い ゞ r,; ° Nol■ ●atiOn Tぃ 。 ,2014 繊響磁 籐 ぽ iX鱚 “ 置scWttF‖ :哺淵 懇 驚 霊 1/50/Flr(5)12013:I ' "t1 I ? ..':l"Ii :ITT墨 C滞 :111■ ぃ中 I(Iml■ 「 'I}Februa∼ 11語 ヽ 鮒 :Ⅲ 簡 ど :F]l蜀ピ雌i聴 蝠蕊認:l量 [瀾 T .I,ilo .,I、 ッロ,Cent(a16oVern :Υ i ploased to malrc tho, 眈 朦 縄 ∬ 紺 :1熙 露 l蟄 辞 麟 ¨ ξ や ∵ 』 捕酬港 ・ヽ :ξ doy・ │● 『 、 of, and for SWPry "nu,fu'nr,n,s lhl● rc nnmelv:‐ namely:- 柵 調畷 帯どi邸ぱ 犠謂 蝋 聖l謂 ROい 111:ま n搬 `:ぶ :lぶ `lne:“ lu,19'FPI主 tth“ ф 山。 。 !1畷置 1選援 mlW攣 Ⅲ 卜 rg ln『 習 0い :醜 晟 蛛 脚 鵬 ヅ 酔 ‖ メ品 ° ," 9"aTIil39;"un" f tlle state Lovd sub'section (1) of the canteF e'tablisho+ufder secilon 71 of the Act : constituted "olcllx:l Level Committpe' m'anE thc'gommittea ,f,\ i Oans,", ChlⅢ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︲ ︱ ︱ ll::」 ao AulhO● (ぃ -ruul.+ffiij'".mr*m"i t,r,ilil'"",.,,j (:" :::.,:',: i"iii iil'it tt"-1, l;5*dl3 Lever "" g "meang israta l.evel Commlttee' 0) of rures3ddffe commrtree lU?i"", "ro.rur. oxpreosion6 "i.'ii,"","J,"a"i (2) Tha wo{ds and ou, no, Act 6s asllgnqd to lh€m in ths rr,rfirJri,'st'alt trave ttre same meqnlng' ‐ 1:器 l:鵠 詰 :きlぶ 奥:∬ 誂驚圏 、 ま 、han be cOnsututed I 0‐ 画 ど 鵠翼T器留 猟 1鴻 裾 Sub・ rule (1)i'tshatl conslst of the Chairman ir,tember Melnber Menlbor ヽ “ ′ ︲ ¨ ︵ ¨ ¨ ︶ ︶ e Mirnsu'y ot llenlth a|d Fantily W€lfare. Oopa nrent ot l-leillh and Fantity Wetfare, Oovenrment ot lndta. on lh6 quaderly basis lor lhe purpose of irrfo.mation and cor,lpilation Stste and Natgnatdata. 9f - ;,rl,rrssro[ Adnnssion to the Contre shcfl be ntpdc o!)ly urith r,,'.rflaed/c,:rsent ol the p6l,enl. alter discuq;irng rlsti berrKftt's inJ .iilcrnarr'vo.: lo tha tr€ltllenl. lo De recordod r[ wntrng. A copy of the Corseni i1,nr shsll be provided lo the palientl IIle tationL shirll have io,er so and cilscofjnu€ troatrtlont al aIy time. llre fighl Anil Kumar. IAS Secretory llealth. Chandigarh Admiorstratioo. r,, r:,r llo 1/50/Flt(5)/2013/, O6l6d. ihe Prirrting and Stationery ,:irtrnent. U.'l' Chandtgal'h with ths roquesl lhat the above notification may .1.r,:rrn lre pnblished i,r Chandigart Administratiorr Gazelle and send 20 copios .,"..aui ior oflicial A copy is foMard€d to the Cohtrolter, 'i use / Suberintendenr FlUFi66lth Foa 6ocretary lleallh Chandlgarh Admlnistration. 、: ‖o l′ 507F"(5ツ 2010′ ' /\ )i!