Faith: Glorify God with Your Life

Fa i t h
G l o r i f y G o d w i t h Yo u r L i f
Mass Intentions
of the Week
Mon, May 4th
8:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Tues, May 5th
8:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Wed, May 6th
8:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m. Thurs, May 7th
8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
Friday, May 8th
8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Sat, May 9th
8:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Sun, May 10th
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
Easter Weekday
Tom Clemens - Req. by Family
Communion Service
Easter Weekday
Marilyn Eversgerd - Req. by Husband, Red
Dee Cooke - Req. by Gene & Nelly Humble
Easter Weekday
Steve Frick - Req. by Joe & Diane Vande
Martha Miller - Req. by Family
Easter Weekday
Lester Brown - Req. by Family
(17th Anniversary of Death)
Communion Service
Easter Weekday
Loretta Huber – Req. by Family
Sherrie Lusher - Req. by Annette and Walt
Easter Weekday
Bud and May Galbo - 70th Wedding
Bernie Seger - Req. by Family
Sixth Sunday of Easter
David Beard - Req. by Family
Nick Horning - Req. by Family
Zach Decker - Req. by Friends
Congregation Spanish Mass
Readings for the week of May 3, 2015
Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115; Jn 14:21-26
Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145; Jn 14:27-31a
Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122; Jn 15:1-8
Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96; Jn 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57; Jn 15:12-17
Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100; Jn 15:18-21
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98;
1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-17
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May 3, 2015
PRAYER LINE - Do you, or a friend, or
family member have health issues, or are
you looking for a job? Feel free to call the
Prayer Line at 353-0358 and share your
prayer intentions with Dorothy Riley. We
will be happy to pray for you! If you are
interested in becoming a member of the Prayer Line,
please give Dorothy a call at 353-0358. You are
asked to call the next person on the prayer list, it’s
easy and very powerful. We’d love to have you!
Please Remember
in Your Prayers:
**We are trying to update our prayer
list. Please call the parish office if
you’d like a name added to this list.
Also consider calling Dorothy Riley, at
353-0358, from the Prayer Line to
have prayers said for your loved one.
Catie Cooper, Mike Rickey, Kathleen Hartnett, Ruth Lecher,
Mitch Miller, Charlotte Carter, Johanna Thomas, Dave
Stewart, Kathy Hawkins Freeze, Rita Sheridan, Fr. Harold
Rightor, Thelma Becker
Please note: due to some new hospital regulations, we are
not notified when someone is admitted to an area hospital.
If you or a loved one is seriously ill and in need of the
sacrament of the sick, please call the parish office and
let us know (353-9404)!
If you would like a name added, please call the Parish Office.
We will leave names on our list for a few weeks, and then
remove them if we do not have any current information.
At Nursing Homes and/or Hospitals:
Miller’s / Castleton: Rosemary Gill
Westminster Village North: Rita & Joe O’Connell,
Rosewalk: Mike Curtis
St. Paul’s Hermitage: Rosemary Welch, Rose Callahan,
Margaret Callahan, V. Leo Kavanaugh,
Mary O’Donnell, Helen Schreiber, Sam Ajamie
Wellington Manor: Patricia Webb
Greenbriar: Rita Kiebach,
Berkshire of Castleton: Alice
Methodist Hospital: John P. Lee Jr.
Wildwood: Mildred “Millie” Warfield,
Crestwood Village East:
Father William Munshower
Arlington Place: Mary Moore
Thank you
The Barnes Family would like to thank Fr. Juan,
the servers and the volunteers that furnished the food
and served the Mercy Meal for our family. Thank you to
the Choir, Cantor Mary Lynn, and Judy Beard for the
beautiful music. You were all so kind.
Congratulations to the newly
married couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Padilla and Maribel
Congratulations to all of the
children who are making their
First Communion
New on our website!
Thanks to those of you who have
set up your online giving!
We have set up an online giving link on our website, www.hol spirit-ind .or . From this link, you can
securely set up your Sunday Collection payments, pledge
to the Worship Space Renovation, give a memorial gift or a
gift to the school annual fund. We will add more collections
in the future. If you currently give your collection by our
Sunday Collection automatic transfer, you can sign up for
the new system online and then let us know to cancel your
other giving. Why would you do that? Well, with the new
system, you will be in control, you can stop or alter your
payments, change dates, increase or reduce giving. If you
don't currently give electronically, take a look at our website and give it a try! Thank you for your gifts!
Catholic Home Mission Collection
Thank you!
Thank you for your support of last week’s Catholic
Home Mission Appeal. Your contributions will help
strengthen the Church at home and will help ensure
that the Gospel is spread across the U.S.
Dear Faithful of Holy Spirit:
Many parishes are having their First Communions during the Easter Season. Holy
Spirit is having 6 masses to celebrate First
Communions for about 200 children from our
community. The dates of these celebrations are in the bulletin.
Saturday, May 2nd and Sunday, May 3rd we are having First
Communion Masses. First Communion is one of the most important days in our lives.
