April 19, 2015 - St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception

Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church
816 Park Dr. La Porte, Texas 77571
281-471-2000 Fax:281-471-9365
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 am-12:00 Noon
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
CCE Office Hours:
Sunday 8:30 am-12:00 pm
Third Sunday of Easter
April 19, 2015
Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st Sunday of the
month. Classes are held on
the 2nd & 3rd
Tuesday of each month. Please come by the Parish
Office to register or call for more information.
The Sacrament of Penance is offered on Saturdays,
from 4:30p.m. to 5:30p.m. or by appointment.
Sacrament of Marriage
Please contact the Parish Office at least (6) six months
prior to your desired wedding date to arrange a
meeting with Father Tony or one of the Deacons. If
you want a Mass, you must call Father Tony.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Are you a non-Catholic who is interested in joining the
Catholic faith? Are you a baptized Catholic who has
never received the sacraments of 1st Communion and
Confirmation? If your answer is yes to either of
these questions, call the Parish Office.
Sacrament of First Communion
First Communion candidates must be baptized, at least
in the second grade, and have been attending CCE
classes for two full years previous to their receiving
the Sacrament. Adults needing First Communion
should refer to the rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation candidates must have previously
received the Sacraments of Baptism and First
Communion. They must have faithfully attended Life
Teen for at least one full year prior to beginning preparation for the Sacrament (more than three
absences without a valid excuse can alter the process). A
signed form stating that the parent/guardian and the
candidate understand all requirements is also
necessary before the preparation begins. Adults
needing confirmation should refer to the Rite of
Christian initiation of adults.
Eucharistic Celebrations
Saturday: 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m.,
12:30 p.m. (Spanish)
4:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass
Weekday Masses in St. Joseph’s Chapel
Monday (No Mass)
Tuesday – 12:00 noon
Wednesday – 8:30 a.m. &
(1st Wednesday Only 6:30 p.m.)
Thursday, & Friday – 8:30 a.m.
Parish Staff
Rev. Tony A. Castro, Pastor
Deacon Hector Cantu
Deacon Julio Matallana
Deacon Stan Avallone
Parish Secretary-Debbie Heasty
C.C.E. Director-Jessica Jaramilllo
EDGE Director-Renee Cortez
Life Teen Director-Shari Davis
Vision Statement
St. Mary of the Immaculate
Conception is a Catholic Community
of Believers called to serve Christ by
gathering together at the Lord’s
Table in worship and praise, by
serving our brothers and sisters in
Christ, and by being a welcoming
beacon of light to all. We are many
parts, yet one body in Christ.
APRIL 19, 2015
“God is at Work Here”
Loan Balance
Tuesday, April 21:
Susie Melchor†
By:Becky Melchor
Wednesday, April 22:
Gerhardt† & Elva† Weynand
Thursday, April 23:
Shirley Davis†
By:Women’s President Organization
Friday, April 24:
In Honor of the Blessed Mother
Saturday, April 25:
Trine Galvan†
By:Chris Garcia
Sunday, April 26:
People of the Parish
Peter Griffiths†
By:Schaider Family
In Thanksgiving
By: Blanca Rodriguez
Special Intention Fr. (Uncle) Don Schwarting
By:Shari Davis & Family
Sunday April 11 & 12, 2015
Principle Balance
Monthly Payment
Donations this Week
$ 200,761.01
$ 8,000.00
$ 1,329.00
God’s blessings to each of you for your
generosity and support to our parish with your
time, talent and treasure.
Parish Goal $50,000.00
Total Amount Pledged $ 24,440.00
Total Amount Paid
$ 19,200.00( 38.40%)
Total # of Participants 98
“Be Rich in Good Works, Ready to Share”
The Diocesan Services Fund offers all of us an
opportunity to let others experience the teachings and the grace of the Lord. More than 60
programs are under the DSF umbrella of ministries serving hundreds of thousands of people
in the Archdiocese. Please support DSF with
your gift today. Envelopes are located at the
back of the church, or you can go online to
make your donation @ archgh.org/dsf.
