Fourth Sunday of Advent 12/21/2014 This Church is our Heavenly Father’s house, a place of solace and grace; so feel at home here. Enter reverently, pray quietly, sing joyfully, listen attentively, give cheerfully and come back gladly. If you are new to our community: Welcome! Please register with us. If you are visiting, please remain a few minutes after Mass and get acquainted. We are a welcoming community. To know more about us, please call 507-364-7981 or 507-595-2561 NOTE FROM FATHER VICTOR Dear Brothers and Sisters, On this fourth Sunday of Advent I invite you to reflect with me on Mary’s “Yes” to God. She was called by the Father to play an important role in his plan of salvation. She didn’t have the full grasp of what was happening yet, in her fear, she had complete trust in the Lord and said “let it be done to me according to your word.” Those were not easy words to say, recognizing she did not have a full grasp of what it means yet completely put herself in the hands of the Lord. How cooperative are we to the plans of God? On Christmas day let us open our hearts to the Lord. To remember his birth is to remember that his coming signals the beginning of the fulfillment of the Father’s promise of salvation. The word has come to flesh and the work of salvation has begun. May his coming to fulfill God’s promise is welcomed by hearts ready to receive him and ready, like Mary, to cooperate and participate in his work of salvation. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Ethan Michael Scheffert, Briggs Gregor, Mike Sheehy, Colleen Pavek, Althea Halstead, Russell Trnka, Craig Fossum, Brenda Stenzel, Betty Novak, Leo Ryan Goettl, Kenneth Roger Goettl, Helen Severns, Isabelle Kading, Darin Swancutt Family, Fr Bob Dobihal and all men & women serving in the military. If you have a prayer request or would like your name removed from the list call Rita Parsons at 507-364-5164. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Dec 20, Sat 5:00pm +John Pelowski +Jim Doyle +Jerry and Mary Ann Ruhland Dec 21, Sun 6:30am +Clarence J. Korbel +Darlene Malecha +Ray and Doris Vlasak +Mary, Valerian and Brian Woratschka 11:00am Living and Deceased Members of the Keogh and Vrzal Families +George R. Malecha Living and Deceased Members of the Pavek and Laddusaw Families +Dennis and Richard O’Connell Christmas is the work of God. Let us participate as his coworkers. Christmas is his coming, really living with us with our life and our times. Let our coming together on Christmas day express our desire to help build his kingdom here on earth. As a community we journey together in faith, hope and love to bear witness and to bring Christ to our world in whatever way we can do. Let us long for that day when at last the God of justice, peace and love will finally reveal and reign forever! Merry Christmas to everyone. Dec 23, Tues 6:00pm Living and Deceased Members of the Scheffert and Svobodny Families Dec 24, Wed 4:00pm +LaVerne and Evie Janovsky +George, Lillian and Jerry Skluzacek +Frank ‘Bingo’ Washa 10:00pm +Elmer Flicek Sr +Elmer Flicek Jr +Janiece Stanek +Tom and Emma Kennedy +Harlan and Sally Hagberg +Carol Popp +Bob Benzick Dec 25, Thu 11:00am Dec 26, Fri 8:15am Dec 27, Sat 5:00pm +Stanley and Bessie Reak +Veronica and Emery Carlson +Bob Benzick Dec 28, Sun 6:30am +Ruth Rynda GROW Survey As announced by our Pastor, our parish endeavors to go through a pastoral planning process desiring to become a more alive, relevant and responsive parish community. Part of the process is a parish survey that each parish member is strongly recommended to participate in. The survey can be accessed online through http:// A paper copy of the survey is available in the church office at your request. Survey deadline is January 2nd. 11:00am +Clarence and Rosaila Kotek Fourth Sunday of Advent 12/21/2014 Most Holy Redeemer Thank you to all who donated to the Food Shelf! We reached our goal with a total of 3,831.95 pounds of food donated. St. Canice Mass Intentions: Wednesday, December 25: 9:30am +Joe & Milly Culhane +Gordon & Evangeline Miller +Neil & Martha Mohs Sunday, December 28: 9:30am +Gordon Peach Confessions: 2nd Satur day of the month fr om 10:30-11:30am New Minister Schedules for Lectors, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers and Ushers– for January-April are now available at the back of the church and on our website: CHRISTMAS