Jesus has compassion and feeds us 3 August 2014

Welcome to
Good Shepherd
10 August 2014
Please Pray
for the church, that it may always speak the
truth of Christ
for local government and councillors
for the hungry and those who cannot feed
their families
for bereaved people and people who are
grieving, widows and widowers, and orphans
for those who are culturally or racially
different from the majority, for Aboriginal
people, and for recent migrants
Pastor: Brenton Fiedler
Monday to Thursday 9.00am-5.00pm
Admin building 4634 1023
Mobile: 0439 339 321
Email: [email protected]
Home: 15 Nash Drive, Toowoomba, after hours
number 46 344 344
Pastor Don Wicklman
Wed 9.00am-12.00noon, Thurs-Fri 9.00am5.00pm
Office: Annette Maroske
Phone: 4634 1023 Fax: 4634 7495
Email: [email protected]
Tuesday to Friday, 9:00am-12:00noon
23 Glenvale Road, Toowoomba, Qld 4350
God’s Design Counselling Services
“Where your heavenly Father always know best!”
Rev Dr Don Wicklman, Christian Counsellor
Phone: 0499 022 893
1 Kings 19:9-18 / Psalm 85:8-13
Romans 10:5-15 / Matthew 14:22-33
J Bolitho
B Scanlan, J Scanlan
O Scanlan, A Challenor
D & J Schefe
Hilary & Kyle
Sound Desk:
Kyle & Grace
Data Projection:
M Maroske
J Schefe
Morning Tea:
N & M Schmidt
L Rohde, G Challenor
Joy, Christine, Michelle
Sunday School :
Irene, Julie, Sue, Kaycee
E Altmann, E Fischer
Memory Verse
Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters,and you that have no money,
come, buy and eat! (Isa 55:1a NRSV)
Deacon: Mal Maroske
Phone: 4638 4775
[email protected]
REG - Regular Electronic Giving
Chairman: Ian Gunther
Phone: 0407 699 118
[email protected]
Good Shepherd, Toowoomba
Events Coord Debbie Salzke
Phone:- 4634 1023
Contact Joel Bolitho
Ph 4635 6096 for information
Below are the details to be filled out
on the LLL form.
Name of LLL Account to be Credited:
BSB 704 942
Account Number:
40-366/S1 /TOO
R Salzke, D Heuschele,
B Kucks
Concordia Lutheran College:
Redlands Campus
Concordia Primary Campus
Martin Luther Primary Campus
Salem - Hume Street
Northridge Salem
Northridge Haven Retirement
Ph 4688 2700
Ph 4635 4733
Ph 4635 5544
Ph 4687 4800
Ph 4634 0333
Ph 4634 1802
Good Samaritan Shop - Bowen Street, City
Members password: gsmember
Vision Statement:
Growing Personal Faith!
“Applied, Practical and Passionate”
Pentecost 8
Sunday 3 August 2014
No doubt He would have done a wonderful job
but we simply have no record of this. Which
brings us to another crucial point.
Another women said, we are Lutheran because
the Lutheran Church gathers around the proper
preaching of the Word and administration of the
sacraments. Another excellent answer. And
indeed we teach, preach and confess the means
of grace …the Word and Sacraments.
We preach the Word of God in its truth
and clarity and administer the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and the Lord’s
Supper as we were instructed to do so.
But if this would have been truly a
Lutheran Function would it have
looked any different? What do we consider as being of absolute primary
importance? We know this was a time
of healing because the text says Jesus
out of His great compassion healed
many. I have not really seen many
services of healing among Lutherans.
We do eating and tea very well but having services of healing is not something that happens
much in the Lutheran Church.
So what would this feeding of the four thousand
have looked like if it were a Lutheran function?
As I am sure most of you know…we are a liturgical church and do things by the book. If this
feeding were a Lutheran function would Jesus
have used an order of Divine Service?
Would Jesus have used hymnal, maybe an Old
Testament scroll? Surely He would not have
used the Black Hymnal as it wasn’t even around
yet. You know some Lutheran believe that if we
Service - Common Order - 9.00am
Theme: Jesus has compassion and
feeds us
Verse: He had compassion on them
and healed them. Matthew 14:14
LHS 863 - Blessed Assurance
LH 368M - My Faith Looks Up to Thee
LH 335M - Just As I Am
LH 285 - To Thy Most Holy Supper, Lord
LH 282M - Draw nigh, and Take the Body
of the Lord
LH 290 - O Bread of Life From Heaven
LH 331 - On Christ, The Solid Rock, I Stand
Parish Diary / Upcoming Events / Dates to Note
P: Friends in Christ: Let us confess our sins to God
our Father and ask him in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ to forgive us.
(spoken together)
We confess that we are born in bondage to sin
and cannot free ourselves. We have sinned
against you in thought, word, and deed, by what
we have done and by what we have failed to do.
3 Aug
Worship Service
3 Aug
Pastor Brenton - Chinchilla
5 Aug
BUPA Service
Ladies Fellowship
Craft every Monday afternoon 1.00pm
5 Aug
We have not loved you with our whole heart,
6 Aug
and we have not loved our neighbour as
ourselves. We deserve your eternal punishment. 9 Aug
For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, have
10 Aug
mercy on us.