I recall the day of my First Communion, my Mother invited
an old Priest from my town to be my Godfather but he was unable to attend the Mass so one of my older brothers became my
Godfather. I still remember the breakfast on that day and the
Mass in which I received Jesus for first time in my life. It was a
memorable day. I have a picture of my First Communion
dressed in black pants, white shirt and black tie, holding the
candle in my hand. Miss Gerarda de la O prepared me for First
Communion. She arrived in town because she and her Sister
flew from the Cristero War in 1927. They stayed in town and she
became catechist in Our Lady of Rosary Parish. She became a
very close friend of my mother and catechist of many children.
This weekend the word of God tells us that Barnabas introduced Paul to the Christians of Jerusalem, the disciples of Jerusalem were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple,
one who follows Jesus or goes behind Jesus. When we do not
know people we are afraid of them. To become an intercultural
parish we need to get to know and understand the person, empathizing with them, and welcome them as Barnabas did with
St. Paul. Once we are prepared to do this, we have achieved
intercultural competency.
It was Barnabas who vouched for the sincerity
of Saul's conversion before the Jerusalem community that still
feared its former persecutor (cf. Acts. 9:27 ). So it is the Spirit
himself who, through the laying on of hands and prayers of the
Apostles, consecrates and sends out new gospel missionaries,
(Acts 13:3 ). It is interesting to observe that whereas in some
passages it says that Paul appointed elders in every Church,
elsewhere it says that it is the Spirit who has made them guardians of the flock.
May God bless you all,
Fr. Juan Jose Valdes
Week Ending
Week Ending
Week Ending
Week Ending
Total Actuals
$35,932.42 $881,052.23 $927,591.64 ($46,539.41)
$22,111.22 $903,163.45 $950,976.64 ($47,813.19)
$18,066.21 $921,229.66 $974,361.64 ($53,131.98)
$17,919.83 $939,149.49 $997,746.64 ($58,597.15)
New Construction
Have you noticed the construction in the
Rose Garden? Two Boy Scouts are working
together to complete their Eagle Scout projects. John Brokaw is building a permanent stage
area and Mitchell Struewing will be putting a shelter
over it . Thank you young men for all your hard work !
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Young Adult SCC Group
Calling all Young Adults...
We had our first Young Adult SCC (Small Church
Community) meeting. The group decided that the
first session will take place on Wednesday, May
13, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the parish center. We have
a group of 12-14 currently interested , but are open
to even more members. Please feel free to come
and join as we strive to share in a faith community,
with fun and fellowship.
If you have any questions, contact Dianne
Grannan , call or text 317- 605-7940.
Food Drive for St. Vincent
De Paul
To this end, we always pray for you, that God may make
you worthy of his calling and powerfully bring to fulfillment
every good purpose and every effort of faith that the name of
our lord Jesus may be glorified in you and you in him, in accord with the grace of our god and lord Jesus
Christ. (Thessalonians CH 2, sec. 443 – 444)
May the 3rd ,10th and 17th Holy Spirit Church and School will
be collecting the following items for
St. Vincent De Paul’s food pantry.
1. Canned vegetables
7. Peanut butter
2. Canned fruit
8. Crackers
3. Pasta
9. Cereal
4. Canned meat
10. Bathroom tissue
5. Soup
11. Paper towels
6. Beans (dried &canned)
12. Facial tissue
We will also collect any other non-perishable items you
wish to donate. Baskets will be in the vestibules
Volunteers are needed for the St. Vincent de Paul Food
Pantry on Fridays of each week from 8:30am to 12noon to
assist our regular volunteers to help the poor in need of food.
The Food Pantry is located just east of Keystone Avenue on
30th Street (3001 E. 30th Street). Please enter the pantry from
the rear door entrance for volunteers only. Please help us,
help the poor.
For more information, please call Jerry Maillet at 897-5632.
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May 3, 2015
K of C Breakfast Buffet
This Sunday
Our Breakfast Buffet runs from 8:30 a.m. to Noon.
We will be having a ham carving station, julienne potatoes, French toast sticks for the kids, biscuits & gravy,
fried potatoes, pancakes & waffles (made to order), two
types of eggs, sausage, bacon, fried biscuits & apple
butter, fruit, various cold cereals, and donuts! The bar
will also be serving Bloody Marys and Mimosa drinks.
The cost is only $8 for adults, $4.00 for children 412yrs., and children 3yrs. and under are free. Come
join us at the K of C Hall, 1040 N. Post Rd.
All Are Welcome!
Fundraising Event
Pasta for Padre’s Pickup
Italian Buffet
Where: Knights of Columbus, 1040 N. Post Rd
When: May 9, 2015, 5pm-8pm
Cost: $10.00 adults, $5.00 Children under 12,
Children under 5 Free
Menu: Spaghetti, Meat sauce, Meatballs, Fettuccini
Alfredo, Italian Sausages, peppers and onions, breadsticks, Lemonade and Iced Tea. Ice Cream for dessert. Soft drinks and Bar drinks will be available at reduced prices.
