Minutes March 2014 - Hambleden Parish Council

held on 10th March 2014 at 8.00pm in the Village Hall, Hambleden
Present: Cllrs Mr T. Nixey, Mr R. Baird, Mr J. Jackson, Mrs S. Walker Allies,
Miss S. Webb, Mrs L. Mann, Mr D. White, Mr A. Armstrong, Mr N. Snell
Mrs S Henson – Clerk
3 members of public
Minute 8253
Apologies for absence: All Councillors present.
Minute 8254
To confirm and sign the Minutes of the February Parish Council Meeting
The Minutes for the February meeting were agreed by Councillors and signed by the
Minute 8255
Declaration of personal or pecuniary interests
Cllr Snell declared a personal interest in the planning application for Beechtree House.
Cllr Armstrong declared a pecuniary interest in the Lower Woodend planning
application and a personal interest in the North House planning application.
Cllr Nixey declared a personal interest in the Lace Cottage planning application.
Minute 8222
Action: Clerk/
Cllr Baird
Progress on items from the previous minutes
The Clerk has obtained prices for the parking sign. It was agreed to purchase two signs
with gold lettering at a cost of £145 each plus VAT. The litter bin has been installed. An
eratic will be placed on the narrow end of the island.
Minute 8224
Action: Clerk
English Rural Housing Association are still seeking the documents relating to the
ownership of the Ridgewood access road. Clerk will contact Culden Faw to see
whether they may have any of the original paperwork.
Minute 8256
Correspondence Received from 11th February – 10th March 2014
1. Invitation to the Chairman to the WDC Civic Service in March
2. Invitation to the Chairman and Clerk to attend a Transport for Bucks
Workshop on 10th April
3. 19 copy emails to WDC from residents of the parish re the planning
application for North House
4. Emails from WDC re the flooding situation
5. Chilterns Conservation Board – February Newsletter - emailed
6. Bucks CC response re the work to be carried out by the Highways Agency
on the Stokenchurch M40 bridge. The form had been inaccurately
completed and less overnight closures, if any, are planned than indicated
and the alternative routes are being corrected. Emailed to Councillors.
7. Copy emails from residents to Thames Water, Environment Agency, MP
and WDC re the sewage and flooding issues at Mill End.
8. WDC confirmation of our precept request – Band D property £34.34
9. Wokingham Borough Council – public consultation on the draft statement
of community involvement.
10. Notification of Best Kept Village Competition – Cllr Mrs Mann will contact
FVS as to whether they want to enter.
11. Chiltern Society magazine
12. The Chairman and Clerk were approached by a local resident for
permission to put up a banner on the ‘school’ fence owned by the Parish
Council to advertise a Charity event. Permission was given for it to be in
place for one week only. We have listened to her concerns and will make
contact with the organisation but with the time scale involved it is unlikely
to be able to changed. We will bear her comments in mind for the future.
13. Notification by Culden Faw and WDC re a licence for an event – Tough
Mudder - to be held on Culden Faw land from 25th – 27th April no
objections as long as no diversions for residents are involved.
Action: Cllr
Mrs Mann
Minute 8257
Action: Clerk
To finalise our response to the Local Plan
Chairman of local Parish Councils have received a letter from Steve Baker MP
encouraging people to respond to the consultation.
This Parish Council, although in the AONB, does think that there is a potential to build
a small number of houses on the edges of the villages in their parish. We would
however want these properties to be small affordable homes .i.e. first homes or to
enable the older members of our communities to downsize. We question why WDC are
so committed to keeping Wycombe Air Park for industrial use rather than homes. We
have concerns about the rural infrastructure and services required and the
environmental and pollution issues in relation to the number of homes required. We
would also object to any proposals for building on a flood plain.
Minute 8258
Action: Clerk
Action: Clerk
Minute 8259
Action: Clerk
To discuss the recent flooding issues at Mill End, Hambleden and Skirmett
Residents in the above areas and Fingest, due to the rise in the Thames and the
increase in ground water levels due to unusually heavy rainfall, are suffering are
flooding. The Clerk had arranged sandbags and where necessary, portaloos for
residents. Thames Water need to be written to and asked to protect the Mill End
pumping station. The Parish Council undertook ditching and creating a channel in
Skirmett. The Clerk will write to the landowner asking if the Parish Council could install
a pipe in the recently dug ditch.
