View Newsletter - Saint Andrew Lutheran Church

St. Andrew Lutheran Church
4420 Center Point Rd. N.E.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Saturday Worship ...................................... 5:30 p.m. Office Hours.................... Monday-Friday, 8:30-5:00
Sunday Worship ........................................ 9:30 a.m. Church Phone ................................. (319) 393-4021
Sunday School/Adult Forum .................... 10:45 a.m. Email .................... [email protected]
(Nursery available Sundays 9:00 a.m.-noon)
The Messenger
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
January 2015
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
from the staff of St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Place address label here.
Pastor Zach Johnson
Ben Luedcke
Robin Wagner
Teresa Girard
Brett Formanek
Installation of
Reverend Zachary W. Johnson
As Pastor of
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
4420 Center Point Road NE
Sunday, January 4
9:30 a.m.
Reception Follows
Clergy & Staff
Pastor: Rev. Zachary Johnson
Teresa Girard, Office Administrator
Brett Formanek, Sexton
Brett Formanek, Nursery Attendant
Ben Luedcke, Music Director
Robin Wagner, Organist
Congregation Council (2014-2015)
Lillian Davis, President................... (319) 624-3634
[email protected]
Chris Formanek, Vice President .... (319) 361-9297
[email protected]
Lori Krueger, Secretary .................. (319) 378-4158
[email protected]
Dan Lewis, Treasurer .................... (319) 395-0074
[email protected]
Mike Barton .................................... (319) 294-1054
[email protected]
John Horth ...................................... (319) 294-0993
[email protected]
Bill Logan........................................ (319) 377-7039
[email protected]
Pete Martin ..................................... (319) 378-3124
[email protected]
Mark Your Calendars – Every Voting
Member (that is, every member who has been
confirmed and has communed and made a gift
of record at least once during 2013 or 2014)
should plan to attend the Annual Meeting of
the congregation Sunday, January 25. A
lunch will be served at 12:00 noon, followed
by the meeting at 12:45. So please mark your
calendar and hold the date open.
Inside this Messenger:
Blessings from Pastor Zach ........................ p2
Cantor’s Corner ........................................ p.2
Worship Ministry...................................... p.3
Congregation Council ......................... pp.4,5
Cancellation Policy ................................... p.5
Support Ministry....................................... p.5
Service Ministry ....................................... p.6
Learning Ministry ..................................... p.7
SAY (St. Andrew Youth) .......................... p.7
Witness Ministry ...................................... p.8
Anniversaries ............................................ p.8
LSI ........................................................... p.9
Birthdays ................................................ p.10
Bits and Pieces ....................................... p.10
Flowers for the Church ........................... p.10
In Our Prayers ........................................ p.11
Financial Summary ................................. p.11
Directory ................................................ p.12
Grace and peace to you people of St. Andrew Lutheran Church!
ell, it’s a new year, 2015! One thing that I
enjoy about the New Year is that there is
always this sense of new beginnings! What happened in 2014 is in the past and it is time to look
forward to the endless possibilities that 2015 will
hold for us! Perhaps this year will be the year
that we lose all that weight and live a healthier
lifestyle. Perhaps this will be the year we get to
go on that tropical or European vacation we’ve
always talked about. Perhaps we’ll get a promotion or find our dream job this year! Perhaps
we’ll buy a house or sell a house. Perhaps this
will be a year of milestones—graduations, weddings, babies being born, 50th wedding anniversaries, etc… Yes, we have a lot of possibilities to
look forward to in 2015.
My main goal with you, over the next year, is just
to learn about you and the history of St. Andrew
Lutheran Church. I can assure you that, while
learning how to be in relationship and partnership
together will automatically bring some change to
each of us (you always have to learn again how to
dance with a new partner), I will not be making
any big changes to the life of St. Andrew during
my first year with you. Of course, even after my
first year, if any kind of changes needs to be
made, we will decide them together and not on
my own.
So, let’s concentrate our efforts in 2015 on getting to know each other better. Please know that
my office door is always open to you, so feel free
to stop by for a visit. If you’d rather visit some
place less formal (or “church-like”), I am always
up for a cup of coffee at a café, lunch at a restaurant, going to a sports bar (or an actual game for
that matter!), meeting up at a park, or I even do
house calls.
