15 February 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11 January 2015 Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday AM: 6:30, 8:00, 9:45, 11:30 Sunday PM: 1:15 (Español), 5:00 (Teen Mass), 6:30 Pastor Fr. Patrick Moses Weekday Mass Monday – Friday: 6:30, 8:30 AM Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena) (Tagalog Mass every 4th Wednesday of the month) Saturday: 8:30 AM Permanent Deacons José Campos, Del Davis, Steve Germain, Gerald Pyne Adoration Weekly: Fridays 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monthly: 13th of the month 9:00 AM – 6:00 AM (on the 14th) Penance Monday: 6:00 PM (English & Spanish) Friday: 6:00 PM (English & Spanish) Saturday: 3:30 PM or by appointment (English & Spanish) Parochial Vicars Fr. Martin Nguyen and Fr. Daniel Reader School Principal Monica Hayden NEW Parish Office Hours 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM* Monday & Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM* Tuesday, Thursday and Friday *Closed for lunch from 12:00 - 1:00 PM CLOSED SATURDAY 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Sunday New Hope Crisis Counseling Hotline Hot Line (24/7) 1-714-NEW-HOPE or 714-639-4673 5201 Evergreen Avenue, Cypress, CA 90630 714-826-0760 www.sticypress.org [email protected] 22 MARCH 2015 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT In this Sunday’s gospel from John 12:20-33, we come to understand that Jesus knows everything, for he is not only man but he is also, and first, God. And if Jesus knows everything, how could he not know that his Passion was near, and that his Resurrection would come soon afterward? Jesus knows everything; he knows that his hour has come, the hour of his glorification. This does not refer to the glorification of his soul, for since the Incarnation of the Word, the human soul of Jesus is eternally glorified and sanctified by the Holy Spirit who rests upon Him. It refers, rather, to the glorification of his body, that element of his person that is so important to him. Is it not that which makes the invisible God visible on earth? Yes, this is the price of eternal life. One must be ready, if God wills it and asks for it, to lose one’s life in order to gain eternal life, the very life of God that is offered to us so that we might share in it. Our soul is immortal, but our body can be separated from our soul and can thus die: this is the fate of us all, ever since the original sin. We can, at any moment, lose our life and die. But are we resigned to die? Do we, right now, accept to die, whenever God wants us to, in order to gain Heaven and eternal life? Jesus has done so for us. Let us follow his example, let us ask him for the grace and strength to make this act of resignation: this act is the greatest we can make in our life. Is it easy to accept death? Sometimes, yes; quite often, no. Jesus himself has given us his example. He is the Almighty, for he is God. But he wanted to give us an example of the difficulty we might encounter in accepting our death. “Father, save me from this hour.” This is Jesus’ cry in this trial, the trial that he would relive even more intensely on the evening of Holy Thursday, in the garden of Gethsemane. But he immediately regains his composure, for the grace of God always triumphs if we believe in its omnipotence: “But it was for this purpose that I came to this hour.” We, who participate in this Sunday Eucharist, will be able to sacramentally relive this victory of Christ. We shall be invited by the Lord Jesus to come and take our fill of his divine life, which he offers us in the Eucharist. It is the strength and the power of his Love that invites us to join him in that place where he is for all eternity: in the heaven of our soul. With my love and prayers in Christ, Parish Office 714-826-0760 Business Administration Steve Germain, Business Manager Kathy Loch, Admin. Secretary Margie Mendez, Secretary Lisa Giacomi, Bulletin Adult Formation Rebecca Soto, Director Ministerio Hispano Sr. Maria Teresa Salceda, Director Humberto Arreola, Coro Hispano Health Care Ministry Sr. Rita O’Connell, Director Worship Kimberly Wargo, Director of Music Stewardship Carlos Ramirez, Director Youth Formation 714-826-1140 Ruth Bradley, Director Elaine Brewster, Secretary Sherri Nelson, Secretary Youth Ministry 714-826-0460 Laura Benoit, Director Denise Gonzales, Secretary Parish School 714-827-4500 Monica Hayden, Principal Infant Baptism It is necessary to attend a Pre-Baptism Information Evening. Register in the Parish Office at least two months prior to the proposed Baptism date. Sacraments To complete sacraments or to become Catholic, adults contact the Parish Office; children and teens contact Youth Formation. Marriage Contact the Parish Office. Six months preparation is required. Anointing of the Sick Fr. Patrick In case of serious illness or surgery, contact Health Care Ministry. 