News letter - Dekorra Lutheran Church

Dekorra Lutheran Church
N3099 Smith Road, Poynette, WI 53955-9435
Phone: (608) 635-7200
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Web Page Address:
Ryan Rouse, Pastor Cell Phone: (608) 566-4365
E-Mail: [email protected]
February 2015 Newsletter
From The Pastor…
During the month of January I was blessed with the opportunity to lead two women’s Bible studies, from the Gather
magazine that the ladies subscribe to, and I thought the lesson on forgiveness that it provided was very informative and
interesting. In fact, I was so inspired by the subject matter and the conversations during our time together, that I decided to
use it as a jumping off point in my newsletter article this month. After all, as Christians we are called by our Lord and
Savior to not only love one another as he has loved us, but we are also called to forgive others as he has forgiven us.
Let’s face it, as difficult as it can be to show compassion and caring to the plethora of people that are part of our
lives, it can be even more problematic to offer up forgiveness to them when we have been wronged. Perhaps this is because
in our culture and society it can be very easy to give into the temptation of retaliation when we have been wronged or hurt
by another person. If someone does something to upset us, or if they cause us grief, our initial reaction is to make them
suffer as we have suffered. If they insult us, we insult them back, if they take something from us, we take something from
them, and often times this cycle will continue over and over again.
If we want to stop this repetitive cycle, typically it either takes an outside mediator to step in to try and help put an
end to the conflict, or it takes an apology and a showing of true remorse from the offending party before the plaintiff may be
able to offer up forgiveness. Often times, however, this can be a difficult thing for us to do because either we have a hard
time letting go of the offense, or in some instances we worry that if we offer up some kind of pardon or absolution, than we
are saying that what happened to us was ok. In reality, as I’m sure you are well aware, when we are willing to forgive
someone, basically we are telling the other person that we are not going to let what they did continue to affect how we relate
to one another, that we are willing to move past the hurt, the pain, or whatever feelings we are harboring related to the
In our Bible study from 2 Samuel Chapter 11 after learning about King David’s indiscretion with a soldier’s wife,
and his murdering of her husband Uriah, we had some good conversation involving repentance and the possibility of people
being able to change for the better. In the story that we read we witnessed the prophet Nathan confronting David and
helping him to see the error of his ways. After coming to the realization that he had done something truly terrible he ends
up asking God for forgiveness and is able to move beyond his sin and offense.
Although we may often find it difficult to forgive others for hurting us, I believe that Jesus commands us to
forgive, and we find numerous lessons on forgiveness in scripture, because it is imperative for our wellbeing. When we
hold onto grudges, when we bottle things inside, and when we aren’t willing to let go of the pain and/or anger, not only are
we harming the other person, but we are ultimately harming ourselves. In fact, medical studies involving this subject matter
have revealed that individuals who are unable to forgive are more prone to disease, illness, high blood pressure, etc…And
of course, the opposite of this is also true. If you know people who are able to embrace forgiveness regularly than you have
probably noticed that they are typically happy, carefree, and wonderful individuals to be around.
This month as we head into Lent, I pray that we will remember just how important forgiveness is to God! It is so
important that he was willing to send his son to die on a cross so that we might receive forgiveness and be reconciled in our
relationship with him and with one another. So in February, as we journey with Christ to the tomb, I pray that each week as
we share the peace of Christ before communion we will remember to truly forgive those who have offended us and let go of
any grudges or resentments that we are holding on to.
May you all be extremely blessed during this Lenten season,
Pastor Ryan
Sunday School News: On February 1st the Sunday school children will be singing at the 8:00am worship service. They
will be singing two songs that they have been practicing during the Sunday school opening. One of the songs is "Praise
him Praise him all ye little children" and the other one is "I am a C.H.R.I.S.T.I.A.N." Also we would like to let you all know
that we are hoping to have an Easter program sometime in April.
Confirmation News: Please note that on February 18th the students are expected to attend our Ash Wednesday worship
service and during the season of Lent they are expected to attend 4 of the 8 Lenten worship services.
Council President’s Report….
Fellow Church Members;
When I started on the Church Council three years ago, my role was different from when I leave in February. I
began with the idea that I would just help out. Change came quickly with the retirement of Pastor Dan and
with President Walt resigning because of family matters. The experience has been both frustrating and
rewarding. The rewards have come with the hiring of Pastor Ryan and our Office Manager, Terry Hinkel. Also,
I thank Dennis Jones and Jerry Carncross for all the hours spent getting the new software installed to handle
the church’s finances.
At the Annual Meeting, my replacement will be elected as well as other members of the Council. They also
will face changing challenges in the new year. With an updated Constitution in place and most of the
Continuing Resolutions updated and the accounting policies in place, the new Council may have time to
emphasize different directions. Membership is down from a few years ago; what might increase attendance?
Maintenance concerns such as replacing the carpet and the roof’s limited life span will have to be considered.
The new leadership should look at Dekorra’s mission and role in the community.
As in some houses, conflict may arise now and then. The issues may be major or minor and that depends on
whether you are involved or just hear about it via word-of-mouth. If the issues start out as minor, they may
grow to a greater concern if not addressed. The first step is to talk with Pastor Ryan and then to the Mutual
Ministry. Dekorra Lutheran has a Mutual Ministry Committee in place to handle issues that are related to the
Church. The ministry of any Pastor and Congregation can be strengthened when there is a small group of
persons who act out of mutual concern for the Pastor, lay professionals (employees of the Church) and the
Congregation. This mutual ministry becomes specific in such ways as:
* Open Communication concerning the attitudes and conditions within the Congregation
* Early warning of misunderstanding within the Congregation
* A “listening post” and “sounding board” for the Pastor, employees and Congregation
* Identifying continuing education that would assist the ministry of the pastor and lay professionals
the goals of the Congregation
* Concerns for the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the Pastor and lay professional.
