Bulletin - Immaculate Conception

Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church
Serving Clarksville Since 1845
Immaculate Conception Church
709 Franklin Street
Clarksville, TN 37040-3347
Parish Office 931.645.6275
Parish Fax 931.552.0331
Email: [email protected]
Most Rev. David R. Choby
Eleventh Bishop of Nashville
Rev. David J. Gaffny
Immaculate Conception School
1901 Madison Street
Clarksville, TN 37043-5001
Rev. Theophilus Ebulueme
Associate Pastor
Pre School
740 Franklin Street
Clarksville, TN 37040
Rev. Christiano Nunes
Associate Pastor/Youth Director
Sunday Obligation Masses
Saturday, 5:30 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.,
5:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. (Spanish),
3:00 p.m. (Korean-Last Sunday Month)
Deacon Dominick Azzara
Director of Pastoral Ministry
Deacon Juan Garza
Director of Religious Education
Weekday Masses
Bob Berberich
John Carroll
Manuel Martinez
Tim Winters
Monday (Chapel) ................................ 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday (Chapel) ............................... 7:00 a.m.
Wednesday (Chapel) ......................... 7:00 a.m.
(Spanish) (Chapel) ............. 7:30 p.m.
Thursday (Chapel) .............................. 7:00 a.m.
(Chapel) ............. 6:00 p.m.
Friday (M. Church) .............................. 7:00 a.m.
Saturday (M. Church) ......................... 8:00 a.m.
Mrs. Stephanie Stafford
Weekdays after morning Masses and before
evening Masses, Saturday morning after
Mass and from 4-5 pm, as well as by
Office Hours
Monday—Friday ......................... 8 a.m.—4 p.m.
Divine Mercy Sunday
709 Franklin Street
Clarksville, Tennessee
Deacon Dominick Azzara
Pastoral Ministries
Deacon Tim Winters
Austin Peay Newman Club
Deacon Bob Berberich
Chaplain, I.C. School
Rev. Christiano Nunes
Youth Director
Deacon Juan Garza
Director of Religious Education
Bill Young
Facilities Director
Kathy McDonough
Office Manager, Accounting
Judy Spink
Parish Secretary
Venus Newhouser
Mary Hoffpauir
Sacramental Records
Linda Steiner
Office Assistant
Regina Azzara
Safe Environment Coordinator
Pam Loos
Pre-School Director, Dean of Students
June Esquilin
Liturgical Music
Nancy Garza
Pat Paszek/Pat Riley
Hispanic Ministries
Runyon & Runyon
Parish Attorneys
Patty Pierce
Pat Paszek
Nancy Garza
Kathie Schuler
Juan Garza
Len Stolz
Selene Anderson
Ed Wilson
Parish Clergy
Mike O’Malley
Dr. Clif Sites
Coy Baggett, Jr
Maggie Kulback
Tom Edwards
Scott Donnellan
Raby Nance
Len Stolz, Chair
Andi Orr, Vice Chair
Christine Bryant,
Irene Buck
Lisa Meeks
Richard Meeks
Robert German
Jamie Schacht
Sunny Wells
Tom Vaughn
Maggie Kulback
Scott Donnellan
Ray Runyon
Raby Nance
Tom Skrodzki
Patty Pierce
Parish Clergy
 To Register in the parish, just call
the parish office and all necessary
information will be mailed to you or
visit our website to register online.
 In hospital? Going to hospital?
HIPPA regulations no longer allow
us to get names of the sick at hospitals. Call the office for anointing
or a visit. Everyone either in the
hospital, going to the hospital, or
having an outpatient procedure
should receive the Sacrament of
the Sick.
 To schedule a Baptism, call the
office to reserve a seat at the Baptism Class held the last Monday of
the month.
 To schedule a Wedding, call the
priest or deacon you wish to perform the wedding at least four
months in advance.
 Want to be a Catholic? Either call
us or have a friend call the office.
You will receive a quick return call
from a member of our education/
formation program who will invite
you to our formation classes. If you
have questions about joining and
wish some direction, call one of
our clergy.
