MINUTES OF A MEETING OF SOMERSHAM PARISH COUNCIL Held at the Millennium Sports Pavilion, The Trundle, Somersham On Monday 10th March 2014 at 7.30 p.m. Permission was granted to Mr Jebson under Somersham Parish Council MOBILE PHONE & RECORDING OF MEETINGS POLICY to use his iPad to make notes. PRESENT WERE: Mr S Criswell, Miss L Minter, Mr P McCloskey, Mr S Innes, Mr M Greaves, Mr G Wakelin, Mr A Jebson, Mr G Siggs, Mr R Sutton (in the Chair) and Mrs P Bryant (Parish Clerk) IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr G Bull, Beatrice Brown and Mr M Evans The Chairman reminded Councillors to please enter the pavilion through the main entrance for all meetings and not the kitchen door. The main entrance is covered by CCTV and is used as a security measure plus occasionally charity meetings are held prior to the main council meetings and it can be frustrating is these are interrupted. 1. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were accepted from: Miss M Blewett – work commitments Mr M Hoy – in hospital Mr D Wailes – stuck in traffic Mr Elliott Harris resigned in a letter dated 28th February and delivered to the Clerk on Monday 10th March 2014. 2. RESIGNATION OF MR AUSTEN WHITE Huntingdonshire District Council has been advised and the vacancy has been advertised. 3. PARISH COUNCILLORS DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations were made. 4. CO-OPTION OF PARISH COUNCILLOR It was proposed by Mr Siggs, seconded by Miss Minter and RESOLVED by a unanimous vote to coopt Mr Michael Evans. 5. PRESENTATION BY BEATRICE BROWN ON COMMUNITY NAVIGATORS Chairman welcomed Beatrice Brown who is the Co-ordinator of the Community Navigator Project with Care Network Cambridgeshire. Beatrice handed out leaflets and explained the project. Barbara Hoy is the new navigator for Somersham Mr Criswell thanked to Beatrice for her work in Somersham to date. Page 1 of 6. PUBLIC FORUM It was proposed by Mr McCloskey, seconded by Mr Jebson and RESOLVED by a unanimous vote to close the meeting for a period of time to allow members of the public to participate in an open forum. The meeting was closed and reconvened at 7.43 pm - No matters discussed 7. To Elect a Vice Chairman The Vice Chairman was elected at last meeting 8. To Co-Opt Parish Councillors to fill Working Party & Committee Representative Vacancies It was agreed to defer this to the next meeting. The Clerk will send out a revised list of vacancies 9. PLANNING MATTERS PLANNING APPLICATIONS H/5000/14/CW Hensby Composts Ltd, Cheffins, The Heath, Wood Hurst Erection of four metre high litter-net fencing It was proposed by Mr McCloskey, seconded by Mr Siggs and RESOLVED by a unanimous vote to approve. The proposal seems to be sensible and the fencing should do the job. 1400033FUL The Magnolias, 17, Colne Fields, Somersham Demolition of conservatory & erection of rear extension It was proposed by Mr Jebson, seconded by Mr McCloskey and RESOLVED by a unanimous vote to propose no objection. The extension will be in keeping with the street scene and will not be overpowering on neighbours. PLANNING APPLICATIONS APPROVED 1302001FUL The Stables, Long Drove, Somersham Change of use of barn to carrot packing shed (retrospective) & erection of extension for storage & repair of irrigation pipes PLANNING CORRESPONDENCE HDC Development Control Panel Agenda 17th March 2014 Matters for Somersham: 1201309FUL Land at Park Farm, St Ives Rd. Proposed agricultural improvements (removal of disused railway embankment) including the importation of soil via access road and improved junction onto the B1086 Recommendation - Approve PLANNING UPDATE Mr Criswell reported Envar have a need to build an additional lagoon to take the extra water which became especially clear after all the recent wet weather. There will be a retrospective plan following advice from the planning dept. to protect from contaminating ditches 10. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 10th FEBRUARY 2014 The Minutes of the 10th February 2014 were proposed by Mr Siggs, seconded by Mr Jebson and RESOLVED by all councillors present with 3 abstentions to be a true record of events and were duly signed by the Chairman. Page 2 of 11. POLICE REPORT • E-cops monthly emails – forwarded to Councillors • Bluntisham Parish Council – Open Police Forum on 6th March 2014 – no councillors attended from Somersham Mr Criswell said questions can be asked of the Police Commissioner via HDC’s scrutiny panel. 