049/2014 Minutes of the meeting of Hoo St Werburgh Parish Council held on 2nd October 2014 in the Red Cross Hall, Stoke Road at 7:30 PM. Councillors present: Andrews Bamber Bhattal Chambers Counsell Flack Gatfield Hipsey L Pearce M Pearce Pratt Rees Sands Tildesley Also present: Parish Clerk, Mrs. Sherrie Babington, Ward Councillor Tony Watson and members of the press and public. The meeting was chaired by Parish Cllr Lionel Pearce. 1. Apologies. Apologies were received from Parish Councillor Perfect. 2. Declaration of Interests. No interests were declared. 3. Minutes of the previous Meeting. The Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated to all Members. These were proposed by Cllr Chambers as a correct record of the previous meeting; this was seconded by Cllr Tildesley and approved by all present. The Minutes were then signed and dated by the Chairman. 4. Matters arising from the Minutes. Lodge Hill – The Chairman confirmed that a letter regarding Lodge Hill had been sent to the Secretary of State as agreed at the previous meeting. 5. Urgent Matters. No matters were raised. 6. Chairman's Report. The Chairman reported that all items from his report would be raised at the relevant agenda items. 1 050/2014 7. Clerk's Report. 1. John Lawson's Circus John Lawson's Circus requested the hire of Pottery Road Recreation for their visit to Hoo from Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd April 2015 - This was approved by Members. 2. 2013/2014 Audit Clearance. The audit for the 2013/2014 account was completed and a copy of the auditor certificate was circulated to all members for information. This was noted by Members. 3. Service of Celebration. The Parish Council received an invitation to the Service of Celebration to launch the Peninsula Group Ministry; this included the licensing of Rev. Sue Smith and Rev. Jill Wright by Bishop Brian Castle. Tuesday 21st October 2014 at 7.30pm at St Helens Church, Cliffe. This was noted by Members. 4. Hoo Post Office Correspondence was received confirming the decision of the Post Office to move the Hoo Branch to the Spar Stores 11-17 Church Street, Hoo. The date of the relocation to be confirmed. This was noted by Members. 8. Police Matters. Cllr Gatfield gave the apologies of PCSO Chris Brace and gave a report in his absence. She reported that the youth using the shelter at Pottery Road Recreation Ground had asked if the Parish Council would consider putting sides on this. This was discussed and it was agreed that an agenda item would be added for discussion at the next meeting. Action: Clerk to place items on next agenda. Cllr Gatfield asked if the lights at the rear of village hall could be turned on for winter. It was reported that there had been a spate of break-ins from cars between Aveling Close and Knight's Road and these had all been reported to the Police. Cllr Gatfield reported that the problem with horse riders and bikes at the Seawall was now being dealt with by a nominated police officer. It was also reported that a number of snares had been set up within the Parish and these were currently being investigated by the RSPCA and the Police. 9. Public Question Time. Cllr Hipsey reported that she had received a letter from a resident regarding a footpath that had been reported to Medway Council and not responded to. The details were passed to the Parish Clerk for action. 2 051/2014 Action: Clerk to progress. 10. Monthly Financial Statement. The monthly Financial Statement was circulated to all members. This was proposed by Cllr Tildesley, seconded by Cllr Counsell and approved by all present. The cheques for payment were then signed by two authorised signatories. 11. New Bank Account Forms. The Chairman informed members that the new bank account forms have now been completed and passed to the Clerk to action. Action: Clerk to progress the opening of the new Parish Bank Account. 12. Grant Applications. A grant application from the Women's Institute was circulated to all members for consideration. This requested a grant of £800 towards a defibrillator. The Chairman spoke regarding the application and the need for a defibrillator to be available in Hoo village 24-hours of the day. A discussion took place regarding this matter. It was proposed by Cllr Bamber to award a grant of £800; this was seconded by Cllr Gatfield and agreed by all present. Action: Clerk to place cheque on next financial statement. 13. Village Hall Lease. Cllr Rees reported on this matter was now in the hands of the Parish Council's Solicitor. 14. Land for use as a Burial Ground. Cllr Rees reported that there was a meeting of the PCC in mid October and this would be discussed. She stated that she would report back when further details were available. 