Saint Columban & Saint Peter 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 506 1st Street S, Yelm 98597 360-458-3031 office E-Mail: [email protected] St. Columban Masses: Saturday Vigil 5pm Sunday 10:30am Weekdays: Mon-Word & Communion at 9am Tues, Wed, Thu, & Friday—Mass at 9am Holy Days — TBA Confessions: Saturday 4 to 4:40 pm, also by appointment Adoration: First Friday of the Month after 9am Mass; every Thurs. after Mass to 10:30am Rosary: Monday-Friday at 8:30am February 1, 2015 Priest Administrator: Fr. Paul Weckert, O.S.B. E-Mail: [email protected] Website: 149 Keithahn Street S, PO Box 744 Tenino 98589 360-264-2124 office E-Mail: [email protected] Mission Statement : We are the Catholic Faith Community of St. Columban and St. Peter. We seek to place God first, to know Him, to love Him and to grow in Holiness together. We proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Word and Sacrament, in our teaching, sharing and serving. St. Peter Mission Masses: Sunday 8am Confessions: Sunday before Mass 7:30— 7:45am or by appointment Adoration: First Sunday of the Month 7am Rosary: Sunday 7:30am St. Columban Parish OfficeRegular Hours Monday-Thursday Secretary/Bookkeeper Patricia Selsor [email protected] Custodian Gene Cassidy [email protected] Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation Cathy Pinick [email protected] Youth Minister/Adult Faith Formation CoordinatorMarcus Ayers [email protected] 360-458-3031 Hours 9-2 PM Lunch 12-12:30 360-458-3031 360-458-3031 360-458-2360 360-458-3031 Music Coordinator Sarina Cofield 360-259-2378 Altar Servers Theresa Gonzales 253-843-0618 Women’s Club Grace Dvorak Judy LeMoine 360-960-8386 360-458-5136 St. Vincent de Paul Jerome Didier 360-458-1904 RCIA 360-458-3031 St. Peter Mission Loretta LaRue-Fri 10-12 [email protected] 360-264-2124 Custodian-Chris Salp [email protected] 360-264-2124 360-264-2124 Music Coordinator Sherry Bachmann 360-264-2317 St. Peter Circle Ginny Steckler 360-264-2977 Sacraments Baptisms—please call the parish office at least two months in advance of the date you wish for the baptism. There are no baptisms during Lent, except in emergencies. Marriage—please call the parish office at least six months in advance of desired date. Please do not set a wedding date until you have met with the priest. Funerals—please contact office before scheduling with mortuary. Faith Formation News Adult Faith Formation Winter Scripture Study — New Time Thursdays, 9:30-10:30am at St. Peter 10:30-11:30am at St. Columban 6:30-8pm at St. Columban Study questions may be picked up on Thursday or go to http:// Faith Formation ~ K-12 ~ RCIC Welcome New Families—It’s never too late to register for classes or youth group activities. Please contact the parish office to register. 360-458-3031. Children’s Ministry – Grades K-6 Classes meet from 9am—10:15am in the parish hall. Feb. Class Schedule: 1st, 8th, 22nd St. Columban Youth Group -Grades 7-12 Next Youth Night is Feb. 11 at 6:30pm. RITE OF AFFIRMATION CELEBRATED! This Sunday we affirm the readiness of our candidates for Confirmation through the testimony of their sponsors and the parish community. Further, from the candidates, we will hear their personal commitment to accept the responsibilities entrusted to a fully initiated member of the Church. Please keep our candidates in your prayers this week. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION~ Feb. 4th at 7pm Please come celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with us this Wednesday, Feb. 4th at 7pm. Abbot Neal Roth of St. Martin’s Abbey has been delegated by Archbishop Sartain to confirm our youth in his stead. Please continue to keep the Archbishop in your prayers as he recovers from his recent back surgery. Prayers Requested Please pray for the following: Lawrence Baker, Noelle Novarra, Charles Burroughs, Todd Jergens, Laurie Prescott, Becky Werner, Vi Hurley, Frank & Ellen Rohan, Amy Domgaard, Dick Marquart, & all those in harm’s way. Letter from Fr. Paul Dear Friends, This week I am writing about St. Melania the Younger (383-439). (She was named after her grandmother, St. Melania the Elder.) You may think that she must be rather obscure, but she was one of the great women of the early church. I find her life very interesting. But I think most would say it was unusually varied for a woman of those Roman times. My point is that Melania’s life passed through many experiences and roles—as wife and mother, nun and hermit, pilgrim and spiritual director. She began life as a daughter of a very wealthy Christian family in Rome. As a young girl Melania desired to consecrate herself to God but her family had other plans. At age fourteen, they forced her to marry a man named Pinian. After the death in infancy of her first two children her husband consented that she follow her vocation. What is more, she convinced her widowed mother and her husband Pinian to also adopt her lifestyle of prayer and pious works. First they divested themselves of their fabulous wealth. They set their eight thousand slaves free and distributed the proceeds of their many estates to the poor. In 406 the family left Rome for North Africa and the city of Tagaste. Joining the local church they became very active members even counting among their new found friends St. Augustine. Here in North Africa Melania established two monasteries, one