Frauen im Islam

Sunday 21" December 2A14
8:00 am said Eucharist.
10:00 am ALL-AGE PARISH EUCHARIST. Preacher: Fr Bernard Minton
Readings: 2 Samuel V'.1-11, 16,(290) Romans 16.25-27, (161)
Luke 1:26-38 (5a)
6.00 pm Nine Lessons and Carols.
7.00 pm Benediction
Collect: God our redeemer, who prepared the Blessed Virgin Mary to be the
mother of Your Son: grant ihat, as she looked for His coming as our saviour, so
we may be ready to greet Him when He comes again as our judge; who is alive
and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Justin, ourArchbishop;Alan, Bishop of StAlbans; Richard, Bishop of Bedford;
Saolo, Bishop of Amazonia; Jonah, bishop of Kontagora (Nigeria); for the parish
of Welwyn and Woolmer Green; and for our Theology Group.
For all those who live in Springfield Court, Springfield Road, St Mary's Court,
St Mary's Way, and Station Road,
For those who are sick: Anne and Jim Barker, Marianne Hammond, Andy
Judge, Gerry Cblyer, Jo Lyons, Frank Bayley, Andrew Rae, Elle Damery, Alan
Morris, lris Nicholls, Christopher Murphy, Sharon Lund, Daphne, Arianwen
Minton, Sue Pain, Natalie Brett, Lisa Brown, Hannah. Babies Luke and
Alexander Parker.
For those for whom prayer is asked: Jonah Croucher, Sheila Lewis, Robert
Minton, Barry Crocker, Betty Dunsford, Hazel Coomber. William & Barbara
Cockcroft, Carole Dixon, Jamie, Catrin lreland, Finley Wells, Gillian, Stephen
Bigrave, Ann Lamb, Arthur Griffith, Muriel, John Faiers, Millicent Bradshaw, Edith
Moore, baby lsabelle Hill, Nick, Maureen Thomas, Ron Milner, Mary Briggs,
Margaret Phillips, lan NlacDonald, Eileen Youngs, Carolyn Nichols, baby Phoebe
Stewart. Those affected by the Ebola virus.
For the recently departed: George Howe. The children and teachers murdered by
the Taliban.
For the Years Mind. George Kendal, Vera Tigg, Jean Slack, Paul Mortimer,
Dorothy Nichol, Monika Crudge, Michael Pacey.
Sunday 211 December: Service of Nine Lessons and Carols 6 pm.
Tuesday 23'd December. Carol Singing at Elm Lodge Nursing Home al2 pm.
Wednesdav 24rh December: Crib Service 4 pm. Midnight Mass 1'1:30 pm.
Th,ursday 25th December: Christmas Day Eucharists at 8 am (said) and 10 am
(SLng) as usual. Please bring a new toy to the 10 am Eucharist to be blessed.
Friday 26_! December: St Stephen's Day. Said Eucharist 10:30 am.
Saturday 27th December: St John's Day. Walsingham Cell Eucharist '10:30 am.
qutda[2BI.December: Holy Family. No evening service today.
Tuesday 6l January: The Epiphany. Sung Eucharist at 7:30 pm followed by
drinks and nibbles at the back of Church.
Thursday 8th January. Standing Committee 8 pm in the Vicarage.
Sundav '11th Januarv: The Baptism of Jesus.
Wednesday 14th Januarv: Messy Church, 4 pm in the Hall.
ALSO. Deanery Synod at St Katherine's Dunstable, 7:30 pm.
Sunday 18th Januarv:All-Age Eucharist using the nave altar.
Thursday 22"d Januarv: PCC meeting in the Wyn Jones room, 8 pm.
Sunday 25! January: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service 4 pm at the
Salvation Army Citadel. No evening prayer tonight.
Saturdav 31't January: Leighton Buzzard Music Club Concert 7:30 pm in Church
Sundav 1't February. Candlemass Sunday.
Sunday 15! February: Linsdale Singers Concert (4 pm), tea (5 pm), and
Evensong (6 pm)
Tuesday 17th February: Shrove Tuesday Messy Church
Wednesday 18th Februarv:Ash Wednesday. Said Eucharist g:30 am, Sung
Eucharist 7:30 pm, both with imposition of ashes.
Sunday 22"d March: First Sunday of Lent. Lent Lunch in the Hall.