\ lhe copy rs lonvadeC to Date.r, the lL-ei-,l\ following fo, infoflr:allon and i- isary aoiton: secretary IechnicEl EdiJcation, chandigafi Adminlstrattorr, . Secretary f:dLrcation, ChandigarhAdmlniskatlon; :' ' O'rFllly Conrnnsslonor, Chafiiiga.h . 'l)rlclor Medical Education and Research, Chandlgarlr Ad,ninrstalioni i l--i.clor Hioher Educqtion, U T Chandigarh; :,Eirecl.r Socral lvelfaro, U T. Chandigarh; ' C.isclor Technical Edo;ation, U.T. Chandgarh; a i)iri-.ctor Health snd FarnllyWelfare, U.T Chandigarlr, .l ic!:rclary, U t. Chandjgarh Chlld W6lfar6 Councll, Chandrgarh. r Srcrelary, U.T.Red Cross Society, Chandigarh. .-: ll.:,J oI the Depaflrient of PsychElry. Governmenl Medifil Collego & ll,jsudal. 'l cha diuorh i)rircipal Medical Officer. l-J.T. Chandigarh For Secreta.] I lealth clyllgorrr Ad','iristrallon. "/ 7 ⑬ Sxbslance Use Disorder pBtients to be provided at thb CtJnlre within lhree montlls !-/ Two SafaiKaramcha s:'/ One t;ook.curn Helpor oI rco.rlirI drrangement lor fri.sh n lritious foo<, frorn oulstde / (V) (V) and -' Pear i:ducator (Oplion8l) r 'lhre€ s,rcuily goards / Chowkidals (V') (Vl) S l.,starrcc Uss Disordor c.'rrioting l2l For a .'- ana Rchabilltellon Contro :/ (No palienuclient shall b6 rdrttitterl to R€habildaiion Cgntro lill h6 has undergone detoxificalion fiom a recognized Centre. Thls lact should be oo rocord with evideDc€ ),,' (i) One Proiocl Diroclor/ Progr6rnme Ofiice| (ii) ThIee Social Workerc,/ Counselors with basic q(ralification of M.Phil. or M.A. ir Psyohology or Soi,ology or Social Work prcferBbly $,.th training in SuLstanco Depende4ca l'eatrrienl frorli a recogriizea rtr$liluiion i'l Three Ward Allendanls with basic rlualilicataon of 10+2 eramination flom a recognzed Boald o!' instrtution, as lhe caso may bo. wilh Oienlation to handlo substance {iii) dspond€nts to be provided at lhe Ceotre v,/ithin lhree monlhs. (iv)Two socurily guards/ Chowkklars (vi)Two safar karamchatis i and i Cook-cum-Helpor (Oplronal) or .egulsr arangemenls for fiesh ntitritiorrs focd from oulside- (v;i) Ono D. EUPPORT SERVICES: Each Cenlre shall provide the fol,owing supporl , り n , v ∞ 響ヂ電 稲 躍 低 ・ 翻i良響憮輛 s織 lv) :8最 1虎 :│。 