Dear Parishioners, I have not been as present around the parish as I would like to be. About two weeks before Christmas, I received a diagnosis of a very serious cancer that is incurable, but treatable. I am presently undergoing chemotherapy; with which I am having a difficult time. Since the cancer has already spread, surgery or radiation are not options at this point. Mostly I depend on everyone’s prayers for healing and for wisdom for the medical staff. Some of you already know this information and I thank you for your promise of prayer, Masses, enrollments, and cheery cards. Also, there have been numerous offers of help, such as rides and soup making. I thank you for your generous spirits and loving hearts. If I don’t take you up on your offer, it is just because there have been so many offers that I can’t use them all. Some family and friends are also available to help. I ask your continued prayer for I depend heavily on God’s mercy. If you need some service, you can reach me by voicemail at the parish or email. St. Francis de Sales Church February 1, 2015 Mass Schedule for the Week Saturday, January 31, 2015 5:00 PM The Sick & Homebound of Our Parish Sunday, February 1, 2015 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Anthony & Gertrude Mirabella Monday, February 2, 2015 NO Communion Service Tuesday, February 3, 2015 12:00 Noon Wednesday, February 4, 2015 9:00 AM Thursday, February 5, 2015 9:00 AM Friday, February 6, 2015 First Friday 9:00 AM 10:30 AM Benediction Saturday, February 7, 2015 First Saturday [B & M Collection] 9:00 AM 5:00 PM For Our Parishioners Sunday, February 8, 2015 [B & M Collection] 8:00 AM 10:30 AM For Our Parishioners Parish Schedule for the Week Monday February 2, 2015 6:30 PM 6:30 PM PREP Gr. 1-7 First Penance Retreat Wednesday, February 4, 2015 6:30 PM First Penance (Gr. 2 ONLY) Thursday February 5 7 PM Pastoral Council Sunday February 8 10:30 AM 2-4 PM Preschool/K PREP Open House @ Parish House ___________________________________________ Lector & Server Schedule February 7th at 5:00 PM Servers: Sadowski, Sadowski Lector: R. Bates Ushers: Bross, Ostan February 8th at 8:00 AM Servers: Wright, Russell Lector: Eckenroth Ushers: Byrne February 8th at 10:30 AM Servers: Coleman, Coleman Lector: Nicotra Ushers: Moore, Palm Next Week’s Readings Job 7:1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Mark 1:29-39 Sister Mary Chapel Living Flame Pray For Our Sick Harold Anderson, Edward Bellina, Joseph Boess, Trudi Bux, Anthony DeInnocentiis, Veronica Drexler, Judy Evans, Judith Goeltz, Nicholas Michael Headley, Lorraine Held, Frank Horvat, Mark Hyde, Joe Kluscarits, Ann Leszczynski, Thomas McAndrew, Sister Mary, Carol Moyer, Virginia Snyder, Catherine Suchon, Peggy Swope, Len Zahurak, Edwin Zeltzer Our Return to the Lord Week of Jan. 25, 2015 Weekly Offertory - $ 4,569.00 Annual Catholic Relief Services- $ 1,077.00 Lenten Crab Cake Sale Lenten crab cake sale sponsored by St. Francis de Sales Knights of Columbus Council 15778 to benefit our parish. Orders, along with payment, can be taken by any Knights of Columbus member today, through Sunday, March 22. Representatives will be in the church vestibule following every mass. Order forms are located in the vestibule. Orders will be ready for pick up on Friday, March 27, here at church from 4-7 PM. Questions may be directed to Jeff Chaiko by calling 610-670-1493. Save-A-Tape Program Redner's is committed to the communities that it is a part of, and wants to help out the non-profit organizations whose members shop in our stores. In this interest, Redner's developed their 1% Save-A-Tape program; that is, they donate 1% of the total receipt amount. Therefore, St Francis de Sales is asking you to submit your Redner’s Market receipts to earn money for our parish. For those who have been submitting, we received a check in the amount of $101.97. So please send in your receipts! Thank you! Choir Schedule Choir rehearsals for Holy Week will be held on Monday evenings at 7pm and then Sunday mornings at 9am. The Monday evening dates include: February 2 & 16; March 2 & 16. Sunday morning dates include: February 8 & 22; March 8, 22, & 29. Anyone interested in singing with the choir should contact Carol Anderson. Thank you for your support. A Special Thank You to Father Kevin Nadolski, OSFS for leading our vespers service in celebration of our patron, Saint Francis de Sales, this past Sunday. Also, to our Fun and Social Committee for their delicious buffet and all the preparations to help make this special success. occasion a Salesian Sunday Reflection Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Something Different – Something New You are invited to an Open House at the Convent When: Sunday, February 8, 2015 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Where: Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Motherhouse Convent 460 St. Bernardine Street Reading, PA 19607 {adjacent to Alvernia University} Why: Meet the Sisters – tour the Convent – enjoy homemade refreshments Come and bring your family or a friend! St. Paul tells us in today’s reading “to be free of anxiety.” St. Francis de Sales gives us some advice on how to cope with anxiety: There is a real temptation to become dissatisfied with the world and distressed about it when we have of necessity to be in it. We imagine we would feel better if we were on another ship. That may be, but only if we change ourselves! Solitude has its assaults, the world its busyness. In either place we must be courageous since in either place divine help is available to those who trust in God and who humbly and gently beg for God’s caring assistance. One of the sources of our anxieties is our self-centered love. Why are we surprised by our imperfections? We want nothing but consolation. When we experience our own misery and weaknesses, let us do three things and we will have peace. Let us have a pure intention of seeking in all things, the honor and glory of God. Let us do the little we can toward this end and leave to God the care of the rest. These little attacks of anxiety and sadness that are brought on by the multiplicity of our responsibilities permit us to practice the dearest and best virtues that Jesus recommended to us: gentleness and trust in God. True virtue is not produced by outward idleness, anymore than healthy fish are raised in the stagnant waters of swamps. To protect ourselves from surprise attacks of anxiety, where we become resentful and ready to flare up if any one crosses us, we must often arouse in our hearts patience and courage. But when we do totter and fall, we must not be ashamed of being a little grimy and dusty. It is better to be covered with dust than with sores. If we place ourselves in God’s care and let the heavenly dew of God’s love heal us, all will be well.
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