Of course, one other thing that we have to look
forward to (and probably most importantly) is
how God will be moving us forward together as
you and I begin our new partnership in ministry!
Over this next year I look forward to getting to
know you better as you also get to know me better. This first year is crucial to our partnership,
for this first year is all about building up our relationship together. If we are going to be effective
in ministry together, then we need to get to know
one another so that we can build trust and confidence in each other.
Well, here’s to the endless possibilities that await
us in 2015! Here’s to new beginnings! Here’s to
our new relationship/partnership together! May
Christ continually watch over us and guide us
forward; may we be open to the Spirit’s call; and
may God strengthen our relationship together.
Hospitalized? Please call the church office at 3934021, to let us know when you or a family member
will be having surgery or is hospitalized. Due to
privacy legislation, the hospitals no longer call us
except upon specific request. And because of this
legislation, we can no longer publish the names of
those hospitalized in print. We do, of course, continue to include names of those hospitalized in
Eric Walker is stationed at Offut Air Force
Base, NE (near Omaha). Eric, a member of St.
Andrew, is Dennis & Deb Walker’s son.
Sandra Brenneman
Joe Dzikonski
Irma Gunderson
Delores Pine
Lita Schminke
Walt Stoner
Addresses and phone numbers are available
through the office.
Our Sympathy to friends and family of Elaine
Coombs, one of our charter members who died
Thursday, December 4. A memorial service will
be announced in the spring.
November 30, 2014, Financial Summary
Beginning balance
Regular Offerings
Other Offerings
Total Receipts
Brandon Schau is serving at Fort Carson, Colorado. Brandon is Irv & Kathy Schau’s grandson.
God’s Blessings and Godspeed to Austin Lewis
who graduates from Drake University, Saturday,
December, 13. Austin plans to work at Athene
(financial service in West Des Moines following
After a great Advent and Christmas season, the musicians at Saint Andrew are looking forward to collaborating with Pastor Zach; art and faith always do best when there are opportunities for growth and change. Additionally, we would like to extend a special thank you to
Pastor Reuss for his guidance and support through our transition; the music ministers certainly benefited from his patience, reassurance, and kind smile. We look forward to Lent
and hope to see some new faces in our ensembles. All are welcome!
Loved Ones in the Military (Prayers and cards
are appreciated; addresses available from the
church office):
We welcome into the Fellowship of Christ’s
Church through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism
Benjamin William Fisher son of Cory Fisher and
Alisen Cubbage; sponsors are Nicholas Fisher and
Samantha Grimes. Tamara Thompson is the proud
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Zach
Our Sympathy to friends and family of John
Hopkins of Atkins who died Friday, December 5.
Ministry Expenses
Benevolent Ministries
Other Ministries
Difference + or (-)
Nov. 2014
Year to date
$ 184,112
$ 190,292
$ 13,030
$ 189,107
$ 189,107
$ 16,664
$ 17,408
Budget .
Bits and Pieces
Flowers for the Church
January Birthdays
Kimberly Cromer ........................ 1/1
Karli Sletteland ........................... 1/1
Kimberly Meyer ......................... 1/2
Phil Kluetz .................................. 1/5
Judy Zeigler ................................ 1/6
Jeffery Korth............................... 1/7
Anthony Spoke ........................... 1/8
Rose Miller ................................. 1/9
Brooklynn Taylor ..................... 1/10
Beulah Flatjord ......................... 1/11
Joanne Slaughter ....................... 1/12
Sandy Charlier .......................... 1/14
Jacob Kluetz ............................. 1/14
Collin Lint ................................ 1/15
Rachel Peglow .......................... 1/15
Kathy Schau ............................. 1/15
Tori Sletteland .......................... 1/15
Camden Ganzeveld ................... 1/17
Hunter McAdam ....................... 1/17
Easton Shepherd ....................... 1/17
Irv Schau .................................. 1/18
Bethany Sigmund ..................... 1/18
Christine Boline ........................ 1/19
Sherri Schuchmann ................... 1/20
Miranda Vick ............................ 1/20
Karen Lyons ............................. 1/21
Larry Griffin ............................. 1/23
Donald Coon............................. 1/24
Tamara Korth ........................... 1/26
Lori Lutsch ............................... 1/26
Kailey Bahmann ....................... 1/28
Ethel Harkness .......................... 1/28
Joel Jackson .............................. 1/30
Mary McCord ........................... 1/30
Wesley Hamdorf ....................... 1/31
Please note: if your special day is not included it
means we don’t have your information. Please
call the church office to update. Thank you.