n hdlに s and ou● r Adequalo kaospon locililies lol palEnts lor lhe puQose ol linkage aclivities and Enrcrgency Medbal Care. " E. RECORD MAIN'|.ENANCE AND OISSEMINATION: (r) ' lt shall be fiandalory lor all lhu C,lrtos to maintain j:il tl':o palienls r' Fe;sonsland tteah;nt recol'l ol (il) 'l'hcsc recoldr shall bc corrli:l'rrllJl 8nd avlriltlbls ofllv lo tho at,thorrlod p4''"'"' "n rj{lrre6l dl wilh the drs;r"l,.n ol Olficcr_rn'd:..li, r': ('i lfur Cer]l,Fr. , i) All tl'd (lala on i'i.livitles ol !rr' 1:' j " ' lo l),nlr Abr,se l,l,n,il,rr q .lslint (DAMS) Pcd.-nm , develcp.l l)y lll,'i ;overnrnent ol lndh's :ilrdll be senl rr'.1 Iir,r.l/ lrysft.rc. lo lh€ r. r.rrnilY VV'rt n'+ iJ T. c"ln4:gzrh ln: rillt Dri.tror tl,non [1.,,:,lv ol li.,allh む ` 認綿譜儡 島 絆 £昴『1絶 Ψ 鵠 1昴 "‖ に ぬ amm¨ ∞ぉ ・lt¨ bttce紗 ¨ s tt be 「 “ "″ "“ “ C STAFF REoり !REMEN7: (1) Ptterli証 ‐ `│● ● ヽじ■ ● ゴ I→ リ 「 'Oi f:ィ () tl) (1′ ) ,:ノ 蝠 儡 │¬Nlttlぃ 売I (中 品 =当空=理型里璽二て ― ― ― 輌 ‐ ― ― 1- °い 州 1器 ‖・ Юu,DOc叫 Hmm md じ 瀧」 1濡 ℃Wi鵠 」 ll■ ::結 (2),, ° 湘 b・ liЮ ramly vverarO.t,T COn31tuで d a Oistrict the Commrltee cons uted under s(,b-rute (t) ehal constst namely.- , toitovvl)g ('- - t'1e ′ 冊 罫 朧・ ´ 炒鋼‖ ‖ i帯 p熙 鼎 セ 鮮 肥 ↓ │)Ocレ uty conn,IssIOner。「 hisぃ 。nlinee (l)。 11,elo″ the rank。 l Add tlonal ,知 Iも Chahm6,l [remberSocr6tary Momboa ]軋 ./(iv)_SooiorMedtcalOuicer/ModicatOfficor_ (Psychi3tfl c) GMSlUt6.Cl€ndlgartr ... ,,(v)DrstrictSociatWerarefficer.li.T_,Chandigarh. represenlaltve ol the Non.. .,(vi)One uovehmenl Organizalion (to b6 nomtnatod Momber M6mber Membea by lhe Chairman of Ihe commlltos aE per recomm€ndat;ons ol the principal Medrcal Officer Eur)ctions ol tho Dist ict Lcvol Comrnittaa,- TIle fLrncliong of lhe i)rslri:t Level Commluee sha be to.. (iL pe odica y monitDr, . , (t, ) (' . supgrviso and eyatuale the funDlioninq o, rne Lenrrcs m lhe di6triclin accordqncB with lho condition; ot rne ncense and g.tidelincs framed by gtat6 t_gvel Commitbe or Liceisng Authority fro,n time to ensrrrc thal evcry contro has a vahd ljc9nse an(l ; lnalnlaln thE record in lhe form prescrjbod hy tho Slafe Le,/el Lomml ee trom time lo timf, . tim;; ;' - staDdards._ThG Ce tro sha ..1i,]]-,,,i slandards ot cate, nafiioly 'nr,Iroum A FHYSICAI STANDARDS The Cenlre !i). shall- --, -'---' . nraintarn the fo owng ' have requisile nuntl,er of b€ds (one for each pali6nt). aooor:rte acconlrnodation 6nd proper slJacing betwoen lhe Lrecls shalt be provided. (i:/_, hava (,h). ' srdlicrent v€ntil,rtion and be fre€ ftom any pbltutioll whtch lnay bo detrimertat n) tho health ol odfl tod paijonts. lr.jvc lolabtc/d r,hnq wclor and rtrnntop water for washin8. 