. Timothy Akanson, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Rev. Mr. Jim Walter, Deacon [email protected] Rev. Mr. Paul Antor, Deacon [email protected] Sr. Carol Gnau, SSND, Pastoral Associate [email protected] Ms. Grace Curran, Faith Formation [email protected] Ms. Anne Bonavente, Youth Minister [email protected] Mrs. Jan Antor, Faith Formation [email protected] Dr. David Friddle, Music Ministry [email protected] Mrs. Beth Tuchfarber, Administration [email protected] Mrs. Dianna Mahoney, Secretary [email protected] Mrs. Stephanie Sharib, Admin Asst. [email protected] Mrs. Debra Schmitz, Child/Fam. Programs [email protected] EXT 10 10 10 10 17 16 21 23 15 11 10 10 10 PARISH MEMBERSHIP Active members of our parish are identified by their generosity of time, talent and treasure. Stewardship is determined by: 1.) Being properly registered and active for at least three months; 2.) Faithful participation at weekly liturgies; 3.) Regular and identifiable support of the parish; 4.) Involvement in at least one parish ministry, program, activity or organization. These criteria are used to verify parishioner status for: sponsorship; parochial schools; participation in sacramental, educational, pastoral and social ministries, activities and enrichment programs; and use of facilities and services. Daily Scripture Readings ~ are available on our web site, on the parish information page, at, and also at SVdP ~ The direct Helpline Number for St. Vincent de Paul Society is 843-224-4592. Baptism ~ The next parental prep session will be held at 6:30 pm, Wednesday, August 13th, in the Church Commons. After attending this session, Baptisms may be scheduled during a daily or weekend Mass (outside of Advent & Lent), as well as at 11am or 7pm on Saturday, or 1pm on Sunday. Please register for the session by contacting the parish office. Godparents and grandparents are also welcome. Avoid the need for a babysitter, attend while still pregnant! Marriage ~ Engaged couples should contact Deacon Jim Walter at [email protected] to set an appointment to begin the process of preparation at least six months prior to the date of marriage. Miraculous Medal Novena ~ Mondays at 9:45am. Rosary ~ Fridays at 9:45 in the Chapel Anointing of the Sick and Pastoral Visitation ~ To arrange for a priest, deacon or lay minister to visit a loved one who is sick, homebound, or hospitalized, please contact the parish office. Because of HIPAA policies, a hospital cannot notify the church, so a family member must take the initiative. Anointing is also offered following Mass. An immediate response is not always possible, so don’t wait until a crisis occurs! Cancer Support Group ~ Meets first Friday of each month at 9:30 am. Sessions are open to all. Contact Sister Carol. RCIA Inquiry ~ Next session will meet on Tuesday, August 12th, at 7:00pm in Madden Hall. Anyone who has questions about the Catholic Church is welcome to attend. Contact Sr. Carol. Children's Liturgy of the Word ~ celebrated during the 9:30 Mass each Sunday for youngsters in Kindergarten through Grade 4. Nursery ~ A Nursery offered for children 1-3 years of age in Madden Hall during the 9:30 & 11:30 Masses. Early Childhood Faith Formation ~ offered for children 3-5 years of age in Madden Hall during the 9:30 Mass. Meals on Wheels ~ Delivers between 11:15am— 12:30pm. Call Leslie at 843-873-8224 to volunteer. Centering Prayer Group ~ Meets first Saturday of each month, 10am –Noon, in Madden Hall, except July & August. Contact Bernie at 843.259.7644 or [email protected]. Lucis Via ~ Ages 18-30 at Tri-County Catholic Fellowship ~ Men & women, age 50+ at [email protected] Our Advertisers ~ Please patronize the businesses who support our parish by advertising on the bulletin cover. Mention that you saw their ad at SJB. Knights of Columbus Council #6629 ~ 0 Support the Archdiocese for Military Services Next week’s special collection will benefit the Archdiocese for the Military Services which was created by Pope Saint John Paul II to provide for the Catholic Church's full range of pastoral ministries and spiritual services to those in the United States Armed Forces. This includes more than 220 installations in 29 countries, patients in 153 V.A. Medical Centers, and federal employees serving outside the boundaries of the USA in 134 countries. Numerically, the AMS is responsible for more than 1.8 million men, women, and children. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! The Transfiguration of our Lord August 6, 2014 T he Transfiguration of Jesus Christ is the culminating point of His public life, just as His Baptism is its starting point, and His Ascension its end. This glorious event has been related in detail by Matthew (17:1-6), Mark (9:1-8), and Luke (9:28-36), while Peter (2 Peter 1:16-18) and John (1:14), two of the privileged witnesses, make allusion to it. About a week after His sojourn in Cæsarea Philippi, Jesus took with him Peter, James and John and led them to a high mountain, apart from the other disciples, where He was transfigured before their eyes. This dazzling brightness which emanated from His Body was produced by an interior radiance of His Divinity. False Judaism had, by then, rejected the Messiah, and now true Judaism, represented by Moses and Elijah, the Law and the Prophets, recognized and adored Him. For the second time since His Baptism in the Jordan, God the Father proclaimed Jesus His onlybegotten and well-loved Son. By this glorious manifestation the Divine Master, who had just foretold His Passion to the Apostles (Matthew 16:21), and who spoke with Moses and Elijah of the trials which awaited Him at Jerusalem, strengthened the faith of his three friends and prepared them for the terrible struggle of which they were to be His witnesses, by giving them a foretaste of the glory and heavenly delight which awaits each of us through our patient and faithful endurance of the tests and trials of life. The Wheels of Change Are Turning!! W e’re proud and happy to announce lots and lots of NEW and exciting changes at Summerville Catholic School for this NEW academic year ! In addition to our returning faculty & staff members, you will notice several NEW faces around campus. We will publish the names next week, but the NEW and enhanced positions will include: A new Religion Teacher for the Junior High who will also serve as Campus Minister for the entire school. She will coordinate the weekly liturgies, daily prayer, and special celebrations in addition to being a theological resource to the teachers in the primary grades and, with the new Second Grade Teacher, help develop an enriched program of preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. A new Music Teacher who will introduce a whole new approach to learning and loving music. He will develop a new Children’s Choir and small ensembles that will not only sing at the Wednesday Masses, but will present concerts and other enjoyable productions throughout the year! A new Media/Technology staff person who will run the all-new Computer Lab and teach the very latest in computer skills to all our students. She will also direct the expanded school Library. A new Director of Junior High who will be responsible for the 6th, 7th & 8th graders and work with the staff to develop and coordinate both new and existing programs. A new Science Teacher who will introduce a new and exciting approach to the discovery of God’s gifts in the world of nature and the universe of wonder! A new School Counselor who will act as a resource to students, staff and families while presenting programs that will help develop personal and inter-personal skills! A new School Chaplain: Fr. Timothy will be available as a resource to faculty & students as he makes the rounds of all classrooms on a regular basis! There are many more surprises on hand for students and parents as they enter the doors of SCS this Fall. SCS is the place to be! Remember: It’s not too late to register your child! St. John the Beloved Blood Drive Monday, August 4th 2p – 6p On the Bloodmobile High School Youth Ministry SUMMER FUN Calendar 2014 HSYM summer activities end this week. Thanks to all the teens who participated and shared their time and friendship, and to their parents & all our parishioners who have showed their amazing support in this ministry! As the youth ministry office prepares for another exciting year, don’t forget to visit our Facebook page at: or Contact Anne at [email protected] Enjoy the rest of your summer We will see you in the Fall ! SJB Youth Ministry is hosting a blood drive through the American Red Cross. It is being advertised under the title: Faith Formation Registration We are now accepting registrations for the 2014-15 Faith Formation for Kindergarten through grade 8. All forms should be mailed or brought to the parish office to the attention Dianna Mahoney. LIVE. GIVE. LIFE ! Each blood donation, can save up to three lives and every pint you give, you support St. John’s