ST. GABRIEL PARISH BULLETIN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Parish Center 2559 - 40th Ave. 731-6161 Fax Number 731-1270 Website: Office Business Hours: Monday—Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm, (Closed for lunch, 12pm to 1pm) Open for Meetings, 9:00am to 9:00pm, Monday—Friday Parish School 2550 - 41st Ave. 566-0314 San Francisco, California 94116 *PASTORAL STAFF/ ADMINISTRATION Rev. Thomas Hamilton, Pastor Rev. Paul Zirimenya In Residence Rev. David Schunk In Residence Rev. Thomas Parenti Weekend Supply Priest Sr. M. Pauline Borghello, R.S.M. School Principal Nancy Becerra Director of Religious Education [email protected] Mr. Matthew A. Shea Pastoral Associate Homebound, Hospitalized & RCIA 731-9918 Mrs. Jaclyn Tarrant Youth & Confirmation Minister 731-0650 [email protected] Mr. Rod Davis Custodian PARISH CENTER SUPPORT STAFF Mrs. Cheryl Bailey Parish/School Bookkeeper Ms. Pat Buley & Mrs. Mary Dante Parish Secretaries [email protected] Business Hours: 9 am to 4 pm M-F Closed for lunch: 12 pm to 1pm Mrs. Angela Zullinger Music Minister/Choir Director Mr. Rob Grant Music Minister [Sat. 5:00 pm] Mr. John Hurst Music Minister [Sun. 10:00 am] Mr. David Lorentz Music Minister [Sun. 5:30 pm] Mrs. Nancy Porter Wedding Rehearsal Coordinator This is YOUR P[rish!!! ST. GABRIEL PARISH MISSION STATEMENT As a worshipping, believing, and caring community, St. Gabriel Parish participates in the mission of Jesus Christ, remembered most intensely at Sunday Assembly through proclamation of The Word and the sharing of the Eucharistic Meal. This Community so nourished lives its faith in prayer, education and outreach. SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Saturday Vigil Masses: 5:00 pm Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM Weekday Masses: 8:30 AM– Monday through Saturday Communal Reconciliation Service: every first Saturday at 3:30 pm in the church with individual confession and absolution. Individual Reconciliation (Confession): By appointment with any priest. Infant Baptism: Please contact the Parish Center to schedule baptism preparation if needed. Baptism is administered any Sunday at 1:30 pm. Marriage: Please contact the Parish Center at least six [6] months prior to the proposed wedding date. First Communion, Sunday School, Adult Education, Anointing of the Sick, R.C.I.A., Confirmation: Please call 415-731-6161. for the proper director. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! NOT ON OUR MAILING LIST…? Then please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket, or leave it at the Parish Center Office. NAME:_________________________________________ HOME PHONE:______________DATE:_______________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL:________________________________________ CELL PHONE:______________________________ FEBRUARY 1ST, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED LIFE SUNDAY, FEBRURY 1, 2015 Thank you so much! PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS TO CONSECRATED LIFE Dear Friends, Faithful God, Just a brief note to thank you all so much for your good wishes, prayers and cards,.I am grateful. Thanks too to our “in-a-pinch” group of our school, they have provided some wonderful meals in recent days...we have great cooks in our parish! Surgery has been moved up and is now scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, February 2nd and I will ask for your prayers for a quick recovery and to fulfill my hopes of presiding at the Easter Vigil. Once again, thanks to all of you for your prayerful support. I am grateful. With love and prayers for all of you, always! Father Tom HELP FOR FATHER TOM You may have heard, Fr. Tom Hamilton is in need of some assistance. We ask that you keep him in your prayers. The St. Gabriel School Parent Organization’s In A Pinch has created a meal calendar with the website “Lotsa Helping Hands” to organize dinners for Fr. Tom over the next several weeks. It is a wonderful feeling to share and we hope you will join us in this endeavor. Please email Tina O’Sullivan at [email protected]. She will give you access to the community website “Help for Father Tom.” You will then go to the web address provided, create a password, and gain access to the calendar. Once you select a day to help, you will be given meal and delivery instructions. If you have any questions, please email or call Tina 415-7560404. We celebrate your fidelity and love for your Church. You bless us and call us into a covenant with you, with Jesus, and with the Hoy Spirit. Mary accepted this covenant, offering herself as your blessed handmaid. You entrusted her with your Son, Jesus, and in turn she became our mother too. Like Jesus and