Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ Fourth Sunday after Epiphany February 1, 2015 Rev. Ken Kramer GATHERING MUSIC Laura Kammerer WELCOME AND JOYS AND CONCERNS OF THE CONGREGATION *GATHERING WORDS (Responsively) Ralph Baxter, Liturgist Brothers and Sisters in Christ, what hopes do you bring to worship? We bring hope for health and wholeness. What afflictions do you bring to worship? Physical pain? From illness and injury. Emotional pain? From sad and scary life situations. Mental pain? From dis-ese of many kinds. In today’s gospel, a person with an “afflicting spirit” interrupts Jesus And Jesus frees him. And where does the miracle of his story and our stories begin? When we bring all of who we are - hopeful, afflicted, bold - into a relationship with the Devine. So come, let us enter this sanctuary with our whole selves, hopeful, afflicted and boldCome, let us worship! *SINGING PRAISE TO OUR GOD (Inserted) “Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior” *OPENING PRAYER (In Unison) O Divine Healer, we confess that sometimes we yearn for You to wave a magic wand on our wounded lives to remove our pain, illness and suffering. We hear the gospel story of the one seeking healing from Jesus and assume that You will perform a similar miracle for all of us, if we just pray hard enough! And we do pray! Open our eyes to recognize the teachings and tools You have given us with which to seek healing in the midst of our afflictions and diseases. Renew our spirits and transform us, O “Wholly” One, for the health of Your creation. Amen *THE PASSING OF THE PEACE The peace of God be with you. And also with you! (Please greet others around you) THE CHILDREN’S MESSAGE “How To Do A Miracle” Pastor Ken THE PASTOR’S PRAYER AND LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. THE CHOIR SINGS “Come Bless The Lord” Anna Kammerer playing the flute by Robert Lau SHARING OUR GIFTS WITH GOD, MONEY, TIME AND ABILITIES THE CALL TO SHARE AN OFFERING TO OUR GOD (Responsively) When we give of ourselves to meet the needs of others, we are cocreators in the health of God’s creation. As we have been given much, let us give in return. OFFERING MUSIC *OFFERING RESPONSE DOXOLOGY PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW, PRAISE HIM, ALL CREATURES HERE BELOW, PRAISE HIM ABOVE YE HEAVENLY HOST, PRAISE FATHER, SON AND HOLY GHOST. AMEN *OFFERING PRAYER DEDICATING OUR GIFTS TO GOD (In Unison) Transforming God, we dedicate our gifts for the health of your creation. May those who receive these gifts be blessed by Your love and inspired to give to others so that Your creation will continue to be transformed by Your love. Amen. MEDITATING ON OUR GOD IN SONG (Inserted) “There Is Balm In Gilead” READING GOD’S WORD TODAY’S MESSAGE Mark 1: 21-28 “What Have You To Do With Us Jesus” Pastor Ken *A SINGING RESPONSE TO OUR GOD (Inserted) “We Yearn, O Christ, For Wholeness” *CLOSING PRAYER *CLOSING RESPONSE (See Insert) I Am the Light of the World *SENDING OUT MUSIC GREETINGS! GREETINGS! GREETINGS! February 17th 4:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. $7.00 Tickets available at the door! Sun., February 8th 5:30 pm We will eat first, then play games! All are welcome This is a reminder we have greeting cards for your personal use. A church member donates the cards. The card rack is in Fellowship Hall or the Library. For example, when someone is added to the Prayer List, pick up a card and mail it. It's that easy to show you care. Communion will be served on February 7th and 8th The Church at Work February 1 – February 8 Janet Adair Devon Baxter Shelby Bowen Bill Buss Sarah Campbell Gary Clapper Denise Eastman Steven Gragg Helen Hardy Carl Johnson Jim Kosowski Ariell Kuriger Ron Morrison Valerie Ortbal Millie Predmore Helen Smith Mary Stormer Jeanette Swayzer Timothy Swayzer Joyce Winn Letha Althoff Steve Booher Jayne Brown Isabelle Cahill Karen Cookson Lynn Davis David Fox Jean Hamann Rick Hawkins Jeannie Kammerer Rev. Ken Kramer Gary McEwen Kent Nelson Charlene Pflum Teal Raney Marvin