God’s Blessings to each of you for your generosity.
Weekly Goal $12,000.00
Sunday Collection
@ Pi_]_ of History
]om_s to St. M[ry’s…
Th_ n_w front ^oors h[v_ \__n
h[n^]r[ft_^ for our ]hur]h using
th_ r_]l[im_^ flooring m[t_ri[l
from St. M[ry’s C[th_^r[l B[sili][
in G[lv_ston, T_x[s.
This lum\_r, Longl_[f Pin_, w[s
mill_^ sp_]ifi][lly for th_
]onstru]tion of St. M[ry’s
][th_^r[l B[sili][ in G[lv_ston,
T_x[s in 1847, [n^ w[s r_mov_^
[n^ r_]l[im_^ [ft_r hurri][n_ Ik_
in 2008.
Come Join Us…
Inspirational Tours, Inc.
9 Day Shrines of Italy Tour
Spiritual Director: Fr. Tony Castro
Dec. 26, 2015 ~ Jan. 3, 2016
Cost: 3,250.00
Per Person ~ Double Occupancy
This trip is open to all parishioners.
Please make your reservation as
soon as possible. We only have
limited spaces available. There is a $300.00
deposit due at the time of registration.
Brochures are available at the back of the
church or in the office. All monies will be due in
For additional information, please contact Tracy
@ 713-817-2640 at [email protected] or
call the church office.
Dear parish family,
3rd Sunday of Easter B
This Sunday’s gospel brings us back to time when the disciples were yet absorbed with pain and
discouragement after Jesus death, greatly troubled with a lot of questions in their heads. The reality of the
resurrection was beyond their understanding yet neither have they fully grasped its meaning. Jesus had to reappear
to them several times and had to convince them he is not just a ghost or a fantasy.
Jesus in fact recognizes the brokenness of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. He listened to them
and felt their anguish. Then he interpreted those events for them in the light of the Scriptures. He said, “didn’t you
know that the Messiah has to suffer first before his can enter his glory?” They felt so enlightened by his words along
the road that they beg him stay with them as they arrive at their destination. And while at table, Jesus broke bread in
the manner the disciples were familiar with. It was then they finally recognized him. This is what was being referred
to on the first part of this Sunday’s gospel of “how Jesus was made known to them at the breaking of the bread.”
St. John Neumann commenting on this passage says, “as soon as they recognize the physical presence of
the Lord at the breaking of the bread he vanished in order that they can connect his invisible presence to the physical
presence of the broken bread.” The gospel story somehow tells us about the Mass: the Scriptures while on the road,
then the breaking of the bread at the table, the Eucharist, when we concretely recognize his real presence.
This Sunday’s gospel evokes also our experience of the risen Jesus in the community’s Eucharistic
celebration. First, Jesus “gathers” the community by appearing in their midst and greeting them” “Peace be with you.”
Then, Jesus “opened their minds to understand the scriptures” – Law, Prophets, Psalms – a Liturgy of the Word. As
Christian discipleship is no fantasy escape from suffering, so Jesus shows the disciples his wounds and eats the food
they offer, images of our own Liturgy of the Eucharist. The gospel episode concludes as Sunday Eucharist always
does: disciples sent forth to witness. We are reminded of the Mass concluding words – “Mass is ended, go forth
glorifying God by your lives,” or “go forth to love and serve the Lord,” or other words to the same effect.
Pope Francis often reminds us that when we go out from the Eucharist and witness Jesus’ self-sacrificing love
in our service to our suffering brothers and sisters, we interact with the risen Christ himself.
Blessings to all and have a good week!