 Immaculate Conception Catholic
School: K-8. If you have questions
or wish to enroll, call the church or
school office. We’ll help you investigate the school for your students.
 Want to volunteer for something
but do not know who to call? Call
Deacon Dominick Azzara in the
 Need an appointment with a
priest or deacon? Venus in the
office will help you.
 Bulletin notice? Call Judy. Deadline is Friday noon! (Ten days in
advance of date you wish it to
Parents and Godparents are required to
attend a Baptism preparation class prior
to their child’s Baptism. The class meets
on the last Monday evening of each
month at 6:30 pm, except December.
Please register for the class in the
Church Office.
First Communion
Children are prepared for First Communion by participating in the Sunday
School, Immaculate Conception School,
or Hispanic Community preparation
programs. They must be enrolled for at
least one year prior to enrolling in a
preparation class.
Confessions are heard daily, after the
morning Masses and before the evening
Masses as well as, 4 to 5 pm on Saturdays, or by appointment.
Preparation classes are conducted
through the Sunday School, Immaculate
Conception School, or the Hispanic
Community. Candidates must be enrolled for at least one year prior to enrolling in a preparation class.
Preparation is conducted by parish
clergymen and the Diocese of Nashville.
Please contact the Parish Office at least
four months before the proposed date.
Anointing of the Sick
Anyone may request this sacrament. It is
for major or minor health problems. It is
for the elderly, disabled, homebound or
children. Anyone anticipating a surgery
or a stay in the hospital should request
the sacrament before surgery.
La Quinceañera
Ministerio de la Comunidad Hispana
Coordinadora del Ministerio Hispano ....Nancy Garza ........................ 931-320-2049 (cell)
Secretaria de la Comunidad ..................Elizabeth Ramos .................. 931-801-0733 (cell)
Tesorera de la Comunidad ....................Carmen Onate ...................... 931-801-7132
Clases de Bautismo ..............................Jose Hernandez ................... 931-302-1562
Sacramento del Matrimono ...................Diacono Manuel Martinez..... 931-206-7371
Ministerio de la Eucaristía .....................Veronica Garcia .................... 931-801-8217
Ministerio de la Palabra .........................Nancy Garza ........................ 931-320-2049 (cell)
Ministerio de Bienvenida .......................Manuel Baez ........................ 615-968-7235
Ministerio de Monaguillos ......................Gladivee Roman ................... 931-551-3831
Ministerio de Música .............................Elizabeth Ramos .................. 931-801-0733 (cell)
Ministerio de Sociales ...........................Jaime Nolasco ...................... 931-206-3938
Catecismo ............................................Arlene Perez ......................... 931-906-1665
..............................................................Yolanda Torres ..................... 931-553-8551
Los padres de una candidata de la quinceañera tienen que estar registrados en
la parroquia y presentarla por lo menos
seis meses antes de la ceremonia. La
candidata debe haber recibido los sacramentos del bautismo, reconciliación,
comunión, y estar por lo menos preparada para la confirmación. Además ella
tiene que prepararse con buena asistencia al curso especial para esta ceremonia. También es necesario reservar
la capilla y, si lo desea, el salón del
Family Life Center y pagar las cuotas
correspondientes con anticipación.
Para más informes, contacten la oficina
de la parroquia.
Divine Mercy Sunday
Do you have or know elderly parishioners in
your area? Please let us know by calling the
office so that our team of volunteers may
pay him/her a visit and see how we can help
him/her especially with regard to the sacraments—Eucharist, penance, and anointing
and others if need be. Help us to attend to
our older parishioners!
Anointing of the Sick- We are doing everything possible to serve our parishioners here
at Immaculate Conception. So, if you happen to be in the (Gateway) Hospital, please
let them know during registration that “I am
a Catholic and need to be visited by a
priest, deacon or Eucharistic Minister.” In
case of emergency, let your family members
know to give this information during your
registration. You can also call the office
anytime to schedule the Sacrament of the
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
April 12, 2015
Divine Mercy Sunday is a very special Sunday when
the Divine Floodgates from Heaven are wide-opened
and Jesus offers us the total forgiveness of all sins and
punishment to any soul, who goes to Confession and
receives Him in Holy Communion, on that day.