DAY – 11 a.m. MASS: We ar e also looking for singers for this choir and welcome instrument players. Let Christine Trcka know if you can help at this Mass on Christmas Day at 11 a.m. by email [email protected] CCW News: Ther e will be no CCW meeting in December . We wish everyone a Blessed and Merry Christmas. See you January 17 & 18 for the all parish food sale. Members can also pay their dues at that time. Donations for babies can be br ought up at the Chr istmas Eve Mass or put into our bassinet in the back of church. These gifts will be shared with a Crisis Nursery in Faribault to honor mothers for choosing life by our Pro Life Ambassadors. Please have all bulletin items for the weekend of Dec 27 turned in by 10am on Mon, Dec 22. The church office will be closed Wed, Dec 24 to Fri, Dec 26 and will reopen on Mon, Dec 29. Random Acts of Kindness-definition is a selfless act performed by kind people to either help or cheer up a random stranger for no reason other than to make people happier. During the Christmas Season-Our tree in the foyer this year is dedicated to Acts of Kindness. Please choose a card from the tree and complete the selfless act before Christmas. Our goal is to light the tree when the last card is removed. All family members can participate as there is something for everyone. Please join us in spreading our kindness and making “Jesus the reason for the Season”. Most Holy Redeemer Youth Ministry God Squad Youth Group meets at Holy Redeemer Church every first and third Sunday of the month from 6:00-7:30pm in the youth room. Come at 5:00pm to join the teen bible study on the Gospel of Matthew. Next meeting is December 21. All grades 9-12 teens are invited to attend. Remember in your prayers: Mar jor ie Hammar gr en, Jim Rohde, Kathleen Hamele, Father Dahlheimer, Erin Kinniry, Jeromy Claffey, Cindy Lindahl, Briggs Gregor and Mike Sheehy Financial Support: December 14, 2014 Envelopes: $ 935.00 Fuel Open Plate: $ 130.31 Masses Immaculate Conception: $ 62.00 Candles Total: $ 1127.31 Food Shelf Christmas Flowers $65 $104 $22 $11.86 $150 Liturgical Ministers: Sunday, December 28, 9:30am AS: Caitlin Jindra, Volunteer needed EM: John LeBrun L: Barb Kinniry U: Kyle Green, John Schlie Fellowship after Mass 2nd Sunday of the Month – All are welcome to join us for coffee, treats and fellowship in the Social Hall after 9:30 am Mass on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Rosary Society News Reminder to Cir cle chair s and co-chairs that activities are due for the year. Also, Rosary Society Dues of $2 are now due and should be submitted to circle chairs. On Dec 28, after mass, there will be volunteers with computers to assist you with the GROW survey. They will be in the church rectory. St. Canice is sponsoring a ‘Baby Shower for the Christ Child’ to support the local Pregnancy Options LifeCare Center in Faribault. Pregnancy Options is a life-affirming organization that assists any person who experiences an expected or unexpected pregnancy. Pregnancy Options is always in need of baby items including: diapers, soap, shampoo, body wash, ointments, wipes, burp clothes, wash clothes, pacifiers, bottles, teething rings, baby toys, socks, baby dishes & spoons. Throughout Advent and the Christmas season there will be a crib in the back of church. Please take this opportunity to give the Christ Child a special gift this Christmas by donating a baby item. Any question please call Kim LeBrun 507-595-3478 or Pregnancy options 507-332-7644. Liturgical Ministers Christmas Day Thursday, December 25 –9:30am AS: Gilbert & Nathaniel Leonard EM: John LeBrun L: Jackie Judd U: Kyle Green, Steve Stangler New Years Day Friday, January 1 - 10:00am AS: Caitlin Jindra, Rachel Johnson EM: Darlene Barnett L: Don Barnett U: Kyle Green, Steve Stangler 52 Week Raffle: Winner of $50 for Week 47 is Jeff LaFrance Congratulations! Fourth Sunday of Advent 12/21/2014 Faith Formation Merry Christmas to all families of Faith Formation this year! We are blessed to have wonderful teachers volunteering their time to help lead our Faith Formation program this year. Please be sure to thank your Faith Formation teacher! We look forward to seeing you in January. – Faith Formation Advisory Committee & Teachers CHRISTMAS EVE 4 p.m. MASS – Final Practice is this Sunday at 9 a.m. MHR/StC Dear Parish Families: Blessings to you and your family this Christmas