Our Lady of Fatima Council Knights of Columbus
Ladies Auxiliary
Our next monthly meeting is Tuesday May 12 at 7 PM at the
Council located at 1040 N. Post Road. All ladies are welcome. If you have any questions about the Ladies Auxiliary
please contact Mary McGinley at 627-2840.
Thanks & hope to see you May 12th
BINGO every Tuesday from 9:30 am -Noon. We
have a $1,000.00 Jackpot! Come join us for the
Fun at the K of C Hall, located at 1040 N. Post Rd.
New Bible Study
On Thursday, May 14th at 12:30pm we begin
our new Bible study. It is called
"Walking toward Eternity".
As you prayerfully reflect on God's word, you will begin to hear
the subtle ways God is speaking to you, and you will be challenged to set aside those things in your life that keep you from
growing closer to Him. By putting the fruits of your study into
practice, you will be able to make real changes in your life,
changes that will make you more like the person God created
you to be. Daring to walk the walk, the first series of Walking
Toward Eternity, introduces seven key virtues and outlines
practical steps for living them out in your life.
Youth Ministry News
AYC and NCYC Info
We would like to extend an invitation
for all parishioners to join us this
Wednesday, May 6, to the Youth Ministry Volunteer Awards and Archdiocesan Youth Council (AYC) Commissioning. We are very excited that two of
our high school youth have been selected to be members of the upcoming AYC for the 201516 School Year. Our East Side and Holy Spirit Representatives are Alan Lozano and Mitchell Struewing. We will
also be sending Ben Golab off to college. Thank you for
serving our parish. The event will begin at 7:00, in the evening, at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, and we would love
to see some love and support from our parish community.
8th Grade Flower Sale
The 8th grade class will be selling beautiful lush, flowering hanging baskets after the Masses this weekend.
Mother’s Day is May 10th. This is the perfect gift for
her. Stop by and get yours before they are gone.
Checks only Please.
Just as another reminder, that the deadlines to apply for
National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) are quickly
approaching. The deadline for the Region 7 Scholarship
Application is next Friday, May 15. There is a little more
time to apply for the Archdiocesan Local Scholarship; its
application deadline is Wednesday, June 17. Applying for
financial aid will help to bring down the cost for each scholarship recipient for this year’s NCYC in November. Information regarding the scholarships will remain in
the West Vestibule and Scholarship Applications can be
found in the Parish Office and emailed upon request.
If you have any questions please contact Mary Kate
Shanahan in the Parish Office
353-9404 ext.127 Or email Mary Kate at:
[email protected]
Find us on Facebook: Holy Spirit Catholic Church
East Side or Twitter: @holyspirit_ym or Tumblr:
May Calendar
May Day
Mother’s Day
Annual Fund Dinner 6-9pm
Noon Dismissal
Memorial Day - No School
8th Grade Awards 9am
8th Grade Graduation 7pm
Pre-K & Kindergarten Last Day of School
2015-2016 School Registration
If you have a child to register for school, from 3 yrs. of
age thru Grade 7, call the office at 352-1243. Come
see us in action, school tours are available.
Summer Camp @ H.S.
What are you plans for the Summer?
Holy Spirit has begun registration for the
2015 Summer Camp program! Look for
the flyer on our website and available in
the school office. Spaces fill quickly so
begin thinking about what your child care needs are this
summer! Camp will run from June 8-Aug 7. Special
theme weeks and our fantastic Field Trip Week in July are
already planned so join the fun! If you have any questions, contact Angela Hurst @
317-352-1243 or 317-362-4312
PTO News
These are the First Communion Masses and practices during
the month of May:
May 2, 11:00 am (English)
∗ Practice on Wednesday, April 29 at 6:00 pm
May 3, 12:00 pm (bilingual)
∗ Practice on Wednesday, April 29 at 7:00 pm
May 9, 10:00 am (English)
∗ Practice on Wednesday, May 6 at 6:00 pm
May 9, 1:30 pm (Spanish)
∗ Practice on Wednesday, May 7 at, 6:00 pm
May 16, 10:00 am (Spanish)
∗ Practice on Thursday, April 14 at 6:00 pm
All the practices for the First Communion Masses will take place
in the church.
The next Meeting is May 19 @6:30
Teacher and Staff Appreciation week is May 4-8th. Theme: Help
our Students Bloom. Help is still needed this week. Contact your
room mother to help.
Annual Fund Dinner 2015
Holy Spirit Middle School presents “The Little Mermaid” on
Thursday, May 14th at 6pm. We will honor Jack Doyle,
Alum and Colts player, Bob McGrath, parishioner, Paula
Slinger, retired Music Director and Colleen Simon, parishioner who volunteers her many talents to the parish. We will
also recognize the Maas Family for their technology donation in memory of Mary Maas. A
donation is required for this event. An encore of
the show will be presented on Friday, May 15th
in Early Hall at 7pm.