Please join us at 3:00 pm in the
Immaculate Conception Chapel
Mother’s Group- “Pray & Play” meets on
scheduled Monday mornings at 9 am in the
St. Joseph Center (during school year) w/
childcare in the nursery. Call Cheryl Cole
for more details 931-896-3878 or e-mail at:
[email protected].
Parish Youth Council-Our young people
have enormous talents to share with our
parishioners and their fellow youths. If you
are interested call Fr. Theo, or Fr. Chris
Nunes, at the church office 645-6275.
Natural Family Planning (NFP)-if you
want help with INFERTILITY; or are interested in learning about today’s effective
methods of Natural Family Planning; if
you are married or single and looking for a
way to treat Women’s Health Problems
other than using birth control pills then you
need to come to a class. Classes scheduled
for 1st Saturday of every month at 9:00 am.
Call the church office to register!
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
(R.C.I.A.)-Informal classes are held on the
1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at
7:00 pm in the St. Joseph Center
(downstairs-room #9). Formal Classes Meet
Sundays, after the 8 am Mass in the St.
Joseph Center (upstairs).
For more information please contact the
church office at 931-645-6275-or check
out our website www.immaconception.org
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Email : [email protected]
Divine Mercy Sunday
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
April 12, 2015
From the Pastor’s Desk
Del escritorio del Párroco
By Rev. David J. Gaffny
Por Pbro. David J. Gaffny
“And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country
can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
So spoke John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United
States, in his inaugural address, January 20, 1961.
The highest civic values as well as the highest religious
values coalesce in the concept of giving of ourselves for the
good of others. The words of Our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ “The Son of Man has come to serve not to be served
and to give his life for the ransom of many” (Mat. 20:28)
are among the most outstanding. To love is to give. True
love is always respectful and always seeks the good of the
In this same vein, marriage is a sacrament because the total
giving of the Christian spouses to each other reflects the
total commitment between Christ and his Church. (See
Ephesians 5: 22-33.) For this reason, the first thing the
husband should think of when he wakes up in the morning
is “What can I do for my wife today?” and she for him.
The second thing each should think is “What can we do for
our children?”
The reason for putting these two thoughts first is because
marriage and parenthood are the foundations of all society.
The family has rightly been called the “domestic church”
because it is the Church in miniature. The Christian family
is the first, and most important, place where the essential
teachings of Christ are taught and lived. The loving relationship of the spouses is where the children learn what
respect is, what sacrifice means, and where each child begins to understand what his or her own masculinity or femininity mean.
Patriotism, love of country, flows from the respect each
person has first for his own family, then neighbor, then for
a series of civil institutions until the whole nation is included. The quotation from Kennedy’s address cited about
was almost at the end of his speech. Another quote, from
the beginning of that talk, is pertinent here. He said, “The
same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebearers fought
– are still at issue around the globe – the belief that rights
of man come not from the generosity of the state but from
the hand of God”.
“Y por eso, compatriotas, pregúntense no lo que puede
hacer la patria para ustedes - pregunten lo que ustedes pueden hacer para la patria”. Así habló Juan F. Kennedy, el
35° Presidente de los Estados Unidos, en su discurso inaugural del 20 de enero de 1961.
Tanto los valores cívicos altísimos como los valores religiosos altísimos se unen en el concepto de dar de nosotros
mismos para el bien de otros. Las palabras de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo “El Hijo del hombre no vino para
que le sirvan, sino para servir y para dar su vida en rescate
por muchos” (Mateo 20:28) están entre las más excepcionales. Amar es darse. El amor verdadero es siempre respetuoso y busca siempre el bien del otro.