Fr. Tony
Querida familia parroquial,
3er Domingo de Pascua B
El Evangelio de este domingo nos conduce de nuevo al tiempo cuando los discípulos estaban todavía absorbidos por el dolor y desaliento después de la muerte de Jesús, mucha pena con un montón de preguntas en sus cabezas. La realidad de la resurrección fue más allá de su comprensión todavía no han entendido plenamente su significado. Jesús tuvo que volver a aparecer a ellos varias veces y tuvo que convencerlos de que no es un fantasma o
una fantasía.
Jesús, de hecho, reconoce el abatimiento de los dos discípulos en el camino a Emaús. Él escuchó y sintió
su angustia. Luego interpretó esos acontecimientos para ellos a la luz de las Escrituras. Él dijo: "¿No sabeis que el
Mesías ten a que sufrir primero, antes de entrar en su gloria?" Ellos se sintieron tan iluminados por sus palabras a lo
largo de la carretera que le piden que se quede con ellos, hasta que llegan a su destino. Y mientras en la mesa, Jesús partió el pan de la manera que los discípulos estaban familiarizados. Fue entonces que finalmente lo reconocieron. Esto es a lo que se refiere en la primera parte del evangelio de este domingo "cómo Jesús se dio a conocer a
ellos en la fracción del pan."
St. John Neumann comentando este pasaje dice, "tan pronto como ellos reconocen la presencia física del
Señor en la fracción del pan, el desaparece con el fin de que puedan conectar su presencia invisible de la presencia
física del pan partido". La historia del evangelio de alguna manera nos habla de la Misa: las Escrituras, mientras van
en el camino, y luego la fracción del pan en la mesa, es en la Eucaristía, cuando concretamente reconocemos su presencia real.
El evangelio de este Domingo evoca también nuestra experiencia de Jesús resucitado en la celebración eucarística de la comunidad. ". En primer lugar, Jesús "reune" a la comunidad y al aparecer en medio de ellos les saluda “la paz sea con vosotros” Entonces, Jesús “ abrió el entendimiento para que comprendieran las Escrituras "- La
ley, los Profetas, los Salmos - una Liturgia de la Palabra. Como discípulo de Cristo es fantasía no escapar del sufrimiento, así que Jesús muestra a los discípulos sus heridas y come la comida que ofrecen, las imágenes de nuestra
propia Liturgia de la Eucaristía. El episodio del evangelio concluye como siempre lo hace la Eucaristía dominical: discípulos enviados para ser testigos. Esto nos recuerda las palabras finales de la misa - "La Misa ha terminado, id y
glorificad a Dios con sus vidas", o " Id servid y amar al Señor", u otras palabras con la misma misión.
El papa Francisco nos recuerda a menudo que cuando salimos de la Eucaristía y testificamos el abnegado
amor de Jesús sirviendo a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que sufren, interactuamos con el mismo Cristo resucitado.
Bendiciones a todos y que tengan una buena semana!
Padre Tony
Funeral Telephone Tree
New schedules are available. Often when someone
passes away during the week it is very difficult to get
the word out to fellow parishioners about funeral
arrangements. If you would like to be contacted through our
Telephone Tree, please contact the office or call Jane @ 281471-0509.
Reception Volunteers Needed…
Would you be interested in donating food for our funeral
receptions? We have three funeral teams that do the
receptions on a rotating basis. You do not have to attend the
reception, but can drop off your donations anytime before the
service. Also, we are in need of volunteers to help with the
receptions following funerals. This ministry is a true blessing to
our parish. If you would like to donate food or join one of our
teams, please contact the office. Every volunteer does make a
April 18/19: Celebration of Craig Wade’s 28th Birthday &
Jennifer Wade’s 25th Birthday
By: Parents, Jeff & Debbie Wade
Altar Flower Dates Available
APRIL 19, 2015
Women’s Day of Reflection at Holy Name
Passionist Retreat Center!