for men and the other for women, where she lived. She supported herself by the transcription of manuscripts (she was fluent in Latin and Greek). In 417 Melania and family moved to the Holy Land, where they settled in Jerusalem. After studying the spirituality of the Desert Fathers, she became resolved to live a life of solitude and prayer. Nonetheless, she became closely acquainted with the community in Bethlehem. This community included two great saints of the time, Paula and Jerome. After fourteen years her mother and husband died. She buried them on the Mount of Olives. Nearby their graves she established a cell in which to live. It eventually became the center of a large convent of holy women. In 439 she went to celebrate Christmas in Bethlehem with her friend St. Paula. There she became seriously ill. Sensing that her life was coming to an end she sent for her Sisters to express her farewell, “for I am going to the Lord.” On Sunday, December 31, she attended Mass and spent the rest of the day receiving visitors. Finally she asked them to leave because she wanted to rest. She died uttering her final words: “As the Lord willed, so it is done.” God Bless, Fr. Paul Thanks to our advertisers! Please support those listed on the back of the bulletin. News & Opportunities Birthday Party for Gracie Sudano You are all invited to share Gracie’s 85th Birthday Party with a potluck on Saturday February 7, from 11am to 3pm. It will be held in the Parish Hall. Please RSVP to Jodie Gilmore, [email protected] or TerriLee Bishop, [email protected]. Financial Peace University — Watch this space FPU starts again Tuesday, February 10 from 6:308:00pm. Block out the time, figure out a babysitter or other needs. Signups are this weekend and next weekend after Mass. 50th Annual Crab Feed—Holy Name Society Sacred Heart—Lacey Feb. 13 6pm $30 —All You Can Eat—Crab, roast Beef, coleslaw, garlic bread, beer & wine included. For tickets or more information, contact: John Huff at (360) 273-9855 or [email protected]. You may also contact Tom or Sarina Cofield for more information. No tickets will be sold at the door. Take Flight — A Scholarship Luncheon to benefit Pope John Paul II High School February 19, 2015, 12-1pm Indian Summer Golf & Country Club. $300 per table, $30 per seat. Registration: 360-438-7600. IRS Fraud Update According to the IRS, the best way to protect yourself from tax fraud on your 2014 return is to file your return as early as possible. Although we have not identified the specific source of the breach affecting the Archdiocese, we do know that approximately 5,900 members of our community have been victims of a national tax fraud scheme. The Archdiocese has concluded its investigation, having explored all reasonable leads identified in our investigation. Although we have not found anything in our internal systems to suggest they were compromised, we are still committed to working towards having the responsible people held accountable. News & Opportunities Scripture Reflection for this Week—Mark 1:11-28 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time Adults: What can you tell others about Jesus with the most assurance? Children: What is the most important thing you would like others to know about Jesus? EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS – Feb. 7th St. Michael Parish in Olympia. Check in time is 8:30am and will conclude with Mass at 5pm. Come gather to celebrate Jesus – alive and present in the Holy Eucharist. The celebration of the Eucharist is at the very heart of the Congress. The program includes catechesis, testimonies, and prayer. Speakers for this year’s Congress are: Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, Sister Mary Eucharista, Fr. Bryan Dolejsi and Fr. Gary Zender. To register or for more information, go to: http:// Mass Intentions To have a Mass said for someone deceased or for the intentions of a living person, you can place a note in the collection basket with your donation or you may stop by the office with your request. Mass and Word & Communion are @ 9am on weekdays, and the Rosary is @ 8:30am. Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 2 Word & Communion 3 Jay B. Herrington by Cofield Family 4 Adeline D. Patrick by Cofield Family 5 At St. Peter 6 Poor Souls in Purgatory 7 St. Peter & St. Columban parishioners 8 St. Peter & St. Columban parishioners + deceased Coffee Hour Host-Hostess If you could help with the coffee hour, please speak to Judy Cusick. Jan. 31 Spaghetti Dinner Feb. 1 St. Catherine Feb. 8 St. John Neumann Feb. 15 St. Columban Parish Stewardship and prayers—2015 St. Columban St. Peter Mission Weekly Goal $4,263 $712 Jan. 24-25 $4,419 $935 Thank you for placing God first! Please remember the parish in your will. CHILDREN’S PRAYERS: Prayers were not collected this week, but will be published next week. Thanks to our advertisers! Please support those listed on the back of the bulletin. Woodlawn is the ONLY Catholic Owned, Full Service Funeral Home, Cemetery & Crematory in Thurston County. Call (360) 491-3000 ad 3 x 3 freeDoM various sizes-28_bc-32.qxd 11/14/2012 12:15 PM Page 6 Extreme Forage Harvesting Scotto’s Siblings Working Together for Your Financial Future (Fatima, Gennaro, Magdalena, John Paul & Socorro Maria) Orrin R Robbins Jr, AAMS® Financial Advisor . 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