En ese mismo sentido, el matrimonio es un sacramento porque al darse totalmente los esposos cristianos el uno al otro
refleja la entrega total de Cristo y su Iglesia. (Véase Efesios
5; 22-33.) Por esta razón, la primera cosa que el marido
debe pensar cuando se despierta por la mañana es “¿Qué
puedo hacer para mi esposa hoy?” y ella para él. La segunda cosa que cada uno debe pensar es “¿Qué podemos hacer
para nuestros niños?”
La razón de poner estos dos pensamientos primero es porque el matrimonio y la paternidad son las fundaciones de
toda la sociedad. La familia es bien llamada una “iglesia
doméstica” porque es la Iglesia en miniatura. La familia
cristiana es el primer, y el más importante, sitio donde las
enseñanzas esenciales de Cristo se instruyen y se viven. La
relación cariñosa entre los esposos es donde los niños
aprenden qué es el respeto, qué significa el sacrificio, y
donde cada niño o niña comienza a entender lo que su propia masculinidad o feminidad significa.
El patriotismo, amor de la patria, procede en primer instante del respecto que cada persona tiene para su propia familia, después para el vecino, entonces para una serie de instituciones civiles hasta que se incluye la nación entera. La
cita de Kennedy mencionada arriba estaba casi al final de
su discurso. Otra cita, al principio de este, es muy apta
aquí. Él dijo, “La misma creencia revolucionaria por la
cual nuestros antepasados lucharon todavía resuena alrededor del globo - la creencia de que los derechos del hombre
vienen no de la generosidad del estado sino de la mano de
We must get our priorities straight. Our family needs what Dios”.
we can do for it; so too our parish, Church, and nation.
Each of us has been very blessed. Think of what each of us Tenemos que mantener nuestras prioridades en orden cocan do
rrecto. Nuestra familia necesita lo que podemos hacer para
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Email : [email protected]
Divine Mercy Sunday
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
April 12, 2015
ella; así también nuestra parroquia, Iglesia, y nación. Cada uno
de nosotros ha sido muy bendecido. Preguntémonos lo que
cada uno podemos hacer.
Padre David
year plan for
Want to check on the 5
Immaculate Conception Church will have an ongoing devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Metal for blessings
and the well-being of the Parish and School. It will take
place every Monday following the 6pm Mass in the Chapel
beginning April 13th, 2015. Any one completing nine days
of prayer will have completed a novena.
Just go to our website at:
Click on the HOME PAGE
Then click on WHATS NEW
Next click on
It’s that simple!
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
The information booth located in the narthex has bins
of “Lost & Found” items. Any items found will be held
for three (3) months, then if not claimed, will be donated to charity. If you have lost an item in the church,
please check at the information booth as
soon as possible.
Email : [email protected]
Divine Mercy Sunday
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
April 12, 2015
Adult Faith Exploration
Mark your calendar and plan to attend our upcoming Tuesday,
April 21, 2015 meeting at 6:30PM in the St. Joseph Center. All
women of the parish are welcome and invited to attend. Our
meetings start at 6:30PM with social/light refreshments, followed
by our guest speaker and business meeting. These meetings are a
great way to connect with other women in our parish and stay
informed on ways you can participate in the many things we do.
This month we will be having speakers from 2 different Ministries within our parish, so we will start our speaker segment at
6:45PM. The first part of the speaker segment will be Tom
Vaughn and Scott Donnellan from the STEERING COMMITTEE. They will be giving us a presentation on IC's 5 Year
Plan ,followed up with a Q & A time. This will be a great opportunity for you to hear firsthand the direction/plans for our parish
now and the future. The 2nd part will be Selene Anderson from
the ADORATION MINISTRY. She will give us information on
this special ministry and how you can get involved.
We hope you will be able to join us!
For more info contact; our President - Carol Buyna at
[email protected] or Vice President- Nancy Oelgoetz at [email protected]
Please join us as we explore the beauty, depth & history of
our Catholic Faith.
We will continue with the ‘Symbolon Series’ The Catholic Faith Explained.