12 Aug
Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we
may delight in your will and walk in your ways, 14 Aug
to the glory of your holy name. Amen.
Men’s Shed Good Shepherd 7.30am
Half yearly meeting
Craft and chat
Golden Friendship St Pauls
P: I ask each of you in the presence of God who
searches the heart: Do you confess that you have
sinned, and do you repent of your sins?
C: I do.
14 Aug
Worship Committee
17 Aug
Reception into Membership
20 Aug
Ladies Fellowship Social Day 9.30am
P: Do you believe that Jesus Christ has redeemed
you from all your sins, and do you desire
forgiveness in his name?
C: I do.
21 Aug
Church Council
22 Aug
Golden Friendship - Good
Pastor Mark Demmer
P: Do you intend with the help of the Holy Spirit to 24 Aug
live as in God’s presence, and to strive daily to
lead a holy life, even as Christ has made you holy?
Our Congregation
C: I do.
GROWING A CHILD parenting series which was
planned for earlier this year has been rescheduled
(prayed together)
to start on 5 October for 8 weeks. It will be held on
Lord God, you reveal your almighty power most a Sunday commencing at 10.45 am for one hour in
of all in showing mercy. In your loving
the Admin Building. RSVP is essential to the office
kindness let us run towards what you have
or Pastor Don. Baby sitting will be provided.
promised, and share in your heavenly treasure.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, who
Pastor Brenton will be preaching in Chinchilla and
lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy
Wandoan today with Pastor Murray Smith
Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
preaching at Good Shepherd on 14 September.
DEEP &WIDE an insight into young adult ministry
Isaiah 55:1-5 / Psalm 145:8,9,14-21
one-day seminar will be held at Good Shepherd on
Romans 9:1-5 / Matthew 14:13-21
30 August. This is aimed at 18-30 year olds.
Speaker is Tom Schmidt. Cost $10. Register
online Flyers are
available in the foyer.
Names can only be included on this list if the person
mentioned has given permission to be included here.
Please give the names to Pastor or the Office.
Wilma Kahler
Harold Grieshaber
Jean Grayson
Edna Keipe
Trevor Ranger
Jean Marriage
Joyce Koenig
Noel Janetzki
Olive Muller (BUPA) Stella Peters (BUPA)
Phyllis Schefe
Ron Marriage
HALF YEARLY MEETING will be held following
service on 10 August. Proposals are as follows:
Opening back of church: Propose that we open the
back of the church, as part of the usual duties of the
ushers, except for during the winter months, with the
exception of special services where numbers are
likely to be significantly increased.
Attendance cards: Propose that we trial attendance
cards for one year, commencing 4 January 2015.
Restructure of leadership model for Good Shepherd:
Propose that we implement a new leadership
structure for governance and ministry at Good
Shepherd, after wide consultation with Good
Shepherd members, effective from the 2015 AGM.
Pastor Don Wicklman: Continuing ministry.
morning tea for Lorna Lablack’s 80th birthday will
be held on August 6 at 9.00am. A small plate of
morning tea would be appreciated. The morning
tea will be followed by the meeting at 9.30am.
on Wednesday 20 August at 9.30am. Cost $6.
Speaker is Deb Louden who is a volunteer nurse
on Mercy Ships.
MEN’S SHED will be holding a planning meeting on
Saturday 9 August. Breakfast is at 7.30am. Come
along and give your suggestions on what activities
you want to achieve from a regular Men’s Shed
gathering. Cost for breakfast is $5. Contact Mal
Maroske 46384775.
FREEDOM the movie is showing at the Strand
theatre from 21 August. It is an excellent movie. A
few of us went to the preview screening last
Wednesday. Group bookings are available. The
trailer for this movie can be viewed by going to Flyers are on display
at the entrances to the church.
All women are invited to come to a Ladies Retreat,
“the Battle Belongs to the Lord”. On Saturday 16th
August, 8:30am to 2:30pm at Concordia Primary
Campus. The guest speaker is Jenny
Sutton. RSVP or enquiries: Ruth Rathjen, 4636
7871, or Myrtle Able, 4636 7604.
SUNDAY 24 AUGUST Pastor Mark Demmer will be
preaching and would also like to take this opportunity
to inform the congregation of the recent changes to
aged care effective from 1 July 2014, as well as the
services Salem offers, in particular home care
Sunday 17th August at Nazareth Lutheran
Church, Woolloongabba, 3.00 pm.
Speaker: Professor Regina Ganter (Griffith
Topic: Humanitarianism in Early Queensland: the
long-range impact of Lutheran Missionaries.
The address will be about the strong contribution
made by Lutherans in attempting to address the dire
situation of Aborigines on Queensland’s frontiers.
SUNDAY SCHOOL are practicing Songs to sing in
the Church Service on 31 August.
We are also starting to learn carols in preparation for
Christmas. Please support your children by
LUTHERAN YOUTH OF QLD monthly eNews is
encouraging them to attend Sunday School
now available online.
The next Reception into Membership at Good
Shepherd will be held on 17 August. Anyone
wishing to be received into membership, please
either contact Annette in the office or Pastor
available in the foyer this morning.