22 MARCH 2015 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT "Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me." (John 12:26) Among the 100's of text messages that I receive each week, this was the best by far: "the cleaners are here... well they've been here since 6:45 a.m." Finally, the end is here! The job is (almost) complete and the rectory kitchen, dining room and living areas are ready for occupancy! The "servants of Jesus" in the parish of St. Irenaeus have given their priests a most beautiful, functional and comfortable area for their relaxation and for entertaining. Even more fun is in store for them since they can now unpack the many gifts sent to them following the "house blessing" last month: TODAY HOUSEWARMING PARTY! 2:00-5:00 p.m. at the St. Irenaeus Rectory. The walls are up and the paint will be dry….time to celebrate the rectory remodel! Please join us for a light buffet, a glass of wine and a heartfelt thank you for all your generosity. Check us out at Crate and Barrel Registry! You can find the registry two ways—First name: St. Irenaeus, Last Name: Rectory or First Name: Household, Last Name: Rectory. MONDAY HEALTH MINISTRY CORE MEETING: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in Sr. Rita’s Office. TUESDAY MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS: Please join us in praying the rosary every Tuesday after the 8:30 a.m. Mass in the crying room. WALKING FOR HEALTH: 9:15 a.m. Meet in front of the Ed Bldg for a 1/2 hour walk. CAPACITAR: 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. in the Education Building. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETING: 7:30 p.m. in the Hall conference room. For more information please call Jay Conklin at 714-337-6857. AL-ANON MEETING: 7:30 p.m. in Room #7. For more info call Betty at 761-4624. WEDNESDAY MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA: Join us in the crying room after the 8:30 a.m. mass. ROSARY FOR LIFE: Please join us each Wednesday morning after Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena in the Crying Room at approximately 9:45 a.m. For more information please call Diane Caldera 714-952-1071. JUNIOR HIGH INFORMATION NIGHT: 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. This evening will showcase what our Junior High has to offer here at St. Irenaeus. We will also have a panel of St. I alumni currently in Catholic and public high school. All are invited to attend. THURSDAY Thank you! Please stop by the rectory Sunday afternoon, March 22, between 2 and 5 p.m. for a quick tour. You can be very proud of what you have given to them. Also, this past weekend our collection amounted to $31,369 and we received another $10,189 in PSA pledges. Please take comfort in Jesus' promise, "The Father will honor whoever serves me." Deacon Steve BIBLE STUDY: 9:15 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. in the Ed Bldg. We are studying the Psalms. PENANCE SERVICE: 7:00 p.m. at St. Hedwig Church in Los Alamitos. FRIDAY LEGION OF MARY: 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Modular Unit. For more information please call Grace at 714-742-0960. FISH FRY—FRIDAYS IN LENT: AHOY MATEY! Lenten Fish Fry's are back! The Knights of Columbus will be hosting Fish Fry's again this year every Friday during Lent at 5:00 p.m. in the Hall. Tell a friend. Aaargh! STATIONS OF THE CROSS: 7:00 p.m. in English, 8:00 p.m. in Spanish SATURDAY FOOD BAGGING: Volunteer help is needed to bag food for H.O.P.E.’s next distribution day. Meet at the convent garage at 8:00 a.m. 22 MARCH 2015 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT SUNDAY, MARCH 29 “PABASA NG PASYON” 4:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Parish Hall Conference Room A century old Filipino Lenten tradition, is a continuous chanting of the life of Jesus Christ – His birth, passion, death and resurrection. Chanters and food donation needed. For more information and shift assignments please call Hennie Directo 714-209-5968. MONDAY, MARCH 30 LENTEN LABYRINTH WALK APRIL—CURSILLO! Come closer to Our Father who loves us, get to know His son Jesus even more than you do now. Fill your heart with the fire of Love from the Holy Spirit. Men's weekend: April 16-19 Women's weekend: April 30-May 3 If you want to learn more about Cursillo, please contact Vernon Atwood, the Cursillo representative for St. Irenaeus, at [email protected] or 714-686-7364 and/or visit this link: www.occursillo.org/whatis.php. 6:00 – 8:30 PM in the Parish Hall All are invited to experience this full-body prayer which offers a perfect way to take a Lenten “walk” with Jesus. The serenity of the environment invites meditation, healing and calm. If you’re in need of a quiet respite where you may discern God’s voice, please join us in this very powerful form of prayer. If you’re just curious, you’re more than welcome to come and drink in the serenity of the environment. It takes only about 20 minutes. Namaste! MONDAY, APRIL 27 CAPACITAR EVENING Monday, March 30 Chrism Mass 5:30 pm - St. Columban, Garden Grove 7:00 PM in the Education Bldg. Our presenter, Karen Little, MSW, will discuss timely and important topics such as Physician Orders