Sunday Mornings in the Library located downstairs in
the St. Joseph Center.
9:25 am-10:30 am (we follow the CCD Schedule).
The Catholic Faith Explained is a stunning new video series that systematically presents the BIG picture of the Catholic Faith. Filmed on location in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta, and in the Augustine Institute studios in Denver, dozens of nationally‐
known teachers clearly present the beauty and brilliance of Catholicism.
There will be time for discussion and questions. We look for‐
ward to seeing you!!!
Are you on Facebook?? If so, please check us out, just search for : Immaculate Conception Catholic Adult Faith Formation
For more information please contact:
Scott Audet
Email- [email protected]
Ph# 931-249-5893
You are invited to join the Hospitality Ministers for a brief meeting to plan for the 1st Communion Reception on May 2, 2015.
Hope to see you there!
DAY: Sunday, April 12, 2015
TIME: After the 11:00 AM Mass
PLACE: St. Joseph’s Center (Downstairs) Room 6
The next quarterly meeting is scheduled for May 20, 2015. We
meet at 6:30 pm in the Family Life Center. All health care professionals are invited to attend. Please RSVP to Donna Sabash at
[email protected] or call the church office.
ICCCW Book Club
ICCCW Book Club meets in the library at St. Joe’s from
11am-12:30pm on the first Wednesday of each month.
Still Alice by Lisa Genova
June-July All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult
September Go Set Watchman by Harper Lee
CONTACT Kay Lange : [email protected]
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
The Legion of Mary extends an invitation to all who are
wanting to be a member in the Blessed Mother’s Army.
We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm in the St. Joseph Center. Please call Mary Vozar at 931-801-6897 for more information.
The Pilgrim Virgin, Our Lady of Fatima, the most loving
of mothers, also wants to come into your home. Please call
Terry Sumrell at 931-395-4759.
The Legion of Mary! What a perfectly chosen name!
-Pope Pius XI
Email : [email protected]
Divine Mercy Sunday
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
April 12, 2015
9:15 ~ 10:30 a.m.—English
11:00~12:15 p.m.—Spanish
World Youth Day is not just a day or an experience, but an
ongoing pilgrimage of faith for young people. These special
days and celebrations are meant to rejuvenate and reinvigorate the spiritual life of youth and young adults along their
pilgrim journey, which ultimately leads to Christ Jesus. Join
us, and an estimated 4 million young Catholics from around
the world on a 10 day pilgrimage to Poland for World Youth
Day July 24th-August 2nd 2016! The Catholic Youth Office
in the Diocese of Nashville was fortunate enough to reserve
40 spots for World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland. If you are
interested and would like any additional information please
email Brandon Quigley at: [email protected]
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Email : [email protected]
Divine Mercy Sunday
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
April 12, 2015
¡ El señor ha resucitado ¡ es el mensaje de María Magdalena y de las otras mujeres que temprano habían ido al sepulcro y habían descubierto la tumba vacía, sin embargo, la noticia no ha
liberado a los Apóstoles del temor. No basta tener noticia del sepulcro vacío; sólo la presencia de
Jesús puede darles seguridad en medio de un mundo hostil.
Pero todo cambia desde el momento en que Jesús –que es el centro de la comunidad- aparece en
medio, como punto de referencia, fuente de vida y factor de unidad, Su saludo les devuelve la
paz que habían perdido. Sus manos y su costado, pruebas de su pasión y muerte, son ahora los
signos de su amor y de su victoria: el que está vivo delante de ellos es el mismo que murió en la
cruz. Si tenían miedo a la muerte que podrían infligirles "los judíos", ahora ven que nadie puede quitarles la vida que él
El efecto del encuentro con Jesús es la alegría, como él mismo había anunciado (16,20: vuestra tristeza se convertirá en
alegría). Ya ha comenzado la fiesta de la Pascua, la nueva creación, el nuevo ser humano capaz de dar la vida para dar
vida. Con su presencia Jesús les comunica su Espíritu que les da la fuerza para enfrentarse con el mundo y liberar a
hombres y mujeres del pecado, de la injusticia, del desamor y de la muerte. Para esto los envía al mundo, a un mundo
que los odia como lo odió a él (15,18). La misión de la comunidad no será otra sino la de perdonar los pecados para dar
vida, o lo que es igual, poner fin a todo lo que oprime, reprime o suprime la vida, que es el efecto que produce el pecado
en la sociedad.