1rd ,t, :rr)i,19lLrrposca. 3,r.ri{atio,t foclttfle3 in lofins ol clEan and deq,rah, nilDLror of bcthroorns, loilgtq 0nd Biflks. (\)., provrd(j cleon l)od lilien, utensils and arllel€G for perconal hlLir '''.'of I're Ftlrrnls l\i, nr.vn1. fr'.rslr, n,rr,itious ar)d arloquatrl nlealls lo tho admitted p3li(.r,|; irl. iijlvr) , (lr'rqrr.le x i(',irtlor.tallacililics fo. fho Ixljmts. L,athrn(J r,"'.. liavp t.roper Itli f{rllr{vir]o. t(til,o,,xr f ciliIcs sh)lt ol:i,., ha provded in i (1,)rin,,,,rr',r.:ty il.rr..t,i,Jr cnlt,, y/ro,lr.J!aho|l co rrti,f,^4oitiniJ Str,aco wilh 'i i.rirlnirJr/il||iter .ll:r l,n a tiIInurn of fii,i,tor;ons. ヽ 11 1:卍 1ポ 1盤 ピ 七 格 よ :│四、 乗1111椰 II帯 週 T謡 輛 料出袢 鴇 判:串七 るよ :]] 0,reと 101■ 6alth ttldド I高 │デ 1高 1品 ,.: い │し 』聴 鍮 薦J響 ‖椰:酬 ,3晰 雫霜‰ Ⅲ当199‖ 戯T識溜:鼎 “ ゼ 幽郵軸:減麟醐1瘍 ど棚 :棚椒 d by he chandtarh 驚響 :ふ th:li脅 可 LⅢ亜 善 下権 i黒 I IIti輩 鮒││#lドリ 蜘WIlf軍 計 墨 盤範 . 'く 壺 〉 ふ蝶 灘 悪 輔 鷲シ 棚 轡J僣 構 脚 鷺基吼 『忠∬ 認確唸脱 b11町 1ド 機謂鳳ξ i砲 1酬腱£躙 角 Ъ 卍i嵩 輩%よ 露∬臨評総盤 織 ょ J器ぷΨttfr鈍 1臨 輛爵i瀬 ζ ∬淵 Oon,n,1ゃ 011,9■ 1"up anご 16ス i '6Rこ lil:]│::::11::1書 :」 lilil恵 │11:き 。 Of any Ilりmaanh i]hil11::C」 recOtt h meぉ「 ハふ :疏お よ 1)'‖ と sね 。Level Colnmntee fЮ m‖ metO lme “ ap● た ln shJI b; submlued 可 ■1り ,IIュ ![,1,0・ )Ar`ヽ en.n9Auい 市 [ Rl,雫 .:::istrhshrno =:T,1■ a centre9Qbyhe““ヽ IJ。 嘲 (2) 備 For every oentre, a liconse 6hall have to ni静 b,p¨ . "ed separ9Lり :R騨 r;\ a lic€nso for 躍 邸 [群 輩 憾撫痙│:囃i驚 tavalablo in tile cOntre ノ the licensnE Authonty is satisfled, I shall.issue .tf a ticense in r oayl. t w,thnr a penod of thrrty deysirorn lh6?date of r"..i"t ii ll'c r( purr slrL),tI[ed by the Dt6tflct Level Comml .i!boe providcd lhar a ticenso shail .r,rc(!nsr0o A(,rhority i;;usd lrv rh. wlthrn a porod of ttree,hionhs trorir tire rii'tc (rf sutrn ssron ol the applicallon. ,r,.,rri of l..tcon$c A licelse Es(6.t Undgr lhO5A. rules shr b. : H'l#1":'J[":-l:fl:.j':].',1r,9:,:::' i&i!;L:j"i"l "',i.ii ⑮ (t)Dirc.toj,Soc,rJ wettr Ad,,r,r,srral-ll;, ,^,Ln.muearh ulrector HosJth &,-arni l9l ,. ,!-r1;"'9's1, n",n,,i'si;l[fl"n"' Ur ) urrector TechnicalEdL .,-\ lr,rndrgarh lu Membe, , Admi0,stra'tc#n,ch,ld necrotary, U.T. ChandirJarh vvu,rare councit ,. U, 5ecretary, U.T. Red Cr. C66n3;as111- )s ,lri) ooc,ery, Head of lhe Dep;ahenr Member .Member .. Member M€mber ","",il;,i,=J;:I?ll,iJf#",1flfi,", (l) Senior [lecjjcaj Offtcer rF +:;rr.