Tickets will be $5 each or $20 for a family.
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May 3, 2015
Ho e and Healin Survivors of Suicide (SOS)
Monthl Su ort Grou - Ma 14 2015 2nd Thursda of Each Month
Would you like to host an international
Scecina is proud to host international stu-
dents through the FLAG (Foreign Links Around
the Globe) program each year. This year Scecina
and East Deanery families are hosting eight international students from China and Thailand. Scecina is very proud of the accomplishments of all of
the international students attending and looks forward to hosting more students next year. If you
are interested in hosting a student for the 20152016 school year or want more information about
the program, please contact Kelsey Abelein, Director of Enrollment Management, at (317) 3566377 ext. 1311 or [email protected] .
The family of Holy Rosary parishioner Nathan Trapuzzano has established “The Nathan Trapuzzano Memorial Foundation” to honor the life of the 24-year-old newlywed father-to-be who was murdered April 1, 2014, near
his home in Indianapolis, Indiana. The foundation’s
purpose is to provide financial relief and support to
children who have lost a parent.
Several events will take place the weekend of May
16th and 17th including:
5/16 The Second Annual Trapuzzano Benefit Ride –
Heavy’s Bar & Grill in Camby
5/17 NateWalk 2015 Indianapolis – Edna Balz Lacy
5/17 Dinner Reception – Tavern on South Restaurant
Visit www.thenathanfoundation.or or the foundation’s Facebook page for more information on how to register, donate, or
sponsor the foundation. Thank you for your consideration!
Reaching for Tomorrow is hosting a
day at Camp Belzer. Volunteers are
needed to work various stations. There
are over 50 activities offered to children
who are mild to severely challenged as well as atrisk youth. The camp runs from May 11th—May
15th from 8am-2:30pm daily. If you are interested
in volunteering,
Please contact Jim Shaver at 861-5199 or Peggy
Renner at 518-6728
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An ongoing support group for those who have lost a loved
one to suicide and for those who seek to understand the causes
and prevention of suicide is held on the second Thursday of
each month at 7:00 pm. Meetings are held on St. Mark Parish
Campus at 6118 Smock Street, Indianapolis IN 46227.
A children's support group, Spread Our Youthful Wings, for
ages 9 years to 17 years old is held in the same location and
same time as the Hope and Healing SOS Group. For more information, please contact Judy Proctor at (317) 851-8344 or visit
Hope & Healing SOS at
Adoration at Little Flower
"...And they recognized Him in the breaking
of the bread. " Lk. 24 : 35
The adoration chapel at Little Flower is in
need of adorers. This is a powerful way of
recharging our spiritual lives. Society places
so much pressure on us. We need time &
quiet to deal with our busy lives. There is no
better place than with Our Lord to do this. If
interested in spending time in the
chapel, please contact Bobbie Lawless @
h 317-357-3546, or c 317-727-2395.
Thank you & God bless..
Bishop Brute Days 2015
June 16-19
Bring your friends! Bishop Brute Days camp at
the seminary! You will experience “the Castle” and
have fun exploring your Catholic faith with your
friends and the seminarians. Enjoy dodge ball, campfires, great food, games and awards. You’ll have fun
learning, praying and playing!
Bishop Brute Days is an overnight retreat for
young men, ages 13-17 who are seeking to grow
closer to Christ, and who are open to the possibility
of a vocation to the priesthood.
Cost is $75.00 and registration forms are available
electronically. Go to WWW.ARCHINDY.ORG/BSB
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Holy Spirit Catholic School
is excited to announce
Mother Son Jam
Saturday, May 9th, 2015
6:00pm to 8:30pm
School Gym
It’s a night you won’t want to miss ...
come decked out in your Neon clothes and
BOYS: WEAR a plain white t-shirt to get
signed by your friends for a 2015 Glow
Party keepsake!
Cost: $10.00 in advance or $15 at the door
La Escuela Católica del
Espíritu Santo
esta emocionada de anunciar que tendremos un baile exclusivo para mamá e
Mother Son Jam
Sábado 9 de mayo, 2015
6:00pm a 8:30pm
Gimnasio de la escuela
Es una noche que no te querrás perder...
Vístete en tu ropa y accesorios fosforescente y
NIÑOS: VISTANSE de camiseta blanca para que la
firmen sus amigos y así podrán guardarla para
recordar la Fiesta Glow 2015!
Costo: $10.00 por avanzado o $15 en taquilla
Envía esta sección y el pago en un sobre marcado: Mother/Son Jam
(Cheques al nombre: Holy Spirit PTO)
Hijo(s) Nombre(s): __________________________ Maestra: ____________ Salón: ____
Nombre de Adulta: _________________________ *Relación: _____________________
Send this section and payment in envelope marked: Mother/Son Jam
(Checks Payable to: Holy Spirit PTO)
Son(s) Name(s): ____________________________ Teacher: ____________ Rm: ____
Adult Name: ___________________________ *Relationship: _____________________
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May 3, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Holy Spirit Summer Camp Registration Form
Please select the weeks you will be attending Holy Spirit Summer Camp:
__June 8-12
__June 15-19
__June 22-26
__June 29-July 3
*__July 6-10
__July 13-17
__July 20-24
__July 27-31
*Field Trip Week
__August 3-7
Camp is $140 per week per child, $255 for two children and $345 for three children per week.