Living Out the Gospel: Walking in His Way
Thurs. April 30th @ 9am-2:30pm
We are called to be loving and compassionate
witnesses for Christ. Let us gather and reflect
on both the lives of women before us, as well
as our own lives, to see how we can exude the
love and light of Christ in our actions and
words. Throughout the day, we will have
conferences, quiet reflection, and small group
confessions and Mass. Suggested offering$40.00, includes coffee, breakfast pastries
and lunch. To contact the center, go online at;
www.passionist.org/holyname. You may also
contact Victoria Swenson, St. Mary’s parishioner, for more information @ 281-991-4780.
April 25/26, May 9/10, 16/17, 30/31
Please contact the office or Carolyn O’Neal @ 832-465-4689 to
reserve your date.
Church Candle
Special Intention for Our Life Teen Youth
Chapel Candle
Special Intention Henrietta Mills
By: Rosie Molina
Mothers, Daughters, Grandmothers,
Grandaughters, etc. Please Join Us!!!
Mother’s Day Tea...
Sunday, May 3rd @ 1:30pm
Tickets available in the office.
Adults: $10.00
Table Sponsors $75.00
is a fund set up to help maintain the Seminary where
our young men live while they are studying to
become priests. Enrollment cards are available for
any special occasion @ $3.00 per person, $10.00
per family or $25.00 for a perpetual enrollment. For
info. or to do an enrollment please come by the
Please be sure to thank the generous advertisers in
our bulletin the next time you patronize them. Through
their advertising, our parish receives our weekly
bulletin free of charge.
Like the gospel today, sometimes
our minds need to be opened to
know what God has done for us, and
what he wants for us in our marriage. Deepen your communication,
strengthen your relationship, rekindle
your romance and renew your sacrament by attending one of the next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are May
15-17 or June 19-21. Register early to reserve a
spot. Contact Brian & Tina Little @ 281-773-4014
or for go online to houstonme.org.
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
Mon.-Wed., Fri., Sat. 9:00-11:00am
Store Closed Thurs. & Sun.
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus explains the
meaning of the scriptures. Like the disciples, when
we offer and receive forgiveness our hearts burn
because we encounter the risen Christ within us.
Have you considered answering the call to
“help the poor find forgiveness and healing in their
life” by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?
Our Resale Shop here at St. Mary’s is in
desperate need of volunteers. Several of our regular
volunteers have had to be taken off of the schedule
due to medical issues. The store hours are 9-11am,
and the store is open every day but Thurs. & Sun.
You can pick any day you are able to work. If you
are available to help out, please contact the church
Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30;
Jn 6:22-29
Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a,
17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35
Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40
Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20;
Jn 6:44-51
Friday:Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59
Saturday:1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17;
Mk 16:15-20
Sunday:Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29;
1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18
APRIL 19, 2015
Steak Dinner & Auction
Thank You!!!
Without the generosity of our
monetary donors, to purchase auction
items, our auction would not have
been possible.
Thank you … Monetary Donors!!!
available in the office for all high
graduating in May. Applications are
due back in the office by May 10th.
Please Pray For
Our Troops and …
Cruz Acosta, Adam Acosta, Leo Villarreal, Karen Bounds,
Chemin Family, DiBora Family, Rudy Garcia, Rena
Hellstein, Espinoza Family, Kenyan Lewis Family, J.B.