#:lyJ,, r"r b"'"?i,i,lTffi"rvrhe chairnan) oepanlnJn,r,"i' ,_,rea,rr, l,I,(r1e tawyer Mombe, irember of repute 5;r,*?il.lxffi :fj,j,;;ji".,,,",, '"+i',$51;;ilr$,,'ffi ruember Member ,,,,***,,,."" r-iroctions of the shte Level Comnltioe- The ltate Levet. Committee . ffi.l#:iiilrri#l;l[.;ffi]'+:#ii#.J,ff nT,J:[l s5,11fi1#$*#:ffi;fiffi# ""ffi,iigdffffi,f ., "' ",11 Jtitilti,;,I"1 ;;ffi'T,ll-,l"T':rffi ;,-; il ;",i;:: ;,"*: ::: " ll*,it,* *lih,i"il: ::H :*:* illf11+r-t*:'f+'iffi p :; tr$ff"*:::r ., "r ,n"':x'; ::,.-' l;; tl l.in ip"Irl li!r1,,,r,;1i$yr;#;il,,,: 〇 ! │レ 11)lM V 卜1・ │ ││‖ lu lぅ │ API‖ Ⅲ ││IJll(,Iミ Λr'い 1,Al ,´ . '-,- j ----*-ol-- .. _.-_rrad -_-._-__. fn" S,,fr"fn[o U*o fiborool ' ..i,i,n.r:U Rohabitihlton Centr6.fd cstablishing of r, ea,tier iCopy apptication is to r,e .nrtc.i). My applicruon wos rdjectect by lhe Aulhorily vide ils telter No. , _ ,,--_-___._dat6d _- . - - -_ - _._tor tho folowing reasorrs. :ri..rri-.ii _irr Rs0istratiorr/ Liconsi ((lCry o1lc10se() TltJ aforesaad re6sons lor refusal/ cancellation of regislration are nc,t 'r'or! are. lhc(.fore. reqdcslec, lo reconsader my applicalion for '| _, x-rii.rn on tho fotla,wing groun(t narnety: 3 l an wllng O appea bobiこ i lclosin0 _ 1lc・ l.n healng,r necessaり /cu rO弓 1こ こα relvilh a dOillnnd drafi 10r Rs 300/ bear1lg No dated ihanking You. Yours r.31hFuly Signalure On!ed: ir r- S,ri:,1,, t, ,.'!: , r , I 1,(0'', │ / げ(0` ヽヽ )1111 111■ │ヽ tl, │口 ■ ,4)、 ││,1 1 , │ ││1 31V、 1“ つN(,I、 tサ 1コ 11八 11 \,t'r, _, Deing Ure t.(.Jrr!rll.t /\rlltlri,lv . ',.1"^'n n,r'.t,..,r.,11',". ,,..tr slthsrj,rce Act, 1.ril:, {crr,r,.,t ..r:lr i alai .rrLrr s irr,jtrlr!:t |l. , rL,!,rncnt o, lhE Stlbst:ullc t]:r, t)r;r,, t..r ,, -r'l i:.r)tres/ ltr)t,rlrrt,r,l.rn, ltereby grant lho t-],;(! lr,rtir)n , ..,'. t-.,,s, i. fur [.,., la) l:slabJis.hrrrnt,'rnnirt,rirD.:ii of SlrbslancB Use l)icord,. r t,..r.,1,Ieil (bl Eslrl:lishnxrnu [{ainl;narice of Substancr, tjse tJisorder C.nrr,setjnn/ Reh:rbilrtation Thc r-l:,(ir Cenlre, rkaltjn CL,,r rrt.il I rcense shall be vatid I(t( a p,:tt)t) xt i.