read current newsletter - Piedmont Adult Living Services

Spring 2015
Piedmont Adult Living Services, Inc.
Director’s Corner
Spring time is a time of new birth,
longer daylight hours, trees budding,
flowers blooming, parents pushing babies in their strollers. The streets are
filled with bicycles, buses, joggers, and
endless cars. Laughter in the air and
bright smiles everywhere.
Now is a perfect opportunity to gather
resources for donor reports, fundraising appeals, and newsletter articles.
Whether our nonprofit is changing
lives locally or bringing the attention to
the needs of seniors and adults with
disabilities internationally, well-told
stories can convert skeptical prospects
into generous donors who are eager to
fund new or improved projects.
Most people who work for a nonprofit
organization have a sense of calling
about its vision or mission statement.
They are passionate about making a
difference, being part of a solution,
and saving lonely insolated lives one
person at a time.
The need is so obvious to us that we
forget that it’s not that real to other
people, people with other priorities.
They don’t realize how important it is
to tell the story over and over again in
order to re-inspire our current followers and attract new donors and volunteers (see testimony in next column).
Thanks for helping to tell the story.
Bettye Mills
Executive Director
Invitamos a todos los ancianos y personas de tercera edad de la comunidad Latino - ispana a participar de los programas y cuidados que PALS
puede ofrecerles de Lunes a Viernes de 7 a.m. a 6 p.m. Como equipo nos
hemos dado cuenta que la comunidad Hispana ha sido un regalo maravilloso para nuestra institución. Invitamos a que vengan y conozcan las actividades físicas, de recreación, oración-Nuestros ancianos no son vegetales, son personas con dignidad y respeto. Con la clase de estímulos y
mucho más su pariente puede responder mejor en su casa.
Testimony from a Loving
“PALS is a very nice place for my
wife to spend her time. Christmas and other holiday decorations create a good cheery atmosphere. Everyone is wonderful and cheerful even through
hectic times. The staff take care
of my wife when she’s anxious.
Thank you for patience, encouragement, empathy and care. This
is a very trying and scary time for
both my wife and me. The diagnosis of dementia is crippling to
all family members and friends.
Caregivers are especially affected, because they often feel
alone and isolated. My wife was
hospitalized in an emergency.
The staff members’ quick actions
and notification were great.
Most importantly, they had empathy for me (the loving husband
and caregiver). I can’t tell you
how much better the staff made
the situation. I didn’t feel alone
when I was scared. God bless all
of you!”
En nuestra institución les ayudamos a que usted quede tranquilo durante el dia mientras
usted se ocupa de sus actividades
diarias, además de tener una atención de ayuda para su salud. Es una
gran oportunidad para que el anciano no se aburra en una casa
solo, triste e inactive. Nosotros
tenemos como consigna ”la compasión como la mejor medicina.”
El mismo hecho de compartir con
otros ya es una ganancia para la
familia y el anciano; ya que parte
de la misión de PALS es la interelación entre los participantes.
Si quieres lo mejor para tu abuelo
o tu familiar PALS es el lugar de
confianza y reputación. Ven y
visítanos para mostrate el lugar.
Llama al 704-370-0093 para más
información. Hablamos Español
pregunta por Cruz Bernard o Nondier Zuleta.
Inside this issue
Director’s Corner
Nurse’s Corner
What Participants Do
Welcome to Noma Diggs
2, 3
The Nurse’s Corner
5 Easy Steps to Help Caregivers Spring into
For caregivers, self-care is one of the first things to get
Especially when coffee and stimulants, like sugar and processed wheat, are so abundant. You can get an amazing amount
done, despite being exhausted.
Don’t be fooled. If you’re skipping meals and running on
empty, you’ll soon be the one needing care. Take the time and
consideration to make your health your #1 priority. After all,
what good are you to the one you’re caring for if you’re
not well?
Of course, there’s a catch—you have to find the time. But,
don’t worry! These five simple strategies will help you drop
the all-or-nothing approach and find some much needed, nourishing, you-time—without taking more of your time.
1) Eat Breakfast
Don’t forget, it’s the most important meal of the day! Skipping
breakfast, or any meal for that matter, is a setup for energy
crashes, persistent cravings, and weight gain.
2) Eat Protein in Each Meal
Animal or vegetarian, I don’t care. Figure out what makes you
feel good and stock up. Remember, “feeling good” after meals
means you have energy (it’s not naptime).
3) Drink Water
Drinking water at least three times throughout the day, away
from food, keeps you hydrated and happy. It also prevents you
from having to wake up in the middle of the night to urinate.
4) Have a Bowel Movement Every Day (at least one)
This step isn’t always easy, but it’s good to be aware. Ask yourself the questions—“Did I?” or “Didn’t I?” and “What did it look
like?”—to help you determine whether you need to eat differently or take better care of yourself. If you’re not having daily
BMs, contact a health care practitioner.
5) Eat Three Meals A Day
Not five, not six, not one—but three. It’s the magic number for
balancing your metabolism and blood sugar. Three meals a day
cuts your snacking down so you consume more nutrient-dense
What Participants Do
They get a move on! They move from
wheelchair and sitting. They walk in
the gym during morning exercise.
What Participants Do
They take field trips—spring outing to the Aviation Museum.
They make a quilt from “This ’n That”—The Humility Quilt.
Welcome to Noma Diggs
Assistant and
I worked for NC
Mentor as a behavioral health office
coordinator for
more than three
years. I moved to
North Carolina in 2008 from Jacksonville, FL, there I spent five years in the
Social Service Department at Baptist
Medical Center. Thanks to my military
family background , I have traveled to
numerous states and have worked in
different offices to develop many clerical and administrative skills.
In me, you’ll discover a reliable, detailoriented, and extremely hard-working
associate who has a passion for people
of all age. I enjoy what I do.
Happy April Birthdays
Thomas Stinson — April 15
Kevin Bryant — April 20
Mary Stroud — April 26
Happy May Birthdays
Evelyn Alexander — May 9
Elvia Crenshaw — May 13
James Wallace — May 15
Kathleen Horne — May 16
Taylor Adkins — May 9
Sylvester Harris — May 22
Maria Soto — May 27
Nondier Zuleta — May 27
Happy June Birthdays
Valerie Walker — June 6
Maria Meza — June 22
Hertzell Lopez — June 30
7:00 AM — 6:00 PM
Piedmont Adult Living Services, Inc. “PALS for Life”
Piedmont Adult Living Services, Inc.
1201 South Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28203-4207