Per day is $ 28 for one child, $51 for two children and $69 for three children per day.
If you are interested in only 1,2,3,or 4 days of any of the above weeks, please indicate
what days you want next to the weeks selected (example: M W F)
Registration Forms and a $ 25.00 Registration Fee are due by May 8, 2015 After May
8th the Registration Fee is $50.00. Get yours in early and save!
Child(ren) Name: _____________________ Age___
Name______________________________ Age___
Name______________________________ Age___
Parent Signature: _____________________________________Phone #__________________
Email address:________________________________________________________________
Camp Director: Angela Hurst [email protected] Office 317-352-1243 Cell 317-362-4312
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3 de Mayo del 2015
Campamento De Verano Espíritu Santo
Por Favor, seleccione la semana que asistirán al Campamento de Verano de Espíritu Santo:
__Junio 8-12
__Junio 15-19
__Junio 22-26
__Junio 29-July 3
*__Julio 6-10
__Agosto 3-7
__Julio 13-17
__Julio 20-24
__Julio 27-31
*Semana De Excursión
El Campamento es $140. por semana y por niño, $255 por dos niños y $345. por tres niños por semana.
Por día es $28.00 por un niño, $51.00 por dos niños y $69.00 por tres niños por día.
Si usted solo esta interesado por 1,2,3 0 4 días de cualquiera de los semanas anteriores, por favor indica
que día quieres junto a las semanas seleccionada (ejemplo: lunes, miércoles, viernes)
La forma de inscripción y la cuota de inscripción de $25.00 se debe entregar antes del 08 de Mayo 2015,
después del 08 de Mayo la cuota será de $50.00. ¡Inscríbase temprano y ahorre!
Nombre de Niño/a: _______________________ Edad_____
Nombre de Niño/a: _______________________ Edad_____
Nombre de Niño/a: _______________________ Edad_____
Firma: _____________________________________Teléfono #__________________
Coreo Electrónico:________________________________________________________________
Directora del Campamento: Angela Hurst [email protected] Office 317-352-1243
Cell 317-362-4312
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Pastor: Monseñor Paul Koetter
Pastor Asociado: Rev. Juan José Valdés
Secretaria de la Iglesia: Sra. Quenia Rodríguez,
Disponible: Martes a Viernes de 9 a 5 pm.
Teléfono (317)353-9404
Primer Domingo de cada mes, Bautismos,
próximos 6 de Junio.
Pláticas para Bautismos infantiles. Próxima plática
será el 29 de Mayo a las 5:00 p.m. en el sótano de
la Iglesia. Más información con Eduardo Parada o en
la oficina parroquial 353-9404.
Primer Martes de cada mes, Preparación de Quinceañeras. Próxima reunión: 5 de mayo a las 7:00pm. Segundo
piso, salón 6 con Miriam Reyes y Esmeralda. Por favor
inscríbete antes de asistir; para mas información o para
inscribirse para asistir a las platicas llame a la oficina parroquial al 353-9404.
Segundo Martes de cada mes, reunión del Ministerio
Hispano. Próxima reunión el 12 de Mayo; 7:00 PM;
comedor de la iglesia.
Tercer Martes de cada mes, Preparación de Matrimonios. Próxima reunión el 19 de Mayo a las 7:00 pm. en
el segundo piso de las oficinas centrales de la Iglesia. Entrar por la puerta # 6 con Sr. José Soriano; por favor
inscríbase antes de asistir a las platicas. Para más información o para inscribirse llame a la oficina parroquial al
Cuarto Lunes de cada mes, reunión de Matrimonios
Comprometidos (Reunión de parejas casadas por la Iglesia que quieran seguir creciendo a nivel humano y cristiano). Próxima reunión el 25 de Mayo a las 7:00pm en el
segundo piso de las oficinas centrales de la Iglesia. Más
información con Ángel M. al (954)774-8077 o Carmen
Marcano al (954)829-4002
Ultimo domingo de cada mes, misa del Grupo de Ado
lecentes. Todos los Domingos, (de 13 a 17 años) en el
sótano de la Iglesia de 12 a 1 p.m. Ensayo de Coro de
Jóvenes Kudai, todos los viernes 7:00 p.m. Más informes:
Miriam Reyes al (317) 748-8913
Para la celebración de cualquier Sacramento se
requiere que se inscriba 6 meses antes en la Oficina
con Quenia Rodríguez al 353-9404 (oras de oficina:
martes a viernes).