Buentello, Veronica Duran, Maria Elisa, Daneal, Yo Baña
Cantu, Diane Lemons, Paula Lambright, Augustine
Pineda, Geopge Lopez, Gary & Debbie McFadden,
Jessica Redou, Miranda Salinas, Chad Henson, Steve
Stewart, Emperatiz Cortes, Alfred Molina, Chad Henson,
Abel Benitez, Marty Montemayor, Luke Lewllan, Mary
Dean, Sue Gonzalez, Jordon Bright, Candalaria Ortiz,
Jennifer Wade, Craig Wade, Gilson Family, Harry Roland,
Carlos Rodriguez, Benjamin Barragan, James Hagler,
Jeremy George, Danny Miguel Saul, Cody Caits, Lois
Johnson, Mark LeClair Sr.,Gloria LeClair, Mary Lee
Leake, Phil Leake, Ralph Garza, Bill Bianchini, Sharon
Continue to Pray for Clarence Clipper, Diana Garza,
Kay Gold, Red Cornejo, Nancy Isla Castro, Irlinda, Beatriz Gamboa, Kathryn Coleman, Norman & Joanne Hartman, Marita Hooper, Linda Jaramillo, Janie Cavazos,
Janet Lodge, Rose Moreno, Lois Johnston, Joe Funda,
Minnie Lopez, Baby Gavin Binkley, Deacon Merce Leal,
Charlotte Boudreaux, Marcos Vasquez, Margarita Klock,
John & Sue Crockett, Joanne Jarrell, Joanie O’Neal, Ben
Munoz, Nell Turk, Diana Ortiz, Ophelia Pinard, Bob
Davis, Dot Ryan, Janet Hoffpauir, Nick Martin, Geraldine
Christensen, Teresa Eidt, Barry Armstrong and those
requesting prayer via our web site.
Remember Our Shut-Ins Ann Blair, Soledad Hernandez,
Elida Peterson, those battling terminal illness and the
residents of La Porte Care Center and Parson’s House.
Repose of the Soul of Hemma Annette DiBora and
Trieni Sandoval
Our Sympathy to Mary Chemin and family on the loss of
her daughter, Hemma Annette, and Mary Boatman and
family on the loss of her sister in law, Trieni
Please Note: Names on our “Please Pray For” list are left on for four
weeks. If someone needs to be put back on the prayer list or added
please call the Church Office during regular office hours.
Knights of Columbus Upcoming…
All Parishioners Welcome
May 11th-Please join us in praying the Holy Rosary
asking for our Blessed Mother’s intercession for the
unborn, elderly, disabled, sick and all special
intentions every 2nd Monday of the month in St.
Joseph’s Chapel @ 6:30pm.
If you have any questions about any of the above
information, please contact Jaime Vasquez @ 832-3398849 or [email protected].
Clases de Crecimiento I
En el Rosary Hall
Lunes de 7:00 a 9:00 pm
Si te perdiste la primera clase,
todavía estas a tiempo de participar...
Información, favor de llamar Alma
Brinkley al (281) 658-2315.
Upcoming Baptismal Dates
May 3rd, June 7th, July 5th
Our regularly scheduled baptism classes are on the
2nd Tuesday of each the month in English and 3rd
Tuesday of each month in Spanish @ 7pm.
Baptisms are the first Sunday of the month after the
10am and 12:30pm Masses. To register please call
the office.
“Gabriel’s Angels”
The Gabriel Project is designed to help women
and teenagers who are in a crisis pregnancy. If
you are in need of assistance or know
someone who is, please contact Belinda @ 713805-4961 or the Church Office.
Houston Museum of Fine Arts
In the early 1620’s, Flemish painter Peter Paul
Rubens completed one of his greatest
achievements: designing the Triumph of the Eucharist tapestries. The exhibit is ongoing until May 10th in the
Law Building, Mezzanine, 1001 Bissonnet. Go to
Join Us…
Sunday Morning Bible Study with Deacon Stan & Tracy
Avallone. The program we are using is called “Bringing
Faith Home”. (CCE Schedule @ 8:45am & 11). Everyone is welcome. If you need any additional information
please contact Deacon Stan @ 281-507-2253.
Bible Study ~ The Bible Timeline on Sunday evenings
in the Rosary Hall conference room. If that time does
not work for you can come Wednesday mornings @
9:15 in the conference room next to the church office. There will be class on Sunday, April 19th and
Wednesday, April 22nd.
If you have any questions, please email Tracy @
[email protected].
St. Mary’s Music Ministry Needs You...
