Prayer Requests Marilyn Aber Chuck Allen Sue Atkinson Sharon Bologna Joshua Boudreaux Mindy Broussard Kacee Bercegeay Daniel Carlton Clay Casey James T. Cinnamond Tracy Cobia Michelle Clancy Mae Conatser Baby Sophia Cooper Fr. Cooper Margie Crow Noel Daigle Darya & Danika Darley Josh Doherty Jan Ebbecke Andrea Eller Anne Ferguson Ann Floreck Nick Gallo Maria Gouin Hayden Green Rosemary Greenkorn Richard Hackle Lori Herring Jeff Hill Thomas Jahanian Mike Klein MaryAnn Krebs John LeBleu Joseph LeBleu Concetta Loduca Tony Logue Monica Lopez Jim Mahan Betty Miller Patrick Malambrie Patrick Miller Brian Murray Pat Neal Berenice Newell Carolyn Opar Boone Pendergrast Steve Peterson Christopher Pierce Samantha Reed Deborah Roberts Melissa Savoie Susie Segar Joyce Schilly Charles Schromer Chris Simerly Liz Skalicky Nick Sorel Jennifer Trousdale Keith Tullos John Vambro Larry Victor DECEMBER EVENTS 24th (Office Closed until Jan. 5, 2015) Children’s Christmas Vigil Mass Practice 10:00am Children’s Christmas Vigil Mass 5:00 pm Christmas is not in presents but in His presence. Fourth Sunday of Advent Sat. Dec. 20, 5:30 PM…….……………….….….…..…+Linda Lascola By Richard Lascola Sun. Dec. 21, 8:00 AM...................................................+Al Hiersche By Alice Ann Sanchez 10:00 AM…………........................…+ Ed & Jean Colello By Joe & Lyn 12:00 PM..………...CTK………………………………....… 5:00 PM Holly & Carolyn Joe & Lyn Colello Mon. Dec. 22, 8:30 AM ……………..………....+Madelyn Inderbitzen By Cathy Huettel .. Tue. Dec. 23, 8:30 AM………………………………...+Rick Norcross By Bob & Ginger Norcross Wed. Dec. 24, 5:00 PM…………………………….George Saint Peter By Walter & Irene Kinsley Thur. Dec. 25, …..12:00 ……...Midnight……Intentions Frank Baker The Conley Family 8:00 am……..(Christ the King)……………………... 25th Midnight Mass 12:00 am St. Rita Breakfast after Mass in Mary Star of the Sea Room 10:00……………………….. Fri. Dec. 26, 8:30 AM………………………...…….…+Michael Page Donna & Gene Utecht Christmas Mass 8:00 am Christ the King Christmas Mass St. Rita 10:00am 31st Solemnity of Mary Mother of God Vigil 5:00pm Jan 1st Solemnity of Mary (Holy Day of Obligation) 8:00 am Mass Christ the King Holy Family Sat. Dec. 27, 5:30 PM………………..….………………………….…….. 7::00 PM……………….HISPANIC MASS……………….. Sun. Dec. 28, 8:00 AM ………………………………....Bob Norcross 10:00 AM…………………………………..………… 12:00 PM ...CTK…………………………….……….. 5:00 PM ...…………………………………..……... 10:00 am Saint Rita CARING & SHARING website: CaringsharingofWaltoncounty Please take donations to the MSSR. Thank you! December 21, 2014 CALL SAINT VINCENT dePAUL Do you need help? Know anyone in need? Call: 888-229-6582 i necesita ayuda o conoce a alguien necesite, llamem usted a la Sociedad de la San Vincente de Paul, y pregunte por Felita al 850-278-166 despues de las 5 de la tarde. ST. RITA STEWARDSHIP Offertory $ 9,344.46 Building Fund $ 1,563.60 Upon This Rock $ 580.00 Religious Retirement $ 292.00 Thank You!!! Gracias!!! Fourth Week of Advent Rediscovering Catholicism: ADVENT PREPARATION: FOUR Christ In Your Holiday GOD SQUAD:) Altar Linen for December 21 Irene Kinsley 28 Marlene Berres N0 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DECEMBER 24TH, 28TH, 31S1st 1) Put Christ & Christmas into your holidays! No Sewing Group Dec 24 & 31 2) Make an inventory of your spiritual household. 3) Plant your own spiritual mustard seed and watch it grow into a tree of extreme holiness. 4) Let Advent be your spiritual springboard to launch you into the new year of your spiritual life. 5) Change your habits. Christ has provided us with a multitude of ways to a life of holiness: Execute the Basic fundamentals of Catholicism. 