The Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time

FEBRUARY 1, 2014
The Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners of St. Wenceslaus,
A sincere thank you to the chair couples, volunteers, and people who supported the pancake feed for St. Wenceslaus Elementary School
last weekend! Your sacrifices are well noted and appreciated by all! God bless you! The pancakes, eggs and sausage were delicious. The
games and contests were enjoyed by so many. Thank you for your gifts of time and service!
Year-end statements for contributions to St. Wenceslaus Parish for 2014 were mailed this week. This statement only includes your
church tithing contributions. Your contributions to the St. Wenceslaus Building Campaign will be sent on in a separate statement. The
Campaign funds are accounted for separately and reserved in a completely different bank account. If you have questions or need clarifications on your statement, please call the parish office and speak to Linda, our parish secretary during office hours. Thank you for the generous and sacrificial response many are making to serve God and this parish as a faithful steward! May you be richly rewarded.
Bishop Emeritus Fabian Bruskewitz will be with us on Sunday February 22 to celebrate the 10:30 a.m. Mass at
St. Wenceslaus. He will also preach the close of the 40 Hours devotion later that afternoon. Please mark your family
calendars to help us devote a weekend to prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament. There will be a sign up sheet (next
weekend) to help us cover the 40 Hours of Exposition from Friday until Sunday afternoon. I enclose portions of an article
by Father William Saunders on “40 Hours Devotion.” Each week, I will try to run a portion of his article and explanation!
"40 Hours Devotion."
FR. WILLIAM SAUNDERS ~ Arlington Catholic Herald.
The Forty Hours Devotion is a special 40-hour period of continuous prayer made before the Blessed Sacrament in
solemn exposition. Of course, the focus of this devotion is on the Holy Eucharist. As Catholics, the words of our Lord burn
in our hearts: "I myself am the living bread come down from Heaven. If anyone eats this bread, He shall live forever; the
bread I will give is my flesh for the life of the world" (Jn 6:51). Affirming our belief in the real presence of our Lord in the
Blessed Sacrament, the Vatican Council II taught that the Holy Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian
life" ("Lumen Gentium," No. 11). Vatican Council II upheld and encouraged the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament outside of Mass. Our late
Holy Father, Pope Saint John Paul II, had repeatedly "highly recommended" public and private devotion of the Blessed Sacrament, including
processions on the feast of Corpus Christi and the 40 Hours Devotion (cf. "Dominicae Cecae," No. 3, "Inaestimabile Donum," No. 20-22, and
"Ecclesia de Eucharistia," No. 25).
Second, the number 40 has always signified a sacred period of time: the rains during the time of Noah lasted 40 days and nights; the
Jews wandered through the desert for 40 years, our Lord fasted and prayed for 40 days before beginning His public ministry. The Forty
Hours Devotion remembers that traditional "40-hour period" from our Lord’s burial until the resurrection. Actually in the Middle Ages, the
Blessed Sacrament was transferred to the repository, "the Easter Sepulcher," for this period of time to signify our Lord’s time in the tomb.
The Forty Hours Devotion begins with a Solemn Mass of Exposition, which concludes with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and a
procession. The Blessed Sacrament remains on the altar in a monstrance. During the next 40 hours, the faithful gather for personal or public
prayer in adoration of our Lord. The Blessed Sacrament is reposed in the tabernacle for the daily Mass, and then returned for exposition
after Mass. At the end of the devotions, the Mass of Reposition is offered, again concluding with a procession, benediction and final reposition of the Blessed Sacrament. While the 40-hour period should be continuous, some Churches break up the time, reposing the Blessed
Sacrament at night because of security reasons. The Forty Hours Devotion can be seen almost like a parish mini-retreat or mission. A guest
priest may be invited to give a series of homilies. Confessions should be offered and encouraged. Consequently, a most appropriate time to
schedule Forty Hours is either Advent or Lent.
Yours Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Charles Townsend
Got Breakfast?
“St. John Nepomucene Men’s
Club in Weston is having
their annual “Pancakes,
Eggs, & Sausage Feed” on
Sunday, February 15th,
from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm at
St. John’s School gym/
Adult tickets are $6.00;
Kids under 12 are $4.00,
free. There will also be a
bake stand, games, & raffle.”
Prayer of St. Augustine~ O, God, Grant us in all our duties your help; in all our perplexities, your guidance;
in all our dangers, your protection; and in all our sorrows, your peace. Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
our body, and our blood, our life and our nourishment. Amen. St. Augustine
Mass Ministry Schedule ~February 7/8
If you are unable to serve at the scheduled time, it’s your responsibility to find a replacement.