Season! God has richly blessed our school with you, our parishes, for the support you give to Catholic Education. We are also blessed by nurturing teachers and staff, loving families, and support from our area our community. I am so honored to represent Most Holy Redeemer for another Christmas Season. On behalf of the HRS teachers and Staff, I wish you a Blessed Christmas this 4th week of Advent. REJOICE! Mindy Reeder 1/7/2015 CLASS All MHR/StC 1/14/2015 CLASS All *StC ONLY - Gr. 2 First Reconciliation* MHR/StC 1/21/2015 NO CLASS All *Catechist/Aide Formation Night MHR/StC 1/28/2015 CLASS All MHR 1/31/2015 9:00 a.m. Gr. 2 MHR ONLY *Gr. 2 First Reconciliation Please pray for our 2nd grade students who will be receiving their 1st Reconciliation in January. Kilkenny’s event is January 14 and Montgomery’s is January 31, 2015. YOU are invited to spend an hour in the Presence of our Lord in our Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. Eucharistic Adoration at Most Holy Redeemer First Friday of every month after 8:15am Mass until 5 pm. All other weeks on Thursday after 8:15am Mass until 11pm. A Eucharistic Holy Hour is available Wednesday evenings, while Faith Formation Classes are in Session 6:30pm7:30pm. PLEASE NOTE SIGN UP SHEETS AT THE BACK OF CHURCH Baptisms We welcome those newly baptized. Please pray for them as they continue to grow in Christ. Brynn Irene Gramling Child of Samuel and Jennifer Gramling Knights of Columbus Breakfast at Amer ican Legion on Sun, Jan 11 from 7am-12Noon. Serving eggs, potatoes, ham, sausage, toast and beverage. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the American Legion. Proceeds go towards scholarships. Fourth Sunday of Advent 12/21/2014 Liturgical Ministers for Christmas Masses Wed, Dec 24 4pm Wed, Dec 24 10pm Thur, Dec 25 11am Lector: Jenna Hlavac and Mavrick Birdsell Lector: Kathy Dorweiler Lector: Rita Parsons Altar Servers: Payton Hennen, CJ Simon, Brennan Rutt, 1 Volunteer needed Reminder: Practice for altar servers is at 11am at the church this same day. Altar Servers: Anna F ranek, Thomas Franek, Lucia Rynda, 1 Volunteer needed Reminder: Practice for altar servers is at 11am at the church this same day. Altar Servers: William Bulger, Thomas Bulger, 1 Volunteer needed Euch Min: Marion Boesch, Gwen Stadstad, Chris Rosival, John Thuente, Rosemary Thuente, Barb Holicky, Sarah Holicky, Bonnie Malecha Reminder: Euch Min please come 15 before Mass to be assigned a position. Euch Min: Sue Cashin, Cathy Herrmann, Steve Flicek, JoAnn Petricka Euch Min: Nan Washa, Sandy Gilhousen, Rita Thornton, Shirley Pumper, Ann Rynda, Usher: Bruce Heyda, Ben Heyda, Bill Ruhland Greg Rynda, Maryann Heyda, Tatiana Tikalsky Reminder: Euch Min please come 15 before Wed, Dec 31 5pm Mass to be assigned a position. Lector: Dale Ruhland Usher: Al Hennen, Travis Simon, Aaron Usher: Mike Trnka, Ernie Kotek, Altar Servers: 3 Volunteers needed Worm, Parris Duban Roger Heyda Euch Min: Steve F licek, JoAnn Petricka , THANK YOU TO ALL WHO VOLUNTEERED! Tatiana Tikalsky, 1volunteer needed The schedule below is also available online at Once on the website go to Our Parish (left click) and to the left you will find Documents. You will find a 3 month schedule for lectors, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers and ushers. Altar Servers Saturday December 27 Sunday December 28 Sunday December 28 5:00 pm 6:30 am 11:00 am Frank Doyle Nick Deutsch Mya Gaul Volunteer Volunteer Payton Hennen Billy Jirik Anne Doyle Ramona McGuire Eucharistic Ted Doyle Mona Woratschka Katelyn Malecha Ministers Rita Thornton Joann Petricka Rita Parsons Melissa Barnett Lector Ushers Volunteer Kathy Dorweiler Steve Woratschka Cathy Herrmann Steve Flicek Randy Skluzacek Leonard Kaisershot Bob Janovsky James Jabas Alvin Nasinec Larry Trnka Dale Ruhland Bruce Heyda Usher: Carol Vlasak, Bob Vlasak, Bob Janovsky GIFT OF TREASURE REPORT: Regular Sunday Collection December 13 & 14, 2014 Envelopes Open Plate Weekly Auto Pays $ 3812.00 339.81 701.25 TOTAL $ 4853.06 Christmas Flowers $ 760.00 Building/Spec Projects $ 1062.00 Steeple Fund to Date (Only $95.00 to meet our goal) $ 6305.00 Rectory Window Fund to Date $11615.00 Collection-Human Development $ Immaculate Conception $ 324.20 155.00 This week thank our sponsors: Sacristan Volunteer Mary Simon Ann Rynda Flicek Insurance Agency
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