The 2014 Flower Charts are posted on
the bulletin board outside Bethsaida
Hall. Please sign for the dates you
wish to give flowers.
Altar Flowers for January 2015 Jan. 4 Council (2)
Jan. 11 Janet Hill (2)
Jan. 18 open
Jan. 25 open
Feb. 1 open
Dear St. Andrew Friends,
Ken and I are so grateful for all the love and care we
received during this past difficult October and November. The offers of prayers, rides, food, and phone calls.
We didn’t know what we needed, but You did! Thank
you is not enough!
Love, Ken & Marian
Deadlines for February Messenger
Festivals in January
Thursday, January 1, is the festival of The Name of Jesus. By Jewish law, every baby boy was circumcised and named on the eighth day of life, so on the eighth day of Christmas the church celebrates this
event in Jesus’ life. The keeping of the covenant as well as Jesus’ name are signs of God’s salvation given
to us through him.
of The Conversion of St. Paul. The week of prayer
begun by the remembrance of Peter’s confession
now comes to an end as we recall the pivotal moment in the life of the other pillar of the early
church, the apostle Paul. His encounter with the
risen Christ turned him from persecutor of the followers of Christ to one of their leaders.
Tuesday, January 6, is the festival of The Epiphany of Our Lord. Epiphany means “manifestation.”
On this day we celebrate the revelation of Christ
to the Gentiles—that is, to all nations. The word
and sacraments are for us the great epiphany of
God’s grace and mercy. We go forth to witness to
the light that shines brightly in our midst.
From Sundays and Copyright 2013 Augsburg
Fortress. All rights reserved.
Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies
Annual License #23160.
Monday, January 18, (transferred) is the festival
of The Confession of St. Peter. Today the church
remembers the apostle Peter’s great acknowledgement of Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of the living
God.” This festival serves as a fitting beginning to
the week in which we particularly pray that all
Christians might be united in faith and witness.
Monday, January 25, (transferred) is the festival
February Calendar will be finalized Thursday,
January 15, for inclusion in the February Messenger. Stop by the church office to add meeting
times and activities.
For our worship assistants (acolytes,
assisting ministers, servers, etc.), this is
also the deadline to let the church office
know the dates you will be unavailable for
Deadline for February Messenger is 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, January 22. Please submit all items on
diskette, CD-ROM, or camera-ready email attachment to [email protected].
Weekly Bulletin/Announcements Deadline: As
always, please have all items for the Sunday
bulletin and announcements to the church office
by 4:00 p.m. WEDNESDAYS by camera-ready
email attachment, CD-ROM, or on diskette.
Jan. 31/Feb. 1 – Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111
1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Mark 1:21-28
January 4 - Second Sunday of Christmas
Jeremiah 31:7-14
Psalm 147:12-20
Ephesians 1:3-14
John 1:[1-8] 10-18
January 10/11 – Baptism of Our Lord
Genesis 1:1-5
Psalm 29
Acts 19:1-7
Mark 1:4-11
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Pastor: Rev. Zachary Johnson
4420 Center Point Rd. NE · Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Church Office: (319) 393-4021
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
January 17/18 – Second Sunday after Epiphany
1 Samuel:3:1-10 [11-20] Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18
1 Corinthians 6:12-20
John 1:43-51
January 24/25 – Third Sunday after Epiphany
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Psalm 62:5-12
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
Worship with us at Holy Communion—
Saturday, 5:30 p.m., Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School and Adult Forum: 10:45 a.m.
