THIS SUNDAY'S SCHEDULE - November 2nd FALL MINISTRY CYCLE #2 BEGINS Flowing out of our Vision For Greatness expressed priorities, this six week ministry cycle will feature a session of programming & discipleship focused ministries to be followed by Sabbath Rest Week -Beg Sun PM, Dec 14th 9:00AM MINISTERS OF WORSHIP TEAM 9:45-10:15 KOFFEE KORNER - pre-service fellowship & conversation! 10:30AM MORNING WORSHIP with Pastor Jason Parker preaching Tithes & Offerings may be deposited in the designated box in the foyer before or after the service. PLUS: Nursery Supervision (ages 0-4) under Heidi & Josh Wallace. Children’s Discipleship class downstairs for all PUDDLERS (ages 5-7) & WADERS (ages 8&9) during the service. Next week's Nursery: Darci Forrest & Melissa Thibodeau NOON TACO LUNCH - a Mexican themed lunch by donation, sponsored by the NYI & NMI to help raise funds for the NYI. 6:00 PM SUNDAY NIGHT DISCIPLESHIP with KneeDeep (children ages 1012), Youth & Adult discipleship class. (See info flyer on welcome table.). AMONG THE FAMILY PRAYERS & REMEMBRANCES are appreciated for Vernon & Lottie Cudmore, Cyndi Dobson George, Norman Gillcash, Reta Loubert, Kerry McKenna (son in law to Sharon Cormier), Jim Jr. & Kevin Smith (sons to Kay Smith), Lionel Steeves & Rev Walter Wilcox. CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER LINE requests should be directed to Eileen Gallagher at 384-0595 or [email protected]. We provide both email & voice mail options. . DIRECTORY UPDATES - Please add the following info in your current church directory: Sharon Cormier ph# 859-8901 & email [email protected], as well as Helen Fitzsimmons 267 John St, Moncton ph# 830-0389. OPEN INVITATION to the 80th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION for next Saturday. 8th from 2-4pm at 37 Lawrence St, Crystal Springs sub-division (off Ryan Rd). Best wishes only, refreshments provided. New to Lutes Mountain Church ... or have ministry inquiries ... or a prayer request? Please use the yellow communication cards inserted in the pew pockets. We welcome your visitor information, ministry requests & other comments. You may deposit the cards in the collection box on the corner table just outside the sanctuary or with someone at the welcome center. THIS WEEK Monday 7:00 PM K-CELL at the home of Marlene Gillcash (3332 Route 126) Shepherd: Sandy Thistle Wednesday 9:30AM LADIES BIBLE STUDY meets at the home of Marlene Gillcash. 6:00 PM CHAMPIONS - a mid-week children's community ministry at the church (ages 5-grade 6) with the theme "International Spy Academy". Contact Leanne Phillips for info or to volunteer. 7:30 PM ENGAGE - a mid-week youth group meeting for grade 7-age 18 at the church. See Pastor Matt for details. Thursday 10:00AM K-CELL at the home of Shepherd Tena Steeves (51 Catamount Rd). 7:00 PM K-CELL at the home of Matt & Darci Forrest (1 Briggs Cross Rd). Shepherd: Joe Hughes SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8TH 7:30AM WORK & FELLOWSHIP DAY EXCURSION to “In The Stillness” Retreat with Ken & Fay Neilson. There are work & ministry projects for everyone – male & female, young & old. Many hands are needed. Please speak to Joe Hughes for details. NEXT SUNDAY - November 9th 9:00AM MINISTERS OF WORSHIP TEAM 9:45-10:15 KOFFEE KORNER - pre-service fellowship & conversation! 10:30AM VETERAN'S APPRECIATION included in the service as we honor our local church/community Veterans. Service leader will be Pastor Matt with the message coming from Dr Stewart 6:00 PM SUNDAY NIGHT DISCIPLESHIP with KneeDeep (children ages 1012), Youth & Adult discipleship class. (See info flyer on welcome table.). DID YOU KNOW Remembrance Day provides an occasion to set aside our daily routines to focus on those who have fought & continue to defend human rights & democracy. If the rights of one single human are dimmed, does all humanity fall under a shadow? Can a gesture by one nation stir change oceans away? Will we ever be able to promise human rights for all, once & for all? When it comes to the simple matter of human kind’s basic rights, there are no simple questions, no wrong ones, & never enough. Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. It is time to read, reflect & remember so that the dead might sleep knowing that we carry their torch, that their values are protected & that the lessons of history are not forgotten. Be with us next week as we honor those who have & continue to serve. Be also in prayer for those who are still being persecuted (see insert for more info on the Persecuted Church) LOOKING AHEAD TUESDAY NOVEMBER 11TH REMEMBRANCE DAY 10:15AM REMEMBRANCE DAY PARADE is begins at the Moncton Coliseum, with ceremony around 10:45am at the Cenotaph, 577 Killam Dr & reception afterwards at the Branch #6 Royal Canadian Legion SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15TH 9:30AM SDMI TRAINING DAY - This is for leaders, volunteers, or those interested in assisting in discipleship ministries (i.e. children, youth, adult Sunday school, k-cells, missions, etc.). Anyone ages 12 & up is welcome to attend. Lunch will be provided by the SDMI & training should conclude by 2:30pm. Individuals are encouraged to RSVP to Melissa or Reanne by Nov. 10th so they can finalize lunch details, etc.! SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16TH NOON NYI COUNCIL meeting after service at the church. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 22ND Welcome to.... The LUTES MOUNTAIN CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 6:30 PM NIFTY AFTER 50 (Senior's Ministry) will meet at the Riverview Parklanes Bowling Alley for some fun exercise before a fellowship time at Tim's! Please invite your family/friends & sign up on the sheet or see Diane/Don Koetke so they know how many lanes to reserve. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27TH 1:00 PM NMI COUNCIL meeting at the church. SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS Nazarene Missions International November's Emphasis - MISSION PRIORITY ONE This special recognition is awarded to local churches who participate in the four core pillars upon which the global missionary efforts of the Church of the Nazarene are founded and built: 1.PRAYING: pray for all efforts of global evangelization. To be specific in your prayers see the bulletin displays on the north wall just outside the sanctuary, or subscribe to the weekly e-mail Prayer Mobilization Line bulletin, or subscribe to Engage Magazine. 2.DISCIPLING Mentoring and involving all people, including youth and children, to make Christ-like disciples in the nations. Learn about our LINK family and what you can do to encourage them. 3.GIVING Give 5.5% of current income for World Evangelism Fund 4.EDUCATING See the display of missions books available to borrow and read. PRAYERS for OUR TEAM MISSION FAMILY - Expressed in the greeting from the Kucey family, Darin, Tonya, Ryan, Cory & Karissa, Missionaries to Haiti, please remember the family as they minister others & co-ordinate Work & Witness teams in Haiti. Their list of prayer requests has been posted on the NMI bulletin board for your intercession in the many needs of their family, ministry & the work of the church of the Nazarene there. LUTES MOUNTAIN CHURCH OF OUR PURPOSE THE NAZARENE To invite people of Lutes Mountain, surrounding communities and those within our circles of influence to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ and passionate servant-leaders within His Church and the world. Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 CONNECT WITH US!! Lutes Mountain Church of the Nazarene 2 Briggs Cross Road, Lutes Mountain, NB E1G 2X8 Ph: 506.858.8749 Fax: 506.389.9575 email - [email protected] Check out our church website at to view our online live and recorded services. Lead Pastor: C. Dale Thistle ~ on Sabbatical Interim Supply Pastor: Dr. Bill Stewart ~ [email protected] Associate Youth/Media Pastor: Matthew Forrest ~ [email protected] Small Group & Discipleship Pastor: Reanne Krauss ~ [email protected] Administrative Assistant ~ Michelle Clark ~ [email protected]
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