January 2015 Messenger - Fisher Lutheran Church

The Messenger
Newsletter for Fisher-Bygland Parish
Ministry Opportunities
January 7th – Fisher Council
January 10th - Evangelism Training at
First Lutheran Bemidji
January 14th - Bygland Council
January 21st - Confirmation at Chester
January 23 & 24 - Marriage
Enrichment Event at Luther Crest
January 24th - Vibrant Faith Training at
Calvary Lutheran Bemidji
January 25th - Fisher Congregational
“Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your father in
heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Epiphany is the season of light. We have been given the gift of salvation at Christmas. Now we, like the
wise men, are returning from journey to the Christ child to share the good news. So how are you going to
let your light shine this Epiphany? There are so many opportunities.
Our congregations will be having their annual congregational meetings, Fisher on January 25 and Bygland
on February 1. The nominating committees are hard at work preparing the ballots. What committee or
ministry are you called to be involved in? Many years the committees have not met. Let’s set a goal for
2015 that all the committees meet and do at least one ministry project this year. It is not my intention to
make busy work, but to encourage you to be active in the life and ministry of the good news.
Here are some ministries that you could be involved in this year:
Evangelism – welcoming new members and seeking out non-believers
Education – teaching Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, or Adult Bible Study. Wouldn’t it be
wonderful if everyone was learning about and living in the Word this year?
Worship and Music – planning music and special ways to enhance our worship of the Savior!
Property – maintaining and planning improvement of our buildings for the sake of ministry.
Stewardship – planning for and encouraging the use of our time, talent, and treasures for ministry. This
group could be called Faith in Action!
Social Concerns – identifying and planning for ministry to those in any kind of need, the hungry, the
homeless, those in prison, etc.
Youth Committee – planning activities and trips for the purpose of nurturing the faith of our teenagers.
Altar Committee – preparing the altar and sanctuary for worship.
Technology Committee – planning for and utilizing technology for the purpose of ministry.
Work Groups – Everyone in the congregation has the opportunity to serve in faith and fellowship ministry.
Please prayerfully consider all of these and other ways that you are called to ministry. Let your light shine!
~ Pastor Karen
Fisher Bygland Lutheran Parish
P.O. Box 127 Fisher, MN 56723
Church Office: 218-891-4632
Pastor Karen Young Trenne
Cell: 701-610-3543
Editor: Barb Jorgenson
[email protected]
Mid-week memo and Keeper of
the Calendar: Becky Conati
[email protected]
2014 is over, and we had a wonderful year learning about God’s work. In December, we had our Christmas
program, including songs, Christmas symbols and a fun play about the true meaning of the holiday.
The Sunday School needs your help in making it another great year! We have an opening to fill on the
Education Board. If you would like to share your ideas to make Sunday School an awesome experience for
the children, please let Kelly Halvorson or Lana Motl know as soon as possible.
The Education Board is also in need volunteers from the congregation to assist in Sunday School openings
or be a part of the teaching teams. Each class has 2 or 3 teachers so it works for busy lives, but we would
love to have a couple more. We have been using Spark curriculum, which provides the teachers with all
they need for lessons and openings. We also have music CDs with all the favorite songs or would love if
anyone has musical talent to share with the kids.
Please prayerfully consider giving a portion of your time to help make our children's time in Sunday School
fun and meaningful. Many hands make light work! If you are interested in committing to teaching or the
openings for the remainder of the school year, please let Lana Motl (218-280-0975) know.
To subscribe to the “Gather” magazine, contact Vivian Erickson at 891-3279.
There will be no book club meetings until spring
There will be no quilting sessions until spring.
The Fisher-Bygland Lutheran Parish is seeking a parish secretary. This is a paid position, 10-15 hours per
week. Please send resume and inquiries to [email protected].
People from Bygland donated 24 shoeboxes filled with daily living items to the Northlands Rescue Mission
in December. This is the highest number of boxes that we have ever gathered. Blessings shared!
Then God said, “Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life
– the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals, and small animals.”
(Genesis 1:26)
Sunday school kid’s question: “Why do people litter so much when they can just throw their trash in the
garbage can?”
Answer: “Some people litter by accident. They are careless or do not pay attention to what happens to
their food wrappers and other trash. People who litter on purpose, however, do so because they are not
showing respect for other people or the earth.”