Mary, bless us with a trusting spirit that we might serve you faithfully. Inspire men and women to dedicate their lives to you through the consecrated life. Help us to invite, encourage and support men and women to serve the Church. Blessed are we as we seek to live our lives in holiness and integrity. We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus and his Blessed Mother in union with the Holy Spirit. Amen SANDWICH SUNDAY This Sunday, February 1, 2015 is Sandwich Sunday. What better way to start the year by helping our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Please bring wrapped sandwiches for the needy. Members of St. Vincent de Paul Society will be outside church before and after the morning Masses to receive your donations. Please do your best to get your sandwiches in by 12:30 PM. Your generosity is always greatly appreciated. Cash donations are also welcome. BAPTISMAL PREP. CLASS Baptismal Preparation Classes are scheduled once a month in the Parish Center at St. Gabriel. Completion of class is required before a baptismal date can be scheduled. The next class will be held on Saturday, February 14th, 2015 at 10:45 AM in the Parish Center. There will be no NEW Baptisms scheduled until after Easter Sunday, April 5th. Please call 415-731-6161 to sign up or email: [email protected] READINGS, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 VOCATION CROSS PROGRAM The Vocations Committee would like to thank the Nora Soleto-Kury for being the guardian of the cross for the month of January. For the month of January, 2015, the cross will be in the home of Edgar and Angienette Estonina and family. Edgar and Angienette will receive the cross at the 10:00am Mass, today, Sunday, February 1st. Each month, we will invite a parishioner or family to receive this special cross, and pray each day the Prayer for Vocations that is attached to the cross and we encourage all parishioners to pray for vocations on a regular basis. If you would like to take part in this program, contact Mary Fogarty at 415-681-7286, or email her at: [email protected] ST. GABRIEL SCHOOL NEWS SCHOOL TOUR FALL/2015 APPLICATIONS Excellence in Education: Interested in enrolling your child at St. Gabriel in the Fall 2015? Learn about our school by taking a tour! See classes, computer lab, Science Discovery Center, kindergarten enrichment program, extended care facilities and more. Our next school tour is this Thursday, February 5th at 8:30am. Reservations are required and can be made by emailing the school at [email protected] or calling 415-566-0314. Information about St. Gabriel School is also available in the School Rack in the Church vestibule, on our website at, or by emailing or calling the school. CRAB DINNER DANCE AND RAFFLE On February 28, 2015 - for St. Gabriel Parent Organization’s Annual Crab Dinner Dance will take place. The event is from 6:00pm to 11:00pm and is for adults only (21 and over). Enjoy fresh cold and warm crab (w/garlic butter sauce), marinated chicken (pre-ordered only), focaccia bread, pesto pasta, Caesar salad, and dessert. Also enjoy the no-host bar and dancing! Price is $50.00 per person through Thursday, February 19th. On and after February 20th, tickets are $60.00 per person. No tickets will be sold at the door! Reservation must be made by Friday, February 24th. Forms are available at the school Clinic. For reservation information, call Joy Fogarty at 415-336-7846 or email [email protected]. Don’t forget to get your raffle ticket(s), too! To be eligible to win, please send in your check or money order along with your ticket stubs by Friday, February 27th. The drawing will be held at the Crab Dinner and Dance. You need not be present to win, but we’d love to see you there! For more information about this year’s Raffle, please call Angela Isola at 415-205-9639. CONFIRMATION & YOUTH MINISTRY CONFIRMATION SESSION #3 CANCELLED! Confirmation Session #3 originally scheduled for Today, Sunday, February 1st from 3-5pm in the MultiPurpose Room is cancelled! However, there will still be a Youth Mass on that day at the 5:30 PM Mass time. The next Confirmation Session will be on Sunday, February 8th from 3:00 to 5:00pm in the Multi Purpose Room. SAVE THE DATE! CONFIRMATION RETREAT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH, 2015 More Information to Follow For information: Jaclyn Tarrant, Confirmation & Youth Minister [email protected] FOR SICK RELATIVES AND FRIENDS PRAYERS FOR THE SICK In the coming week we ask your prayers for the following: Isabel Austria, Rosa Banzon, William Billanes, Austin Bolender, Aparacion Bonpin, Madeleine Bonpin, Marie Britto, Betty Carson-Garza, Patrick Casserly, Doris Dampulay, Jerry DeRyan, Mary Donohue, Louise Dowdle, Maria