Las misas de primeras comuniones en ing. son las siguientes:
2 de Mayo, 11:00 am (ingles)
∗ Practica el miércoles 29 de abril, 6:00 pm
9 de mayo, 10:00 am (ingles)
∗ Practica el miércoles, 6 de mayo, 6 pm
Carta del Pastor Asociado
Queridos amigos de la Iglesia
Espíritu Santo,
En nuestras familias, la comida del domingo tiene una
importancia especial. Se tiene tiempo. Se vuelve uno a
encontrar en familia. No solo es cuestión de alimentarse,
sino de vivir juntos. El domingo es el día de la familia,
porque es el día del amor. Un día, también, para descansar.
La comida del domingo no deber ser una manifestación
pagana. Ella esta en la línea de la Misa. El banquete de la
tierra es una imagen y prolongación terrestre del festín de
la Eucaristía. No se trata de transformar nuestras comidas
del domingo en algo aparatoso, sino en aceptar el sentido
cristiano de este momento, conviviendo sanamente con
nuestros familiares y amigos.
Esta consideración de fe nos pone delante de los siguiente: ¿Hemos pensado en los que están solos (solteros,
viudos, ancianos, enfermos, huérfanos)? No deberíamos
hacer algo para que ellos también pudieran compartir con
alguien –con nosotros, si es posible—la mesa de los domingos?
Pero también, quien piensa en la sobrecarga de trabajo
que para muchas madres de familia implica la comida del
domingo? No deberíamos colaborar todos con ella, ya sea
lavando los platos y las cacerolas, arreglando la mesa,
picando verdura?
Y si antes que nada damos gracias a Dios por los alimentos que nos da, podremos vivir nuestro domingo
más a lo cristiano.
¡Dios los bendiga!
Rev. Juan José Valdez
Las misas de primeras comuniones de mayo son las siguientes:
3 de mayo, 12:00 pm (bilingüe)
∗ Practica el miércoles, 29 de abril, 7:00 pm
9 de mayo, 1:30 pm (español)
∗ Practica el jueves, 7 de mayo, 6 pm
16 de mayo, 10:00 am (español)
∗ Practica el jueves, 14 de abril, 6 pm
Todas las practicas para las misas de primera
comunión se llevaran acabo en la iglesia.
View this bulletin online at
Señor Jesucristo, que para redimir a
los hombres y sanar a los enfermos
quisiste asumir nuestra condición
humana, mira con piedad a todos
los que están enfermos y necesitan
ser curados en el cuerpo e en el
Reconfórtalos con tu poder para que
levanten su animo y puedan superar
todos sus males; y, ya que has querido asociarlo a tu Pasión
redentora, haz que confine en la eficacia del dolor para la
salvación del mundo.
3 de Mayo del 2015
Muchas gracias por su generoso apoyo al Llamado
para las Misiones Católicas de la semana pasada.
Sus donaciones ayudarán a
fortalecer la Iglesia en casa
y asegurarán que el
Evangelio se propague en
todo Estados Unidos. Para
informarse más acerca de los
fondos otorgados por las
misiones católicas y a
quiénes ayuda este llamado, por favor, visiten y busquen “Catholic Home Missions.”
Tu que vives y reinas por los siglos de los siglos. Amén
***Por favor oren por los enfermos y difuntos
de nuestra comunidad:
Feliz Valdez(+)
Rosina Valdez (+)
Lucia Luna (+)
Catarino Luna (+)
Tranquilina Cuatlayo (+)
Concepción Salgado (+)
Patricio Salgado (+)
Salvador bustos (+)
José de Jesús Cervantes(+)
Salvador Aguilar (+)
Cristo Cervantes (+)
Catalina Arias (+)
Aurelia Torres (+)
Armando Rodríguez (+)
Ángeles Evangelista (E)
Cling Henderson (E)
Gilberto Ramírez (E)
Juan M. Romero (E)
Crisóforo León (E)
Pedro Valdez
Si les gustaría ver aquí el
nombre de alguien que
esta enfermo o de alguien que acaba de fallecer por favor
comuníquense a la oficina o envíenle el nombre a: María
¿Te gustaría ayudar para el viaje
Misionero a Honduras en junio?
Este es un modo de hacer la diferencia para
la gente de Texiguat, Honduras. Llevaremos
varias cosas, pero especialmente
necesitamos tu ayuda con lo siguiente:
cepillos y pasta dentales, vitaminas (niños y adultos) y
Tráelos a la iglesia y colócalos en las cajas azules en los
vestíbulos junto con los anteojos que desee donar. Por
favor, trae todo antes del 1° de junio.
También estamos juntando dinero para la troca
del Padre Juan Pablo, si quieres donar puedes
pone el dinero en un sobre marcado: troca del
padre en la canasta de colecta, dar el dinero
en la oficina o dárselo al padre.
¡Gracias por tu continua generosidad!
View this bulletin online at
Feligreses Necesitados
Estamos buscando dueños
de casa que requieran ayuda
para reparar, pintar, mantenimiento del jardín, etc.