We should pick up trash instead of littering or ignoring the litter on the ground. Just because we
didn’t drop it doesn’t mean we should say, “It’s not my mess.” We are all keepers of God’s earth. If
everyone pitched in and picked up a little, the word would be a nicer, tidier place. We all live in a
community, and we all share in the care of the environment.
Thank you to all of those who participated in the Bygland Lutheran Church and Sunday school
Adopt-A-Highway service project on Saturday, September 27, 2014: Jeff Millar, Kathy Flaat, Steve Moe,
Rylan Egeland, Danielle Brundin, Seth Brundin, Paige Brundin, Kent Wavra, Holly Wavra, Zach Wavra,
Reighan Wavra, Marsha Ketring, Beth Lopez, Kjersten Lopez, and Addy Lopez. You have engaged in an
opportunity to demonstrate care and respect towards our beautiful earth. It was a beautiful, sunny day to be
out serving with your family, friends, and neighbors. It was fun to observe the life of the land around us:
farmers busy harvesting fields, grasshoppers hopping, butterflies flying, friends riding motorcycles
together, pipeline workers working, caterpillars creeping, the sun shining, and the wind blowing. We thank
you for your time and energy.
All friends, neighbors, and parish members are welcome to participate in our program. Mark your
calendar for our next collection date: Saturday, May 2 nd, 2015 starting at 10:00 a.m. Participants will meet
at the Bygland Lutheran Church, basement.
Valley Memorial Homes serves the greater Grand Forks area with compassionate care and service from a
Christian perspective. We provide for over 525 residents and tenants with a full continuum of care in our
five facilities. We strive to meet the needs of every person - physically, emotionally, socially and
spiritually. Valley Memorial Homes employs over 700 people to help achieve this goal. We are proud to be
a part of your congregation's mission, as well as a part of this community. Please visit our website at
December 3rd, 2014
Pastor Karen Young Trenne, Jon Ross, Caroline Tinkham, Darryl Quern,
Kelly Bakken, Darryl Jorgenson, Lance Reitmeier
Laurel Haake, Mike Marschall, Ross Korynta, Kelly Halvorson
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Jon Ross.
Devotions were led by Pastor Karen Young Trenne.
The Secretary’s report for November was reviewed and discussed. Motion by Darryl Jorgenson, Second
by Kelly Bakken to approve minutes. Motion passed. Minutes from the November Joint Council meeting
and Joint Executive meeting were also reviewed.
Treasurer’s report for November was reviewed. Motion by Lance Reitmeier, Second by Darryl Quern to
approve treasurer’s report. Motion passed.
Pastor Karen Young Trenne reported that there were two baptisms, no weddings, no funerals, or no new
members in November.
Other activities she has been involved in were Marriage preparation classes, Red River Juvenile Center
involvement, Devotions at Good Samaritan, Thanksgiving worship, and other miscellaneous Pastoral care.
A motion to approve the Pastor’s report was made by Caroline Tinkham. A second by Darryl Quern was
giving. Motion passed.
Installation of the new furnace system is in progress and should be up and running very shortly.
Kelly Bakken, Kelly Halvorson, Haley Thorson, and Wendy Waller have been busy designing the new
Pictorial Directory.
Discussion was had on hiring a new Parish Secretary. A motion to approve the hire of a Parish
Secretary/Treasurer at $10.00/hour for up to 10 hours/week was made by Darryl Jorgenson. Darryl Quern
made a second, and the motion passed.
The Parish Nursing Program discussion was tabled until the January council meeting.
The Senior Citizens supper will be in the church on December 14 . Motion was made to approve by
Caroline Tinkham, and seconded by Lance Reitmeier. Motion passed.
The new Workgroup Handbook for 2015-2017 was reviewed.
Darryl Quern made a motion to approve a donation of $250.00 to the Care & Share in Crookston. Second
by Kelly Bakken. Motion passed.
Jon Ross is going to check on fixing the missing Church direction sign on Demers Avenue.
Next meeting date is January 7th, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
Lance Reitmeier, Secretary
Bygland Lutheran Church
We are God's work in progress, with hearts lifted to God in trust and praise and with hands extended to serve in
Jesus' name.
