CONTENTS 117 Osaka Journal of Clinical Acupuncture & Moxibustion Vol.31 No.1(2015. Spr.) 通巻第 117 号 口絵 『鍼刺秘方口伝書』 『新刺秘伝針書』の出現(上)─流儀書が示唆する匹地流(全105穴系)の成立史─/長野 仁 1 解説 匹地流の成立史からみた吉田流16世紀説への異論(上)─琢周流・匹地流・吉田流の関係性について③─/長野 仁 133 特 集 刺絡2 ―次世代へ向けて― Ⅰ.座談会 -Ⅰ 刺絡の未来に向けて/宮川 浩也,大貫 進,小川 治彦,菅原 正秋,山見 宝,藤川 直孝 座談会 -Ⅱ 教育の現場から ―刺絡はどう教育されているか /野々井 康治,奥田 一道,尾河 由清,鍋田 智之,清水 尚道 7 85 Ⅱ.ア・ラ・カルト 刺絡の作用機序に関する一考察:椎骨静脈叢鬱血改善作用説/上馬塲 和夫 刺絡術における医療安全と治療効果 ―愛媛県立中央病院鍼灸治療室での実際―/大塚 素子 刺絡の治療法としての意義/石原 克己 刺絡の臨床からの提言/佐藤 鉄平 刺絡指南∼刺絡が怖いあなたへ !! /谷岡 賢德 刺絡の素晴らしさ ―漢方と鍼灸の併用から/平地 治美 ある患者に皮膚刺絡を施行し,お叱りを受けた1症例/河内 明 はり師,きゅう師が用いることのできる道具と鍼灸師のあり方/坂部 昌明 鍼灸領域に必要な感染対策/菅原 正秋 29 35 43 51 57 63 69 73 79 特集寄稿 刺絡の法的位置づけ ∼刺絡と瀉血の関係,今後の刺絡について∼/新田 紀仁 中国における刺絡(刺血/放血)療法 ―近年の動向/谷田 伸治 韓国における刺絡 ∼現状と臨床例∼/曺 基湖,権 承遠 刺絡専門医家・三輪東朔と工藤訓正 ―刺絡の歴史的背景と現代刺絡療法 ―/友部 和弘 95 102 106 111 インタビュー 117 陰陽太極鍼と刺絡治療/吉川 正子 リポート 121 121 代田文彦先生十三回忌法要/山田勝弘 合水堂碑除幕 寄 稿 123 128 鍼灸師の質は向上したか ―養成教育の視点から―/藤井 亮輔 化学療法中に発現した吃逆に対する鍼治療の1症例/橋本 実瑞貴 連 載 84 139 ブレイクタイム 42 大阪女と河野多惠子/尾川 裕子 身近に!漢方 13 牡丹/大里 真奈美 表紙作品:Manifold_Element 2011 撮影:表 恒匡| SANDWICH Vol.31 No.1(2015. Spr.) (5) 5 Osaka Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion Shinkyu Osaka Vol.31-1(2015 Spring)No.117 CONTENTS Frontispiece Shinshi-Hihou-Kudensyo and Shinshi-Hiden-Harisyo newly found - Part I Traditional books revealing the development history of Hikichi family style (all 105 point system) / NAGANO Hitoshi 1 Explanation of the frontispiece Challenge to Yoshida style s sixteenth- century theory in terms of the development history of Hikichi style 133 -Relationships among Takushu, Hikichi and Yoshida styles- 3 / NAGANO Hitoshi Special Feature Shiraku-2 For the Next Generation Ⅰ Round-table Discussion-1 For the future of pricking bloodletting therapy / MIYAKAWA Koya, ONUKI Susumu, OGAWA Haruhiko, SUGAWARA Masaaki, YAMAMI Takara, FUJIKAWA Naotaka 7 Round-table Discussion-2 A report from educational sites ‒ How are pricking bloodletting therapists educated ? / NONOI Yasuji, OKUDA Kazumichi, OKAWA Yoshikiyo, NABETA Tomoyuki, SHIMIZU Naomichi 85 Ⅱ A-la-carte Proposal of a theory for the action mechanism of Shiraku to improve vertebral venous congestion / UEBABA Kazuo Medical safety and treatment effects of pricking bloodletting therapy / OTSUKA Motoko Significance of pricking bloodletting therapy as a treatment procedure / ISHIHARA Katsumi My suggestions on shiraku from clinical perspective / SATO Teppei A guide for pricking bloodletting: How to get over your fear of pricking bloodletting! / TANIOKA Masanori Wonder of pricking bloodletting: combined with acupuncture/moxibustion and Kampo / HIRAJI Harumi Case of getting a severe dressing-down from a patient for providing dermal scarification / KAWACHI Akira Instruments and devices permitted to use in a therapeutic treatment of acupuncture/moxibustion and the future role of the acupuncture practitioners / SAKABE Masaaki Infection control measures needed in acupuncture/moxibustion / SUGAWARA Masaaki 29 35 43 51 57 63 69 73 79 Contributed report Legal situation of pricking bloodletting: How pricking bloodletting is related to phlebotomy 95 and what its future is going to be / NITTA Norihito Recent trends of collateral vessel pricking therapy: prick blood/ 102 exsanguination in China / TANITA Nobuharu Pricking bloodletting in Korea, current status and clinical cases / CHO Kiho, Kwon Seung Won 106 Tosaku Miwa and Kunimasa Kudo, pricking bloodletting specialists ‒ the historical background 111 and contemporary therapy of pricking bloodletting / TOMOBE Kazuhiro Interview Taiji Yin Yang acupuncture and pricking bloodletting therapy / YOSHIKAWA Masako 117 Report The 13th memorial service for Mr. Fumihiko Shirota took place / YAMADA Katsuhiro Gassuido monument unveiling 121 121 Contributed report Has the quality of practitioners of acupuncture/moxibustion really improved? ‒ Viewed from the perspective of training and education / FUJII Ryosuke A case of acupuncture therapy for hiccup which appeared during the course of chemotherapy / HASHIMOTO Mizuki 123 128 Serialized Subjects A Short Break 42: Osaka Women s University and Taeko Kono / OGAWA Yuko Medicinal herbs near at hand ー 13: Peony / OSATO Manami 6 (6) Vol.31 No.1(2015. Spr.) 84 139
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