Vincentian Marion Youth
(VMY) un grupo de 100 estudiantes de preparatoria, universitarios y adultos estarán visitando Indianápolis como parte de un viaje misionero en
junio para trabajar ayudando a personas pobres y necesitadas en nuestra comunidad, tal como: ancianos, personas
deshabilitadas, o desempleadas. El grupo VMY esta trabajando con el padre Paul y nuestra parroquia para identificar
dueños de su hogar necesitados.
Si tu o alguien a quien tu conoces seria un buen candidato, por favor ponte en contacto con:
Larry Halbig at 696-9923.
Hemos cambiado el día de reunión del grupo de oración, este ya no se llevara acabo
los miércoles sino los viernes.
Acompáñanos tendremos alabanza, oración y enseñanzas. Nos reunimos todos los viernes a las
7:00 pm en la capilla del Espíritu
Santo. Para mas info. Comunícate
con: Doña Lety al 317-2054686
Las intenciones para la misa se deben registrar
la semana anterior en la oficina con Quenia, o a
más tardar de 1:00 a 1:25 en el vestíbulo de la
derecha, junto a la guardería. Les pedimos una
donación de $5.
Parish website: www.hol spirit-indy.or
Parish e-mail: parishoffice@hol
Ministry Coordinator: Fr. Juan José Valdés
353-9404, [email protected]
Eucharist: Pedro Herrera
431-6338, [email protected]
Readers: Juan Perez
414-4972, [email protected]
Entertainment: Sandra Guarneros Group No. 1
332-9353 [email protected]
Fidelina Duarte Group No. 2 513-1076
Monaguillos: Eloisa Perez 890-8420
Parish Choir: Orlando Hinojosa
506-7291 [email protected]
Chorus or Youth and Children: Miriam Reyes
748-8913, [email protected]
Art and Environment: Rosalva Martinez
381-1567, [email protected]
Test of Ceremonies: Rocio Mejia
513-0925, [email protected]
Youth Ministry, Family Pastoral, Teens and Confirmation:
Mary Kate Shanahan
353-9404 Ext. 125, [email protected]
431-6338, [email protected]
Christ Renews His Parish-WOMEN:
Florencia Gonzalez 490-7229
Christ Renews His Parish-MEN:
José Manuel García 515-9585
Catechism and Special Bautizos: (children over 6 yrs.)
Laura Gascon 945-0289, [email protected]
Adult Education: Maria Ibarra and Cecilia García
612-1248, 438-6545, [email protected]
RICA: Gladys Tarter
357-6915 [email protected]
Baptism Preparation: Eduardo Parada (children under 6 years)
357-5701, [email protected]
Preparation Quinceañeras: Miriam Reyes
748-8913, [email protected]
Pre-Marriage Talks: José Soriano 478-2126
Marriages Committed: Angel & Carmen Marcano
(954) 774-8077, (954) 829-4002 [email protected]
Group productions: Edgar Felix 712-0003
Knights of Columbus: José Alberto Ruiz
937-4862, [email protected]
Prayer Group: Dulce Lammers (Wed. 6 pm)
862-4474, [email protected]
Prayer Group New Fire: Mrs. Lety (Fri. 7pm)
Popular Reli ion
Pilgrim Virgin: Sergio Vargas
625-7547 [email protected]
Devotion of Guadalupe: Claudia Gomez
435-7650, [email protected]
Bulletin in Spanish: Maria Alejandrina Caldera
992-7264, [email protected]
Parish Secretary: Quenia Rodríguez
Recaudación de Fondos para la Troca del
Padre Juan Pablo
Knights of Columbus tendrá una deliciosa cena de
Italiana para recaudar fondos para la camioneta del
Padre Juan Pablo en nuestra iglesia hermana de
Por favor acompáñanos el 9
de Mayo en el salón de
Nuestra Sra. de Fátima
ubicado en
1040 N. Post Road.
Tendremos un bufet de pastas
y comidas italianas.
El costo será $10 por adulto,
$5.00 por niñ os menores de
12 añ os, y gratis para menores de 5 años.
Colecta de Alimento para
ST. Vicente De Paul
Estaremos juntando las siguientes comidas los días
3, 10, y 17 de mayo en la Iglesia y en la escuela del Espíritu
Santo para donar a San Vicente De Paul.
1. Verduras enlatadas
2. Fruta enlatada
3. Pasta
4. Carne enlatada
5. Sopas
6. Frijol (enlatado y seco)
7. Mantequilla de maní
8. galletas
9. cereal
10. papel higiénico
11. servilletas
12. pañuelos desechable.
También tomaremos otros
artículos que no se echen a perder
que Uds. deseen donar. Las
canastas de colecta estarán en los
El Club de Viajes hará un viaje de día
a Santa María de los Bosques (Saint Mary
-of-the-Woods) el 13 de mayo, 2015.
Saldremos a las 8:00 am y
regresaremos a las 6:00 pm.