Pero no todos creen. Hay uno, Tomás, el mismo que se mostró pronto a acompañar a Jesús en la muerte (Jn 11,16), que
ahora se resiste a creer el testimonio de los discípulos y no le basta con ver a la comunidad transformada por el Espíritu. No admite que el que ellos han visto sea el mismo que él había conocido; no cree en la permanencia de la vida. Exige
una prueba individual y extraordinaria. Las frases redundantes de Tomás, con su repetición de palabras (sus manos,
meter mi dedo, meter mi mano), subrayan de alguna forma su testarudez. No busca a Jesús fuente de vida, sino una
reliquia del pasado.
Necesitará para creer unas palabras de Jesús: «Trae aquí tu dedo, mira mis manos; trae tu mano y métela en mi costado,
y no seas incrédulo, sino fiel». Tomás, que no llega a tocar a Jesús, pronuncia la más sublime confesión evangélica de fe
llamando a Jesús “Señor mío y Dios mío”. Con esta doble expresión alude al maestro a quien llamaban Señor, siempre
dispuesto a lavar los pies a sus discípulos y al proyecto de Dios, realizado ahora en Jesús, de hacer llegar al ser humano
a la misma presencia de Dios y ya realizado ahora en Jesús, como un (Dios mío)..
Pero su actitud incrédula le merece un reproche de parte de Jesús, que pronuncia una última bienaventuranza para todos los que ya no podrán ni verlo ni tocarlo y tendrán, por ello, que descubrirlo en la comunidad y notar en ella su presencia siempre viva. De ahora en adelante la realidad de Jesús vivo no se percibe con elucubraciones ni buscando experiencias individuales y aisladas, sino que se manifiesta en la vida y conducta de una comunidad que es expresión de
amor, de vida y de alegría. Una comunidad, cuya idea de vida se refleja en el libro de los Hechos (4,32-35): comunidad
de pensamientos y sentimientos comunes, de puesta en común de los bienes y de reparto igualitario de los mismos como expresión de su fe en Jesús resucitado, una comunidad de amor como defiende la primera carta de Juan (1 Jn 5,1-5).
Ahora Cristo está presente en la comunidad y es en ella en la cual se manifiesta obrando y realizando lo que el padre le
había encomendado atravéz del Espíritu Santo que sopla aliento de vida eterna sobre su Iglesia.
Christ departed from our sight
that we might return to our heart,
and there find him. For he departed, and behold, he is here.
—St. Augustine
“Agnusday appears with the permission of www.agnusday.org"
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Email : [email protected]
