St. Joseph Catholic Church Fort Jennings, Ohio December 7, 2014

St. Joseph Catholic Church
Fort Jennings, Ohio
06 5:00 pm Dan Schimmoeller
07 7:30 am In Thanksgiving
9:30 am Gerald & Leona Youngpeter
Norbert & Anna Hofstetter
Frank & Mary Wehri
08 7:55 am Joseph Dietering
7:00 pm The Immaculate Conception
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
09 7:00 pm Milton & Joann Nichols
Helen Liebrecht
Alphonse Schroeder
10 7:30 am Richard & Irma Warnecke
11 7:00 pm Alice Knippen
Ralph & Daniel Ostendorf
12 7:55 am Herman & Vickie Luersman
13 5:00 pm Augie Trenkamp
Paul Menke
Matha & Julius Neidert
14 7:30 am In Thanksgiving
9:30 am Alice Fischbach
Hubert Horstman
6:00 pm BARN MASS
For Our High School Students
12/08 The Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Gn 3:9-15,20/Eph 1:3-6,11-12/Lk 1:26-38
12/09 Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin
Is 40:1-11
Mt 18:12-14
12/10 Is 40:25-31
Mt 11:28-30
12/11 Saint Damasus I, Pope
Is 41:13-20
Mt 11:11-15
12/12 Our Lady of Guadalupe
Zec 2:14-17
Lk 1:26-38
12/13 Saint Lucy, Virgin & Martyr
Sir 48:1-2, 9-11
Mt 17:9a, 10-13
Narthex, please make sure to pick up your envelopes
soon. If you do not have envelopes and would like
them, please contact the parish office.
December 7, 2014
Tues, Dec. 9, Thurs, Dec. 11 & Fri, Dec. 12
Chase, Casey, & Keaton Suever
5:00 pm
Jeremy Smith, Erin Eickholt,
Michael Fields
7:30 am
Kyle Maag, Quinton & Trevor Neidert,
9:30 am
John Gerdeman, Ryan Hoersten,
Jordan Neidert
5:00 pm
Family of Augie Trenkamp
7:30 am
Volunteers Needed
9:30 am
Family of Alice Fischbach
5:00 pm
Amy & Keri Eickholt, Doreen Knippen,
Shelly Knippen, Sue Knippen,
Sharon Kleman
7:30 am
Volunteers Needed
9:30 am
Tim Luersman, Marilyn Metzger,
Karan Maenle, Erin Osting,
Larry Schroeder, Doug Sickels
5:00 pm
Jeremy Smith
7:30 am
Volunteer Needed
9:30 am
Denise Sukup
5:00 pm
Jerry Horstman, Rick Horstman,
Ralph Knippen
7:30 am
Volunteers Needed
9:30 am
Pat & Tom Liebrecht, Kevin Ricker
PRAY for the sick – Kaiden Burgei and Kelly Stant
November 29 & 30
166 Envelopes - $ 3,243.35
Loose - $ 812.32
Maintenance Fund - $ 201.25
Pew Rent - $ 90.00
Christmas Flowers - $167.00
Campaign for Human Development - $85.00
Thanksgiving Collection - $ 448.00
All Saints - $ 20.00
Cemetery - $70.00
(YTD as of November 30, 2014) = $ 80,598.96
YTD Over Budget = $ 1,398.96
Thank you for your continued generosity!
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Fort Jennings, Ohio
BAPTISMS are celebrated anytime agreeable with Father Charles
or Deacon Larry. To arrange a baptism please call Father Charles
at (419) 203-7656 or Deacon Larry at 419-286-2170 (419) 3022532/cell or by email [email protected].
Class will be held on January 13, 2015
At 6pm in the Bride’s Room off of the Narthex. It is highly
recommended you attend instructions before the birth of the
child. Please call the Parish Office to register.
Attend a Pre-Marriage Preparation Class before your
The next class will be in March of 2015.
Please call the Parish Office to register.
When there is a funeral on a Wednesday,
The morning Mass is cancelled.
Deadline for bulletin this week is Wednesday at noon.
Please e-mail [email protected] to forward bulletin or
other information.
7:00 pm – Liturgical Ministers
Servers - Dillon Schimmoeller, Jeremy Smith,
Jason Krietemeyer
Eucharistic Ministers – Bob Geise, Doris Horstman,
Cassie Horstman, Mary Klausing,
Mike Knippen, Roger Luersman
Lector – Karan Maenle
Ushers – Scott Grothouse, Larry Hammond,
Kenneth Hemker
CHRISTMAS SHARING – Parish Council has
decided St. Joseph Church is adopting two families
during the Christmas season. If you would like to
make a cash donation we would gladly do the shopping
for you. You can drop your donation in the collection
basket (please mark your envelope “Christmas
Sharing”), at the Parish Office or call Tony Recker.
We would like all presents or donations back by
December 17th. Thank you sharing the love of Christ
with these families. Merry Christmas!!
BARN MASS will be held Sunday, December 14 at
6:00 p.m. at Karan and Ken Maenle’s home. Warm
refreshments will be served following Mass. Please
park all vehicles along the road. All parishioners are
invited to attend.
December 7, 2014
ADVENT WREATH - This year different families
have been asked to light the Advent candle prior to
Mass. This weekend the candle was lit by: 5:00pmDrew & Kelly Fields family, 7:30am- Dan & Michelle
Weyrauch family, and 9:30am- Dean and Eva Von
Sossan family. Thank you to these wonderful families
for participating!