Sat. 6pm Mass– Rehearsals before Mass at 5:15
Contact Kathy McBride 713-628-8387
Sun. 7:30am Mass - Rehearsals before Mass at 7am
Contact Yvonne Fisher 832-581-5974
Sun. 10:00am Mass - Annelise Lagasse 281-459-6453
Sun. 12:30pm Spanish MassContact Jose Vazquez 832-868-4081
Sun. 4pm Life Teen Mass- Rehearsals-Sunday 2pm
Contact Alex @ 281-543-7794 or
[email protected]
“Together in Holiness”
Inspiring Event for Couples ~ May 2, 2015 9am
You don’t want to miss this...the first Together in
marriage conference offered in the
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston! As an initiative of
the John Paul II Foundation for Life & Family, this oneday event includes insightful presentations, Mass,
Eucharistic adoration, and conversation with the one
you love. It will help your marriage and family -not just
to service – but thrive in holiness! Speakers include
Jim & Joy Pinto, co-hosts of EWTN’s Radio show At
Home With Jim and Joy; Chris & Sarah Stravitsch
from the John Paul II Foundation; and Fr. Dwight
Longenecker, a popular author and married priest.
Learn about encountering God in your spouse and
children, receive practical guidance for living your faith
in the home, and discover how Catholic spiritual
traditions can benefit your family. Cost: $45.00, $25/
individual. Free childcare! (space is limited) Learn
more and register @www.TogetherInHoliness.org
APRIL 19, 2015
Activities of the Week
Sun. April 19:
CCE, EDGE, Life Teen,
Adult Conf. Class 2pm Rosary Hall
Bible Study 5pm
Mon. April 20: Clases de Crecimiento 7pm Rosary Hall
Tues. April 21: Baptism Class (Spanish) 7pm
Wed. April 22: Bible Study 9:15am Conf. Rm
10 AM Choir Practice 6pm Rosary Hall
Thurs. April 23: Spanish Choir Practice 7pm Church
Sun. April 26: Adult Confirmation Class 2pm
April 25 & 26, 2015
Altar Servers
A. Nguyen, J. P. Nguyen
F. Novak
P. Stanton
Extraordinary Ministers W. Hayes, R. Molina, K. Strader
of the Eucharist
Altar Server
E. Kappil, R. Kappil
J. Sturm
D. Wade
Extraordinary Ministers D. Ortiz, R. Ortiz, K. Shipp
of the Eucharist
Altar Server
N. Avallone, N. Colling
V. Maduzia
L. Patten
Extraordinary Ministers S. Burmaster, L. Colling, G. Leslie
of the Eucharist
Altar Servers
A. Calvillo, X. Gallegos, M. Hernandez
R. Calvillo, S. Calvillo
Extraordinary Ministers
J. Velasquez, V. Velasquez
of the Eucharist
Altar Servers
A. Brinkley, D. Rowan
K. Nastally
Extraordinary Ministers A. Brinkley, J. Lopez, M. Reyes
of the Eucharist
St. Joseph’s Chapel
Are you someone retired who would consider
spending one hour with Our Lord each week in
the chapel? Often, during the daytime hours
especially, our adorers have appointments or are
out of town and find it difficult to find a sub. We
are hoping to have two people assigned to each
hour to alleviate this issue. If you feel God is
calling you or you would like to be placed on our
substitute list, please contact the office.
Class Today 8:45 & 11:15 am
First Communion Parent Mtg. # 3
Today during CCE Class Rosary Hall
CCE questions contact Jessica @ 281-515-5429 or
[email protected].
Upcoming… VBS 2015
July 27-31
Class Tonight @ 5:15pm
Rene Cortez @ 832-283-8758
Sacrament Class @ 2pm
Info. Contact Deacon Stan Avallone 281-507-2253
Life Teen Mass Today 4PM
Class Tonight @ 5pm
Next Confirmation Class
April 22nd, 6-7pm
ADORE WED. May 6th
Save the Date...
Spaghetti Dinner May 9th
Steubenville on the Bayou
June 26-28 ~ $100. Deposit Due
Contact Shari Davis @ 281-471-6066 if you have
any questions about our Life Teen Program.