Speckhart Toby Stormer John Swayzer Raina Tappe Please submit changes to the church office! Please keep Rev. Betty Hornback, Designated Pastor, Plymouth Congregational UCC, Chillicothe, in your prayers this week in support of her work and ministry. Sunday, February 1 9:00am Sunday Worship 10:00am Coffee Hour/Women’s Guild 10:30am Adult Bible Study 10:30am Bell Choir Rehearsal 10:30am Confirmation Class Monday, February 2 5:30pm Search Team Meeting 7:00pm Qcy Symphony Chorus Tuesday, February 3 9:00am Staff Meeting 7:00pm Choir Practice Wednesday, February 4 8:30am Quilters Thursday, February 5 3:30pm Operation Snowball Rehearsal 5:30pm Property Task Force Friday, February 6 6:30am Operation Snowball Saturday, February 7 11:30am Saturday Meals 4:30pm Saturday Worship/CMN Sunday, February 8 9:00am Sunday Worship/CMN 10:00am Coffee Hour/Kings & Queens 10:30am Adult Bible Study 10:30am Bell Choir Rehearsal 10:30am Confirmation Class 11:30am Youth Fellowship 5:30pm Dinner & Game Night Acolytes Sunday, February 1 Courtney Courson A reminder...we continue to collect the Hy-Vee brand UPC labels. Each one is worth five cents and starts with the numbers 75450---. You can deposit the labels in the box across from the church office or give them to me. Thanks, Letha Althoff, The Label Counter Sunday, February 8 Katie Husar Saturday Meals Saturday, February 7 Tipton Family Katie Husar Saturday, February 14 Bethlehem Sutter Hannah Brice Ushers Sunday, February 1 Kathy Willing, Duane Phillips, Terry Alter, Chuck McMullen, Dave Tipton Salem Church is a Gun Free Zone! Sunday, February 8 Paul Gabriel, Wanda Salsman, Karen Blair, Barb Peter, Katie Edwards Nursery Volunteers Join us for Coffee Hour immediately following the worship service in the Fellowship Hall (located across the Interlink and downstairs). Coffee & donuts are provided. This is a great way to get to know others in our Salem family! Sunday, February 1 Katie Edwards, Donetta Ridings Sunday, February 8 Annie Akers Ash Wednesday will be celebrated in a special worship service in the Sanctuary at 7:00 p.m., February 18. The service will include the “Imposition of Ashes.” Each Wednesday following on February 25, March 4, 11, 18, and 25 we will hold 45-minute services beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Lounge. On Maundy Thursday at 7:00 p.m. we will once again recreate the Last Supper of Christ and remember our Lord’s agony in the Garden. The service will be in the Sanctuary. On Good Friday at 7:00 p.m. we will gather to remember our Lord’s agony on the cross in a Tennebrae Service. This service will be in the Sanctuary. This year our theme for the Lenten Services will be seven dramas titled “Seven Steps To The Cross,” written by Ray Weigland. Sta ff of Sa lem Eva ngelica l United Church of Christ Members & Friends of Salem Rev. Ken Kramer Rev. Lynn Bohlmann Steve Disseler Kay Whitfield Dr. Phyllis Robertson Jeannie Kanauss Dolores Wemhoener Laura Kammerer Jody Messmer Amy Mueller Amy Mueller Salem Web Site Ministers Interim Pastor Calling Minister Saturday Worship Leader Service Coordinator Adult Choir Director Bell Choir Director Pianist Organist Secretary Custodian Wedding Coordinator Salem Facebook Salem Evangelical UCC 435 S. 9th Street Quincy, IL 62301 (217) 222-0601 Please sign the Ritual of Friendship pad in the pew & place it in the offering plate! We are excited to have a nursery available for your young ones! Newborn children to three-year-olds may attend the nursery. Older children are encouraged to take part in the Sunday children’s activities. If you need to locate the nursery, please ask any usher for assistance. Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ is an ‘Open and Affirming’ congregation. We believe that… MISSION STATEMENT “No m a t t e r w h o y ou a r e Or w h e r e y ou a r e on l ife ’s jou r n e y You a r e w e l c om e h e r e ” Called to share God’s grace and abundance with all. VISION STATEMENT Building character through Christian virtue.
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