EMC (After 9am Mass):
Adrian Bartek, John Virgl,
Tim Barek, Curt & Sandi Hohn
of the Week
Alan Prochaska from
Assumption Catholic Church
in Dwight NE
Rev. Mr. Cyrus Rowan from
Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic
Church in Falls City, NE
Please pray for them
and for an increase in
vocations to Priesthood
and Religious life.
Ryan Dailey, Sean Dailey, Austin Schneider, Seth Maly, Isaac Privett, Quinn Prochaska
Caleb Braunsroth, Kyle Jelinek, Colby Osmera, Ryan Raabe
Sam Fisher, Joe Fisher, Luke Haberman, Caden Johnson, Shaun Barger, Andrew Dumont
Nathan Paisley, Reid Jurgensmier, Brandon Blum, Theo Blum, Brett Greenfield, Austin Scott
Pat Sullivan, Beth Divis,
Richard Bartek, Ken Harpenau
Don Furasek, Cory Sylliaasen
Alan Makovicka, Lisa Tranmer
Pat Sullivan, Ron Sabatka, Steve Vrana
Greg Hraban, Jerry Hain
Brian Miller, Ron Sladky, Pat Burke
Roger Kuhfahl, Mike Weiss
CHURCH CLEANING / February 7, 2015
Theresa Klein, Deb Koranda, Susan Lilly, Paul & Jill Johnson
Lanie Brazda, Lynn Grandgenett
5:30 Ed Sladky, Don Schwartz, Royce Stuchlik, Randy Robbins
7:30 Rich Bohaty, Bill Kremlacek, Greg Chapek, Nick Bohaty
9:00 Rod Swanson, John Virgl, Dennis O’Brien, Dennis Brabec
10:30 Mark Fisher, Bruce Acker, Kirk Specht
David Snyder Family
Jerry Peterson Family
Thomas Gerdes Family
10:30 Tim Gatewood Family
Edward Rezac Family
Thomas Gerrish Family
Tim Maly Family
Tim Farley Family
Mass Intentions
Mon/February 2:
7:00am Lucille Svoboda-Hopper +
8:05am Mike & Eva Egler +
9:30am (Care Center) Marie Bohaty +
Tue/February 3:
7:00am Emily Bouc+
Louis Kotera +
8:05am Janet Prochaska +
Wed/February 4:
6:45am (at Convent) Joe Bartek +
7:00am Special Intention JG
Ann Divis +
Thur/February 5:
7:00am Rosemary Shanahan +
8:05am Poor Souls Int of Mike & Jaci Zelazny
9:00am (South Haven) Ray Fiala +
Fri/February 6:
6:40am Don Virgl +
8:05am Frank & Lucille Ptacek +
5:15pm Dec’d Members St. Ludmilla’s Guild
Sat/February 7:
8:00am Milo Meduna +
Dorothy Meduna +
5:30pm Dan Svoboda +
Sun/February 8:
7:30am People of St. Wenceslaus Parish
9:00am Genevieve Egr +
10:30am Clara Simonds +
We Remember in Prayer: Donna Bach,
Eleanor Bartek, Annie Braun, Kim Brigham,
Ann Eilers, Colton Hagemann, Sally Hakel,
Samuel Johnson, Pam Kotera, Peter Meyer,
Godfrey Lanik, Msgr. Pleskac, Adriana Poulson,
Janet Prochaska, Matthew Rohman,
Gwenth Rohrid, Derek Ruth, Mary Ann Schense,
Sunday February 1:
PCCW will serve Coffee & Rolls following 7:30 & 9:00am Masses~ Church Basement
Super Bowl of Caring Collection to aid Matt Talbot Kitchen following all Masses.
8:00am-Noon The Sons of American Legionnaires Post 308/Weston ~Super Bowl
Sunday Breakfast at the Weston Legion Hall. Serving biscuits and gravy, eggs, sausage,
pancakes, French toast bake, fruit side dish, & beverage. Adults $7 & 10 & under $3.
Monday February 2:
7:00pm RCIA/Adult Faith Formation
Tuesday February 3:
1:00pm Altar Rosary Society Meeting in the Parish Office meeting room.
7:00pm The Most Holy Rosary in the Church
Wednesday February 4: Late Start-No School Mass
1:00pm Sewing for the Missions
6:00pm CCD
6:00pm Godteens
Thursday February 5:
4:30-5:30pm CONFESSIONS
Friday February 6: First Friday
5:30am That Man is You: Steve will Identify for us the pathway to true joy within our
homes. Starting with Hope – God has placed true joy within everyone’s reach. Please
invite someone to join us. Every man in the parish is invited! Contact Les Mach for
more information 402-443-3866
8:00am-5:00pm Eucharistic Adoration with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in
the church. If you can spend some time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, there is an
adoration sign-up sheet in the back of the church.