for Lifesustaining Treatment and Advance care directives. Holy Thursday, April 2 Morning Prayer 8:30 am Stations of the Cross 10:15 am Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper 7:30 pm (All (All--Parish Mass) Good Friday, April 3 Morning Prayer 8:30 am Liturgy of Good Friday 12:30 pm (English) 5:00 pm (Spanish) Holy Saturday, April 4 Morning Prayer 8:30 AM The Solemn Vigil of Easter 7:30 PM (All (All--Parish Mass) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 NAMI (NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS) MEETING—7:00 p.m. in classroom #7 Deacon Jerry Pyne and a NAMI representative will present valuable information and literature to help families who are coping with mental illness issues in their lives. Come and be informed of the various agencies that may be helpful as well as some general information that may aid in the caregiving of those with mental illness challenges. MONDAY, APRIL 6 WOMEN’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Youth Faith Formation workroom If you are a cancer survivor, newly diagnosed or dealing with treatment, your presence will be most welcome. Meetings are held the first Monday of each month. If you would like to attend, please contact Terry Arenz, our WCSG Facilitator/Parish Nurse, at 562.924.5335. 7:00-8:30 PM Ed. Bldg. Similar to Tai Chi, why not experience Capacitar with its rhythmic and restorative movement to nourish body, mind and spirit. MONDAY, MAY 21 “ADVANCE CARE PLANNING: CHOICES FOR LIVING AND DYING” JULY 13-17 ST. IRENAEUS BIBLE CAMP Expedition Everest: Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power! SAVE THE DATE! Look for more information soon! HELP NEEDED Preschool Bible Camp is looking for plastic gallon size milk jugs for life-size igloo making. We need lots of them! If you can help, please drop off empty jugs at the Youth Faith Formation office beginning now until June 15. We thank you in advance for helping us turn our preschool classroom into a Mt. Everest wonderland! If you love Bible Camp, we have a wonderful chance to get involved in making our 2015 Bible Camp super awesome! Join our Decorating Committee! Many hands make light work! It is a big job to put together the amazing decorations that the kids go crazy for and we would love for you to join our team! No experience necessary. You can email Carolyn Balagot at [email protected]. We will be meeting several times in the coming months to plan and begin creating our décor! Come and join us! Qualifies for FISH hours. 22 MARCH 2015 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT 22 MARCH 2015 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY—Grades 7 & 8 PEACEMAKERS meet this week – March 24th from 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. in the Parish Hall. NO Peacemakers next week. We will be on break until April 14th. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY—Grades 9-12 FOOD FAST THIS WEEKEND – March 21/22. Please keep us in your prayers. NO SNL TONIGHT – We are resting from our famine. See you back on April 12th. YEAR II CONFIRMATION: Bishop Letters are due NO LATER than March 23rd. Please be sure to get them in. Confirmation Rehearsal: Monday, March 31st at 7:00 p.m. in the church. REFLECTION Sofia wishes she could hang out with her friends after school, but instead she goes home to stay with her elderly grandmother who can’t be left alone. Jamie’s brother Eric has autism. Eric sometimes speaks too loudly or gets upset in church. Even though he’s sometimes embarrassed by his brother’s outbursts, Jamie brings him anyway because it is important to his dad. Jen makes dinner and gets her little sisters ready for bed even though she has to get her homework done at the same time. Her mom has to work two jobs and Jen knows she can help her family by being there for her sisters. These are true stories of real teenagers who, each in their own way, are dying to self. They are giving up something they would prefer so they can be of service to someone else. Jesus talks about the grain of wheat that has to die before it can “bear much fruit” (John 15:8). This reading comes just before Jesus’s suffering and death. We can share in his dying to self and in bearing fruit when we put aside our own needs or desires to help another person. ACTION This week give something up so that someone else can benefit. It could be something small like letting someone else (family or friends) pick the movie you’re going to watch or choose the music in the car, or it could be something bigger. JOURNALING QUESTIONS When is it hardest for you to give up what you want for someone else? When is it something you want to do? How’s Lent going for you? Would you say you’ve grown closer to God or not? Is there anything you want to commit to do (or not do) for this last week of Lent and Holy Week? God’s Word, Your World! © 2014 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. All rights reserved. Written by Nora BradburyHaehl. Permission to publish granted by the Most Reverend Francis J. Kane, dd, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Chicago, on January 7, 2014. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY—Pre-school-6th Grade (and Sacrament Preparation for older students) RICE BOWLS—Rice Bowls went home with the students. They are a way for our students to be aware that there are children and families that are hungry, need clothing, etc. The bowls are due back in class on March 24, 25 and 29. All monies collected will go to Catholic Relief Services. It is a stewardship project for the students. EASTER BREAK – No Classes for two weeks. Tuesday – March 31 & April 7 Classes resume on April 14 Wednesday – April 1 and 8 – Classes resume on April 15 Sunday – April 5 and 12 – Classes resume on April 19 22 MARCH 2015 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT St. Irenaeus Parish School learning, believing, and serving…together THANK YOU ANDREW CHINN! On Tuesday, March 10th, the students of St. Irenaeus Parish School were once again blessed with a visit from Australian songwriter, Andrew Chinn. Andrew has visited St. I for many years and our students are always thrilled to see him return. He shares his love for God through music and dance, and has a special way of getting everyone involved in the moment, even our eighth graders! The students performed a concert for parents in the morning that included students from every grade level. If you would like to learn more about Andrew Chinn and his music, visit his website at www.butterflymusic.com. OPEN ENROLLMENT HAS BEGUN We are currently accepting applications at St. Irenaeus Parish School for the 2015-2016 school year. The school office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If you would like more information about our school or would like to schedule a tour, please give us a call at 714-827-4500. THIS WEDNESDAY! JUNIOR HIGH INFORMATION NIGHT Our school will be hosting a Junior High Information Night this Wednesday, March 25th at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. This evening will showcase what our Junior High has to offer here at St. Irenaeus. Did you know our 7th graders receive C.P.R. training and take part in the living Stations of the Cross? Did you know our 8th graders go to Astro Camp, take part in the Academic Decathlon, and have a graduation week like no other school? We will also have a panel of St. I alumni currently in Catholic and public high school. They can tell you first-hand how prepared they were for high school and how they made that transition to a new school. All are invited to attend. 22 MARCH 2015 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT ORANGE COUNTY ON TAP Theology on Tap is an opportunity for adults (21+) to explore issues and topics that relate to the Catholic faith in a fun and casual environment. On select evenings, residents of Orange County (and beyond!) are invited to attend various talks by both religious and lay speakers to encourage thoughtful discussions and a deeper understanding of the faith. We operate in complete fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Join us at 6:30PM at Valiant Brewery on Wednesday, March 25th for a little retreat among friends this Lent. Hope you didn't give up beer! V ALIANT B REWING C OMPANY - 2294 N B ATAVIA S T , U NIT C O RANGE CA 92865 COME HUNGRY… Burger Monster food truck will be there serving food!!! T HEOLOGY ON T AP W EBSITE : www.theologyontapoc.org 22 MARCH 2015 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT TO PRAY FOR THE SICK PARA PEDÍR POR LOS ENFERMOS DID YOU KNOW? Lisa Avila Leo Charbonneau Anne Cortes Geneva Costa Jasmine Cueva Mike Greenwood Elsie Gutierrez Diane Haley Ed Haley Norma Hernandez Carol Huff Mary Hull Martin Kirk Dee Logan Dona Lopshire Beverly Makely Maria Martin Alyssa Martinez Bill McCormick Pete Palacpac Judy Pena Richard Reed Verne Schuster Madeleine Severance Jerard VanDieren Lydia Vizcarrondo Arline Vezina As part of our mission to provide basic needs to area families in need, the H.O.P.E. ministry accepts in-kind donations of clothing and small household items. Congratulations to our Newly Baptized Michael Benjamin Taylor Beuck Joshua Droege Shkeena Ebey Adrienne Frances Fabian Max David Fu Michael Jacob Gomecua James Gutierrez III Alexander Jones Matthew Mello Marina Portillo Nellie Rodriguez Joseph Sung Felipe Torres Quinn Williams A HEARTFELT THANK YOU To my many friends in the St. Irenaeus family, Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, cards, gifts and visits for my wife Charlotte over the past months. Charlotte’s battle with cancer ended with her passing away on February 23rd, and she is now with our heavenly father. Life’s big adversities are best met with a strong faith in God and the love and support of family and friends. Your thoughts and prayers have been and continue to be a very real source of strength and comfort. I thank each and every one of you. Sincerely, Robert Escobar READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY 29 M ARCH 2015 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Isa 