6) The North is the only star that never moves. Let it be our spiritual compass. A good example of fundamentals of Catholicism are the ABC’s of Mercy. A Ask for Mercy: God wants you to approach HIM in prayer constantly; repenting our sins and asking him to pour his mercy upon us and the whole world. B Be merciful to others: God wants us to receive his mercy and let it flow through us and to others. C A Volunteer is needed to help with the St. Rita Gift Shoppe after the 5:00 PM Sunday Mass. The Shoppe would need to be open for about 15 minutes. Please call Chick or Cathy It is a st. Rita Tradition on This very holy night OF CHRISTMAS EVE that the children tell the gospel story. All children 4-7 years of age are welcome TO PARTICIPATE. Rehearsal is 10:00-11:00 WEDNESDAY DEC. 24 IN THE CHURCH. THE CHILDREN’S VIGIL MASS IS AT 5:00 PM. CONTACT PAIGE CUISON WITH ANY QUESTIONS. Completely trust in Jesus: God wants us to know that the graces of his mercy are dependent upon our trust; the more we trust Jesus, the more we will receive. 7) Do you notice that football stadiums are completely filled capacity every Sunday? Why not our churches? Church doors are open; there are no reserved seats; all seats are on the 50 yard line! Spiritual virtue & spiritual graces every Sunday! And the touchdown: The Eucharist! NEED A YEAR END STATEMENT? Please e-mail your request to our bookkeeper, Laurie Elliot, at: [email protected] Please send your name, address & phone number. Please e-mail info for the bulletin to [email protected] by Sunday. Thank you! December 21, 2014 Fourth Week of Advent Best Fish Fry Fro RRY S ME A TM S I CHR On the Coast m Fat her Kev in Saint Rita Catholic Church 137 Moll Drive, Santa Rosa Beach 32459 850-267-2558 of taff S the & Rita ing . t S K the t s i Chr FISH FRY FRIDAY’S 3pm-7pm January 9 & January 23 February 6 & February 20 GOD US E BLE SS VER Y ONE ! March 6 & March 20 ** ANNUAL SNOWBIRD WELCOMING BREAKFAST ** Hosted by Knights of Columbus Adults $10.00 • Children 6-12 $3.50 Monday, January 5th at 9:00 am Fried Fish — Chicken Fingers for the Kids— Corn Nuggets - Coleslaw - Bread-Butter NEW CATHOLICISM BIBLE STUDY Mary Star of the Sea Room BEGINS January 8, 2015 6:30 to 8:00. Baked Beans - Dessert - Coffee - Iced Tea Call office to register 267-2558 Cost is $25.00 TAKE OUT ORDERS AVAILABLE ANNUAL SNOWBIRD WELCOMING BREAKFAST January 5, 2015 Boy Scout Benefit Pasta Dinner Saturday, January 31 from 3 -7 pm Adult $8.00; Child $3.00 Mary Star of the Sea Room generous support! December 21, 2014 393 St. Rita 137 Moll Drive Santa Rosa Beach Helen McCall Park Ball Field SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR PASTORAL COUNCIL Gulf Place & 30A Thank you for your Community Church 98 Moll Drive San Destin 5.9 Miles West The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to assist the Pastor in the administration of the parish through planning, prayers, support co-operation and counsel. Membership requirements are that you are: CATHOLIC, ATTEND MASS REGULARLY, REGISTERED IN THE PARISH, CONTRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF THE PARISH On the weekend of January 17 elections will be held for the open positions on the Saint Rita Pastoral Council. The council meets on the first Monday evening of most months. We do not meet in January, June, July or August. The position is easy and adds much to the life of the parish. Please consider offering your own time and talent. Interested or have questions call Phil Holloran at 314-267-7937 or Parish Office 267-2558. Fourth Week of Advent St. Rita 3rd Annual Christmas Breakfast After Midnight Mass December 25, 2014 Call the Office for FREE TICKETS or see Mike Klein or Alice Ann Sanchez in the Mary Star of the Sea Room after Mass December 21, 2014 Fourth Week of Advent March for Life Pilgrimage Saint Rita Youth Group is going to the annual March for Life in D.C. leaving the afternoon of the January 