MILITARY ADDRESSES – There is a list of active
and reserve military personnel family members from
the Fort Jennings community at the exit doors of
church. Please send them a Christmas Card and let
them know that their service to our country is
Fort Jennings High School "Winter Music
Concert" will be presented Monday, December 15th - 7 pm -- in the Main Gym.
Jennings Elementary will hold kindergarten
registration for the 2015-2016 school year on school
days from December 8th thru December 19th. Please
come to the elementary office between 8:00 am and
3:00 pm to register your child. Your child does not
have to come along. Children must be five years of
age on or before September 30, 2015 to be eligible for
kindergarten. Parents are asked to bring the child’s
birth certificate, social security number, and
immunization record at the time of registration. Please
free free to call the elementary office at 419-286-2762
if you have any questions.
American Legion Post 715 Ladies Auxiliary:
Legion Auxiliary Christmas Party, Tuesday, December
9th at 6:00pm. Meat will be furnished, please bring a
covered dish to share. $5.00 gift exchange is optional.
We will be playing bingo for fun prizes.
PARISHIONERS – If you have moved, please make
sure to contact the parish office. When preparing the
2015 Christmas mailing it has come to our attention
that some parishioners have changed addresses and
failed to inform the parish office. It is very important
that we keep our records up to date and that is not
possible without your help.
PRAYER LINE – Please contact Laurie Maag at
(419)234-6518 for all prayer line needs.
CATHOLIC VIDEOS - This is a tool we are offering
our Parishioners to learn more about their Catholic
Faith. Just register as a parishioner and you will have
access to short videos to watch. The following link is
on our church Facebook page as well:
Biltmore Estates and Asheville, N.C., $394.00, April
13-16 (Mon-Thurs) includes 2 breakfasts & 3 dinners.
$75.00 deposit by Jan 15th - Final payment, Feb. 7th.
Call Judy Schroeder: 419-303-7366 for reservations.
Great gift for anyone on your Christmas list!
Taffeta Christmas brunch theatre at The Fort. Sunday,
Dec. 21st. Eat at 11:15, Show at 12:30. Cost is $15.00
per person. Start the holidays with this fun show. Call
The Fort for reservations.
CASINO BUS TRIP – Sunday, January 18. Bus
leaves the FJ Legion at 7:30 am, returns at 9:30 pm.
Cost is $35 - $20 Casino voucher at casino arrival. For
more information/reservations call Pat at 419-3039558, Glenn at 419-979-9036 or the Legion Bar 419286-2100. Sponsored by the Sons of the American
CLC Christmas Party - Wed. Dec. 10th at Fort
Haven- Doors open at 6:00pm with dinner at
6:30pm. Please RSVP to Elaine Wehri at 419-2862920 if interested in attending. Cost is $5.00 per
SNOW POLICY - Whenever a county/city within the
Diocese of Toledo is placed under a Level 3 Snow
Emergency, during which all roadways are closed to
non-emergency personnel, the Catholic Churches
within that geographic region will cancel the scheduled
Saturday Vigil, Sunday, or Holy Day Masses. Roman
Catholics in that region, therefore, are dispensed from
the obligation to attend Mass. If Masses are cancelled,
Catholics are encouraged to participate in Holy Mass
via television, radio, or internet, making a spiritual
Communion. When Mass is cancelled, all other
diocesan, parish, or school events in that geographic
region are also cancelled.
TREE GALA - Meadows of Kalida will be hosting
their annual Christmas Tree Gala on Dec 14th from
1:00 to 4:00 and will include Santa, food, kids game,
and musical entertainment all while the auction is
going on. The Meadows has over 100 decorations
including trees, wreaths, table top decorations, and
more. The silent auction has already begun and will
end at 4:00 on Dec 14th. Please stop out and see the
wonderful Christmas decorations that people have
donated. All proceeds will be given to CAP – Cancer
Assistance Program for people of Putnam County.
ROME, LOURDES, & FATIMA - You are invited to
join Fr. Charles on an elite tour planned just for you.
Trip Name: Rome, Lourdes, & Fatima. Dates: June 30July 10, 2015 Cost: $4,300 This elite tour includes
airfare, 5 star accommodations, taxes, tips, fees,
transportation, breakfast, and dinners. Places you’ll
visit: Rome, Lourdes, Fatima. This all-inclusive trip is
being arranged by Pro Catholic Tours. Please register
through their website, or
by calling 769-233-6515 or 769-220-2702.
Putnam County Catholic Young Adults: Are you
looking for something deeper? Love being surrounded
by people your own age (18-39)? Come join us every
other Monday night at 7:30pm at Neil & Brooke
Cassidy’s house: 13299 Road 10L Ottawa. The next
few dates include Dec. 1, 15, & 29. Hope to see you
there! Contacts: Neil: 419.302.4959 Brooke: 419-2334312 [email protected]
December 7-13 is National Influenza Vaccination
Week! The CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine for
everyone 6 months of age and older as the first and
most important step in protecting against influenza
disease. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for
the immune system to build the antibodies the body
needs to provide protection against the flu. Flu activity
usually peaks between December and February in the
United States and can last as late as May. As long as
flu viruses are circulating, it’s not too late to get
vaccinated. With flu activity starting to increase and
family and friends gathering for the holidays, now is a
great time to get a flu shot to protect yourself and your
loved ones. To schedule a flu shot appointment, call
the Putnam County Health Department at 419-5235608.