50:4-7 / Phil 2:6-11 / Mark 14:1-15:47; L38B Sharing Questions: I help Jesus carry the cross when… I stand by Jesus when… Compartiendo Preguntas: Ayudo a Jesús a llevar la cruz cuando … Estoy con Jesús cuando... If you are planning to declutter your closet and home during Spring cleaning, it’s a golden opportunity to perform a corporal work of mercy by donating a few items to H.O.P.E. Items should be clean, gently used and in working condition as they will be available free of charge to H.O.P.E. clients on the very same morning that you drop them off. H.O.P.E. volunteers are stationed under the picnic table shelter at the west end of the parish school between 8:00 and 9:00am on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month to receive your donations. (Because of a lack of storage space, clothing and household items cannot be accepted on other days or times). To make sure that your donations are received by H.O.P.E., please do not leave your donations unattended when a volunteer is not present and do not leave donations in any other location, such as the church vestibule. A donation receipt is available upon request. Any donations remaining after the Saturday morning distribution will be passed on to another charity to help more families in need. For more information about Helping Other People Everyday contact the H.O.P.E. office at 714-826-0760. 22 MARCH 2015 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT En el evangelio de este domingo de Juan 12: 20-33, llegamos a entender que Jesús lo sabe todo, porque no es sólo es hombre, sino que también y en primer lugar es Dios. Y si Jesús lo sabe todo, ¿cómo podría no saber que su pasión estaba cerca y que su resurrección vendría poco después? Jesús lo sabe todo; él sabe que su hora ha llegado, la hora de su glorificación. Esto no se refiere a la glorificación de su alma, porque desde la Encarnación del Verbo, el alma humana de Jesús es eternamente glorificada y santificada por el Espíritu Santo, que descansa sobre El. Se refiere, más bien, a la glorificación de su cuerpo, ese elemento de su persona que es tan importante para El. ¿No es lo que hace que el Dios invisible sea visible en la tierra? Sí, este es el precio de la vida eterna. Uno debe estar dispuesto, si Dios lo quiere y pide, a perder la vida con el fin de obtener la vida eterna, la vida misma de Dios que se nos ofrece para que podamos compartirla. Nuestra alma es inmortal, pero nuestro cuerpo puede separarse de nuestra alma y por lo tanto puede morir: este es el destino de todos nosotros, desde el pecado original. Podemos, en cualquier momento, perder nuestra vida y morir. Pero, ¿estamos resignados a morir? ¿Tenemos, en este momento, que aceptar morir, cuando Dios quiera que lo hagamos, a fin de ganar el cielo y la vida eterna? Jesús lo ha hecho por nosotros. Sigamos su ejemplo, pidámosle la gracia y la fuerza para hacer este acto de renuncia: este acto es el más grande que podemos hacer en nuestra vida. ¿Es fácil aceptar la muerte? A veces, sí; muy a menudo, no. Jesús mismo nos ha dado su ejemplo. Él es el Todopoderoso, porque él es Dios. Pero él quería darnos un ejemplo de la dificultad que podamos encontrar en la aceptación de nuestra muerte. "Padre, sálvame de esta hora". Este es el grito de Jesús en esta prueba, el juicio que iba a volver a vivir aún más intensamente en la noche del Jueves Santo, en el huerto de Getsemaní. Pero de inmediato recupera la compostura, porque la gracia de Dios siempre triunfa si creemos en su omnipotencia: "Fue con este propósito que vine a esta hora." Nosotros, los que participamos en esta Eucaristía dominical, podremos revivir sacramentalmente esta victoria de Cristo. Seremos invitados por el Señor Jesús a venir y llenarnos de su vida divina, la cual nos ofrece en la Eucaristía. Es la fuerza y el poder de su amor que nos invita a unirnos a Él en ese lugar el cual es para toda la eternidad: en el cielo de nuestra alma. Con mi amor y oraciones en Cristo, Padre Patricio EL MEJOR AYUNO Parte 2 ¿Te animas a ayunar en esta Cuaresma? 7- Ayuna de presiones y llénate de oración 8- Ayuna de tristezas y amargura y llénate de alegría el corazón 9- Ayuna de egoísmo y llénate de compasión por los demás 10- Ayuna de falta de perdón y llénate de actitudes de reconciliación 11- Ayuna de palabras inútiles y llénate de silencio y de escuchar a los otros Si todos intentamos este ayuno, lo cotidiano se llenara de: PAZ, CONFIANZA, ALEGRIA Y VIDA. ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA LUNES—ROSARIO POR LA PAZ Y LAS FAMILIAS a las 6:30pm en la Iglesia. MARTES—REUNION DEL EQUIPO COORDINADOR DE JOVENES PARA CRISTO en el salón Modular a las 7pm. JUEVES—GRUPO DE ORACION a las 7pm en el salón #7. PRACTICA DEL CORO HISPANO a las 7pm en el salón #16. VIERNES—JOVENES PARA CRISTO, grupo de adultos, temas de reflexión y crecimiento espiritual. Se reúnen a las 7pm en el Edificio de Educación. SABADO—ASESORIA DE INMIGRACION, salón #9. Solamente por cita, llame al teléfono 714-869-5097.
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