|rs coNrna|::rrn I 1)rrr cn.l r,,l __.atir __ th., regt;t rtLn, il irtl lra subiect lo the-ald r-on(trti,Jlls tdi.t l.r/rn ri ,.rr,, 7'l of lir_, Nj,rriolrc r, fi nnd Psychotropic S;Ubstan,je A.L ltrti Lr . rLti.rs nr:i(t.: lirirre urtri.r , L li:,rrt!!t1f.rftr .rrhIn.liga,h (Ul) Dhecloq Hrjalh alld ti (U r) Olran(ligarh lo,, ti n , ‐t ilt stliじ , 9 11,,ハ ′ p │,、 卜 1=`` o「 nity ││ , │。 lR M‖ “ 10141 「〕 `Ⅲ ・ バP'│ '′ ヽ D‖ ■ VVAt i" │` 1('t'「 1:ヽ 「 111(「 ヽ (〉 │ヽ りctol llC:illl[lヽ (1'a‖ ,ly │(11 ・ ral e VV・ uT (う ha,119an, :〕 j。 ()t:‐ ヽ R3`iOtval of Rec」 istlat On′ License l10 _ _ _ _ddted (,「 r Cenlre al i.,h(nte rance of SLrhslance Use 0isold'il I rcal'nent ii. l.'lrinleferlce cf SuDslance U5e ll)rtordel l:.hrb itrLl'o,'Cenlre.lt -.- .- (:o:rrlsclirlg iirl'j t' i:: | 'c'l'csl v'7'r to to ,Jlv '_'e' n) 11'! I '' "''. '"" ycrri ll"'' .'.rl.,(r lhc lor lre 'rcrl ": lt 're 'rJovc s'rr I jri 'r lt'")"' 'r t' i''''n'4r ' ,,",,-.,:r;516-5,Irc/rrn'JIncrt.lcqir:,".,1 1. "'r'r th:rv(j i ol'n'r,'r n"lrr Ic'' P ttr hi'r" rq rl'r ' .r , ..i ,'; . --- - n.red i<,u Yr)''ris fl lhhrllv iiriL,i,rrO Signatura ----.-,-- -, l ⑩ MI │()ヽ 1(,(1)│ I(`│lt iり AII'1()ヽ「 ti cll、 '1hr. 1 1:● い,「 r● ′ ヽ1(,1141じ L1ltiビ Dllect{n ll{r:rtli, sod l arnity Wclfar€. Unr(jr'fe ilory. (:hnmigtlrh Appricalion fot fieUislralkn, (a) 1‐ (b) l. rconse of Est;iblishrrdnl/ Mai|l€nance of Substar,ce U.re OIsordor ,ぃ ](1`)1(;て ,lt「 ,,li €slablishnrer / Marntenance ol Ccursehng/ Relia )ihlation S lrslance U6e Oigorder Ci-:nt@, at I re,,,r,rsr you kxl,Jry lr ,ssLe ne ROgiStraljon/ lrcense for the .: .l to lh1 ,:to'rvc sir. | .ns.{.rtrons I Jrh p.ov,,Jr,l9 the lacit,Uos ,..r,'iroe(i by ih.r A.t afid the iutes karned tho.e und6,r I h:va altachsd r/i,i l irenr:nid Llrall tor Rs 1000t t-.arm.t No dale{.t . ; I lleiebv gN,e ),r rr(lhts 6 undodaking to the effect that I cf lhe adrnilted palirnls and shall not engage sha in protecl ihe ,o activltiog ' 's',ly aifectiltU lhe patients s!r,h as solitary confinern6nt, forcod labour. ' f, h'rlerlt, bealrng psychological lorture, or loaked up. Tho rl ttss hbirty si\alt l)e p.otecled atalt time. chaiiing lshallrllo!! private itll.:faation ll,'riiy and provdo coonnlrnrlation to lhe palienls uncler supeNi3ion ol the -'r.r.d person of the ccritrol Iwi srsure oonfideltia y;f rnEdjcal a6d r " r,:selng records of Ure patieil. exr.€pt from tho careoivers ;nd lmcterludicial .r : Th.lr'tLing You.. Yourc farthfully Signalure 13●
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