Lutheran Services in Iowa
Congregation Council Highlights – December 2, 2014
Call Committee: Pete Martin reported Pastor
Johnson’s family will be moving into an apartment
in NE Cedar Rapids on or about December 29,
2014. Pete is working with movers to determine
the cost and the actual date of the move.
Attendance Report: The average attendance for
November 2014 was 82/weekend compared with
105/weekend in November 2013.
Treasurer’s Report: Contributions for November
were $18,162 and expenses were $13,030, resulting
in a month end general fund balance of $6,768.
Worship Ministry: Bill Logan reported we will
be serving communion at both the 5:30 and 7:30
services on Christmas Eve.
Installation: Pastor Johnson will be installed on
Sunday, January 4, 2015. Council discussed
whether we should have Worship on Saturday, January 3, 2015. Council concluded we would like all
members to attend the installation of our new Pastor and that Worship on Saturday, January 3,
2015 will be cancelled. The Congregation will be
providing altar flowers for Installation Sunday,
presenting Pastor Zach a green Chasuble as an installation gift and will host a reception following
Service Ministry: The Angel Tree Project will be
providing gifts for about 74 foster children and
adults. The gifts are due back to the church by
December 21, 2014.
Learning Ministry: John Horth reported the Sunday School Christmas Program will be held on
Sunday, December 21, 2014.
Witness Ministry: Chris Formanek reported the
Witness Ministry Team is planning a “Pantry
Shower” for Zach & Kristen Johnson. And it will
be a very “low key” event.
Snow Policy: Council affirmed the continuing
practice of cancelling all Wednesday evening activities if the Cedar Rapids Community School District cancels school Wednesdays due to weather.
Facilities Ministry: Church Mutual recently informed us we are covered for Acts of Terrorism
and that such coverage costs us $1 per year.
Annual Meeting: The annual meeting of the congregation is scheduled for Sunday January 25,
Next Council Meeting: January 6, 2014 @ 6:30
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Krueger, Secretary
Budget: Dan Lewis prepared a preliminary budget
for 2015 which was discussed at this meeting. The
following items need to be addressed before the
budget is finalized:
1. Worship Ministry: organ maintenance,
conferences, continuing education, and
visiting instrumentalists,
2. Facilities: carpet cleaning, exterior sign
updates, repairs to Bethsaida Hall walls,
3. Personnel: Salary Increases,
4. Service: Pastor’s Emergency Fund,
5. Support: New Copier,
6. New Programming under Pastor Zach’s
National Mentoring Month
January is National Mentoring Month, a time to
celebrate mentors and the positive effect they can
have on young lives. LSI is blessed to have great
volunteer mentors from the community who are
investing their time in the children and youth at our
Beloit and Bremwood campuses. Thank you to
these dedicated individuals! If you are interested in
becoming a mentor, visit
volunteer. Or, find a mentoring program in your
local area. All it takes is your time, friendship and
sharing yourself and your interests to make a difference as a youth mentor!
LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA). Learn more at
“Now I feel like I’ll get a lot out of my life.”
Chelsea was 15 years old the first time she ran
away from home.
“I had some troubles where I was living, and I didn’t think it was good for me to live there,” she said.
She slept on a relative’s friend’s couch for two
months, ran away again and wound up in court.
“They took me to a psychiatric ward because I told
them I wanted to commit suicide,” she said quietly.
“Then I went to shelter for two months, and then I
came to Bremwood.”
St. Andrew’s Vision
A welcoming community,
blessed by God’s grace,
joyfully serving Jesus Christ
and spreading the Good News -
God’s promise of Eternal Life.
LSI’s Bremwood Residential Treatment Center in
Waverly serves youth ages 12 – 18. Many, though
not all, of the youth there have experienced trauma
from past abuse or neglect. During her time at
Bremwood, Chelsea learned new skills to cope
with challenges and better ways to identify and
communicate her emotions. One of Chelsea’s most
meaningful Bremwood experiences was her friendship with her mentor.