Saturday February 7:
6:00pm Plasi Parish Mardi Gras at the Prague Parish Hall
Sunday February 8:
9:00am St. Mary’s Pancake Breakfast featuring Pancake Man at Cedar Bluffs Auditorium.
11:00am St. Vitus Parish Annual Soup Dinner at St. John’s School Gym in Weston.
MARDI GRAS: Join the Plasi Parish for a Mardi Gras at the Prague Parish Hall on Feb. 7th
(snow date-Feb. 14th)! Social hour from 6pm–7pm followed by a New Orleans style buffet &
dessert bar. Black Jack, Chuck-A- Luck, King’s Cake, Karaoke, Wine& Shine raffle, auction &
more! Adult only event. Tickets available now -$20/person. Advanced tickets only, don’t
miss out! Contact Jo (402)663-5242, Pat (402)663-5137, Linda (402)642-5457, or
A heart or a hand clenched in anxiety and greed Tara (402)642-5824.
can never truly receive anything.
The Pancake Man! St. Mary’s Pancake Breakfast-Featuring the The Pancake Man~
St. Wenceslaus Church is grateful for our faithful
Sunday Feb. 8th ~9:00am-12:30pm ~Cedar Bluffs City Auditorium. Serving Pancakes
giving of time, talent & treasure.
(all you can eat), eggs, sausage, coffee, milk, juice. Adults $6.00, Children ages 4-10 $4.00
Parish Gifts for January 25, 2015
Envelopes: $ 9,896.90
2nd Collection:$ 209.08
Campaign: $ 1,508.10
Adult Educations Classes/RCIA: Mondays
7:00-8:30pm at Neumann High School-call
Fr. Sparling 443-4235 or Fr. Kane 443-4151
Adult Education in the Faith – Wednesdays
St. Josephs Rectory basement– Colon, NE
Call Monsignor Seiker 402-647-4901
Silent Auction, Bake Sale, Country Store.
St. Vitus Parish Annual Soup Dinner~ Sunday February 8th ~ St. John’s School Gym in
Weston. Serving 11:00am-1:30pm– Chili, Chicken Noodle, Ham & Bean Soups, Sandwiches,
Desserts, & Drinks. Silent Auction 12:30pm, Live Auction 12:45pm, Live Polka Music
10:45am-12:30pm. Games, Raffle, Cake Walk, Baked Goods. Fun for all!
Natural Family Planning Creighton Model Introductory Sessions for January, 2015:
Monday, February 2, Thursday, February 12 and Tuesday, February 24 at 7pm. Preregistration is required. For more information call 488-2040.
Visit women religious of Diocese of Lincoln in celebration of the Year for Consecrated Life.
Pre-School Sunday School in the church
Open House Dates are:
basement during 9am & 10:30am Masses.
Sisters of Mary, Queen of Mercy at Little Flower Day Care,
Bible Study for High School Girls~ Open to all
9141 S. 78th St., Lincoln
High School girls (grades 9-12) Meets on
February 8, 2015~ Open House ~ 4-5 p.m.
Sundays at 7pm-Parish Office meeting room.
Marian Sisters at Marycrest Motherhouse, 6765 N. 112 St., Waverly
Bible Study led Lexi Woita & Makenzie Fujan.
February 8, 2015~ Open House ~1-4 p.m.
For info call Lexi at 443-6947
Passionist Sisters at Cristo Rey Church, 4221 J St., Lincoln
Women's Bible Study meets every other
February 28, 2015~ Open House ~ 5-7 p.m.
Thursday morning- 9:00am . Young children
welcome. Call Marnie Toline, 277-5346.
Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House Upcoming Retreats:
Rosary at Planned Parenthood: Pray the
Feb 13 -15, 2015 Fr. Steve Thomlison
Rosary for an end to abortion 9:30am~
“Angels & Demons: Spiritual Warfare & Discernment” M & W
Tuesdays at facility 48th & Old Cheney
Feb 27-Mar 1, 2015 Fr. Mark Cyza “Friends of the Cross” M & W
Columbian Squires Paper Drive: Every 2nd
March 13-15, 2015 Fr. Troy Schweiger “A man after God’s own Heart” Man-to Man M
Sun. Trailer is on A St., East of Virgl Impl.
March 27-29, 2015 Fr. Gary Coulter “Discipleship in Mark” M & W
AA Meetings Tues–8:30am & Friday-11:00am/
Don’t be left out ---Lenten Retreats fill fast---don’t delay—sign up today You can register at
Methodist Church-714 N. Beech Thur-8:00pm and receive immediate confirmation or call Good Counsel Retreat
Bethlehem Lutheran
House at 402-786-2705 to register now