20th and returning the morning of Jan 23rd and there are extra spots open! If you are interested in attending please email Sarah Landry at: [email protected] to reserve your spot. We will be taking a charter bus up to D.C. with St. John Catholic Church of Panama City and St. Dominic Catholic Church of Panama City. After the spots for the trip have been filled there will be a waiting list. The deadline is December 28th, the Sunday after Christmas. December 21, 2014 Fourth Week of Advent Estudio Biblico los martes a las 7PM ! Prayer requests For God’s Divine Healing the United States of America, Dan Carlton, Rhonda Trainer, Adele Barry, Gerald Forman, Lily Mc Coy-( 11year-old child in crisis,) Gloria Caggiano, Phillip and Mary Maple, Dan Dowd Sr., Yvonne Payne, George Dunnigan, Joe Guss, Jim Sandoski, Dottie Drury, Michael Fries, Patrick Smith, Nancy Stock, Dave Baron, Gary Kinnen, Lynne Stephenson, CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC CHURCH 1552 Scenic Highway 331, Freeport, Florida 32439 850-267-2558 FAX 850-267-3711 Fr. Kevin Johnson, Pastor “IN CHRIST’S CORNER” Ministry for TODAYSunday, December 21, 2014 Eucharistic Ministers- Maryann Guss, Luann Schley and Reese Orlosky; Lector-Sally Orlosky: Ushers-Laureen Riggi and Don Norse. Ministry for Christmas Morning 8:00 AM Eucharistic MinistersMyron Tassin, Joe Guss, Reese Orlosky; Lector- LuAnn Schley; Ushers-Jack Flaws, Don Norse Ladies Altar Guild Meeting Notes: Ruth Wilson motioned that because the Altar linens are extremely worn out, that they should be replaced. Sally Orlosky seconded the motion and volunteered to follow through. Yvonne Payne has donated two Designer Teddy Bears to be raffled off…tickets will be sold on Dec. 14 th and 21st. The next L.A.G. meeting is March 18, 2015 Cards Night. Several Church members have asked if we can have regularly scheduled “Cards Night”…Poker, Pinochle, Texas Hold’em, Bunco, the Social Hall. Please use the “SUGGESTION BOX” in the vestibule to express your desires/ needs/wants on any topic related to CTK… CTK 26-Year CD DEADLINE IS DECEMBER 31. She is grateful to all those members who submit items for this project that will be a treasure for all of us!!! Thank you Helen! Parish Council Meeting Finance Chairperson, Bob Santos said that they are going to obtain bids to have the current parking lot repaired and sealed. The parking lot lines will also be repainted according to the standard measurement codes ;o) An additional paved parking lot is going to happen “down the road” when finances warrant. +++ … Backpack Buddies-Thank you for your overwhelming generosity to the BPBuddies Program! +++ December 21, 2014 Ralph Sorrell, Skippy Hoffman and CJ Alford. Every day this year remember the Hail Mary! December 25-CTK Christmas Mass 8:00 AM January 7 to March 18, 2015 Bible Study in the Social Hall each Wednesday at 7PM: Sign-up call LaRae Sorrell (704-703-1849) or email her at [email protected] CTK Ten-Week Bible Study Group entitled “James-Pearls for Wise Living” led by Jeff Cavins will be on Wednesdays, beginning on January 7, 2015 at 7PM in the CTK Social Hall. Please contact CTK Family Member, LaRae Sorrell at [email protected] or 704-703-1849 for more information and to register. Extended Deadline for CTK 26-Year History & Photo CD: Helen said that because of all the holiday plans of everyone, that she has extended the CTK Social Hall...Members who wish to utilize the Hall are to make plans through Dave Doring at [email protected] 835-5470 Send info for“ In Christ’s Corner” to Sally by Sunday Evening at: [email protected] THANK YOU! CHRIST THE KING Offertory $ 979.05 Building Fund $ 178.00 Retirement Fund $ 150.00 Thank you!!!! Gracias!!!! Fourth Week of Advent
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