“She came once a week, and we got ice cream or
would go for walks,” she said. “We went hiking,
and we would cook together. I just needed time
with someone who wasn’t so involved in my treatment so I could talk to her and see what she
Chelsea also started to work on coping with family
challenges. LSI’s family-focused approach to care
encourages families to be involved as much as
possible and works with teens who do not have
consistent family involvement to find other solutions for permanency and stability in their lives.
“I first thought this was a waste of my time,”
Chelsea said. “I didn’t want to be here or do what
they wanted me to do. When my family came into
my treatment and started being involved, I felt
Chelsea recently graduated from Bremwood and is
living with family members. Her dream is to graduate high school, attend college and then enter the
medical field and eventually become a sonogram
“When I first got here, I didn’t see myself graduating or even turning 18,” she said. “I never thought
I’d get anywhere in life, but now I feel like I’ll get
a lot out of my life. I want to go to college and
know that I have a stable home.”
Extra Hands Needed January 4
Begin Year 3!
Our congregation will welcome and celebrate
the service of installation of Pastor Zach Johnson
Sunday, January 4, at the 9:30 a.m. service. Following the service, we'll celebrate a
little more with a reception. This will be pretty
much a morning coffee hour somewhat upscaled, so baked goods and people willing to set
up, serve and clean up are needed for this joyful
occasion. Sign-up sheets are on the table in the
narthex, and everyone's participation in this happy occasion will be appreciated. Remember,
there's no one person who can do it all -- at least,
not without collapsing when it's all over!
We've got two full years of the e-mail devotion
program behind us, and the first weekend in Advent began Year 3. Thanks to those who contribute
devotions, open and read them, and who share either the electronic or print versions with others. The basic purpose has been to create communication within our congregation, sharing our reflections and understanding of passages of scripture, words of hymns, and connecting our lives of
faith with our everyday lives. Writers are warmly
welcomed, and even if you're not comfortable writing yourself, please consider suggesting a subject
or Bible passage to be written about. Talk to Mary
Rogers or Chris Formanek if you'd like more information.
STARS Beat the January Chill:
All St. Andrew Retirees are invited to gather at
Vito's on 42nd on Tuesday, January 13, at
11:30 a.m. We'll have tables arranged in advance, and look forward to warming up with
some tasty Italian food. The December gathering
at Red Lobster included 24 people, and a great,
pre-Christmas visit was enjoyed by all. It's been
wonderful to see the increase in attendance the
past few months -- thanks to all who come, and
here's hoping you're enjoying the fellowship. REMEMBER: Our February lunch on
the 10th will be a soup potluck, casually
planned, at church.
Year-end Contributions
Wednesday Activity Cancellation Policy: All
Wednesday evening activities at St. Andrew will be
cancelled if the Cedar Rapids Community School
District cancels school on Wednesday due to weather. Cancellations will not be posted on local TV
stations. No phone calls will be made, but an email
bulletin may be sent out to all email addresses currently receiving email devotions.
Worship Cancellation Policy: Worship cancellations will be reported by local TV stations if the Pastor and Council President decide Worship should be
cancelled due to weather. No phone calls will be
made, but an email bulletin may be sent out to all
email addresses currently receiving email devotions.
Worship on Saturday, January 3, 2015 will not be
held. All members are encouraged to attend Worship on Sunday, January 4, 2015 for the Installation
of Pastor Zachary Johnson.
Annual Reports Due
It’s that time of year again. All ministry team and
committee chairs are reminded that annual reports
need to be turned in on or before Tuesday, Jan. 6.
The Annual Meeting is set for Sunday, Jan. 25.
Informational “how to” sheets are available if you
don’t already have one—including info in print
style and margins. They’re available from your
council person or will be in the church office.
Thanks for your cooperation in assembling a useful, complete Annual Report. Annual Reports will
be available to pick up and review after services
January 17 and 18.
Dennis & Deborah Walker .................. 1/2/1988
As we rapidly approach the
end of 2014, please keep the
following IRS rules in mind
for your year-end contributions.