12. REPORT FROM COUNTY & DISTRICT COUNCILLOR S CRISWELL & DISTRICT COUNCILLOR G BULL Cllr Criswell thanked all those who delivered the transport questionnaires recently. Cllr Criswell reported there will be a Parish Council cluster meeting on 24th March in Somersham. Bluntisham, Colne, Wood Hurst, Old Hurst, Pidley and possibly Broughton will be attending; it would be helpful if Somersham parish councillors attended. Cllr Bull said he was happy to take questions but there were none forthcoming. Cllr Bull gave his apologues for the next meeting as he would be attending the Development Panel. Cllr Criswell reported the Local Plan has been delayed due to additional houses at Wyton; it would probably be mid-summer before the Plan comes back for its final consultation. Mr Sutton said because the area joint transport committees have been disbanded the council hasn’t received had any updates for on-street parking and the increase in charges. Cllr Criswell explained the back ground to the charges which have not changed since approx. 1990, the cost is not going up a huge amount but it is going up by a large percentage. 13. PARISH CLERKS REPORT inc a. Parish Council website – the company still has not replied to the Clerk but if she has no response within the next week or so it may be time to cancel the contract. b. Real Poppy Project - Mrs S Cornwell on behalf of the Royal British Legion – Councillors agreed the Clerk should reiterate the comments made from last meeting regarding SSI’s, agricultural land, highway verges etc. and to put a few lines in the newsletter The Clerk will write to the secretaries of both Women’s & Men’s British legion Correspondence emailed to councillors: o RSN online – weekly updates o Charity Matters February/March 2014 o Somersham PCC have appointed Revd Susan Simpson as Rector St John the Baptist Church o M & G Charibond o CC News 45 o CAPALC Bulletin February 2014 o RAF Wyton – Annual Pathfinder March Saturday 21st June 2014 o Older Peoples Programme update 6 o Came & Co managing flood risk Hard copy letters: o M&G Charibond dividend £3.24 o 14. FINANCE & RISK MANAGEMENT including: o Monthly Accounts – The accounts were proposed by Mr Sutton, seconded by Mr Siggs and RESOLVED by a Unanimous vote to be paid and the cheques were duly signed. o NALC Financial Briefing – repeal of s150 (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 (signatory requirement amendment) Page 3 of o Risk management & insurance update on building security – Report provided to councillors this evening for further consideration 15. HIGHWAY MATTERS including Public Footways - Repairs/ Maintenance Email Correspondence: None Hard copy letters: None Highway Emails forwarded to Councillors: • CCC – Notes from Meeting for Cambridgeshire Future Transport Area H 4th February 2014 • CCC Local Highway Improvement Initiative 2014/14 – the bid for halos was successful Highway matters Mr Siggs asked whether it was possible to extend the time on the loading bay on the High Street. Is there any advantage of extending the loading bay time from 6am – 12 noon? Mr Criswell explained that to change a TRO would incur costs it would need a consultation plus there was advertising and new signs. If there are cars in the bay does this mean we need additional parking in the village? All councillors agreed that it was down to enforcement in the end. • Chairman suggested the One Stop & florist were written to re the above and for those shops to contact their delivery contractors. It was agreed to add an agenda item on the infringement of the zig zags for 12th May. • Mr Sutton reported he followed an oversize HCV down Parkhall Road and it then went to Phoenix on St Ives Road. Mr Criswell suggested in future people took number plates so the police can follow up. 16. STREET LIGHTING inc repairs • Additional street lighting at Cranbrook View, Church Street, Somersham – the Clerk reported a designer is going out to look at the location and recommend appropriate locations. • 17. a) b) c) The Clerk has sent photographs of the lamp in Church Street which has been out for some months REPORTS FROM WORKING PARTIES & REPRESENTATIVES: The Norwood Building – the Parish Clerk had no matters to report The Norwood Playing Field– the Parish Clerk had no matters to report The Victory Hall – Miss Minter reported the AGM tomorrow evening. • Miss Minter requested a rail by the small kitchen door similar to those at Millennium to assist the elderly. • Thank you to Martin for putting on the anti-climb paint and when will he erect the signs? d) Amenity Area Working Party (inc Somersham LNR) Meeting Report12th February 2014 • It was reported Paul Gilham was interested in the Tree Warden position but would like to see some terms of reference. The Clerk reported she was waiting to hear from Bridget Halford HDC with some recommendations as she does not have any formal ToR’s • The Clerk is organising the Tree Audit for April 2014 • Mr Siggs asked if there had been a response to the problem with Colne footpath slippery steps. The Clerk said she has not had an answer. Page 4 of e) Friends of Somersham Local Nature Reserve – Agenda 15th January 2014. Mr McCloskey reported on the list of events for the next few months, these have been published in Somersham4u newsletter. f) Somersham Lake – Mr McCloskey reported the working party have just finished last bit of the winter work and will continue with that for the time being. g) Millennium Sports Field – The Clerk reported matters from the meeting held 4th March 2014 h) Christmas Lights Working Party –Report 4th February 2014. Mr Greaves reported matters from the meeting. i) Youth Working Party / Youth Club & staff management – Miss Minter updated everyone on staff training and the youth club in general. j) Community Information Centre – Agenda 27th January 2014. Miss Minter reported the library were happy to hold the new residents packs to hand out. It was agreed the Localism working party would be compiling the contents. k) Somersham4u Newsletter Team Report – Mr Innes reported Emma Young was doing the final tweaking and the newsletter was ready to go. l) The Educational Charity of Thomas Hammond – Next meeting 17th March 2014. m) Localism Working Party & Somersham Time Bank – Mr Criswell reported the recent Time Bank parish event, 8 parishes came along. The natural progression of the Time Bank would be to include Colne & Pidley and Mr Criswell has discussed this with them. It is hoped Lucy Bird will start to work in Colne and its thought this will help them contribute to the funding pot. Mr Criswell explained the proposed cost percentage calculations which would be based on the respective population. A Health & Well-being meeting was held on 24th February 2014. n) REPORTS OF EXTERNAL MEETINGS ATTENDED BY PARISH COUNCILLORS • Report from the Parish Energy Event at Warboys 13th February 2014 – Mr McCloskey • Report from the CAPALC Board meeting 15th February 2014 – Mr McCloskey 18. NOTICES & MATTERS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA The Clerk reminded all councillors about the social media training on Saturday 22nd March. The next ordinary Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 7th April 2014 at 7.30 pm There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.28 pm ………………………... Richard Sutton, Chairman Page 5 of 5 Pages APPENDIX 1 ACCOUNTS 10th March 2014 Accounts required before 10th March 2014 Wages QVS lamps & ignition TOTAL 4,516.85 19.8 4,536.65 10th March 2014 Talk Talk Talk Talk Carphone warehouse HMRC Unity Trust Bank Somersham S&LA Viking Payments British Telecom ESPO VHMC Cambridgeshire CC Wages Broadband CIC-01487 840266 2 x mobile contract payments Tax & NI Transfer of funds Annual grant & rents Stationary etc 01487 841359 Norwood Building - gas Community Info Centre - gas Newsletter Multi sports area Norwood Building Community Info Centre Norwood Building/Victory Hall Hall hire - youth club St Ives Rd/Pidley Road speed reduction Youth club E-on PSK Installations Cole & Day SLCC Enterprises Ltd CCC Street lighting GSN/3g CCTV Fuel Larger Councils conference Youth club - resources Mrs P Bryant Expenses refund State Securities Southern Electric Cambridge Water TOTAL £17.21 DD £53.09 DD £15.00 DD £1,276.58 30,000 £7,200.00 £185.72 £96.40 £133.90 £133.61 £434.00 £150.11 £216.64 £90.37 £171.58 £258.00 £1,928.15 £80.70 £122.40 £39.85 £66.60 £55.71 £384.00 £47.15 £4.80 £36.44 £43,198.01
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