Bucks County Council will be approached to give advice on creating a drain with a pipe
on the Village Hall side of the Skirmett road to take the water from one side of the road
to the Brook.
To consider the assets register; additions to the insurance policy; the risk assessment
The risk assessment will be modified to show that the Clerks salary was reviewed in
October 2013 for 1st April 2014 implementation. Mileage is as per HMRC rates and not
NALC higher level.
The insurance value for the Church Wall was increased to £50,000 as per instructions
from the insurance company.
The defibrillators will be added to the policy on renewal
Action: Clerk
Minute 8260
Action: Clerk
Minute 8261
To consider Bucks County Councils request to take on the maintenance of three
footpaths/bridleways and to ask the Chiltern Society to undertake the work
There is one footpath in Frieth, one in Hambleden and one at Mill End. We would
receive a grant of £189.98 to undertake the work. The Clerk has had a meeting with
the Chiltern Society who are willing to take on this work. Councillors resolved to ask the
Chiltern Society to carry out the maintenance work on these paths/bridleways and pass
on the entirety of the grant to them.
To approve the accounts for March 2014 – Appendix 2; signing of cheques; allocation
of the Film Fund.
Accounts to be paid in March 2014
Mrs S Henson – February salary and cheque adjustment
BCC – pension March
Mrs Henson – expenses – February
Post Office 100 x 2nd class
MHp Internet Ltd
Hambleden Village hall
Opening Balance
Balance as at 31st January 2014
Less February cheques
Plus Bank of Ireland
Deposit Account
Total of all funds at 28th February 14
It was resolved to approve the accounts.
Hambleden Film Fund has a balance of £6000.00 – Councillors to email with
suggestions to the Clerk in time for a discussion at the April meeting
Action: Cllrs
Minute 8262
Members Questions
1. Cllr Snell suggested planting lavender or St John’s wort on the Hambleden island.
2. Cllr Web asked about the disposal of sandbags - to be disposed of by the residents
who have received them.
3. The LAF organised two meetings at Hambleden Village Hall for potential volunteer
drivers – Tuesday 4th March at 3pm or Thursday 6th March at 10am. Clerk put on the
website and on Noticeboards and attended the meeting. Four volunteer drivers have
been signed up and the scheme should be in place for 1st May. We will help with
publicity and as agreed, we will pay for the hire of the hall
Action: Clerk
Action: Clerk
Action: Clerk
Minute 8263
4. South Ward Councillors have concerns over the amount of lorries entering through
the centre of Hambleden.
5. Cllr Armstrong had been asked about the new road signs on the Henley Road –
Bucks County Council control this.
6. Cllr Armstrong is seriously concerned about the state of road above the surgery as it
is falling away as well as worn away verges caused by drivers
7. Cllr Mann asked if anything was going to happen about the trees which had blocked
the Parmoor Lane
8. Cllr Mrs Walker Allies reported on the lack of mobile service affecting the use of
smart meters – Clerk will write to the mobile phone companies asking what their plans
are to improve the signal in the Hambleden Valley.
9. The Clerk has spoken to the LAT about the junctions at the bottom of Cobstone Hill
and also Ferry Lane at Mill End. Site visits will be planed when flooding issues have
settled down.
10. The Clerk reported that the banksman’s hut at Cherries Corner has been removed
and the landscape contractor for Hatchet Wood will remove the laurels and make good
all the land affected by the hut and its removal.
14/05148/FUL and additional plans -Westcroft, Skirmett Road, Hambleden Demolition of existing dwelling & erection of detached two storey 4-bed dwelling with
basement rooms – In principle, Hambleden Parish Council has no objections, however
more detail is required as to the construction and materials to be used, as the site and
style must be sympathetic to this very rural location.