15. Planning Matters. MC/14/2755 - SPAR STORES 17 CHURCH STREET, HOO ST WERBURGH, ROCHESTER Advertisement consent for an illuminated fascia surround to ATM No Objections. MC/14/2734 - GARAGE SITE TO REAR OF 4 AND 6, ST JOHNS ROAD, HOO, ROCHESTER Demolition of garages and construction of 5 two-bedroomed houses including amenity space and car parking. The Chairman explained the proposals to Members and concerns were raised regarding the loss of parking spaces and access to the proposed development. This was discussed and it was agreed that Chairman would respond to this objecting with a proviso that should this be approved by Medway Council, the Parish Council would like to ensure that the houses were allocated to people with links to the Parish. This was agreed by all present. 3 052/2014 Action: Objections, Chairman to action. MC/14/2723 - GARAGE SITE ADJACENT TO 44 WALL CLOSE, HOO, ROCHESTER Demolition of existing garages and construction of 2 one-bedroom flats with car parking and amenity space Concerns were again raised regarding the loss of parking spaces and access to the proposed development. It was agreed that the Chairman would write objecting to this application on the same grounds as discussed for the previous application. Action: Objections, Chairman to action. MC/14/2570 - LAND AT KINGSNORTH INDUSTRIAL ESTATE HOO ROCHESTER KENT ME3 9ND Construction of a standing reserve power plant and associated development No Objections. MC/14/2653 - 33 RIVENHALL WAY, HOO ST WERBURGH, ROCHESTER Construction of a single storey extension to side and single storey extension to rear. No Objections. 16. Allotments. Cllr Rees reported on the recent inspection undertaken by the Allotments Committee. Cllr Andrews spoke regarding the foot path adjacent to the allotments and stated that quotations were being sought for this work. 17. Thomas Aveling Appreciation Society. Cllr Michael Pearce spoke regarding this item and he reported that an article had been written for the last edition of the Village Voices regarding Thomas Aveling. He reported that he had set up an Appreciation Society to build a profile on him as he was an important part of the history of the parish. He suggested that this was something that could be included on an interpretation board within the parish. He stated that he would keep members updated on this matter. The Chairman thanked Cllr Pearce for his report. 18. Village Signage and Interpretation Boards. The Chairman spoke regarding signage and information boards for the Parish and asked if any members wish to take this project on. It was agreed that Cllrs Michael Pearce, Sands, Chambers and Hipsey would progress this project. Action: Appointed Councillors to progress. 19. Disabled and Adult Exercise Equipment. Exercise Equipment – Cllr Chambers reported on the progress of the adult exercise equipment. She informed members that the installation would take place on 23rd October 2014. 4 053/2014 Cllr Pearce suggested that the bench removed from another location at the recreation ground could be installed in this area. This was agreed by all present. Members discussed an official opening for the area and it was agreed that this would be arranged following the installation. Disabled Play Equipment – Cllr Sands reported that he was due to meet with the Sports Foundation to discuss the disabled play equipment and would report back further at the next meeting. 20. Recreation Grounds. The Chairman informed the meeting that the play equipment at Pottery Road Recreation Ground had been vandalised. He stated that Safeplay were looking into this at present. It was reported that the bench at Hoo Common had also been vandalised. The Chairman stated that he had asked the Green Spaces Manager from Medway Council to look into this matter. It was reported that a quotation for repairs to the Aerial Runway at Pottery Road Recreation Ground had been received and the replacement seat would cost £186.50. In addition the replacement of the ramps vandalised on the Skate Park would cost £1884.50 to repair. These quotations were discussed it was proposed by Cllr Gatfield and seconded by Cllr Hipsey to approve these. This was agreed by all present. Action: Clerk to accept quotation and liaise with Safeplay. 21. Ward Councillors Report. Ward Councillor Tony Watson gave his report to the meeting. He spoke regarding the political changes in the Parish and raised concerns that the Peninsula did not have an MP representing them at present and this could not have happened at a worse time as the Parish really needed in MP representing them regarding Lodge Hill. He spoke regarding other matters affecting the Parish. 22. Urgent Items. No further matters were raised. 23. Date of next Meeting. 6th November 2014. There being no further business to discuss the meeting close to the press and public at 8:50 PM. Signed………………..............................…………. Chairman Dated……………………………. 5
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