Council Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2014 7:30pm
Members present: Pastor Karen, Randy Moe, Becky Moe, Haley Thorson, Marsha Ketring,
Jamie Brundin, Eric Egeland and Karen Ebertowski, Pam Robertson, and Roger Krostue (arrived
Members absent: Jon Wurden, Troy Pecka
Call to Order
The council meeting was called to order by CoVP Jamie Brundin at 7:40pm.
Pastor Karen opened the meeting with a reading Bishop Wohlrabe’s column on Restoring the
Broken Table.
Secretary's Report
The November minutes were distributed and amended.
A motion to approve the Secretary’s Report was made by Jamie and seconded by Eric. All were in
favor, motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Randy provided a monthly balance sheet for November. The Lutefisk Dinner/Bazaar income was
highlighted. Randy reported that we are at about 78% of budget (approximately $18K short.)
A motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was made by Pam and seconded by Haley. All were
in favor, motion carried.
Pastor’s Report
Pastor Karen presented her report for November. There were no baptisms or new members, 1
wedding (John and Kim Thorson), and 1 funeral (Glendora Knutson). She provided some updates
on recent activities.
Old Business
BLC Farmland Contract
A blank contract is needed from the church records housed in Fisher. Pastor Karen will obtain
one for signatures.
Window Replacement/Treatments
All of the window treatments have been installed with the exception of the lower bathrooms and
furnace room. The council decided to wait to purchase treatments for these windows until more
is known about the end of the year budget.
Eric left a message for Jay with no response. Some Lutefisk Dinner attendees did have some
trouble finding the church.
Project Task Force
The Task Force did not meet in December due to the Lutefisk Dinner. The next date will be Jan
Sermon Recordings
No updates.
Enbridge Funds
No updates on the amended contract or the potential valve site placement on the BLC Famland.
No updates
Church Bell
No updates.
Joint Council Meeting
It was shared that the Joint Council voted to host 2 Joint Council meetings per year. The next
Joint Council Meeting will be held on June 17th at 7:30p at BLC. The fall Joint Council meeting
will then be held on November 18 at 7:30p at BLC with an Officers Meeting on November 17th at
7p at BLC.
Calander/Schedule Updates
Roger has contacted the Head Ushers and Snowblowers. He will provide a list to Haley so that
the postings can be updated in the Narthex.
New Business
Haley and Marsha will work on creating a new placemat and ordering stock, as the current stock
is low. It will be something that can be used year-round.
Parish Secretary Salary
The council discussed increasing the salary and the number of hours/week for the parish
A motion to approve a salary of up to $15/hr for up to 15hrs/week was made by Jamie and
seconded by Eric. All were in favor, the motion carried.
Perpetual Mission Gifts
There are 10 gifts @ $250 each. It was decided that the Community Violence Intervention Center
would replace the allocation to Feed My Starving Children. The other 9 gifts of $250 are as
follows: God Samaritan, Lutheran Social Services of MN, EGF Food Shelf, 3rd Street Clinic,
Northlands Rescue Mission, Valley Memorial Homes Chaplaincy, Crookston Area Habitat for
Humanity, NW MN Synod for Pastor Debt Relief, and the Women’s Pregnancy Center.
Next Meeting Date: January 14, 7:30pm
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Karen and seconded by Becky. All were in favor,
the motion carried.
The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Submitted by Haley Thorson, BLC Council Secretary
Marriage Enrichment Event
Luther Crest Bible Camp - Alexandria, MN
Fri - Sat, January 23-24,2015
Cost: $349 per couple
(Deposit: $50.00)
Friday evening beginning at 6 pm
Saturday from 9-5pm
$349 includes - - one night lodging
Three meals & Snacks
Enrichment Retreat Programming and Training
Two follow ups throughout one year past the event
$35 more, you can stay one more night and have continental breakfast in the
Financial Assistance is Available through LifeWorks and Luther Crest.
Regardless of where you are at in your marriage, our Marriage Enrichment retreats
provide an opportunity for you to reconnect with your spouse and grow together as a
couple. At the retreat you will have focused time with your spouse to receive direction
and come away with a renewed vision for your marriage. You will re-learn fundamental
skills you and your spouse both need to feel empowered, valued, and most importantly,
Come spend time in renewal with your partner at
Luther Crest!
Call 320-846-2431 with any questions
OR email Dave Holtz at [email protected]
Register online at www.luthercrest.org or
You May Call 320-846-2431 to Register with a Credit
Card and
ask to make a payment with our staff