14/05154/FUL and amended plans -North House, Bottom Hill, Hambleden Erection of stables and manege with associated works- Hambleden Parish Council
STRONGLY objects to this planning application. We agree with the comments made
by Gemma Gearing in her letter dated 6.12.13 and the points she raised. 1) Within a
residential area, the proposed plans are too large for the acreage. Landscaping
requirements are for unnatural levels. It would require over-development of an unspoilt
virgin paddock. Over development of this site with a Menage, further reduces the size
of the paddock for x6 horses and will be seen from across the valley. 2) The
environmental survey for this site is inadequate and is included without a verified
company signature for such a precious virgin site, which contains many conserved
species of flora and fauna. Namely, Wild Pyramid and Bee Orchids. Boxes have been
ticked 'NO' in consideration for Bats and Crested Newts without proof of certified data
by a reputable agency. 3) The proposed land for the application is adjacent to a
Conservation Area. This land has been in protection for many years, for a reason. We
the Parish Council are trying to protect the AONB. 4) In addition to the above
objections raised by the Parish Council, other considerations are: Access limitations for
loose/horse boxes. Staff car access to the livery yard. Deliveries of straw, hay & feed
will be difficult via Bottom Hill access point. Removal of muck heap. Horse transport
from site. Winter lighting and therefore light pollution during the winter months, which
will come as a necessity. Field gate will not allow for duo directional access transport
from Bottom Hill.
Amended plans: Although scaled back we continue to object as per our original
comments and have very serious concerns about the lorries and construction traffic
and believe that vehicles should approach from the Skirmett Road via Colstrope Lane
and not through the centre of Hambleden. We are concerned about the effect on the
landscape of this part of our parish.
14/05287/FUL -Hamblebrook House, Rectory Hill Hambleden -Householder
application for removal of gate at front boundary wall and extend existing wall closing
access – Hambleden Parish Council has no objection if the access is closed with
matching brick and flint as per the existing boundary wall.
14/05379/FUL- Lower Woodend Farm House, Roundhouse Lane, Fawley Householder application for partial conversion of first floor storage area & insertion of
two rooflights to Gardeners Cottage in connection with creation of additional rooms in
roofspace to be used as ancillary accommodation to Lower Woodend Farmhouse - no
14/05299/FUL- Beechtree House, Fingest Lane, Fingest -Householder application
for construction of single storey front extensions, part single storey, part two storey,
part first floor front, side and rear extensions – we consider it to be an
overdevelopment of the site.
14/05278/FUL- St Katharine’s Convent, Parmoor Lane, Frieth -Erection of detached
building for use as Education Centre – no objection.
and associated alterations (alternative scheme to pp 13/07445/FUL) – no objection
14/05469/FUL -Southbrook Cottage, Bagmoor Lane, Hambleden –householder
application for construction of single storey extension to existing utility room –no
14/05312/FUL & 05313/LBC – St Benedict’s and St Albans, St Katharine’s,
Parmoor – demolition of St Benedict’s and erection of replacement 3 bed dwelling with
detached garage, conversion of St Albans into an outbuilding ancillary to the Old
Sawmill – no objection.
14/05546/FUL & 05547/LBC-Lace Cottage, Frieth Hill ,Frieth-Householder
application for construction of two storey rear extension incorporating lean to 'dog
room' – to be considered.
14/05537/FUL -Church House, Skirmett Road, Skirmett -Householder application for
erection of single storey garage to front and erection of single storey garden room to
rear – to be considered
14/05539/CLE-99 Coombe Terrace, Pheasants Hill, Hambleden -Certificate of
Lawfulness for existing use of outbuilding as a single dwelling unit – to be considered.
14/05481/FUL-Thamesfield, Ferry Lane, Hambleden -Householder application for
erection of detached garden office to side – no objection.
14/05525/FUL-Eagles Crag Barn, Spurgrove Lane, Frieth -Householder application
for erection of detached building for use as pool changing room – no objection
13/08092/FUL -Bacres House, Skirmett Road, Hambleden -Householder application
for replacement pool house with pergola – permit
13/08090/FUL -Bacres House, Skirmett Road, Hambleden -Householder application
for construction of part two storey, part single storey, part first floor side and rear
extension, side entrance canopy and enlargement of existing basement – permit.
13/08093/FUL-Bacres House, Skirmett Road, Hambleden -Householder application
for replacement detached stable block and detached garages / tack room / machinery/
store – permit
13/08007/FUL-Eagles Crag Barn, Spurgrove Lane, Frieth -Householder application
for construction of swimming pool with retractable glass cover - permit
Minute 8264
Date of next meeting
Monday 14h April at 8pm in The Village Hall, Frieth.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.30pm.