DAVIS BAY ELEMENTARY Dec. 1, 2014 Christmas Concert: Tues. Dec. 16 -‐ 1 pm & 7 pm. The gym doors will open at 6:30 and children should be in their classrooms by 6:40. Dress in your Christmas best for Div. 1 & 6, and white shirts for Div. 2,3,4, & 5. In consideration of all students who are performing, we ask that families wait until the end of the concert before leaving. Gingerbread Houses DATES TO REMEMBER Friday, Dec. 19th, we will be spending the afternoon creating beautiful gingerbread houses. Your child will need to bring in: 1. A foil covered cardboard base (about 30cm x 30cm) 2. An assortment of candies and cereal (ie shreddies; licorice; lifesavers; smarties, etc.) 3. A small cardboard box (to carry the treasure home). Please be sure that the base will fit inside the box. Please ensure that all the items are at the school on or before the morning of Dec. 18th. Thank you to PAC for providing everyone with graham wafers and icing! Dec. 3 & 4 -‐ Early Dismissal (1:40 pm) for Parent/Teacher interviews .03 Tues. Dec. 16 – Christmas Concert – 7pm Thurs. Dec. 18 – All School Skate – Sechelt Arena Dec. 20 – Jan. 4, 2015 – Christmas Break Jan. 5 – School Re-‐opens HELP! We really need your assistance to ensure that our entire school community is safe in the back parking lot! In the past week, we have had 2 more incidents/complaints from the school bus driver, where student safety was jeopardized. PLEASE NOTE: 1. The back parking lot is for staff parking only (8am to 5pm) – except for those students with mobility issues. 2. Nature Primary students will be dismissed from the NEST area, and parents are asked to walk their child around the north side of the school and out the front entrance gates. 3. PLEASE remind your child/ren about the importance of safety around vehicles, especially during congested times (drop-‐off & pick-‐up). Parent Volunteers for Traffic Watch Program – Mr. Smith is looking for parent volunteers who are willing to assist before & after school at the parking lot entrance to ensure that everyone is safe. Please contact the office if you are able to offer assistance. Thank you. PAC NEWS ELV ES CLUBWe are collecting non-perishable food and gifts (for all ages) for this wonderful campaign. Please bring in your donations by Friday, Dec. 19 th . December 1, 2014 Merry Christmas! Don’t scrooge up your nose, and bah-‐humbug me. I told you 2 weeks ago that the next letter would be December’s. Light the Lights was on Saturday, Winter Harp Sunday, it is officially “The Season”. Despite the crazy schedules -‐ my self-‐imposed high expectations include the financial finagling, the exasperation of determining, then procuring Honey’s present, the extra effort of making traditional treats like Grandma Doreen’s, holiday decorating in a home under continuous renovation, followed by bone-‐ deep fatigue – I love it. You can choose to see the ‘underbelly’ of all the above, OR focus on the reason we do this every year. It’s love. How you choose to honour and celebrate it is entirely up to you – I choose to jump on the crazy train for a couple of weeks, thankfully, fully aware of the consequences. I’m grateful for the pointed efforts to get together before Christmas, the ability to share traditional baking with my neighbours making me feel like they are my family, the fun of choosing a gift. I’d like to do it year-‐ round without all the other trappings – the “Hey, I’m thinking of you” surprise, but that doesn’t happen, so Christmas it is. (*Shop local* – give experiences rather than stuff is this year’s goal.) This year’s craft fairs have been a hoot since I’ve implemented medicinal chocolate. OMG do we have amazing choices. You may want to consider liberal administration of said chocolate or festive libation as you note the following on your calendar – alternately put on your rose colored glasses (did you see the sunset last night!????) and go with it, if only for a wee while – You deserve it! Tuesday, December 2 & 16 – starting out easy with PAC Coffee Break in the library @ 8:45 Thursday, December 4 – Butcher Dave’s Meat PICK UP @ 2:15 at the school Thank you for your support of this fundraiser. We did the best ever – over $1000! Tuesday, December 16 – Christmas Concert, 7pm – -‐ Christmas Raffle Draw ***see info below*** Thursday, December 18 – All School FAMILY Skate -‐ ***All students MUST wear a helmet, or not be allowed on the ice. Please bring skates if you have them – the arena may not be able to accommodate us otherwise. We Need EVERYONE available please. We need Drivers, Skate Tie – ers, hand-‐holders, and fun memory-‐makers. This is a DBES Tradition that your child will remember forever – BE PART OF IT! We’ll be leaving the school 12:15 ish, on ice from 1-‐2pm, and headed back for bus time. We have 130+ students who will be sharing their pink-‐cheeked, full faced grins – don’t miss it! Friday, December 19 – Gingerbread House Building – your darling will need a base to put their creation on and some candy with which to decorate. (That’s what we do with leftover Halloween candy ) 2 PAC NEWS DAVIS BAY ELEMENTARY CHRISTMAS RAFFLE -‐ $2 EACH -‐DRAWN AT CHRISTMAS CONCERT Books of tickets are available through CAMILE TISSEUR after school – 2:40 – 3pm M-‐W-‐F PLEASE let our amazing Retailers know you appreciate their donation to our school. There are only 500 tickets printed. SELL< SELL< SELL Davis Bay Elementary Christmas Raffle 2014 $2/ticket 1st Prize Apple iPod Nano 16 GB and Philips docking station and clock 2nd Prize Waterproof backpack -‐ donated by Trail Bay Sports 3rd Prize Billabong backpack -‐ donated by Lucy’s Clothing Store 4th prize cake pops and mini cupcakes – donated by Cheeky Monkey 5th prize $20.00 Wheatberries certificate – donated by Wheatberries As well as 7 other great prizes donated by Ravens Cry Theater Pastimes Toys Ann-‐Lynn Florist Draw December 16, 2014 7pm –DBES GYM Winners consent to the release of their names by the licensee BCGEL 70388 Back to Business – we had Meghan Molnar, Community Nutritionist assigned to DBES as a guest speaker at our last PAC meeting, presenting information on the Healthy Food & Beverage Sales Guidelines for Schools. She was very informative and most congenial. Meagan, Emily Davies, District Counsellor & Susan Strom, DBES School Counsellor have agreed to come to our school Wednesday, February 4, to address Nutrition & Healthy Body Image. Hearing how my off the cuff comments about my appearance or eating habits may affect my daughter was eye-‐opening and heart squeezing – and I considered myself aware. This will be a good one, so watch for more information after Christmas. Also coming – ASKABLE ADULT – this is always an excellent session because content is 100% parent driven. There are still chocolate bars available – EXCELLENT STOCKING STUFFERS! We are still working on Popcorn Day execution, but I think Camille & Jen have circumvented most foibles and concerns now. Thank you to the students and parents for being understanding as we learn to accommodate for 130 students! Class parents needed, every division – another step to ensure communication success. Please contact Jen Boulton for details. 3 Thank you Tracy for stepping up to be our photograph coordinator! Looking for Community Readers – your job, to listen. Must have criminal check completed (easy peasy & free) JANUARY 16, Family Games Night in the GYM – 6:30 – 8:00 pm * PLEASE CHECK DBES WEBSITE FOR ALL INFORMATION IN ONE SPOT * Enjoy your preparations. Remember, when it all is stripped away, it really is all about love. Patty Shields
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