Through listening, interpreting, advising, conferring, evaluating, recommending, affirming and forgiving, the
ministry of the Pastor and lay professional are strengthened as well as that of the Congregation. Members of
the Mutual Ministry are: William Schleichert, Barb Kalan, John Weingandt, Kristine Koch and Tom Hoversten.
This list of members will probably change with the election of Council members at the Annual Meeting on
February 15. Conversations with these individuals should remain confidential.
The newly elected Council members will have a new approach to address the welfare of Dekorra Lutheran.
They need our support. Communicate with them and let them know what there is that makes you want to be
a member of our Congregation. Church vitality is a mindset, and old habits are difficult to change. Romans
16:5 says “Likewise greet the church that is in their house…….” What is a Church? It’s the gathered
assembly of believers in Jesus. Dekorra Lutheran Church has been a gathering Church since 1869. Let us
forge ahead into the next 150 years.
God bless us, each and every one.
Ken Erdahl, Council President
[email protected]
Please Remember in our
Prayers: James McGinnity (sonin-law of Aileen Brager); Christine
Rasmussen; Ralph Jesse; Kristen
Armstrong (granddaughter of Barb
& Bruno Kalan); Holli Judd
(daughter of Chuck & Penny Judd;
Joyce Frahm (sister of Joanne
Johnson); Stephanie Steinys
(friend of Janet Kienast); LeRoy
Breneman (brother of June Fiske),
Joanna, Joshua and Dallas
(children of Mary Dibble); Betty
Prucha; Alexander Lavern Fiske
(great grandson of June Fiske);
Rona Erdahl; Kaitlyn
Schultz(daughter of Cherry
Schultz), Ron Kunkle (Uncle of
Lyndsay Rouse).
Prayers for Those
Serving our Country
in the Military:
Phillip Kamps, Alex
Kamps (nephews of Kathy
Pederson); Kent Riedel; Deontá
Backovitch; Nicholas Paske
(great-nephew of June Fiske);
Dustin Hoiten (nephew of Ted
Koch); Bill Warren (son of Cheryl
Lytle); Charles Judd (nephew of
Chuck & Penny Judd); Quinten
Case (great-nephew of June Fiske;
James Wampole (nephew of Gene
& Betty Hehl); Moira
McCormack, (granddaughter of
Renate Lokotz).
2015 Giving Envelopes are on
the kitchen counter in the old
17th Annual Wild Game Feed
February 8, 2015 - 4:30pm
Dekorra Lutheran Church
Tickets are now on sale and going
fast. See any DMC member for
tickets or call Bill Schleichert at
635-2452 or 697-4434 or stop in
Church office. Tickets are $25
each. There will be door prizes,
raffles and lots of great food.
Dekorra Women of the ELCA…
Please help us out
The women of Dekorra need several volunteers to be members of the
Funeral Committee. Barb Kalan has chaired this committee for many
years, and has now stepped down from this position. We would like to
extend a big THANK YOU to Barb for her dedication and expertise.
We now need several people to work with Loretta Hoversten on this
committee. When several people take on the leadership role it is easier
on everyone. Please pray about accepting this call and being a part of
this vital service we offer at Dekorra.
Save the Date
The Evangelism Committee will be having a Talent, Hobby event
on Sunday, March 22. If you are interested in participating in this
fun event, please let Karen Millard by March 1st. Karen can be
reached at 635-7137.
Bible Study
All study groups will meet at
Church unless otherwise noted
Wednesday, February 4
1:00 pm Bible Study (Hope)
Tuesday, February 10
1:00 pm Bible Study (Joy)
Sunday, February 15
9:15 am Bible Study (Faith)
February 18 – Ash Wednesday
Greeting Cards, Napkins, Coffee, Tea, Hot Cocoa for Sale
Sympathy, Get Well and Birthday greeting cards just arrived. They
are $4.50 per box of 12. The other cards are marked at $4.00 or
$.50 per card. Other new cards: Easter, Graduation, Confirmation
at $.50 each. Napkins are $2.50 per package.
Keep Saving Box Tops for Education
They are worth 10 cents each; Campbell Soup Labels are worth
1 point each; Milk Moola Strips and Milk Jug Caps are worth
5 cents each. Thanks a lot to all who have been saving—you are
both the Lodi and Poynette schools. There is a list of other items
posted on the bulletin board outside the Church Office and in the
17th Annual Wild Game Feed
February 08, 2015
4:30pm until done
Dekorra Lutheran Church
Tickets are now on sale and going fast. See any DMC
member for tickets or call Bill Schleichert at 635-2452/697-4434.
$25 per ticket.
There will be door prizes, raffles and lots of great food. The items listed below will be on the menu
Venison steak medallions
Elk Stroganoff
Orange Kist Pheasant
Pork and Kraut
Moose Stew
Deep Fried Turkey
Deep Fried Fish
Bear Meat Loaf
Moose meat balls
Cajun Fried Rabbit
Pork and Kraut
Venison Italian Sausage/ onions and Green Peppers