youth group. If we collect 25-59 pints, we will receive $100 and additional $50 if 7-17 of the donors who are 16-24 years old. The blood drive is open for everyone age 16 and up. There are sign up sheets in the commons or register online at:, sponsor code: saintjohnthebeloved Please use the new 2014-2015 registration form found on the parish website, under the Faith Formation Section: Summerville Catholic School Sports Childrens Liturgy of the Word Leaders Needed Children's Liturgy of the Word will began August 17th and we need more facilitators and captains. A facilitator leads a group of children through the Mass readings and helps them relate the message to their lives. A captain helps the facilitators by ensuring that the children return on time for the to church, getting rooms ready, and making sure the children know where to go. All materials & resources are provided for the facilitators each week. Both roles are easy & fun! The children are SO thankful for the time that our volunteers give. We offer CLoW at 9:30 AND 11:30 Sunday Masses on most weekends through the school year. Contact Kelli Farless at 843-209-9910 or email her at [email protected] Sign ups are currently taken place for the following sports: Volleyball (girls 5th through 8th) cost is $110 Golf (girls and boys 5th through 8th grade) cost $90 U5, U6 and U8 Soccer at Summerville Soccer Club (boys/ girls) cost with jersey $125/without $85 U10, U12 and U14 YMCA soccer (boys and girls) Non Y member: $100 Y member $60 Cross Country (boys and girls in grades 3rd through 8th) $70 Anyone wishing to play from St John may do so. Forms may be downloaded from Summerville Catholic School website at under the section parents and athletics or contact Jean Fox at [email protected]. Deadline for registration is August 18th. Bulletin News & Scheduling of Events To submit bulletin announcements or to schedule an event please email [email protected] WE EXTEND SINCERE SYMPATHY to the families and friends of James Darvis Westbrook AND BERNADETTE “DETTA” ZIMMERMAN ~ ~ ~ May they rest in peace In communion with the Saints! Understanding Medicare People of all ages and stages of life are invited to an educational seminar, Understanding Medcare, presented by parishioner, Denis Halloran. Two sessions will be held in Madden Hall on August 6th & 15th from 2:00-4:00pm. Refreshments will be served and you will be guided on what steps to take to make your next stage of life all you have imagined. School Supplies are still being collected for the Carolina Youth Development Center. Please drop off donations at the box located in the church Commons. Pilgrimage A pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of South Carolina, Kingstree, SC, will be made August 22. Leave SJB at 8:15am. Please contact Elaine Colbert at 875-9533 for details. Bereavement Support Group A St. John’s Bereavement Support Group will be meeting at The Consolation Café (the Church Commons) where the coffee pot will always be on. The six-week program will begin on Wednesday, September 3 at 7 P.M. Have you lost a loved one recently? Are you grieving their loss? Is there unresolved grief in your life for a loss that happened years ago? Do you feel stuck in your grief? During these ninety minute weekly sessions, we’ll explore such topics as surviving stress and loneliness, coping with the feelings that accompany the stages of grief and the spiritual elements of grief and healing. There will be ample time to share your thoughts and feelings in a safe and understanding environment. Although registration is not necessary, it will help with planning for materials. You may register at the parish office, or use the signup sheet in the commons or drop an email to [email protected]. Bulletin News & Scheduling of Events To submit bulletin announcements or to schedule an event please email [email protected] Ministries of Time & Talent Administration Collection Counters* Respect Life St. Vincent de Paul Faith Formation Photography School Advisory Council Adult Faith Formation Community Building Children’s Liturgy* Cursillo Nursery* Couple to Couple RCIA/RCIC Family Counseling Student Faith Formation Hospitality Teams Safety/VIRTUS* Liturgical Receptions Vacation Bible School* Members Welcome Youth Ministry* Prayer & Worship Men’s Prayer Group MOMS Group Altar Guild Parish Events Team Centering Prayer Senior’s Exercise Group Liturgical Art / Environmental Seniors Lunch Miraculous Medal Novena Liturgical Ministries Women’s Club