1. Recorded as 2014 contributions:
A. Cash received or postmarked on or before
December 31, 2014
B. Checks dated by December 31, 2014, and
received or postmarked on or before December 31, 2014
2. Recorded as 2015 contributions:
A. Cash and checks received January 1, 2015,
or later (except when postmarked by December 31, 2014)
B. Checks dated January 1, 2015, or later, regardless of when received or postmarked.
Avoid the rush and make your year-end contribution now! Also, the 2014 Offering Statements will
be mailed out prior to January 31, 2015.
Join Us in Prayer!
Join the Prayer Chain!
Praying for others and knowing that others are
praying for you can be such a healing experience.
If you would like to join the St. Andrew Prayer
Chain, please call the office or e-mail Nan
Schroeder at [email protected]. We will
notify you by e-mail each week of prayer requests
and ask that you include those requests in your
daily prayers. For more information, call Nan at
SAY! News - St. Andrew Youth
Highlights for January
Stump the Pastor!
January Gracious Groceries
goes to CrossRoads Mission.
They need: tuna, beef stew,
hamburger and tuna helper,
canned vegetables, canned
fruits, peanut butter, saltine
crackers, toilet paper, and baby
diapers of all sizes.
Wednesday, Jan 7, 14, 21, 28 - Huddle at 6:30
Annual Blood Drive: is set for February 17
from 5:30-8:30 p.m., during the Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Dinner. December 23 is the last time
you can give blood and still give for the St. Andrew blood drive. If you would like to help with
the drive please contact Becky Lewis.
Pantry Shower for Pastor Zach &
Kristin: Please bring nonperishable
items to the church and place them in
the box provided in the Narthex.
Johnson Family Moving Fund – Council estimates it will cost about $6,000 to move Pastor
Johnson’s family to Cedar Rapids and to provide
temporary living expenses. Through midDecember, contributions totaling about $1,400
have been made to the moving fund. If you
would like to make a gift to this fund please mark
you contribution as “Moving Fund”. All contributions, large or small, will be greatly appreciated!
Super Bowl Fundraiser: St. Andrew Youth are
continuing the tradition of providing pizzas for
sale for Super Bowl Sunday, February 1. Order
blanks will be available
during January. Order
your pizza and pay for it.
Pick it up your fresh pizza Sunday, February 1
ready to cook at home.
Join us for adult education, beginning January
11th, 2015, after worship, for Stump the Pastor.
Have you ever had a question about Lutheran theology, the Bible, worship, etc… that you’ve always
wanted to ask the pastor? If so, then join us for our
adult education as we have conversation over your
questions and explore them in more detail. We may
not always be able to find a good answer, but we
will seek, knock, and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us
as we learn new things! Plus, it will be a good opportunity get to know our new pastor! So, please
join us as we try to “stump the pastor” during adult
Sunday, Jan 18 & 25 – Super Bowl Pizza
Sales after church
Sunday, Feb 1 – Super Bowl Sunday Pizza
Making / Pick-up
St. Andrew Book Club
St. Andrew Youth continue to collect soda
St. Andrew Book Club: The St. Andrew Readers
will start the new year with a gathering in the
church library at 6:30 on Tuesday, January 20 to
discuss The End of Your Life Book Club by Will
Schalbe. This is the inspiring true story of a son
and his mother who start a "book club" that brings
them together as her life comes to a close. Mary
Anne, a humanitarian admired for her work in Pakistan and Afghanistan, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the age of 73. Although she and
her son Will had always been close, the bond between them is strengthened while discussing books
during many hours of sitting in waiting rooms together during her treatment for cancer. Although
this is a story about death, it is mostly a celebration
of life and the way books can enrich it.
In February we'll be discussing John Grisham's
legal thriller Sycamore Row and in March The
Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. All are
welcome to join us for discussion whenever you
St. Andrew Lutheran Church Cedar Rapids, IA is a
group on Facebook. Go to Facebook to see pictures and events at your church home.
cans and bottles. Your clean, empty and rinsed
cans can be dropped off any time in the brightly
colored boxes labeled in the narthex or in the recycling container next to the Nursery. Redeemable
items now need to be sorted by type; there are boxes marked “Cans only” and “Plastic only,” plus a
small box for glass beverage bottles. We also ask
that only cans/bottles refundable in Iowa be donated. Thank you for your continued support!