TEAM VICAR. The Rev'd Dr Bernard Minton; The Vicarage,372149
Email: [email protected].
Fr Bernard is usually available in Church on Sat mornings after -10 am
ASST. PRIEST The Rev'd Wyn Jones, 2 Woodside Way, 373638
PARISH OFFICE 37 1802. Email. linsladeparishoffice@goog Iemail. com.
Web page: uk
Facebook: W& St Barnabas Linslade
The Christmas Tree Festival raised a total of t1,900 and counting. Many thanks
to all concerned!
St Albans Diocesan Advent Challenge for 2014 is called Connections for Life. lt
iq a daily opportunity to think prayerfully about our relationship with the world,
other people, and God. You can find up to date information on the Challenge
website, or take some of the sheets from the back of
Christmass Cards: Every year we have a wonderful number of Christmas cards
from and to members of the congregation in the pigeonholes at ihe back of
church, with always a few uncollected still in JanuarylAlthough it's lovely that
this is a tradition, this year I am suggesting that we change itl I suggest that
every who wants to, writes their name and greeting in a really big card at the
back of church, and donates the money they would save on cards and puts it
either in the bucket collectrng for the Ebola appeal, or in the Gift Day box for the
Church. I hope this seems like a good idea. Fr Bernard
on line DEC.ORG. UK
* phone 0370 6060906
" text'TIMES'to 70000
. BUCKET in Church.
* by cheque:- DEC Ebola Crisis Appeal, PO BOX 999. LONDON EC3A 3AA
Christmas Flowers Displays are to be completed on Mon 22nd Dec between
12-3pm or 5-8pm. Colours are white, green and gold. Please contact Roya
Galloway asap if you are unable to attend or requlre any help
[email protected] 01525 790 574.
New Year's Evq. Martin and Trish are suggesting that there might be interest in a
Bring-and-Share evening at their house on New Year's Eve. There is a list to
sign at the back of Church if you would like to come along and bring something
to share.
SUNDAY SCHOOL. We shall continue as usual during the Christmas break.
There will therefore be a Sunday School on December 28th and January 4th.
Thank you to everyone who donated to my World Challenge 2016 expedition to
Java. I raised a total of 895.56. I hope you enjoyed the cakesl - Simon Throssell.
Morning Prayer at St Barnabas's: Tuesday at 9 am, Friday and Saturday at
10:00 am.
Evening Prayer at St Barnabas's: Tuesday at 5:30 pm, Wednesday and Friday at
22nd December: o King of the nations, You alone can fulfil iheir desires:
cornerstone, binding all together: come and save the creatures You fashioned from the dust of the
9:30 am Eucharist
2.00 pm Nativity rehearsal
TUESDAY 23td Decembef.
O Emmanuel, our King and Lawgiver, hope of the nations and their
saviour: come and save us, O Lord our God.
9.30 am Eucharrst usrng traditional language
2.00 pm CarolSinging at Elm Lodge Nursing Home
2:30 pm Funeral of George Howe
WEDN ESDAY 24th December.
4.00 pm Crib Service
Co_!!ee!. Eternal God, who made this most holy night to shine with the brightness
of Your one true light: bring us, who have known the revelation of that light on
earth, to see the radiance of Your heavenly glory; through Jesus Christ Your Son
our Lord, who is alive and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one
God, now and for ever.
Readings: lsaiah 9.2-7, Titus 2.11-14, Luke 2.1-14
B:00 am said Eucharist.
'10:00 am PARISH EUCHARIST. Preacher: Fr Bernard Minton
Collect. AlmiEhty God, You have given us Your only-begotten Son to take our
nature upon Him and as at this time to be born of a pure virgin: grant that we,
who have been born again and made Your children by adoption and grace, may
daily be renewed by Your Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord,
who is alive and'reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now
and for ever.
Readingg: lsaiah 52'.7-10, Hebrews 1:1-4, John 1.1-14.
FRIDAY 26th December. Stephen, the first madyr.
10;30 am said Eucharist.
SATURDAY 27th December. John the Evangelist.
10:30 am said Eucharist (Walsingham Cell)
Sunday 28th December: THE HOLY FAMILY
8:00 am said Eucharist.
10.00 am PARISH EUCHARIST. Preacher: Fr Bernard Minton
Readings: 1 Samuel 1:20-End, (252) Romans 12:1-8, (157)Luke 2.22-40. (56)
No Evening Service today