Young Adults Group Stay connected For details, programs, forms, resources and much more, please visit our website at: Also, “Like” us on Facebook at: This tool will keep you up to date of activities going on in the parish! Parish e-News is sent the last week of each month. To receive the Parish E-News, please send your current email address to [email protected]. Outreach Schedule Saturday, August 16: Cook team 2: The Mireles’ team, making chicken vegetable soup and tuna salad. Meet in Madden Hall kitchen at 10:00am. Bring a bag of cooked rice. Tuesday, August 19: Serving team 1: The Manning’s team. Meet in Madden Hall at 10:00AM. Serving Tuna Sandwiches and Soup. Sick & Homebound Visitation If you or someone you know is sick or homebound and would like visitation, please call Sr. Carol Gnau at 873-0631, ext. 17 or at contact her via email at: [email protected] Eucharistic Ministers* Discipleship Gift Bearers Bereavement Greeters Catholic Scouting Lectors Ecumenism Servers (for adults*) Habitat for Humanity Ushers* Health Ministry & Parish Nurses Music Ministries Active Stewardship Please submit this form for more information about the Parish or any of the ministries listed to the left. Please Print Name:____________________________________ Address:__________________________________ ________________________________________ Kairos Adult Choir Phone: ___________________________________ Knights of Columbus Cantor/Song Leader E-Mail: ___________________________________ Meals on Wheels Children’s Choir Ministry of Care Hand Bell Choir Outreach for the Hungry Instrumentalists Prison Ministry Resurrection Choir Facilities Management * Indicates the requirement for Virtus Training and/or Background Screening Ministries of interest: _______________________ _________________________________________ You may place this form in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office: St. John the Beloved 28 Sumter Avenue Summerville, SC 29483 FINANCIAL S STEWARDSHIP FINANCIAL TEWARDSHIP MASS INTENTIONS, AUG 2 - AUG 10 Registered Households 1,388 Average Weekly Parish Expenses = $20,548 7/27 Basket Online Weekly Total 14,486 2,374 16,860 Presiders: Msgr. Chet, Fr. Timothy, Fr. Dux Saturday 5:30pm CM Hercules F. Profit + Sunday 7:30am CM Terry Vogele + 9:30am JD Beatrice Hough + 11:30am TA Ryan Sanderson + Monday 9:00am TA Jeffrey Litzenberg + Tuesday 7:30am TA Joseph Fortuna + Total Tithe: $ 1,686 This week’s special appeal will benefit Bishop’s Annual Appeal Next week’s special appeal will benefit Military Ordinariate Special Collection 7/27 Collection Property Improvement 9:00am CM Jim Westbrook + Wednesday 9:00am TA John McDonald + Thursday 7:30am TA Detta Zimmerman + 9:00am CM Jeffrey Wood + Friday 9:00am TA Albert Goryeb + Saturday 9:00am TA Charles Farrell + 4:00pm TA Confessions 5:30pm TA Thomas Foley + 7:30am TA Leo Antor + 9:30am JD Rose Marrah + 11:30am TA Catherine Wells + Weekly Total 1,277 Sincere thanks for your generous support. Please remember St. John the Beloved in your estate planning. Each gift matters ! Sunday Liturgical Ministries Schedule Date Liturgical Calendar Team 8/10/14 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time A 8/15/14 Feast of the Assumption SIGN UP 8/17/14 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time C 8/24/14 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time D Parish Calendar Sunday August 3 Ordinary XVIII 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 BP Clinic after all Masses Monday 4 Tuesday 5 MASS 9:00 am Miraculous Medal Novena 9:45 am CLW 9:30am Wednesday 6 MASS 7:30 am 9:00 am Senior Sit & Fit 10:30 am 7 MASS 9:00 am Men’s Prayer Group 7:00am Senior Sit & Fit 10:30am Ordinary XIX 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 CLW 9:30am 11 Senior Sit & Fit 10:30 am 8 Saturday 9 MASS 7:30 am 9:00 am MASS 9:00 am MASS 9:00 am Rosary 9:45 am Confessions 4:00pm Ordinary XIX MASS 5:30pm CLW Training 6:00pm 12 MASS 9:00 am Miraculous Medal Novena 9:45 am Friday Medicare Seminar 2:00-4:00pm Summer Blood Drive 2:00pm-7:00pm August 10 Thursday 13 MASS 7:30 am 9:00 am Inquiry 7:00pm SVdeP 7:30pm 14 MASS 9:00 am Men’s Prayer Group 7:00am Senior Sit & Fit 10:30am Medicare Seminar 2:00-4:00pm Baptism Class 6:30pm 15 MASS 7:30 am 9:00 am 16 Assumption BVM 7:30am 9:00am 12:00pm 7:00pm Rosary 9:45 am Women’s Retreat Group 10am-12:00pm MASS 9:00 am Outreach Cooking 10:00am Confessions 4:00pm Ordinary XX MASS 5:30pm
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