Lutherans Up North June - August 2014 ST. LUKE’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 9 Alma Road, Headingley LS6 2AH Tel/Fax: 01132 759 042 Bishop Walter Jagucki: 01132 676 360 Chair of the Congregation: Katrina Kay: Pastor Mark Hardy: 0779 552 2229 0790 8191 595 Pastor Libby Toomsalu: 01274 615 365 Organist: Nev Mosey: 01132 632 578 Deacon Seija Frears: 01904 705 238 Church Warden: Eon Michalides ‘Lutherans Up North’ is edited by Pastor Libby Please let her have any items you wish to be included in the next edition by August 17th Lutheran Church in Great Britain Annual Synod On Saturday May 17th Bishop Walter, Pastor Mark, Pastor Libby, Deacon Seija and Annette Higgins travelled to St. Anne’s Lutheran Church in the City of London to attend the Synod of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain. Even though the train journey now only takes just over 2 hours, it was good to arrive at St. Anne’s and be greeted with refreshments by Marja-Liisa Morgan and to spend time catching up with so many other friends. The morning’s business session concluded with Bishop Martin’s reflections on his first 4 months as our Bishop. He has attended Council meetings and visited several of our congregations and found that “small is beautiful”, and believes that the LCiGB could be a model for other churches as their numbers drop and they seek ways to ‘include’ all their congregations in a unified membership. He finally presented us with three challenges concerning the frequency of Holy Communion services, out part in promoting social justice and going on pilgrimage – all important aspects of our Christian life. The discussion session, led by Bishop Martin, was about the Porvoo Communion, which is currently a communion of 13 mainly northern European Anglican and Lutheran churches. It was established in 1992 by an agreement entitled the Porvoo Common Statement which states that the signatory churches "share a common life in mission and service". These churches are either Anglican or Lutheran. The agreement was negotiated in the town of Järvenpää in Finland, but the Communion's name comes from the city of Porvoo where there was a joint celebration of Holy Communion after the formal signing in Järvenpää. The purpose of the agreement is to draw the Churches involved into a new and closer relationship for the sake of greater unity and more effective mission. In October 2013, the Presiding Bishops of the Porvoo Communion gathered for a meeting in Reykjavik. The LCiGB was represented by Bishop Walter, supported by LCiGB's representative on the Porvoo Contact Group, Bishop Emerita Jana JerumaGrinberga. At this meeting, the historic decision was taken to approve in principle the full membership of Porvoo, both of LCiGB, and of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad. 1 In his sermon, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Justin Welby, noted that, “We will only find renewal and common purpose in the service of proclaiming the news of the Kingdom, and in making new disciples, when we are together caught up in the prayer and worship of God.” He concluded, “If we are to continue to grow closer, so that our communion becomes family, and that family becomes the transforming influence in our society, which is so desperately looking for a new way, after the decades of reliance on material growth have betrayed us, if that family is to become what it should, then we need each other more than ever, not for comfort in the cold, receding tides of Christian faith, but to stretch and challenge each other to ever closer walk with God and evermore passionate fulfilling of his mission. day to day.” To that end, the LCiGB’s membership of Porvoo will be ratified in September when Bishop Martin will add his signature to the agreement, and LCiGB will take another step in its journey of mission and faith. For more detailed information about the Porvoo Communion, visit the website: www.porvoocommunion St. Luke’s Annual General Meeting, April 27th The minutes of the 2013 AGM and EGM were read and accepted, and the new Trustees were approved. Matters Arising: Membership: 48 adults 8 children (Under 16) 3 ‘Friends’ Services in Harrogate have stopped because St. Peter’s have changed service times and is no longer available. Suggestion that if it’s necessary in the future, we could look for another venue. Reports were received from Bishop Walter, Pastor Libby, Pastor Mark, Deacon Seija, Conrad Volker and Peter Sandeman. Treasurer’s Report “We ended the year with a deficit of approximately £763.00 leaving us with reserves of around £4,515.00 if we include the loan from St. Paul’s. Whilst the loan has given us a cash flow reprieve, this is still not a healthy situation. on our part, the only requirement is that you must have paid more tax during the year than what you have donated. If you have not yet signed a gift aid form, please sign one and return it to the treasurer. Gift Aid applies equally on weekly collections/offerings, and we have special envelopes for this purpose. Please make use of them, Having said this, we have had a great response and a number of people are already contributing in this way. Monthly contributions by standing order can also help improve our cash flow and many of you now make your contributions this way. If you would like to set this up, please contact your bank and inform them of our details: St. Lukes, A/c 11719055, sortcode 050075; Yorkshire Bank, Headingley; 6 Otley Road LS9 2AA Conrad Volker If you would like a copy of the statement of income and expenses for the year ended December 2013, please let Pastor Libby know. The challenge is therefore on all of us to see how we can work smarter and, where possible, give more. Gift Aid is an example of how we can receive additional money (25% of the donation) from HMRC with little or no extra effort The meeting voted on sending Letters of Call to Pastor Libby and Pastor Mark. These will be completed at the Trustees meeting on May 29th. 2 3 Methodist District Administrator) is right next door, the folk there are determined to get involved and would like you to join them. The building will be open throughout the day offering hospitality, big screens, facilities and quiet spaces for rest and prayer. Any offers of ‘welcomers’ to help will be gratefully received. Everyone is welcome to come and join us looking closely at the Lord’s Prayer on June 28th from 11.00 am – 3.00 pm, using “The Barber who wanted to Pray” by R.C.Sproul as our starting point. The Leeds South and Central Methodist Circuit intend to undertake some servant evangelism within the crowds and from the steps. What is servant evangelism? It is a simple act of kindness given with God’s love and nothing more, except a friendly smile and word of greeting. On July 26th our theme will be the hymn, “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” There will be a Pot Luck Lunch at 1.00 pm They want to give away bottles of water and are asking if you would be willing to donate towards the cost of buying the water in bulk. Each bottle will be labelled simply with a greeting such as 'Given with God's love'. Please let Pastor Libby know if you can come to one or both of these days. News from Afar Bishop Walter has received a letter with greetings and photographs from Aristide Nahagame, who, some of you may remember, was confirmed at St. Luke’s in 2004. Unfortunately, actual donations of bottles of water cannot be accepted due to storage difficulties but donations can be given to Pastor Libby (cheques made payable to Leeds South and Central Circuit). Many thanks for any help you can give. Since returning to Burundi, Aristide has been undertaking ordination training, and hopes to be ordained in the summer. If you want to experience servant evangelism anyone is welcome to come along and join in the experience of a giveaway. Pastor Libby will be there Because of the poverty of his church in Africa, Aristide has asked for some items to help him go forward in his call. Bishop Walter, Pastor Libby and Pastor Mark will be sending him a cassock and some stoles. He also needs communion vessels and a clergy shirt and some black trousers, but unfortunately we don’t know his size, though from the photos you’ll see that he is very tall. Bishops Diary June 2 – 6: In Poland 15: Trinity Lutheran Church, Nottingham 16: Closing Day of Churches Regional Council, Leeds 26 – July 10: In Poland 3 -4: LWF Bishops’ Conference 15: Enthronement of Bishop of West Yorkshire & the Dales, York August Please keep Aristide in your prayers. An Ecumenical Event Le Grand Depart - Saturday 5th July As you will be aware, the Tour de France is coming to Leeds and Le Grande Depart is from Leeds town hall on Saturday 5th July. As Oxford Place (where Pastor Libby works as the Leeds 4 9: Wedding of Josh Hardy and Natasha, Edinburgh 12 – Visit with Bishop Martin, Sweden 22 Pastor Libby will be in France from June 5th – 23rd. 5
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