A Taste of J.A.M. - Christian Reformed Church

A Taste of J.A.M.
Jesus And Me
August 29, 2014
is a multiethnic grass-roots
movement of reproducing
worshipping communities
who share and live the
Good News of Jesus together.
J.A.M. (Jesus And Me) is a
church plant in Wyoming, MI
hosted by Calvary CRC –
also in partnership with
Classis Grandville, Ideal Park
CRC and Classis GR South,
Great Lakes Home Missions,
One Wyoming and others.
Contribute online to
J.A.M. Wyoming at
For more Information contact:
Pastor Cisco Gonzalez
[email protected]
Mobile Phone: (616) 745-2875
7 Life Themes
You probably have heard of the
Seven Deadly Sins: gluttony, lust,
pride, and so forth. You might even
know them personally!
PS. The 1st Steering Team meeting is
planned for Sept 16, 12—1:30pm, at
Calvary CRC. More information soon
to potential partner reps.
Pastor Cisco is inviting your feedback
on Seven Life Themes! He’s been
thinking about organizing a season of
teaching and preaching around seven
things a new believer needs to believe
and/or do to stay on the Christian
pathway. What seven things do YOU
suggest?! Or five?! Or three?!
Send your ideas to Pastor Cisco
(see his email address in the lower
left-hand corner).
J.A.M. is going through several
important transitions right now.
1. FROM a Madison ‘multi-site’
TO a Calvary ‘church plant.’
This means, among other things, that
Pastor Cisco’s church membership,
ordination, and accountability “for
doctrine and life” will all transfer
from Madison to Calvary. However,
he will continue to participate/assist
in Madison’s preaching team.
2. FROM full-time pastor
TO bi-vocational pastor
Made necessary by budget constraints
and possible by his passion for J.A.M.,
Pastor Cisco is now serving as pastor
with J.A.M., AND as a Marketplace
Chaplains’ chaplain at Gordon Foods.
3. FROM Partners Advisory Team
TO J.A.M. Steering Team
As J.A.M. transitions to a church
plant, Calvary and the other ministry
partners will assume a more active
‘steering’ role with J.A.M.
Matching Gift?
Recognizing J.A.M.’s financial needs,
a friend of Pastor Cisco gave $10,000
to J.A.M., plus another $5,000 as a
‘matching gift’ with contributions
from friends and partners. What
about you? Contact Pastor Cisco for
more information.
J.A.M. Week
 SUNDAY Gatherings at Calvary
12:30pm: Food and Fellowship
1:30pm: Worship and the Word
We’re looking forward to 4 adult
baptisms in September!!!
 TUESDAYS, 7pm at Roadbed
Ministries, 5010 Division Ave SE,
with a focus on discipleship.
 FRIDAYS at Ideal Park Activity
Center, 3050 56th St in Wyoming
6:30pm for the younger set
9:30pm for college age and up!