Divine Mercy Sunday
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
The Celebration of the Eucharist April 18—19
Mass Intentions
Sunday, April 12
8:00 am ...  Jacinto Dagan
Saturday 5:30 PM
Tommy Key
M. Ressler [sub req.]
Matthew Wieber
Sissy Rankin
Mary Gail Russ
Patricia Doyle
Allyne Petersen
Sunday 8:00 AM
Jackson Becker
Joseph Tran
Volunteer needed
Scott Donnellan
Raby Nance
Diann Nance
Ginny Newman
Gary Newman
By IC Parish Choir
11:00 am .. Paula Russ
By Bob & Betty Edgerton
1:00 pm ... Serghio Garcia
By Family
5:30 pm...  People of the Parish
Monday, April 13
6:00 pm ... Paula & Jim Russ
By Irene Buck
Tuesday, April 14
7:00 am ... Intention of Jerry LaFave
By Dominick Azzara
April 12, 2015
Amy Stockton
Therese Ansberry
Jackie Vandal
Rebecca Dean
Selene Anderson
Irene Buck
M. Boles [sub req.]
Robert Garretson
Volunteer needed
Theresa Sumrell
Rick Catignani
Juanita Dowlen
Debra Flowers
Volunteer needed
Nancy Smithfield
Volunteer needed
Volunteer needed
Maggie Kulback
Volunteer needed
Patty Pierce
Sylvia May
Lisa Meeks
Myrta Arboe
Howard French
Theresa Wilson
Parish Youth
Parish Youth
Parish Youth
Tracey Patterson-Scott
Parish Youth
7:00 am ...  Larry McGuire
By Aunt Jean
John & Peggy Youhouse
Thursday, April 16
By Bonnie Cain
Cheryl Trovato
Etta Dean
Regina Azzara
Wednesday, April 15
7:00 am ...  Rita Deharde
Tina White
K. Lange [sub req.]
Intention of ICP and ICS
7:30 pm ... Juan Garza, Sr.
6:00 pm ...  Cecilia Ryan
7:00 am ... Rita Deharde
By Mary Jo Winters
Saturday, April 18
8:00 am ... Francisco Nunes Da Silva
By Fr. David & Parish Staff
5:30 pm ...  Albert and Mark Dentz
By Claire & Roger LaPointe
Sunday, April 19
8:00 am ...  Elizabeth (Bettye) Cosgrove
By Mark & Alice Muratore
11:00 am .. Kathleen Roberts
Rev. Justin Raines
St. Julius
Rev. David A Ramirez
Pope Saint Martin I
Deacons of the Diocese
St. Lydwine
Rev. Louis Edward Rojas
St. Pternus
Rev. Joseph A Sanches
St. Bernadette
Rev. Mark Sappenfield
St. Anicetus
Rev. Marneni Showraiah
St. Appollonius the Apologist
Who indeed is the victor over the world
but the one who believes
that Jesus is the Son of God?
By Irene Buck
1:00 pm ... Serghio Garcia
By Family
— 1 John 5:5
Volunteer needed
Volunteer needed
Volunteer needed
April 12 thru April 19
Pray Daily for our Priests
Seminarians, and Religious
By Fr. David and Parish Staff
Friday, April 17
Sunday 11:00 AM Sunday 5:30 PM
J. T. Miller
Carlos Salvatierra, Jr.
Hannah Goins
Carter Woehlert
Molly Goins
Katie Woehlert
Parish Youth
Merci Chartrand
Parish Youth
Christine Ellerbrock
Kenneth Jackson
Jennifer Sturgill
Edward Grimes
Linda Cunningham
Troy Miller
Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22
-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31
Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9;
Jn 3:1-8
Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5;
Jn 3:7b-15
Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21
Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20;
Jn 3:31-36
Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14;
Jn 6:1-15
Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19;
Jn 6:16-21
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9;
1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48
5:30 pm...  People of the Parish
“Stewardship…Living Gracefully”
Stewardship of Treasure
TOTAL $196,557.11
TOTAL $216,243.95
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Envelopes w/ Cash or
Contrib. Average
Families Contrib.
Loose Currency
Sunday envelopes and loose
collection from 3/29/15
TOTAL -$19,686.84
Thank you to all who contributed your time, talent and treasure!
Especially the 275 families who used their contribution envelopes,
the 76 who offered their gifts by loose check
and the 54 who offered by e-tithing!
Email : [email protected]
Divine Mercy Sunday
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
SUNDAY, April 12
Gift Shop Open Before / After ALL Masses ...