Esain, Dionisio Espulgar, Fely Estonina Londonio, Sally Fambrini, Eulalia Fernandes, Mary Ellen Giraudo, Lottie Gonzales, Barbara Greaves, Fr. Tom Hamilton, Purificacion (Nene) Hangad, Patricia Johnson, Angelina Kaprosch, Phil Hons, Brady Kennedy, Lydia Labrado, Rafael Labutan, Shirley Latham, Mary Jae Leigh, Deborah Lennon, Khevan Lennon, Lawrence Madar, Michael Madden, Melecio Martinez, William McKennett, Joan Miller, Winnie Mendoza, Joey Murdaca, Ann and Catherine Murphy, Helen “Mitsi” Okamoto, Joseph Pallela, Edith Parker, Peggy Peck, Jax Radloff, Mario Ratliff, Joshua Ratliff, Deacon Tom Reardon, Jewell Rice, Lota Samson, Lee Chuan San, Kathy Schiebold, Harry Sims, Joseph Sullivan, Alden Tatad, Josefina Tio, Dorothy Tompkins, Lloyd Velasquez, Carl Velleno, Chiara Vinzoni, Patricia West, Richard Yan, Margaret Zipse, Bill Zlatunich, and especially for John Sheriff. WORLD DAY OF THE SICK MASS Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Principal Celebrant Saturday, February 7, 2015, 11:00 AM Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption 111 Gough Street at Geary, San Francisco A “special time of prayer and sharing of offering one’s suffering for the good of the Church and of reminding everyone to see in his sick brother or sister the face of Christ who, by suffering, dying and rising, achieved the salvation of mankind.” SAVE THE DATE CHINESE NEW YEAR YEAR OF THE GOAT ANNUAL POTLUCK! Sunday, March 1, 2015 1:00 PM, MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM Be sure to see the flyer with sign-up information in next weekend’s bulletin. 2014 TAX REPORTS If you would like a report of your donations to St. Gabriel’s for tax filing purposes for tax year 2014, you must request one. Please call the office at 731-6161 to arrange to have one sent to you. Due to the large volume of calls, please allow one week for your request to be processed. FEAST OF ST. BLAISE MASS INTENTIONS FEBRUARY 2—8, 2015 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 5:00pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 5:30pm Seamus Murphy Frank & Mary Palaci & Family Louis VanVelzen James Roche Milton Mares Marian Daly Patricia Tornberg Julie Blanco Remedios Gomez William Finney Brendan O’Donovan REST IN PEACE MICHAEL DURKAN AMPARO MARTIN NEXT SUNDAY’S PRESIDERS FEBRUARY 7-8, 2015 5:00 PM Fr. Thomas Parenti 8:00 AM Fr. Thomas Parenti 10:00 AM Fr. Thomas Parenti 12:00 PM Fr. Thomas Parenti 5:30 PM Fr. David Schunk Your Envelope Counts SUNDAY JAN. 25, 2015 SAME SUNDAY, Total from Envelopes $8,342.00 $8,246.50 Loose $1,183.77 $1,384.83 Total Collection $9,525.77 $9,631.33 $1—$4.99 14 n/a $5—$9.99 38 n/a $10—$19.99 69 n/a $20—$24.99 58 n/a $25 and over 112 n/a No. of envelope Users 291 340 Average Per Envelope $28.67 $24.25 In recognition of the Feast of St. Blaise, there will be a blessing of the throats at the 8:30 AM Mass, tomorrow, Monday, February 2nd. All are welcome. PALMS FOR ASH WEDNESDAY Please bring your palm branches from last year’s Palm Sunday, so they can be burned and used for this years Ash Wednesday, which will be on Wednesday, February 18th. There will be a box in Vestibule for you to drop them off or you can bring them to the Parish Center. LECTOR SCHEDULE, February 7-8m 2015 Saturday, February 7 5:00pm Vicente Reyes Sunday, February 8 8:00am Michael O’Loughlin 10:00am Angela Ling 12:00pm Nicole Arima 5:30pm Vincent Garcia WELCOME ROD DAVIS! We welcome Mr. Rod Davis, our new Custodian & Maintenance person. Rod will be working Monday through Friday, 7am to 3pm and comes highly recommended for his workmanship, reliability and personal integrity. Rod is currently commuting over 2 hours each way and is looking for a local studio or in-law at a reasonable rate and would be willing to help with some maintenance and upkeep in exchange for a lower rent. If you know of any thing, or have something to offer, please call the Parish Center at 731-6161 or send an email message to Rod through: [email protected] VOCATIONS OPEN HOUSE Celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life Dominican Sisters San Francisco The Dominican Sisters of San Rafael invite you to St. Rose Convent, 2515 Pine St., San Francisco, from 34:30 pm on next Sunday, February 8th. Join us in a prayer for peace in our Chapel, followed by visiting and refreshments in the convent. Marin County Also, on next Sunday, February 8th if you are closer to Marin County, you are invited to join us at Dominican Convent, 1540 Grand Ave., San Rafael, 3-4:30 pm. We will share a prayer for peace, followed by visiting and refreshments. Please RSVP for either location by calling: (415) 453-8303 Or by email at: [email protected].
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