Estaciónate en Gold’s Gym ubicado en la
esquina de Washington y Shortridge. Este
viaje incluirá apetitivos de ida y de regreso
al igual que el almuerzo en la cafetería ubicada en nuestro
destino. El costo total es de $50 dólares por persona.
Llámale a Rose al 356-4412 y déjale un mensaje con tu
nombre y numero de teléfono si es que tienes preguntas o
desease apuntarte para ir en este viaje.
View this bulletin online at
Estamos buscando jovenes
adultos para formar un grupo
de Small Church Community (SCC). Invitamos a todos
los jóvenes adultos entre las
edades de 18 a 30, solteros
y casados.
Tendremos una junta
informativa el domingo, 26
de abril a las 6:00 pm en el
centro parroquial. Por favor
acomú nanos si estas interesado en juntarte con otros jóvenes adultos para celebrar tu fe
y convivir. Para mas información ponte en contacto con: Dianne Grannan al: 317-605-7940 (llama o envía un mensaje
de texto).
Los campamentos de verano en
Cathedral High School están abiertos para registraciones, visita la
pagina: Estos
campamentos comenzaran del 8 de
junio hasta el 31 de Julio e incluirán medio día, solo un día, y
combinaciones de días. Tendrán guardería de niños antes y
después de las horas de campamento. Las familias podrán escoger cual campamento desean ya que ofrecen mas de 35 deportes y casi 60 campamentos de enriquecimiento. ¡Los campamentos son específicos para las edades desde kínder hasta 12
grado! ¡Has nuevos amigos y nuevos recursos! Pero rápido ya
que los espacios son limitados. Para mas información visita
nuestra pagina:
Espacios Per-Escolares: Tenemos espacio para niños de 2.5 a 3 años, tiempo
completo de 7:00 am a 5:30 pm, lunes a
viernes. Para mas información por favor
contacta a: Emily Clouse at: LittleRamsies@
Registraciones escolares 2015-16: Si
tiene un hijo/a entre 3 años y 7° grado llame a la oficina de la escuela para recibir más información
acerca de como puede registrarlo para asistir a la escuela
parroquial. Tenemos quien hable español y le de un recorrido
por la escuela. Para mas información llámanos al: 3521243.
Campamento de verano: Cuales son tus planes este verano?
El Espíritu Santo ya comenzó a registrar niños para el programa de verano. Busca nuestro boletín en la pagina de red o en
la oficina de la escuela. Espacio es limitado, así que registra
tus hijos hoy! El campamento será del 8 de junio al 7 de agosto. Tendremos excursiones y muchas actividades divertidas.
Para más información llámale a: Angela Hurst al
317-352-1243 o 317-362-4312
View this bulletin online at
3 de Mayo del 2015
Nos gustaría dar una invitación a
todos en nuestra comunidad
parroquial para venir este
miércoles, el 6 de mayo, a la
Pastoral Juvenil Premios a los
Voluntarios y Puesta en Servicio del Consejo de la Juventud
(AYC). Estamos muy emocionado porque nosotros tenemos
dos jóvenes que van a representar nuestra parroquia y el
lado oriental en el consejo por el año escolar de 201516. Nuestros representantes son Alan Lozano y Mitchell
Struewing. El evento empezará a las 7:00 a la Catedral de
Santos Pedro a Paú l. Estaría muy bien para ver mucho
soporta a amor de Espíritu Santo allá.
Como otro recordatorio, no hay mucho más tiempo para
aplicar por las becas de NCYC. La Aplicación de Región 7
es debida el próximo viernes, el 15 de mayo. Hay un poco
más tiempo por la otra beca de la Archidiócesis. La beca
local es debida el 17 de junio, un miércoles. Aplicando por
ayuda financiera es importante si no quiere pagar todo el
precio por la conferencia y si lo necesita. Hay más
información en el vestíbulo oeste y se pueden encontrar
aplicaciones en la oficina parroquial o se pueden ser
enviados a petición.
Lista de Deseos
Esta es una pequeña lista de algunas de las cosas que
necesitamos en nuestro salón.
Marcadores (Sharpies)
Imperecederas Refracciones
2-litros de Sodas
Pañuelos Desechables
Carteles Blancos
Carpetas con 2 Bolsillas
Botellas de Agua
Papel de Copia de Color
Etiquetas Colgando de Cuello
Juegos (Nuevo o Usado)
Para mas información llámale a la ministra de juventud:
Mary Kate Shanahan 317-3539404 ext. 127
[email protected]
Encuéntranos en la red:
Facebook: Holy Spirit Catholic Church East Side
Twitter: @holyspirit-ym
Tumblr: holyspiritindyym
i te has cambiado de domicilio o teléfono, por favor
llama a la oficina al 353-9404 y danos tu nueva dirección y teléfono para enviarte los sobres e información de actividades a tu nueva dirección.
También le recordamos que debe aprenderse
su numero de sobre para servirle mejor con
cualquier necesidad.
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