Religious Ed 9:15 .................................... ALL
R.C.I.A./R.C.I.C. 9:15 AM ........................ SJC
Adult Ed 9:15 am ..................................... SJC
Religious Ed (Sp) 11:00 am ..................... FLC
Adult Bible Study (Spanish) 11:00 am ........... SJC
R.C.I.A./R.C.I.C. (Sp) 11 am ..................... SJC
MONDAY, April 13
Mother’s Group 9:00 am..................SJC/NSY
Charismatic Prayer (Sp) 6:45 pm ............. CH
Legion of Mary 7:00 pm ........................... SJC
TUESDAY, April 14
Pastoral Council 5:00 pm ........................ SJC
K of C 6:00 pm ....................................... KCH
Bunko 7:00 pm ......................................... FLC
Chiapas 7:00 pm ...................................... SJC
Adult Bible Study 9:30 am .................... SJC
Cub Pack 526 6:00 pm ............................. SJC
Kerigma/CYO 6:00 pm ............................. SJC
Charismatic Prayer (Sp) 6:00 pm ............ SJC
Life Teen 6:30 pm .................................... ICS
Boy Scouts 6:45 pm ............................... KCH
RCIA Q & A 7:00 pm ............................... SJC
THURSDAY, April 16
Newman Club 6:00 pm......................... APSU
Venture Crew 7:00 pm ............................ KCH
AA Meeting 8:00 pm ................................. ICS
FRIDAY, April 17
ADORATION ............................................ MC
SATURDAY, April 18
Gift Shop Open Before & After 5:30 Mass ....
Charismatic Prayer (Sp) 8:00 am ........... KCH
Wedding (Gonzalez/Cordova) 11:00 am ....... CH
Little Mexico 11:00 am ............................ SJC
SUNDAY, April 19
Gift Shop Open Before / After ALL Masses ...
Religious Ed 9:15 .................................... ALL
R.C.I.A./R.C.I.C. 9:15 AM ........................ SJC
Adult Ed 9:15 am ..................................... SJC
Religious Ed (Sp) 11:00 am ..................... FLC
Adult Bible Study (Spanish) 11:00 am ........... SJC
R.C.I.A./R.C.I.C. (Sp) 11 am ..................... SJC
IC Knitting Grp 1:00 pm ........................... SJC
April 3/4
April 10
April 17
April 18
April 24
April 25
NO Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration
USCCB Holy Hour
Eucharistic Adoration
Nocturnal Adoration Society
MC .............................................. Main Church
CH ....................................................... Chapel
SJC ............................ St. Joseph Center
FLC .......... Family Life Center/Social Hall
KCH .................. (Knights) Columbus Hall
NSY .................................... IC Nursery
WH ........White House (next to Moores)
ICS .... Immaculate Conception School
CPL ...................... Church Parking Lot
All ................................. SJC,FLC,KCH
Nursery hours:
During 8 am
For children of CCD Teachers,
RCIA, Adult Ed and Choir participants
During 11 am Mass
Volunteers Needed! Call Sylvia
@ (931) 257-0777
“The grace of adoration of Jesus in the
Most Blessed Sacrament is given to
Open before and after weekend Masses
~ St. Peter Julian Eymard
24 hour Adoration is held in the main
church every Friday 7:30 a.m. to Saturday 8:00 a.m. Adoration is also held on
the first Friday and Saturday of each
month from Friday 7:30 a.m. through
Benediction on Saturday at 4:00 p.m.
Blue Color ......................YOUTH ACTIVITIES
April 12, 2015
upon arrival.
For information on Adoration
check our website at:
If you would like to register as a
member of the parish, register
your child for CCD, change your
membership information or just
looking for information,
please …
Check out our Parish website :
AA Meetings are held every Thursday at 8:00 p.m.
in the Immaculate Conception School gym.
Meetings are open.
Thoughts on Stewardship
All that we are and all that we have is a gift from God! Think of your family, your
friends, your talents and abilities – these are all gifts from God. We aren’t really
owners of anything, we are merely “stewards” of the gifts God has blessed us with.
“The community of believers was of one heart and mind and no one claimed that
any of his possessions was his own.”
- Acts 4:32
Stewardship Commitment forms are available at the church office or on our church
website at www.immaconception.org for your convenience. Thank you.
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Email : [email protected]
Immaculate Conception Church #331300
709 Franklin Street
Clarksville, TN 37040
931 645-6275
Judy Spink
EMAIL: [email protected]
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